Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Monday, June 30, 2014
Don McLean.
Why is it so many singer/songwriters who
were able to produce material which was off-the-scale wonderful at the beginning
of their careers just cannot keep it going? - Don is just one example amongst
2011 - Yet Cranmer 's Piece Is Still Frighteningly Relevant.

The Demonisation of the Right. (Published 2011 and still valid!). Just a day after a ‘right-wing extremist’ systematically slaughtered around 100 Norwegian teenagers, Vince Cable goes on national television and denounces the ‘right-wing nutters’ in the US who don’t want to raise the debt ceiling. The ‘Tea Party’ Republicans, he says, pose a bigger threat to the world economy than any problems in the eurozone.
a few months ago the right-wing Freedom Association and Norris
McWhirter were caricatured by the
BBC as fascists and neo-Nazis, and even Margaret Thatcher’s official
biographer Charles
Moore now asserts that Right is
wrong. International Development Minister Alan Duncan equates socially-conservative,
right-wing Tories with the Taliban; the co-Chairman of the Conservative
Party Baroness
Warsi has had a swipe at the Right;
and David
Cameron isn’t averse to talking
about ‘right-wing extremists’; a ‘right-wing fascist party’; ‘far right groups’
and ‘the hard right’.
The subliminal message is inescapable: ‘Left is good; Right is bad’, because right-wing beliefs breed right-wing philosophy which spawns right-wing extremism which is malignant. Ergo, those who tend towards the political Right must be subject to state surveillance.
And so we arrive at the unquestionable BBC state orthodoxy and narrative of enlightenment. It is ‘spin’, but of such an Orwellian subliminal manipulation of the vernacular that any contrary utterance strikes a chord of jarring dissonance, and the speaker or writer is cast into political, social or spiritual oblivion. Norman Tebbit, Simon Heffer, Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, Daniel Hannan, Peter Hitchens, John Redwood, Melanie Phillips, The Freedom Association... These are the new ‘fascists’ of the Right; they exist at the periphery of social acceptability, while the fascistic tendencies of those left-wing groups which seek to intimidate and silence any reasoned protest against socially-liberal, ecumenical, europhiliac multiculturalism are completely ignored.
It appears now that if you believe in small state, low tax policies; are fiscally conservative; oppose on-tap abortion; support the traditional, nuclear family; seek to limit immigration; support withdrawal from the EU; advocate freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of association, freedom of expression, freedom of conscience and freedom of belief, you are without doubt a racist, bigoted zealot, and almost certainly a ‘right-wing extremist’ or a ‘right-wing nutter’.
And if it is ‘fascist’ or ‘extremist’ or ‘right-wing’ to say this, then it would appear that His Grace also needs watching. But so do the vast majority of Britons who are proud to stand up for such beliefs and advocate such policies, for there beats yet the Conservative heart of the nation.
The subliminal message is inescapable: ‘Left is good; Right is bad’, because right-wing beliefs breed right-wing philosophy which spawns right-wing extremism which is malignant. Ergo, those who tend towards the political Right must be subject to state surveillance.
And so we arrive at the unquestionable BBC state orthodoxy and narrative of enlightenment. It is ‘spin’, but of such an Orwellian subliminal manipulation of the vernacular that any contrary utterance strikes a chord of jarring dissonance, and the speaker or writer is cast into political, social or spiritual oblivion. Norman Tebbit, Simon Heffer, Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, Daniel Hannan, Peter Hitchens, John Redwood, Melanie Phillips, The Freedom Association... These are the new ‘fascists’ of the Right; they exist at the periphery of social acceptability, while the fascistic tendencies of those left-wing groups which seek to intimidate and silence any reasoned protest against socially-liberal, ecumenical, europhiliac multiculturalism are completely ignored.
It appears now that if you believe in small state, low tax policies; are fiscally conservative; oppose on-tap abortion; support the traditional, nuclear family; seek to limit immigration; support withdrawal from the EU; advocate freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of association, freedom of expression, freedom of conscience and freedom of belief, you are without doubt a racist, bigoted zealot, and almost certainly a ‘right-wing extremist’ or a ‘right-wing nutter’.
