Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Hugo Chavez Embraces Christ!

Cameron Wrong - AGAIN!
Licensing officers and lawyers dealing with the sale of alcohol have raised
more doubts about the Coalition’s plans to restrict the sale of drinks in
England and Wales.

Mr Cameron has suggested that his curbs on drinks sales will reduce problem drinking.
But that claim has been challenged by the Institute of Licensing, which represents licensing officers, lawyers and police officers dealing with alcohol.
In a response a Government consultation on its plans, the institute said many of its members do not believe Mr Cameron’s changes would address the problems he has identified. Telegraph.
Coalition For Marriage.
Watch Coalition for Marriage give evidence to the Public Bill Committee
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Watch C4M give evidence to the Public Bill Committee here (30m 48s) > |
You can also contribute at this stage of the Bill's progress...
The Bill is currently at what is called the "committee stage" in the House of Commons. This is where a committee of MPs hears evidence and considers the details of the Bill. This stage should be complete by 12th March.
You can send a written submission to the Committee outlining your concerns. Details here > Christian Concern.
Groping Peer.

The Deputy Prime Minister said sexual harassment claims against the former Liberal Democrat chief executive had been a factor in his early retirement – ostensibly on health grounds – in 2009. Mail.
SHAME on any voter in Eastleigh who fails to punish Clegg in the coming by-election for both Rennard and Huhne.
In spite of all of this, MITK has had his nose beneath the ground in that constituency and informs me that the 'party machine' for the Lib Dems there is so well-organised that a LibDem victory seems the likely outcome.
SHAME on any voter in Eastleigh who fails to punish Clegg in the coming by-election for both Rennard and Huhne.
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Mole-In-The-Know. |
The So-Called Gospel Of Philip.
Want to know why the Gospel Of Philip could not make it into The
New Testament?
Apart from the rather minor point that it dated to the THIRD Century - I have read portions of it and the weakness of the language; the expression; the earthly need 'to explain' - and its lack of all 'guts and power' clearly disqualify it. It does not even possess that 'feel' of Scripture.
I have noticed this absence of substance in The Book Of Mormon and a variety of other religious, charlatan-produced guff.
Apart from the rather minor point that it dated to the THIRD Century - I have read portions of it and the weakness of the language; the expression; the earthly need 'to explain' - and its lack of all 'guts and power' clearly disqualify it. It does not even possess that 'feel' of Scripture.
I have noticed this absence of substance in The Book Of Mormon and a variety of other religious, charlatan-produced guff.
Mad, Mad, Mad.
The armed forces could be forced to find cuts of £11
billion over the next decade as a result of chancellor George Osborne's
forthcoming spending review, a defence think-tank has warned.Professor Malcolm
Chalmers, research director at the Royal United Services Institute, said
comments made by ministers implied the Ministry of Defence faced another real
terms reduction of £1.1 billion in its annual budget.
Huffington Post.
Huffington Post.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Latvian Lunacy.
The euro has been "a guiding light" for economic reform, Latvia's central
bank governor told MEPs on Tuesday. EU Observer.
Right Until The ECHR Sez We Can't Do It!
In an exclusive interview with the Daily Express, the Prime
Minister revealed that newcomers are to be banned from claiming legal aid in
cases involving benefits, housing and other civil claims.
Compassion In World Farming - A Worthy Cause For Us Carnivores To Uphold.
From: Mr and Mrs G Collins, Heathfield, Adel, Leeds. Yorks Post.
THE current horsemeat scandal is only the tip of the iceberg. Most of the meat in our supermarkets gives no information regarding the welfare of the animals we eat.
THE current horsemeat scandal is only the tip of the iceberg. Most of the meat in our supermarkets gives no information regarding the welfare of the animals we eat.
Defra estimates that 27 per cent of chickens go lame before being sent to slaughter. That means around 200 million a year in pain. Our pork could come from pigs who have had their tails docked without anaesthetic and who live their lives in barren pens (no straw) and on slippery slatted floors.
Higher welfare products do carry “free range” or “organic” labels but with other products we will not know how the animals lived or died.
Compassion in World Farming are campaigning for compulsory labelling of all animal products so that we can all know how and where the animals were reared, for how long they were transported and how they were killed. We believe that it is high time that we consumers are given this information in order that we can make intelligent and compassionate choices.
Higher welfare products do carry “free range” or “organic” labels but with other products we will not know how the animals lived or died.
Compassion in World Farming are campaigning for compulsory labelling of all animal products so that we can all know how and where the animals were reared, for how long they were transported and how they were killed. We believe that it is high time that we consumers are given this information in order that we can make intelligent and compassionate choices.
'New' Kipling Poems - Exciting Find.

