Not so, pal. 'Darkly pessimistic' - yes - but only about the liberal left!
Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Friday, October 31, 2014
Darkly pessimistic.
Ukip Voters Are 'Darkly Pessimistic' About Their Lives, Says Shadow Minister Liam Byrne.
It Made Me Laugh.
Is Ironick · Top commenter Huff Post.
This (Jonathan Arnott, UKIP's EU Budget spokesman who wrote against taxpayers funding bullfighting) is a minor matter compared to the good the EU does by employing people such as Mr Barroso, Mr van Rompuy, Baroness Ashton all of whom have found work and good pensions which keeps them from having to live on benefits.
Halloween Today - It Really Is Evil!
Halloween really IS evil, says Vatican, and should be replaced with HOLYWEEN so children can dress up as saints and pray
- Vatican's first conference of exorcists warned of dangers to children
- Says Halloween to blame for huge rise in demonic possessions in October
- Catholic official says Vatican receives 100s of calls from worried parents.
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Marx: Satanist Not Atheist.
Communist doctrine preaches atheism loudly, clearly,
and consistently. This religious world view supposedly originated with Karl
Marx, the Founding Father of
Communism. Atheism is defined as "disbelief in or denial of, the existence
of God". Since this is the definition of atheism, a practicing Satanist cannot be an atheist. A Satanist believes in the
existence of God and Satan, of Heaven and Hell. The Satanist chooses, with his
Free Will, to serve Satan, thus taking upon himself the characteristics of
Satan, especially his unbelievable, supernatural, hatred of God, Christians, and
Since Karl Marx has been depicted as the creator of the
greatest atheist system in world history, we should expect that he did not
believe in God at all. Surprise!! Marx was a practicing Satanist, and could
not, therefore, be an Atheist. Karl grew up in a Christian family, and earlier
in his life, confessed Jesus Christ as Savior. Consider this exerpt from a work
Karl wrote as a youth:
"Union with Christ could give an inner elevation, comfort in sorrow,
calm trust, and a heart susceptible to human love, to everything noble and
great, not for the sake of ambition and glory, but only for the sake of
What a
wonderful expression of love and devotion to Jesus Christ!! None of us could
have done better. When Marx graduated from high school, the following comment
was written under the heading Religious
knowledge of the Christian faith and morals is fairly clear and well
Thus, we know that Marx knew Scripture well. However,
soon after high school, Karl began an abrupt shift toward the adversary, Satan.
Again, this time in a poem, Marx writes, "I wish to avenge myself against the
One who rules above". This
statement is quite consistent with a Satanist, who believes in God, Who rules
above, but who has made a personal decision to side with Satan against
One of the key understanding of Satan is that he hates
all mankind, and wishes them dead and in hell with him, simply and only because
all human beings are made in the "image of God" (Genesis 1:26). Satan wishes
eternal damnation for every human being God has ever created, even those people
who serve him. Now listen to Marx:
"...Yet I have power within my youthful arms
To clench and crush you (i.e., personified
with tempestuous force,
While for us both the abyss yawns in
You will sink down and I shall follow
Whispering in your ears
come with me, friend'".
This is the attitude, the voice, of Satan. Marx knows
his choice will send him to Hell for eternity and he wants to carry as many
people with him as possible; and, Marx knew he was
headed for Hell, as his next poem shows so very
"Thus Heaven I've forfeited,
I know it full well,
My soul, once true to God,
Is chosen for hell."
I cannot
imagine a more terrible personal conclusion, that Marx knew, and accepted, the
knowledge that he had made a lifelong choice for Satan and Hell. Reverend
Wurmbrand shows many instances in which Marx possessed great hatred for all
mankind and wanted nothing more than to destroy it and to enjoy that
destruction. Because our space is so limited, we will quote just one
representative sample:
"With disdain I will throw my gauntlet
Full in the face of the
And see the collapse of this pygmy
Whose fall will not stifle my
Then will I wander godlike and
Through the ruins of the
And, giving my words an active
I will feel equal to the
Again, we see the two Satanic characteristics of
desiring to destroy all mankind and to become God or godlike.