And if it is ‘fascist’ or ‘extremist’ or ‘right-wing’ to say this, then it would appear that His Grace also needs watching. But so do the vast majority of Britons who are proud to stand up for such beliefs and advocate such policies, for there beats yet the Conservative heart of the nation.
One Out Of Two IS Bad!
Jesus would have supported gay marriage, says Sir Elton: Musician also says rules requiring Catholic priests to be celibate are 'old and stupid'.
The trouble is that 'some seeds fell onto the path!'Physicist.
I met a physicist at Church yesterday and enjoyed a superb chat after the meeting. Starting with the Laws of Thermodynamics, he moved onto Physics in general as we touched on Biology, Genetics and skirted Geology. He made a straightforward statement, "Evolution is impossible." When I asked him why so few scientists seem to think so - he pointed out that many do.
Hmm. Heads below the parapets? 'Professional suicide'?
Hmm. Heads below the parapets? 'Professional suicide'?
Were It Not For Cricket I Wouldn't Pay Huge Amounts For Sky Sports.
Recent England performances have been so poor that I just have to remember how much better our team is than the footballing equivalent.
Local Ambassadors For The Unborn.
Volunteers committed to defending unborn children sought by pro-life group
![]() |
Fiona Bruce MP |
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Jim Dobbin MP |
The Ambassadors will be accredited and invited to Parliament annually to meet the patrons of the initiative, Jim Dobbin, Fiona Bruce and other pro-life parliamentarians. The work of the Ambassadors will be crucial to the success of the political strategy of the All Party Group.
If you would like to become an Ambassador, please write to ambassadors@proliferesearch.org stating:
1) your name;
2) constituency, and;
3) a brief outline of why you want to get involved. If you have been active in pro-life campaigning, a short history should be included.”
Empty Promises.
'Dave' promised to increase Tory Party numbers. It hasn't happened. Nigel Farage made no such promise for UKIP yet numbers are skyrocketing. It looks like the party will have gone through the 40,000 barrier well before early September. It's a shame, in one sense only, it would have made a rather nice announcement at the start of the proceedings!
I do hope that members in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire will make every effort to attend.
I do hope that members in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire will make every effort to attend.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Christian Concern - Italia.
Introducing Christian Concern Italia
Watch Giuliano Palma explains how Christian Concern Italia came into being here >
My Evangelical Credentials.
It is rare indeed that my views stray beyond established
evangelical positions. My beliefs are firmly rooted in God's Word.
At this point in modern history, when so many evangelical
believers are girding their loins to fight 'assisted suicide' or 'euthanasia'
bills, I must admit that I feel unable to lend them my support.
It is not that I especially believe in either of those views -
it is just that I cannot make the Scriptures fit the position of those who
support compassion by aiding people who are suffering to depart - but
neither can I find one whit of compassion in forcing someone to live out an horrendous
life. Did Jesus ever leave anyone in their extreme suffering?
I REALLY do not know. My opinions just keep on changing.
Even If Dave Were To Defy The EU And Its Acolytes ...
Sir Bernard Ingham, 82, has warned: "They got rid of Mrs Thatcher over Europe and the same thing can happen to Cameron. The truth is that you are never going to get anywhere with the European Union because it has a mind of its own. And its mind is to create the United States of Europe. All its denials are belied by its actions." Express.
More People To Leave The UK.
The Great Britain brain-drain: possibly 70% of graduates to move abroad. That is 350,000!
Wonderful, innit? The net immigration figure will reduce BUT look who we are losing - and think of the largely talentless hordes who will replace them!Cameron - The New Blair?
A SUPERB article. *****
A SUPERB article. *****
MoS Poll On EU Membership.
This Bears Repeating Every Year Or Two.
"The true object of propaganda is not - to
convince or persuade, but rather to produce a uniform pattern of public
utterance in which the first trace of unorthodox thought reveals itself as a
jarring dissonance." Leonard Schapiro.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Thanks, Dan - Not Before Time!
Good Response To FGM.
Britain's largest Muslim organization has condemned female
genital mutilation as "un-Islamic." Christian News.
Obama - View By Bill Maher.