Kipling scholars are celebrating the publication of lost poems by the author whose exhortations in "If" to "keep your head when all about you / Are losing theirs and blaming it on you" are regularly voted the nation's favourite poem. Discovered by the American scholar Thomas Pinney in an array of hiding places including family papers, the archive of a former head of the Cunard Line and during renovations at a Manhattan house, more than 50 previously unpublished poems by Rudyard Kipling will be released for the first time next month. Guardian.
Humans Getting Less Intelligent?
“HUMAN BEINGS ARE GETTING DUMBER” proclaims an article in 19 February 2013. This blunt unflattering assessment of humanity is
based on articles by Gerald Crabtree of Stanford University entitled “Our Fragile
Intellect” published in Trends in Genetics January 2013.
John Mackay responds:
Crabtree is correct about mutations degrading the human genome, and therefore it
is inevitable that some mutations would damage human brain function. Recent
genome studies such as the 1000 Genome Project have shown that genes are being
rendered useless (and therefore effectively lost) or less functional with every
generation. However, no-one has reported a newly formed gene that improves human
intellect (or any other human function). There is, therefore, no evidence
mutations created and “optimised” these genes in any human ancestor, and caused
them to evolve a large complex brain, especially as they are observed to be
doing the opposite!
John Mackay responds:

Ukip On The Up.

"Ukip are picking up support across the spectrum. Only a third comes from former Tory voters, the rest we are harvesting from Labour, Lib Dems and most promisingly, from people who haven't voted in years," he said.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Please Pray For Pastor Abedini.
(Photo: Reuters)
By Morning Star News
An Iranian-American pastor imprisoned for planting house churches in Iran years ago writes that he is undergoing torture, death threats, and pressure to renounce his faith from prison officials and inmates. Christian Post.
Edinburgh Victory.
for Edinburgh University's pro-life student movement.
This week, Edinburgh University’s Life Society
succeeded in its campaign against a motion to renew a union policy to "support a
woman’s right to choose and affiliate to abortion rights."
The motion was defeated during a debate this week where Life Society President, Venesa Reith, argued that the policy threatened to "alienate a proportion of the student population."
Delighted with the result, Venessa said: "We at Edinburgh University Life Society would encourage other universities facing pro-choice motions to stand up and be counted!
“It’s scary, and it’s daunting, but if you take a stand (and do so with compassion and a thought for the people who are voting the other way) then you are already being a witness to the pro-life movement in the UK.”
The Life Society was supported by the Alliance of Pro-Life Students, which aims to promote the culture of life and bring the pro-life message back onto university campuses. Christian Concern.

The motion was defeated during a debate this week where Life Society President, Venesa Reith, argued that the policy threatened to "alienate a proportion of the student population."
Delighted with the result, Venessa said: "We at Edinburgh University Life Society would encourage other universities facing pro-choice motions to stand up and be counted!
“It’s scary, and it’s daunting, but if you take a stand (and do so with compassion and a thought for the people who are voting the other way) then you are already being a witness to the pro-life movement in the UK.”
The Life Society was supported by the Alliance of Pro-Life Students, which aims to promote the culture of life and bring the pro-life message back onto university campuses. Christian Concern.
Eastleigh Poll?????
Labour 25.44%
UK Independence Party 24.45%
Liberal Democrats 15.35%
Beer, Baccy and Crumpet Party 4.28%
Others (including English Democrats on 1.2%)
9.76% Huff Post.
Only 68 Years Too Late!