Then Reverend Wurmbrand stated his belief that Marx was
actually possessed of demons, as he quotes Engel's written statement that Marx
was a "monster possessed by 10,000 devils". This certainly explains Marx's many
evil statements and the evil fruits of Communism so amply displayed before the
world. Wurmbrand then proceeds to document the many instances in which
20th Century Communist leaders have either practiced aspects of Satanism
or have actually worshipped Satan. He succinctly states his conclusion,
"Communism is collective demon- possession".
Brilliant News - Er, Not Exactly!
ED Miliband's woes in Scotland increased yesterday after a new opinion poll showed Labour could be virtually wiped out north of the border in the 2015 General Election. Express. No, sadly, not as good as it first appears - the replacements would be the SNP. Shudder.
South Yorks Lib Dem Non-Participation - Ha, Ha, Ha!
The Lib Dems have branded the coalition experiment with directly-elected commissioners a failure and pledged to scrap them. The party decided not to field a candidate in the by-election for this reason. 'This reason'???? Yeah! Right, innit?
Tories FORCED To Admit The Truth Of What UKIP Has Long Stated!
Even pro-European Tories now admit the truth. You
cannot control immigration while we are in the EU. Posted on October
Responding to skills and equalities minister Nick
Boles' comments in this morning’s FT that the government’s approach to
immigration is damaging Britain’s global competitiveness, Steven Woolfe MEP
“Nick Boles' comments reveal the shambolic thinking of the Conservative
Party on migration. They really do seem to be making it up as they go along in
response to the well-thought through UKIP migration policy that I outlined at
our Doncaster Conference.
“On the one hand you have government ministers saying that we are being
‘swamped’ with immigrants and now, on the other, a minister is saying that our
immigration system is too hard. In fact what is clear is that the government’s
confusion about migration policy and their ineffectual application of existing
rules around illegal immigration that is making Britain a target for organised
people trafficking.
UKIP's Jonathan Arnott MEP On Aid To Evil Powers.
Letter – We must stop funding oppressive foreign governments
Dear Editor,
Ethiopian state security forces have tortured, raped and burnt more than 5,000 people. Meanwhile, our government has given Ethiopia over one billion pounds and the country is the second largest beneficiary of British aid.
Ethiopian state security forces have tortured, raped and burnt more than 5,000 people. Meanwhile, our government has given Ethiopia over one billion pounds and the country is the second largest beneficiary of British aid.
This is another example of how badly managed our Aid budget is. We must
ensure the money we give makes a genuine difference, rather than being handed to
oppressive or corrupt governments and a list of world powers that recently has
included India, Russia and Argentina.
Globally, people face crisis, disease and poverty everyday. Even here in
the UK, in these cold winter months, millions of our most vulnerable people are
faced with the choice of heating or eating. Aid can be a positive thing if we
make sure the resources are used where they are needed most, so they have the
best possible impact.
We need a full, comprehensive review of our foreign aid budget – both
into how much is spent and where it is spent. We must ensure that taxpayer’s
money is not given to corrupt foreign governments who torture their own
Jonathan Arnott MEP
UKIP, North East
Despicable Labour 'Outed' By Mandelson.
Labour sent out ‘search parties’ for immigrants
to get them to come to the UK, Lord Mandelson has admitted.
In a stunning confirmation that the Blair and
Brown governments deliberately engineered mass immigration, the former Cabinet
Minister and spin doctor said New Labour sought out foreign workers.
He also conceded that the influx of arrivals
meant the party’s traditional supporters are now unable to find work.
By contrast, Labour leader Ed Miliband has said
his party got it wrong on immigration but has refused to admit it was too high
under Labour.
Between 1997 and 2010, net migration to Britain
totalled more than 2.2million, more than twice the population of
The annual net figure quadrupled under Labour
from 48,000 people in 1997 to 198,000 by 2009.
Lord Mandelson’s remarks come three years after
Labour officials denied claims by former adviser Andrew Neather that they
deliberately encouraged immigration in order to change the make-up of
Mr Neather said the policy was designed to ‘rub
the Right’s nose in diversity’.
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Tony Blair Advises.
Curbing immigration would be a 'disaster' for Britain, says Tony Blair with warning Labour must not chase Ukip votes.
The former prime minister said Labour must be 'really careful' of saying things that suggested Nigel Farage's party are justified in their policies. Mail.
Well, I would not normally try to speak on behalf of UKIP as that is hardly my place. But in this instance, I am sure that, across the entire party, nobody will object at all to my offering a warm vote of thanks to the Labour ex-leader who caused so many of the problems along with his buddy Mandelson, so here goes: "Many thanks for the swathe of Labour voters you have just shoved towards UKIP. The party is most grateful."
