Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Not Anti- Europe But Anti-EU! (Me Too!)

Outs’ are not anti-Europe.
From: Dorothy Cope, Beckwithshaw, Harrogate.
THERE has been a lot of correspondence and letters recently regarding the “in” or “out” of the EU.What isn’t generally appreciated is that the “outs” are not anti-Europe, in fact there is nothing they would like better than a free trade with Europe – the “outs” are simply anti-Brussels.Why should this once 
great country have to obey rules and regulations thought up by this overpaid, unelected 
council? As per Jeremy Banyard (Yorkshire Post, December 12), what other businesses would be allowed to continue without the accounts being audited?Who authorised this stupid, expensive, time-wasting move to Strasbourg every month?Cameron’s feeble attempt to renegotiate terms with Brussels will never happen. The UK’s problems with shortage of housing for our own people, the NHS and overflowing schools and language problems are all due to uncontrolled immigration, all due to Brussels.For centuries Great Britain has stood and thrived on its own as an island nation, with our Navy the best in the world.Where, oh where, is the politician to get us out of this mess? We need a referendum now. Yorks Post.
A Labour government would spend, spend, spend and the country would be bankrupt again.

Reform UK Have Done The Job.

In the local elections, Reform UK has inflicted inestimable damage onto the Tories. Well done guys! The Tories MUST learn that if they are n...