The 4cm by 4cm medal will hang from a ribbon incorporating colours that represent the three Armed Services, red for the Merchant Navy and a central white stripe, emphasised by black edging, marking the Arctic. Mail.
Potholes Cause Erratic Driving.
From: Keith Wigglesworth, Mead Way, Highburton, Huddersfield.
MESSAGE for all police drivers: should you be following my car and see it meandering all over the road, please do not automatically assume that a) I have a skinfull of ale; b) I have been squirting noxious substances into my veins; c) I have been stuffing white powder up my nasal orifices; or d) I have been inhaling the smoke from various burning grassy substances. I will instead, be indulging in a rapidly growing pastime that is becoming so popular, particularly in the Kirklees area, that it could very soon achieve Olympic status. I refer of course to pothole dodging (Tom Richmond, Yorkshire Post, February 24).
MESSAGE for all police drivers: should you be following my car and see it meandering all over the road, please do not automatically assume that a) I have a skinfull of ale; b) I have been squirting noxious substances into my veins; c) I have been stuffing white powder up my nasal orifices; or d) I have been inhaling the smoke from various burning grassy substances. I will instead, be indulging in a rapidly growing pastime that is becoming so popular, particularly in the Kirklees area, that it could very soon achieve Olympic status. I refer of course to pothole dodging (Tom Richmond, Yorkshire Post, February 24).
Having in the past faced bills for my cars of more than £250 for repairs to the suspension caused by unrepaired potholes, I am simply trying to avoid a repetition, particularly as our local authority absolves itself from any liability, despite all governments over many years taking vast sums of money from motorists in the guise of road fund taxation and returning only a small amount to local authorities for them to effect repairs to the road system.
Much of this money is simply frittered away on numerous idiotic schemes instead of being used for the very purpose it was originally intended – the upkeep of our road system.
Perhaps the name should be changed from road fund tax to say “just another way to screw the motorist tax”. But then, that would entail the setting up of a quango, plus a hundred or so sub-committees to discuss the matter ad infinitum, wasting even more Parliamentary time as we have recently seen with the gay marriage thing, when there are much more pressing matters to be dealt with, such as getting our country back on its feet again, and don’t even think about getting me started on fuel duty. Yorks Post.
Much of this money is simply frittered away on numerous idiotic schemes instead of being used for the very purpose it was originally intended – the upkeep of our road system.
Perhaps the name should be changed from road fund tax to say “just another way to screw the motorist tax”. But then, that would entail the setting up of a quango, plus a hundred or so sub-committees to discuss the matter ad infinitum, wasting even more Parliamentary time as we have recently seen with the gay marriage thing, when there are much more pressing matters to be dealt with, such as getting our country back on its feet again, and don’t even think about getting me started on fuel duty. Yorks Post.
Girl Guides.