Bill Maher Says Obama Is Really an Atheist, Mocks Hillary Clinton's Devotion to The Bible
Stoyan Zaimov
HBO talk show host Bill Maher said in a Monday interview with the "Daily
Show's" Jon Stewart that he does not find President Barack Obama's Christian
faith to be genuine, arguing that he is really an atheist, and mocked former
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's recent comments that the Bible is her
biggest influence. Christian Post.
The Maginot Waltz.
If you can forgive the blatant anachronism (I won't tell you what it is if
you haven't spotted it) this is one of the most poignant songs I have ever
Ralph McTell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKfl2QLPVaA
EU ‘does not aid investment in Britain’.
BRITAIN’S membership of the EU has brought no lasting investment benefits.
non-EU countries have done better, says a leading academic’s report for the
Civitas cross-party think-tank.There is no evidence the “borderless” Single
Market has boosted foreign
Plenty of countries, including some similar-sized nations in Europe, have done better than the UK on both measures without being a memberDr David Green, Civitas
investment into the UK, former London School of
Economics lecturer Michael Burrage found. In a previous report, Mr Burrage also
showed that EU membership had failed to boost Britain’s exports. His new
findings will be seized on by Brussels’ opponents.
director Dr David Green said: “Plenty of countries, including some similar-sized
nations in Europe, have done better than the UK on both measures without being a
member. It is time to leave.”Mr Burrage’s research, based on figures over 40
years, says the UK attracted no more foreign direct investment (FDI) as a member
of the European Single Market than it would have done outside the EU. Express.
And The Consequence of This To Evolutionists Would Be ...?
Was Einstein wrong all along? Controversial theory suggests the speed of light is SLOWER than first thought
The theory by Dr James Franson from the University of Maryland looked at why light particles of supernova SN 1987A, arrived 4.7 hours later than expected. Mail.
The Central African Republic.
The Central African Republic (CAR) is a little-known nation right in the
middle of the African continent. However, right now the country is in the midst
of unimaginable fear and suffering.
Bitter conflict has left thousands dead and 560,000 people homeless, while 250,000 have fled to neighbouring countries. Violence can flare up without notice and the innocent are the ones who suffer in the fallout.
More than half the population, 2.5 million people, are in urgent need of food, water, sanitation and healthcare
Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the UN described the situation as ‘the worst crisis most people have never heard of’.
Despite CAR being one of the most dangerous places on the planet, Tearfund has set up a new programme and is launching an emergency appeal to help the most vulnerable affected by conflict. We’ve already distributed food, drinking water and everyday essentials to thousands of displaced people – but we need to do so much more.
Please support the appeal, through prayer and by giving, to help the people of CAR. There is no better example of what we believe in - following Jesus, where the need really is greatest.
Bitter conflict has left thousands dead and 560,000 people homeless, while 250,000 have fled to neighbouring countries. Violence can flare up without notice and the innocent are the ones who suffer in the fallout.
More than half the population, 2.5 million people, are in urgent need of food, water, sanitation and healthcare
Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the UN described the situation as ‘the worst crisis most people have never heard of’.
Despite CAR being one of the most dangerous places on the planet, Tearfund has set up a new programme and is launching an emergency appeal to help the most vulnerable affected by conflict. We’ve already distributed food, drinking water and everyday essentials to thousands of displaced people – but we need to do so much more.
Please support the appeal, through prayer and by giving, to help the people of CAR. There is no better example of what we believe in - following Jesus, where the need really is greatest.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Don't Be Fooled.
All this guff about 'Dave batting for us in Brussels' - it is the precise scenario which this Blog has been predicting for several years! And his role as 'superhero' is going to build right up to the point when he - or others - are seen as the victors returning from the EU Commission 'bearing the spoils of their triumph.' Not since a previous tory called Neville Chamberlain ...
1 Thessalonians 4: Note The Word 'Believers'.
Believers Who Have Died.
13 Brothers
and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of
mankind, who have no hope. 14 For
we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with
Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 15 According
to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until
the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have
fallen asleep. 16 For
the Lord himself will come down from heaven,with
a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After
that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the
clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will
be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore
encourage one another with these
So Much For The UN And Democracy!
