Friday, February 28, 2014

Pascal On Prophecy.

Pascal on Bible Prophecy."Prophecies. If a single man had written a book foretelling the time and manner of Jesus' coming and Jesus had come in conformity with these prophecies, this would carry infinite weight. But there is much more here. There is a succession of men over a period of 4,000 years, coming consistently and invariably one after the other, to foretell the same coming; there is an entire people proclaiming it, existing for 4,000 years to testify in a body to the certainty they feel about it, from which they cannot be deflected by whatever threats and persecutions they may suffer. This is of a quite different order of importance."
- Blaise Pascal, (Pensees, 332)

'Comfort Letters' To IRA Suspected Murderers?

Shameful. SHAME on the Blair government; SHAME on the Brown government; SHAME on the coalition!


Ever wondered why I detest the NCCL?
Ever wondered why I am so horrified by Harridan Harperson?
Ever wondered why I despise Labour?
Harperson has, even now, only half apologised; blames the Mail for factual reporting; shows no contrition - even when the head of what is now called Liberty, does so! Puke, vomit!

Wesley Made An Impact. Can We have Ten Such For The UK, Please, Lord?

'Global Warming?'

Humans are NOT to blame for global warming, says Greenpeace co-founder, as he insists there is 'no scientific proof' climate change is manmade
The assertion was made by Canadian ecologist Patrick Moore, a member of Greenpeace from 1971 to 1986, to U.S lawmakers on Tuesday.

Even JFK Was Sometimes Right!

Cable an MP? - NOT Fit To Be Out On His Own!

Soaring immigration is GOOD, says Cable: Business Secretary mocking Cameron's failure to control EU arrivals.

Alcohol Minimum Pricing.

Once again this perverse idea is being mooted - this time in Belfast where 60 pickled youngsters were hospitalised in the aftermath of a single event.
Agreed - this is shocking. So 'let's punish the innocent' to get at the guilty, huh?
TOUGHEN PENALTIES FOR ALCOHOL ABUSE! DO NOT penalise pensioners and ordinary people for the appalling behaviour of morons!

Angry With God?


Bad - I Know - I've Been There!

Beijing's official smog reading for PM 2.5 - small airborne particles which easily penetrate the lungs and have been linked to hundreds of thousands of premature deaths - stood at 501 micrograms per cubic metre on Wednesday afternoon. The World Health Organisation's recommended safe limit is 25.An alternative measure by the US embassy in Beijing said PM 2.5 levels were at 542 in the city.
The capital was on its sixth day of an "orange" smog alert - the second-highest on the scale - with the air tasting gritty and visibility down to a few hundred metres.Malcolm Moore in Beijing says that "you can barely see the skyscrapers" in the city because of the smog.The choking smog has seen sales of anti-pollution products boom and online face-mask stores were struggling to meet demand. Telegraph.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Pascal on Christianity.

Pascal on Christianity."Men despise religion; they hate it and fear it is true. To remedy this, we must begin by showing that religion is not contrary to reason; that it is venerable, to inspire respect for it; then we must make it lovable, to make good men hope it is true; finally, we must prove it is true. Venerable, because it has perfect knowledge of man; lovable because it promises the true good."
Blaise Pascal in Pensées 

The Co-op Today.

Socialists trying to ape capitalists - and not doing a very good job?

Gender-Based Abortions Are ILLEGAL!

New guidelines to be issued on sex-selective abortions
Health Minister Lord Howe
Christian Concern has welcomed the announcement by Health Minister, Lord Howe, that new guidelines will be issued to providers making it "abundantly clear" that abortions on the basis of  gender are illegal.

He made the statement in response to a question from Baroness Knight of Collingtree, who urged the Government to take action following recent reports that the practice of sex-selective abortions was widespread in the UK.

Ripping Off The Families of The Deceased.

Isn't it time that the government put a stop to the annuity scandal which means that the companies offering them are allowed to rip you off?
They take your lump sum from your pension pot and invest it. They then give you a tiny amount back as a pension. When you die - they hit the jackpot! Probably 99% of the time these sharks are left with a huge residue from the original sum.


Fukushima and Beyond.

Japan has done a volte face and is now to build more nuclear power plants. Fine - provided they are not located somewhere which even a ten year old could work out is beyond stoopid!

John Adams On The UK Today - 'Cept We Ain't A Republic.

Cannabis Kills.

Smoking cannabis CAN kill you: German researchers identify two men who died purely as a result of using the drug. Researchers at University Hospital Düsseldorf in Germany say both men died of heart conditions which were caused by smoking cannabis. Mail.

Losing Unrighteousness.

Civil Defence Corps?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Not Anti- Europe But Anti-EU! (Me Too!)