As it stands, Girl Guides promise to "love my God." This reference to God could be removed depending on the responses to the consultation.
Please have your say by completing the online survey. It's a simple tick-box survey that only takes a few minutes and is open to all members of the public. The deadline is 3rd March. Christian Concern.
Cameron's Wretched Strategy - By Prof. Tim Congdon.
failure of Cameron’s strategy to ‘modernise’ the Conservative Party and to
‘decontaminate the brand’.
David Cameron has had a clear electoral strategy since he became leader of the Conservative Party in autumn 2005. The aim has been to persuade middle-ground Liberal Democrats to switch to the Conservatives by jettisoning the Conservatives’ supposed image of ‘nastiness’ (i.e., of so-called ‘right-wing’ views on social issues). The Conservatives were to be ‘modernised’, and the resulting ‘rebranding’ would make them appear a nicer bunch of people, and a more civilized and attractive party. Like Tony Blair, Cameron saw – and continues to see – the word ‘modern’ as expressing much that is good and desirable, and ‘modernisation’ as something to be pursued. The deliberate intention was to drop the Thatcherite element in contemporary Conservatism, with its allegedly harsh emphasis on unbridled individualism, private enterprise and a smaller state. Thatcher had said, following a theme in some of Hayek’s writings, that ‘there is no such thing as society’, since ultimately every society can be decomposed into particular people and their families. By contrast, Cameron in a 2005 article for The Spectator said that he was in favour of ‘social action zones’ (whatever they might be) and that his larger political ideal was ‘the Big Society’. The three Conservative losses in the general elections of 1997, 2001 and 2005 were attributed by Cameron and his associates to their party’s continued adherence to too much ‘right-wing Thatcherism’.
David Cameron has had a clear electoral strategy since he became leader of the Conservative Party in autumn 2005. The aim has been to persuade middle-ground Liberal Democrats to switch to the Conservatives by jettisoning the Conservatives’ supposed image of ‘nastiness’ (i.e., of so-called ‘right-wing’ views on social issues). The Conservatives were to be ‘modernised’, and the resulting ‘rebranding’ would make them appear a nicer bunch of people, and a more civilized and attractive party. Like Tony Blair, Cameron saw – and continues to see – the word ‘modern’ as expressing much that is good and desirable, and ‘modernisation’ as something to be pursued. The deliberate intention was to drop the Thatcherite element in contemporary Conservatism, with its allegedly harsh emphasis on unbridled individualism, private enterprise and a smaller state. Thatcher had said, following a theme in some of Hayek’s writings, that ‘there is no such thing as society’, since ultimately every society can be decomposed into particular people and their families. By contrast, Cameron in a 2005 article for The Spectator said that he was in favour of ‘social action zones’ (whatever they might be) and that his larger political ideal was ‘the Big Society’. The three Conservative losses in the general elections of 1997, 2001 and 2005 were attributed by Cameron and his associates to their party’s continued adherence to too much ‘right-wing Thatcherism’.
An obvious
interpretation of the Eastleigh by-election is that Cameron’s strategy has
failed. Indeed, it has been a catastrophe for the Conservative Party. Eastleigh
became a LibDem stronghold in the opening years of the 21st century,
but before that it was a standard Conservative seat of the safe, Home Counties
variety. Opinion polls nationally show that the LibDems are deeply unpopular,
but in Eastleigh they throughout the by-election campaign battled as the
favourites. Polls have steadily given them 30% or more of the vote. Meanwhile
the Conservatives have lost ground to the UK Independence Party. Opinion surveys
show that UKIP does particularly well in the C and D groups in the population,
i.e., those seen to be in lower middle class ‘and below’. It is these groups
that have no truck with Cameron’s ‘modernisation’ (i.e., in reality, the
endorsement of ‘political correctness’) and no interest in the rebranding
exercise. (What is ‘political correctness? I think, in essence, it is the notion
that ‘society’ [really ‘the state’] should deliver equality of outcomes between
people, regardless of their educational attainments, race, citizenship, creed,
gender and sexual preferences, and even of how hard they hard they work, how
much they save and so on.)
The emerging pattern
is extraordinary. As far as I am aware, UKIP’s surge had not been foreseen by
any of the leading political commentators or any member of the party
leaderships. The three ‘main’/old parties (i.e., the Conservatives, Labour and
LibDems) have increasingly converged on a wishy-washy political correctness
which appeals to the A and B groups in the population, particularly – for
example – to teachers, civil servants and many opinion-formers in the media. But
the C and D groups have been upset by the application of political correctness
in practice. This may seem paradoxical, since surely ‘the lower social groups’
ought to be enthusiastic about greater equality of outcomes. That is not how it
has turned out.
The C and D groups
have been the most affected by competition from immigrant workers in the labour
market and by the increasing prominence of Muslim forms of worship. They also
often see at first hand how the welfare state has been corrupted. Instead of
promoting ‘social justice’, the UK’s welfare arrangements frequently offend
against basic principles of ‘natural justice’ by giving too much to the
undeserving. At any rate, UKIP has made large inroads into the votes from the C
and D groups, and it has made these inroads from all of the three ‘main’/old
parties. Some people have noticed that UKIP support does not seem to be closely
connected with EU membership, since it is related to concern about identity and
immigration. However, UKIP supporters are right to see EU integration as a major
force behind the implementation of the political-correctness agenda.
So Cameron’s
‘modernisation’ was meant to persuade the media and its key opinion-formers that
the Conservatives are a party of nice people who are not particularly
Thatcherite. Perhaps it has achieved that. But the result has been to alienate
millions of former and/or potential Conservative voters in the C and D groups,
many of whom have switched to UKIP. The Eastleigh by-election demonstrates that
the planned electoral benefits of the Cameron strategy, in terms of gaining
LibDem votes, are also uncertain. The UK political situation is remarkably fluid
at present. But I don’t see how – with Cameron as prime minister – the
Conservatives can recover support from the C and D groups in the next two years.
Cameron is too obviously a member of an elite that has become remote from the
daily lives of most people.
The majority of
voters say that they care more about health and education than they worry about
the EU. But the Conservatives have nothing particular to offer on health
compared with the other two main parties, while Gove’s radical initiatives in
education are too new for any definite verdict yet. One of Cameron’s blunders
has been to think that emphasis on health and education would be good
salesmanship. In fact, no party has a ‘unique selling point’ in these areas. By
contrast, UKIP has a very strong heart-and-soul USP in its rejection of EU
membership. Voters do see – correctly –
that EU membership is against the UK’s economic interests. The European election
in 2014 and the general election in 2015 will be fascinating political theatre.
My expectation is that
the Conservatives
will do badly, with the loss of votes to UKIP being generally regarded as the
main reason (even though UKIP will in fact also be taking votes from Labour and
the LibDems), and
the Conservatives
will then split, with a majority of the party adopting withdrawal from the EU as
a main policy, indeed as possibly their distinctive policy, and a rump trying to
differentiate themselves (unavailingly) from Labour and the LibDems.
I have no idea what
will happen after that. It would however be crazy for a Labour government
elected in 2015 to ditch altogether the idea of an In/Out referendum.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Leo McKinstry Is PARTLY Right.
Leo is usually 'on the ball' but his article does rather forget that the Greens are even worse. And seriously - how can you judge either Tories or Labour as 'better'?
I repeat an idea I have written on many occasions.
Ukip is not the panacea for all ills. It is not even a really good political party.
It is distinctly ordinary - but please - compare 'distinctly ordinary' to what the LibLabConGreens each have to offer whether individually or collectively!
Leo is usually 'on the ball' but his article does rather forget that the Greens are even worse. And seriously - how can you judge either Tories or Labour as 'better'?
I repeat an idea I have written on many occasions.
Ukip is not the panacea for all ills. It is not even a really good political party.
It is distinctly ordinary - but please - compare 'distinctly ordinary' to what the LibLabConGreens each have to offer whether individually or collectively!
Mr Clegg's 'see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil' tactics in the Lib Dem's 'very own sexual predator' scandal could easily cost the party the Eastleigh by-election.
Did Clegg's original statement add up to mendacity when his later one admitted some knowledge of previous accusations?
The Beeb today spoke of possible 'expenses issues' too with Lord Rennard.
The party's very own Jimmy Savile factor?
Did Clegg's original statement add up to mendacity when his later one admitted some knowledge of previous accusations?
The Beeb today spoke of possible 'expenses issues' too with Lord Rennard.
The party's very own Jimmy Savile factor?
Disgraceful To Dismiss 'Conscience'.
Equality Commission: Civil registrars must conduct same-sex 'marriages'