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Income Taxes.
(These figures are not current but used as an illustration of a worldwide principle.)
So. Just how does a typical socialist react to all this? - The answer is to 'raise taxes for the wealthy'. (Admittedly, you have to have the money first to pay huge amounts of tax but the imbalance of the thinking shows clearly through.) Let us not forget that the people paying the taxes here are also paying out a great deal more in indirect taxation also. The third diagram will also include a number of 'wage slaves' but the first two are largely made up of entrepreneurs, 'movers and shakers', investors and those who make society function. These are the people who MAKE the money so there can be loadsa taxes for social use. Why can socialists not grasp a basic economic principle? Why is 'hitting the wealthy' more important than making a country work efficiently. Such a skewed moral base!
Crescendo: Pro-Life Film.
Award-Winning Short Film 'Crescendo' Released on YouTube; Producer Hopes Pro-Life Themed Film Becomes Most Watched in History

The award-winning short film "Crescendo" was
released on YouTube Tuesday and its producer said that he hopes the pro-life
themed movie becomes "the most watched film in history over the next 12 months."
Stealth Taxes Increase By 50% In Just A Decade.
It really started with Brown as PM but it just hasn't stopped!
It really started with Brown as PM but it just hasn't stopped!
Home Office - Unfit For Purpose!
Incompetent Home Office results in 29,000 asylum cases
still unresolved since 2007
Posted on October 29
Posted on October 29
Responding to the Public Accounts Committee report
that shows 29,000 asylum cases still unresolved from 2007, UKIP’s Migration
Spokesman, Steven Woolfe MEP commented:
“It is clear from today’s figures that our immigration system is in a
complete spin on how to manage asylum cases into the UK. The blame must lie with
the Secretary of State responsible, Theresa May."
“The fact that 29,000 asylum cases are still to be resolved, dating back to
the previous Labour government, shows clearly that our system is mismanaged,
under staffed and under resourced. Most disturbing, is the government’s approach
to the development of an IT system to support Border and Home office staff.
Wasting £100s of millions is not only a national disgrace but a national
security concern."
Harridan Harperson.
Ignorantly, she wore a t-shirt stating 'This what a feminist looks like' at Prime Minister's Question Time in the Commons.I see what she means. A useful warning to us all, innit?
Bail Bandits: A National Disgrace Caused By Politicians!
More than 26,000 criminals are on the run after being granted bail because of crowded prisons
The Prison Officers' Association said the figures were shocking and revealed overcrowding in jails was leading to people being granted bail due to lack of space. Mail.
1) Build sufficient prisons!
2) Ban all future bail for anyone with a history of refusing to honour bail.
I have other suggestions but these two will do to be going on with!
The Prison Officers' Association said the figures were shocking and revealed overcrowding in jails was leading to people being granted bail due to lack of space. Mail.
1) Build sufficient prisons!
2) Ban all future bail for anyone with a history of refusing to honour bail.
I have other suggestions but these two will do to be going on with!
Maureen Lipman.
Lifetime Labour supporter Maureen Lipman has stated that Miliband's support for Palestinian state means she'd now vote for 'almost any other party'. (Does she live in Rochester, perchance?)
Dead Parents.
I read a great many detective thrillers. I have nearly
had enough, though, of the convenient and ubiquitous device of killing off all
and any inconvenient parents. Time and again, these are disposed of, usually as a pair, by: air
accidents, car accidents and, typically, landslides. I don't really get it.
(Perhaps I shall have to utilise this valuable literary method in my next novel -
but if I do - it will, of course, be attempted
Lib Dems Encourage Drug Use.
Punishing drug users is pointless, says Home Office report: No 10 'buried a Lib Dem study' that said legalising narcotics would not lead to more people taking them
A Home Office report led by Norman Baker says decriminalising narcotics would not lead to more Britons taking them - and that tough anti-drugs laws do not work. Mail.
The Lib Dems are not fit to be out on their own. I have not read the report but if this is correct as described, then my point is made. Here are two factors which I can pretty much guarantee will not have been included:
1) The Labour Party reduced cannabis to a category 'C' drug and the results were so disastrous that they had to recant and restore it to category 'B'.