Outs’ are not anti-Europe.
From: Dorothy Cope, Beckwithshaw, Harrogate.
THERE has been a lot of correspondence and letters recently regarding the “in” or “out” of the EU.What isn’t generally appreciated is that the “outs” are not anti-Europe, in fact there is nothing they would like better than a free trade with Europe – the “outs” are simply anti-Brussels.Why should this once 
great country have to obey rules and regulations thought up by this overpaid, unelected 
council? As per Jeremy Banyard (Yorkshire Post, December 12), what other businesses would be allowed to continue without the accounts being audited?Who authorised this stupid, expensive, time-wasting move to Strasbourg every month?Cameron’s feeble attempt to renegotiate terms with Brussels will never happen. The UK’s problems with shortage of housing for our own people, the NHS and overflowing schools and language problems are all due to uncontrolled immigration, all due to Brussels.For centuries Great Britain has stood and thrived on its own as an island nation, with our Navy the best in the world.Where, oh where, is the politician to get us out of this mess? We need a referendum now. Yorks Post.
A Labour government would spend, spend, spend and the country would be bankrupt again.


Badgers now thought to be ‘virtually immortal’‘virtually-immortal’/Government scientists have come to the conclusion that badgers are pretty much immortal following the failure of the recent cull to put much of a dent in their numbers. News Biscuit.

He Who Eats With The Devil ...

 ... should sup with a long spoon!
When the left has made itself the single greatest enemy of Christianity why do so many Christians ('christians') opt to take its values on board?


Surprise, Surprise!



Worse Still In The UK?

A recently released survey from LifeWay Research reveals that a majority of both lay Americans and pastors believe that religious liberty has waned in the United States.
In a September poll of 1,001 Americans, LifeWay found that 54 percent agreed that "religious liberty is on the decline in America." The number jumped 15 points when the same question was asked to Protestant senior Evangelical and Mainline pastors. Of the 1,007 surveyed from Sept. 4-19, 70 percent agreed.
Erik Stanley, the senior legal counsel with Alliance for Defending Freedom and director of the Church Project, told The Christian Post that the survey confirmed what the organization had already observed anecdotally. Christian News.

Romantic Love.

Victor Reppert - Perhaps of Interest.

Philosopher Interview: Victor Reppert.
Today's interview is with Christian philosopher Victor Reppert, author of C. S. Lewis's Dangerous Idea: In Defense of the Argument from Reason. He talks about his background and the development of the argument from reason, C.S. Lewis's formulation of the argument, the  difficulties for naturalism to account for thought, objections to the argument, and more. Victor's blog ishere.

Full Interview MP3 Audio here(1hr 6min)

Pascal on God's Hiddenness.

Pascal on God's Hiddenness.
"God has willed to redeem men and to open salvation to those who seek it. But men render themselves so unworthy of it that it is right that God should refuse to some, because of their obduracy, what He grants others from a compassion which is not due to them. If He had willed to overcome the obstinacy of the most hardened, He could have done so by revealing Himself so manifestly to them that they could not have doubted of the truth of His essence; as it will appear at the last day, with such thunders and such a convulsion of nature that the dead will rise again, and the blindest will see Him.” It is not in this manner that He has willed to appear in His advent of mercy, because, as so many make themselves unworthy of His mercy, He has willed to leave them in the loss of the good which they do not want.

By Their Fruit ...

IPSOS MORI Should Have Asked Me!

Almost half of Ukip supporters would never vote Tory, a poll reveals today. It found Liberal Democrat voters were more likely to switch to the Conservatives.The Ipsos MORI survey casts serious doubt on David Cameron’s attempts to win over Ukip supporters, with 48 per cent of them saying they would not back the Tories, compared with 43 per cent of Lib Dems.
Read more: 
If asked - I would have stated that I shall NEVER vote for LibLabCon other than tactically!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Blame To The EU.

OECD admits failure to understand scale of eurozone crisis.
Failure to appreciate the scale of Europe's banking crisis led to the most significant economic forecasting errors since the oil crisis in the 1970s, the OECD has said.

The Kingdom of God.

Piers Morgan - A Frightening Thought.

Now that CNN has axed his failing talk show after plummeting ratings - I've had a terrifying thought!? He's not coming back here - is he?

Russian Response.

Russia prohibits adoption by countries with same-sex 'marriage' laws
Russian Prime Minister
Dmitry Medvedev
Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev, has signed a decree prohibiting Russian children from being adopted by citizens in countries where same-sex 'marriage' has been introduced.

The amendments to the Russian adoption law include a prohibition on adoptions by "those in a same-sex union recognized as a marriage and registered in accordance with the law of states in which such marriage is allowed, and also citizens of such states who are not married." Christian Concern.


Foetus Slayers.

By Michael Brown, CP Op-Ed Contributor
February 4, 2014|10:34 am

In the midst of the rising tide of hostility that pro-life activists are experiencing, it's important to remember that some of the most vociferous abortion advocates of the past have become prominent pro-life champions. It's a scenario that is sure to repeat itself again.