Find out more > Christian Concern.
Libya Arrests Four Suspected Christian Missionaries.
Arrests and Torture of Christians Continues in Libya
By Morning Star News
Arrests continue of Christians accused of proselytizing in Libya, with a total of seven now known to be in custody including one reported to have been tortured, sources said.
Serves 'Em Right!

Lord Ashcroft (pictured), who has given the Tories £10m, has withdrawn support after becoming dismayed by David Cameron's obsession with 'fringe issues'. Mail.
Eastleigh Survation Poll - Ukip On The Up.
Poll: Tories now 33 per cent, Lib Dems is 29, Ukip is 21.
C & I Network.
I have been quite concerned of late how this
channel is beginning to look at murderers and their
Clearly, it is of some interest to understand 'how and why violent criminals tick' but it is not, of itself, vital.
Recently however, there has apparently been a move to justify appalling actions based on 'the unhappy childhood' argument.
Attempting to justify the unjustifiable is morally repugnant.
That Rena Salmon should be allowed to present her utterly one-sided views from a prison cell by telephone is disgraceful but when this same channel tries to make viewers sorry for Aileen Wuornos, a serial killer who indiscriminately and remorselessly butchered SEVEN men, it is utterly shameful.
Two examples from a significant number.
Clearly, it is of some interest to understand 'how and why violent criminals tick' but it is not, of itself, vital.
Recently however, there has apparently been a move to justify appalling actions based on 'the unhappy childhood' argument.
Attempting to justify the unjustifiable is morally repugnant.
That Rena Salmon should be allowed to present her utterly one-sided views from a prison cell by telephone is disgraceful but when this same channel tries to make viewers sorry for Aileen Wuornos, a serial killer who indiscriminately and remorselessly butchered SEVEN men, it is utterly shameful.
Two examples from a significant number.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
So. Ukip Have Been Right From Day One!
Speaking after meeting Danish Prime Minister
Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Miliband argued that “it's clear that Europe isn't
working for its people…" Telegraph
List Open
'Siding?' - Such Is EU Politics! Whatever Happened To Realpolitik?
Tories Undeserving Of Christian Support.
Councillor quits Tory Party over same-sex 'marriage'.
Christian town
councillor, David Silvester, has quit the Conservative Party over the
Government’s proposals to redefine marriage.
Find out more >
Former Conservative Association chairman, Ed Costelloe, left the party over the same issue last month. Listen to an interview with him here (BBC Radio 5 Live) > Christian Concern.
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Town Councillor David Silvester |
Find out more >
Former Conservative Association chairman, Ed Costelloe, left the party over the same issue last month. Listen to an interview with him here (BBC Radio 5 Live) > Christian Concern.
Diary Date.
Marriage prayer gathering in Westminster

It's important for our politicians to see people actively supporting marriage. Please be there if you can.
Date & Time: Every Friday, 5.30-7.30pm starting 1st March.
Location: Westminster, Old Palace Yard (opposite Houses of Parliament)
Nearest tube station: Westminster
Visit the facebook event page >
Saturday, February 23, 2013
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Franklin Graham preached in Glasgow, launches new fund to defend religious freedom in the UK. Staff writer Franklin Graham preaching at ...
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