2) How do we know that tough punishments do not work when they have never been tried? How's about sending a working party to Singapore to see just why they have been so successful in countering drug use?
A Home Office report led by Norman Baker says decriminalising narcotics would not lead to more Britons taking them - and that tough anti-drugs laws do not work. Mail.
The Lib Dems are not fit to be out on their own. I have not read the report but if this is correct as described, then my point is made. Here are two factors which I can pretty much guarantee will not have been included:
1) The Labour Party reduced cannabis to a category 'C' drug and the results were so disastrous that they had to recant and restore it to category 'B'.
2) How do we know that tough punishments do not work when they have never been tried? How's about sending a working party to Singapore to see just why they have been so successful in countering drug use?
David Coburn, UKIP MEP, Talking Sense On Scotland & The EU.
Nicola Sturgeon is deliberately ignoring the result of
the Scottish referendum
Posted on October 29
Posted on October 29
While UKIP is confident that Scotland would, with the
rest of then UK vote to leave the EU, and therefore gain real independence, it
recognizes that Scotland is less Eurosceptic than the rest of the UK.
If the result was against Ms Sturgeon wishes, then what she is proposing
today would be the most divisive and destructive possible act. She is attempting
to break up the United Kingdom, despite losing the referendum. Her proposal is
not that of a democrat, but of a petulant adolescent.
UKIP MEP for Scotland, David Coburn said: "Nicola Sturgeon's veto plan is
"We are part of the United Kingdom. Our country is Great Britain - I don't
hold a Scottish passport, I hold a British passport as do we all.
"We are one country and that was decided as part of the referendum, so what
part of no don't they understand?"
Calais: Mme Bouchart Receives Sympathy From UKIP's Steven Woolfe MEP.
UKIP's Steven Woolfe MEP rejects claims that
is to blame for Migrant troubles in Calais
Posted on October 28
Posted on October 28
Steven Woolfe MEP, the UKIP Immigration
has rejected claims that Britain is at fault for the
of immigration.
"I can sympathize with Madame Bouchart as she is on
the frontline of Europe’s migration problem as a locally
elected official. From her experience it is evident that
even though Britain has not signed the Schengen
Agreement, this country is adversely affected by
the lack of European and French action on migration.
"However, the problem she highlights is not one of the
British welfare system, but of the way in which it can
be misused. Welfare in the UK should be there for our
own citizens, who have paid in, or whose family have
paid in. It is not something for anybody turning up at
our borders to be able to access.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Rochester - Great News From The Sun.
By TOM NEWTON DUNN, Political Editor
Last Updated: 29th October 2014
ALMOST half of all Labour voters in Rochester
are going to defect to Ukip - delivering them
another bombshell by-election victory next month,
secret internal polling has revealed.
UK Quits EU? - Brussels Has More To Lose!
Leaving EU 'would NOT harm' London's status as global financial player
LONDON'S status as a global financial centre would NOT be harmed by the UK exiting the European Union (EU), it has been claimed today.
By: Dion Dassanayake. Express.
Banks such as Goldman Sachs, Citi and JPMorgan along with lobby groups have said leaving the Eurozone would deter investors from the capital.
However, the chief executive of the London Stock Exchange (LSE) said Brussels had more to lose than Britain.
LONDON'S status as a global financial centre would NOT be harmed by the UK exiting the European Union (EU), it has been claimed today.
By: Dion Dassanayake. Express.
Banks such as Goldman Sachs, Citi and JPMorgan along with lobby groups have said leaving the Eurozone would deter investors from the capital.
However, the chief executive of the London Stock Exchange (LSE) said Brussels had more to lose than Britain.
Pope Francis? - I've Nearly Had Enough of This Man.
Life imprisonment is a 'hidden' death sentence, Pope Francis has told an International Association of Penal Law, while calling for the punishment to be scrapped. This man is getting SO much wrong!
BBC Bias.
It is tempting to see the abolition of the BBC licence
fee. That´d show the pinko bigots, wouldn´t it?
Well, I must admit to having several reservations. Where
would this leave Local Radio? Would all the leftists suddenly quit? - (I
seriously doubt it. Just look at Channel 4!) What´s more, wouldn´t the
consumer end up with a worse deal what with adverts and
No. Don´t fancy it too
much unless very carefully handled.