UN committee 'backs Argentina' over Falkands dispute
Decolonisation Committee approves new resolution urging UK and Argentina to negotiate a solution, despite 99 per cent of residents voting to remain as they are. Telegraph.
Leftist = Mainstream?
The New York Times would like us to believe that
there is a "mainstream" in America today because what "mainstream" means is
status quo – don't rock the boat. Because of the massive growth of government
over recent years, today's status quo means acceptance of a great lurch
leftward, which has already occurred. Star
more at
Beware Of All Folk Songs Which Begin ...
... My name it is ________ ______________. With very few exceptions, they
are truly dire!
More Persecution In Egypt.
Christians Convicted of 'Blasphemy' in Egypt for 'Liking' Facebook Page
Morning Star News
A young Christian man in Upper Egypt accused of blaspheming Islam for
"liking" a Facebook page was sentenced Tuesday (June 24) to six years in prison,
shocking the Coptic community and other Facebook users.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
A Paltry 274,000?
In 2014, this is the approximate, combined circulation
figure of The Guardian & The Independent. Not much is it, considering how
much influence they yield?
(Even The Mirror has fewer than a
John Mackay: How To Live Your Spiritual Life.
“Pray without
ceasing,” (1 Thess 5:17), and do all things “..by
prayer and supplication with thanksgiving,”
(Phil 4:6). This is the challenge the Holy Spirit has given all
Christians through the apostle Paul. Is it the way
you live? It is the way you should be living and so should we! It’s
also God’s Word on how we should be speaking to
God; praising Him, imploring Him, and
enquiring of Him.
For our God is the Holy and Righteous
Creator God who empowered the Old Testament Patriarchs, strengthened the New Testament saints and saves today’s disciples
who are reading this right now, as He enables us to
boldly live His way. So make sure you
thank Him right now and bless Him as you pray,
“My aim and my prayer today Oh Lord
is for Thy will
to be done, in me, to me, for me and through me to the honour
and glory of the risen Lord Jesus.” Then continue to
pray for those of us in Creation Research as we share so much to praise for. You will be blessed and encouraged
by the time you finish this brief electronic newsletter. Yours in Christ’s
John Mackay for the world wide team.
Juncker Appointment. Brexit?
Monumental stoopidity? - Well it is the European Union! (Or is it all part of the plan that 'Cameron will come riding to the rescue in spiffing white armour?')
Lies And Deceits.
In the runup to the EU Elections, UKIP (and others) destroyed the Lib Dem argument that 3 million jobs are endangered - but now the 'old lie' is being trotted out yet AGAIN!
The trouble is that there will always be some, so simple-minded, that they'll fall for it!
The trouble is that there will always be some, so simple-minded, that they'll fall for it!
Meriam - The Latest News.
Another cruel twist of the knife: Sudanese mother Meriam Ibrahim faces SEVEN years in jail for trying to flee country hours after death sentence for 'marrying Christian was dropped'
The mother-of-two was told the devastating news after being detained with her husband, US citizen Daniel Wani and their two young children as they tried to fly out of the African country. Mail.

Poland's Prime Minister Says Doctor Must Put Law Over Faith, Perform Abortion Despite Christian Belief
Katherine Weber
Poland's prime minister spoke out Tuesday regarding a
nationwide abortion debate after a Catholic doctor refused to perform the
life-ending procedure on a patient, even though the fetus had severe
abnormalities. Christian Post.
And yet, you know with absolute certainty that most
of these apologists for the butchery of the unborn would whinge forever if the
rights of conscientious objectors were trampled on in a just
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Wallace And Gromit Lead The Way On Climate Change!
John Redhead, Owst Road, Keyingham, East Yorkshire.
ACCORDING to President Obama, to doubt the concept of man-made climate change is akin to believing that the Moon is made of cheese.
Clearly the President has overlooked the work of the celebrated Yorkshire academics, Wallace & Gromit, who some years ago established by personal observation that the Moon is in fact made up entirely of finest Wensleydale.
He may also not have noticed that despite the mythical “carbon” global temperatures have not risen for 17 years and predictions based on solar activity indicate a slight fall in temperature over the next 12 years.
Perhaps the President can’t tell his weather from his climate. Yorks Post.
Dan Hannan On Quitting The EU.