According to a January 31st report from Students for Life of America, there was so much hatred and antagonism expressed towards them at a recent demonstration that the "police officers had to form a human shield around us as we stood to represent the preborn and their mothers."
In the midst of the outpouring of anger and profanity, one of the abortion activists held up a homemade sign identifying herself as a "fetus slayer" while she tried to jump on Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America.
This is reminiscent of the protests at the Texas Senate last year where pro-abortion activists chanted "hail Satan," "f**k the church," and "bro-choice" while holding signs that said "hoes before embryos."
But is it possible that some of these very protestors, including the young woman holding up the "fetus slayer" sign, could have a radical change of heart? Absolutely.
I have long argued that the Nazi hordes emerged more from the left than the right. Virtually all of these morally repugnant individuals, described here,  are leftwing. Their attitudes to life are PURE Nazi!

Depend on the Lord!


In Spain, I recently saw a pair of beggars leave their spot - by car!
I am prepared to offer street beggars food - if I have sandwiches with me. If I feel a conscience pang later - I give a larger amount than I would have given to the beggar, to charity.


I Told You That The Bible Saves!

US bus driver's BIBLE stops bullets that would have killed him when he was shot at point-blank range in suspected gang initiation attack
Rickey Wagoner, 49, of Trotwood, Ohio, is recovering in hospital after remarkably surviving being shot at point blank range in an unprovoked random attack seemingly linked to a gang initiation ceremony.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Co-op To Stop Donations To Labour?

Brilliant. I may shop there as we have a store which is fairly local. I do still wonder though, how come a non-profit organisation is not generally cheaper than all those shops run by wicked capitalists?

Councillor Marsden Jailed For Affray.

So, then. How do we know that the gentleman from Balderton is not a UKIP member? - The absence of major headlines! (Simple when you think about it!)

Good Grief!

Lib Dem leader put paedophile MP Cyril Smith forward for knighthood 'even after he was told of abuse allegations'. Lord David Steel was made aware of allegations that Smith had sexually abused young boys in his hometown of Rochdale, Lancashire, in 1979.

Water Charities Merit Your Support.

Saving a Life for Ten Dollars – SC Pastor Testifies of Water Sunday Project's Impactful Work

By Stoyan Zaimov
A South Carolina pastor who spent 10 days in Uganda helping Water Missions International provide desperately needed clean water to communities stressed how truly urgent and important donations are to the water systems project. Just five dollars, he said, can save a human life.

Not A Copout - Just How Things Are.

Look At This Headline ...

Crackdown on early-release offenders: Criminals who routinely break law after leaving prison will be made to serve their full sentence.

Is it just me? WHY is this not happening? - You got it - the LibLabCon has been at work!

Words Not Required!

And So The Scam Commences! (As Predicted On This Very Blog!)

Angela Merkel will this week give the green light to David Cameron’s attempt to renegotiate Britain’s relationship with Brussels.
Read more:
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The Voice.

Let's All Help Al Qaeda.

Brutal: Hundreds of newly trained al-Shabab fighters perform military exercises in Somalia

£90m of British aid to Somalia 'helps Al Qaeda': Pressure grows to divert cash back to the UK

David Cameron has approved the huge handouts to the war-torn East African country in an attempt 'to stop it becoming the next Afghanistan'. Mail

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Disney Channel?

'Now, that last bastion of family entertainment, the Disney Channel, is offering the same toxic bread to our children. They have introduced a lesbian couple on the family series, Good Luck Charlie. Disney defended their storyline by saying it was developed in consultation with child development experts and community advisors, and the inclusion of the characters "reflects themes of diversity and inclusiveness."
For those who would argue, 'that's real life, so let children be exposed,' I would offer the counter argument: so is polygamy, adultery and couples who swap mates. Will Disney be introducing those sexual appetites to children as well?' Janet Pershall.

Leonard Cohen.

ECHR? - No Thanks!

Human 'Rights' stopped record number of foreign criminals being deported.

Date published: 17 February 2014

A record 602 foreign criminals used the European Convention on Human Rights, often via the European Court of Human Rights, to stop themselves from being deported from the UK last year. 

Mr Nuttall, UKIP’s deputy leader, said: "Once again we see that the European Human Rights regime is stopping justice from being done and instead these undesirables are allowed to remain in our country.

"The government is completely hamstrung by EU membership which demands that we stay within the jurisdiction of the Strasbourg Court. The Tories talk a good game but these figures display their impotence on this.

"We in UKIP are quite clear - those who come into our country and commit crime are not welcome and should be deported."

St Exupery - I Studied Him For 'A' Level.

Last Von Trapp - A Real Christian Family.