When Jesus told parables, it was not always to inform, educate and offer salvation. They were also designed so that they would go over the heads of antagonistic listeners. 'So that seeing, they would not perceive.' To many, in a similar fashion, the cross must indeed appear to be foolishness. It is like the man in the building which is on fire who refuses to follow signs to the Fire Exit!
0 - 0
Sooo glad I didn't watch it. So what is the problem? Why are we so dire?
The answer is spotted instantly when you look at Arsenal & Chelsea teams, both Manchesters and of course, Liverpool. Their squads are filled to the gunwales with foreign players. Our youngsters are not being allowed any chance to develop. There has to be restrictions - if, on the club level, this costs us some success in European club competitions - then so be it!
Sky is manipulating us. The European Courts will make restricting numbers on the field to, say, two/three foreign players on the pitch at any one time impossible. You may be able to guess my views on that!
The answer is spotted instantly when you look at Arsenal & Chelsea teams, both Manchesters and of course, Liverpool. Their squads are filled to the gunwales with foreign players. Our youngsters are not being allowed any chance to develop. There has to be restrictions - if, on the club level, this costs us some success in European club competitions - then so be it!
Meriam Now Charged With 'Fraud'!
Marine Le Pen And Geert Wilders FAIL To Form An EU Group
It has long been the policy of this Blog to attack the right as much as it does the left. The trouble has always been that the left has proved far more anti-democratic and anti-Christian than the right - so naturally they have attracted far greater coverage. (The Blog's title had rather anticipated this.)
Le Front National has, for several years, been attempting to become more mainstream and consequently, has moved towards the centre a notch. There is still clear blue water between their position and where UKIP sits on the centre right. Were it not for the inane bigotry of Marine Le Pen's father - who retains influence - Le Front National would have moved away from neo-fascism to respectability by now. And, say what you will about Wilders - the man is an out and out democrat. It is a scandal, even so, that Corbett's nasty, anti-democratic little rule of '25 MEPs and at least seven countries represented' should have deprived these parties of legitimate funding. Politics at its lowest. Incidentally, Golden Dawn from Greece and several other minority parties are the real rightist hardliners, but in an equitable system, wherein verminous, hardline leftists have tagged onto socialist groups and been readily accepted to gain themselves funding, it is not morally justifiable that these groups should be robbed in this devious manner!
Le Front National has, for several years, been attempting to become more mainstream and consequently, has moved towards the centre a notch. There is still clear blue water between their position and where UKIP sits on the centre right. Were it not for the inane bigotry of Marine Le Pen's father - who retains influence - Le Front National would have moved away from neo-fascism to respectability by now. And, say what you will about Wilders - the man is an out and out democrat. It is a scandal, even so, that Corbett's nasty, anti-democratic little rule of '25 MEPs and at least seven countries represented' should have deprived these parties of legitimate funding. Politics at its lowest. Incidentally, Golden Dawn from Greece and several other minority parties are the real rightist hardliners, but in an equitable system, wherein verminous, hardline leftists have tagged onto socialist groups and been readily accepted to gain themselves funding, it is not morally justifiable that these groups should be robbed in this devious manner!
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Direct Democracy & What It Means.
Blair - I Shall Keep My Opinions Of The Man To Myself.
PEACE ENVOY (Allegedly.)
Three Former British Ambassadors Call For Blair To Be Fired Over Iraq Crisis
Hollywood Distortions - No Real Surprise.
Results from a recent poll suggest that while nearly 50 percent of
American Christians favourably view Hollywood but more than 40 percent believe that
the major studios do not accurately represent their faith on screen.
Christian News.
So.Cannabis Is Not Addictive, Huh?
The number of children receiving treatment
for addiction to cannabis has hit a record high, with one expert warning the age
they try the drug for the first time has fallen which places them at greater
risk. A total of 13,581 children received
medical treatment for drug addiction and cited cannabis as their "main problem
drug", which is an increase of nearly 50% in seven years, the latest statistics
That number represents 68% of all those under 18
who received medical treatment for substance misuse in England in

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Franklin Graham preached in Glasgow, launches new fund to defend religious freedom in the UK. Staff writer Franklin Graham preaching at ...
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