The day the Sound of Music died: Last surviving member of the real von Trapp family passes away at the age of 99

Maria Franziska (inset), the last of seven brothers and sisters from the famous family, passed away in her sleep aged 99 at home in Vermont, America. Her family fled their home in Nazi-occupied Austria in 1938, before performing together around the U.S. Their story later inspired the 1965 musical hit The Sound of Music (pictured), which won five Oscars and remains one of the most successful films ever made. Mail.

Tim Rice - Star!

Music to UKIP's ears...a cash boost from Sir Tim: Lyricist donates up to £7,500 to help party win two elections

UKIP¿s campaign to win this year¿s European elections received a boost last night with the news  that music impresario Sir Tim Rice has donated cash to the anti-Brussels party
UKIP’s campaign to win this year’s European elections received a boost last night with the news that music impresario Sir Tim Rice has donated cash to the anti-Brussels party. Mail.

An Oldie - But Oh So Accurate!


German Chancellor Angela Merkel will be received with the highest level of pomp during her visit to London this week.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

106 Dead And NO Mainstream News - Ukraine however ...

Islamic militants murder 106 Christian villagers in Nigeria Haram, the Nigerian Islamist terror group which seeks to eradicate Christianity and install Sharia law in the country, raided a farming village in northern Nigeria and brutally killed 106 Christian residents. Christian Concern.


[EU Elections] Populist Spanish parties test water in EU elections. A new right-wing party, Vox, intends to run in the May elections, while Spain's two dominant parties look set for significant losses.

Nigel - He Say 'Yes'.

UKIP leader Nigel Farage has today accepted Liberal Democrat Leader Nick Clegg's challenge of a debate on the European Union.
Mr. Farage also laid down the gauntlet to the Prime Minister David Cameron and Labour Leader Ed Miliband, saying that he would like for them to both be involved in the debate too.
 “The answer is yes, I will do it with Nick Clegg, but the other two, I’d like to see them there as well.”

Paul Nuttall Wants a Return To Academic Excellence

Britain needs a return to academic selection to restore excellence, says UKIP Deputy Leader Paul Nuttall.
Shocking figures from the OECD, which show that poor students in China are outperforming wealthy children in Britain at school, demonstrates the need to return to academic excellence, he said. "We have turned to a culture of prizes for all which celebrates mediocrity and does not push for academic excellence."These figures show that actually, it isn't about money, but about the standards we set for our kids. We need to bring back academic selection so that those who are academically gifted are pushed to be the very best they can be.

We ALL Need To Be Loved.

Do NOT Accommodate Sin!

Church of England must not “accommodate” sin
Watch an interview with
Ade Omooba (1m 44s) >
Co-Founder of Christian Concern, Ade Omooba, has said that when the Church of England, as the Church of the land, begins to consider embracing and perpetuating sin, it is a "frightening" situation for Great Britain.

He made the comments in the light of the decision by the CofE to accept the recommendation of the Pilling Report to embark on a two year process of "facilitated conversations" on the issue of human sexuality. Christian Concern.
Watch the interview here >

Yes - She Remained Single!

'Son of God.' Film.

US churches fill cinemas for 'Son of God' opening

Seats in multiplex cinemas in American are being block-booked by church groups for opening night screenings next week of, “Son of God”, a film about the life of Jesus Christ on earth.

Cinema chains report a "theatre takeover" and pastors such as Rick Warren, one of America's best-known mega-church leaders who has seen the film, says it’s the best production in 50 years of cinema about the life of the Son of God
. Christian Concern.

Read more (Daily Telegraph) >


Reclining Seat Ban? - YES, Please!

The reclining plane seat should be banned altogether, according to Richard Moran, a San Francisco-based frequent business traveller who posted a detailed rant against it on the social networking site Linkedin.
He highlighted several examples where it was an annoyance for him and other passengers in the past.
He recalled one incident where two fliers were locked in a fistfight after one of them reclined his seat unexpectedly. Another time, his colleague was forced to buy a new computer after his laptop monitor was shattered when the woman in front of him reclined her seat. Telegraph.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Guides - A Small Victory.

Girl Guide group wins fight to keep "God" in promise Girl Guides unit, which was threatened with expulsion for refusing to remove "God" from its promise, have won its battle to remain in the Guiding Association.

Last year, the 37th Newcastle Guide Unit, which meets at Jesmond Parish Church, was told by Girl Guiding UK that its membership would be withdrawn if it refuse to adopt the new secular oath.

But the threat of expulsion has now been lifted and discussions are underway with the group about a new way forward. Christian Concern.

Ukraine - Cameron Calls For 'Calm'.

Yup. That should certainly solve it!


Why is it that the cheap, online glasses firms are no longer cheap? They are merely cheaper.

Why Support 'English' Teams?

Manchester City and Arsenal lose to foreign teams. Big deal.How can we care when they ARE foreign teams themselves?

The Man Who Had Champagne For Breakfast!

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...