The EU Commission - Did You Know How It Actually Operates?
Nigel Farage told Juncker: “I don’t think that the
European public or commentators understand what the European Commission really
is. The Commission is the executive, it is the Government of Europe and it has
the sole right to propose legislation. It does so in consultation with 3,000
secret committees staffed mainly by big business and big capital and all the
legislation is proposed in secret.”
“Once something becomes a European law, it is the
European Commission themselves who have the sole right to propose repeal or
change of that legislation.”
Belief In Cameron: Do You Have Any?
Why was Cameron apparently not told about the EU's £1.7billion bill? The Treasury knew for a WEEK before the Prime Minister was told - so, at least, that's what they are telling us. Hmm. Minions too afraid to tell him? Really?
Nasty Threats From The EU.
EU commission warns UK about its rebate - 27/10/2014
It would be very difficult for the UK to avoid paying the €2.1bn bill to the EU budget without having the "Pandora box" of its own rebate opened again, the EU budget commissioner has warned.
It would be very difficult for the UK to avoid paying the €2.1bn bill to the EU budget without having the "Pandora box" of its own rebate opened again, the EU budget commissioner has warned.
One Quarter of UK Children 'Live In Poverty' According To Unicef.
Here we go again - that old, leftist sleight of hand. Instead of measuring absolute poverty you choose relative poverty and can then prove anything!
Think of all those children you see daily who: are in rags, starving, under-nourished, without access to clean water, have no shelter, have no means to get rid of a waste and sewage. The poor mites have no access to medical treatments, innoculations, education, welfare or healthcare. Yup. I guess that will be about a quarter of modern children in the UK today!
Think of all those children you see daily who: are in rags, starving, under-nourished, without access to clean water, have no shelter, have no means to get rid of a waste and sewage. The poor mites have no access to medical treatments, innoculations, education, welfare or healthcare. Yup. I guess that will be about a quarter of modern children in the UK today!
No Border Control If In The EU.
Minister Nick Boles has stated that the Government will 'never be able to control immigration entirely because freedom of movement is a fundamental principle of the EU'.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Guardian Comment - A Not Unreasonable Assessment.
A fairish assessment of the emerging political situation in the UK. I am not sure about the over use of the term globalisation. I am not sure that Paul Mason and I would be referring to quite the same thing. Overall though, PM is not part of the ostrich brigade!
A fairish assessment of the emerging political situation in the UK. I am not sure about the over use of the term globalisation. I am not sure that Paul Mason and I would be referring to quite the same thing. Overall though, PM is not part of the ostrich brigade!
Truthfulness In LibLabCon Must Be Curbed.
Michael Fallon has admitted he was "a bit careless" to say that some towns risk being "swamped" by migrant workers from Europe. No. Honesty must NEVER prevail!
Gospels: False and Otherwise.
In the most simple terms, the Four Gospels of the New
Testament are, with the possible exception of the Gospel of Thomas, the earliest
of the extant Gospels - a significant pointer to their authenticity over the later efforts. Interestingly - considering the pap produced in so many
of those written centuries after the life of Christ - none can compare with the
Gospel of Thomas which is not totally without merit but is somewhat random, a real mishmash lacking cohesion and simply cannot stand alone. Any careful study should easily
reveal its inadequacies as a genuine claimant for inclusion in the canon of
Prof Tim Congdon On That 1.7 Billion Pounds.
The EU’s demand for an extra
€2.1 billion
Last Friday’s announcement that
the EU wants an extra €2.1 billion from the UK was presented in shock horror
terms, as if sudden demands for more money were new. In fact, the EU has played
this game a few times already. As I explained on pp. 13 – 18 of the 2014 issue
of How much does the European Union
cost Britain?,
in the last two years the EU seems to have lost control of its own expenditure
and then bounced its member states into paying for major cost overruns. Already
in 2012/13 the UK’s net contribution to the EU Budget was £2.7 billion more than
originally planned. The newspapers are giving the
impression that Prime Minister Cameron is aghast at the EU’s pressure for more
money and that he will resist it. In fact, he has conceded that, while the UK
will not pay up on 1st December (as the Commission
would like), it will pay up in due course as long as the figure is rounded down
by a few hundred millions. This is pathetic and deceitful, but should not be a
surprise. Cameron has been consistently pathetic and deceitful in his handling
of EU issues since he became leader of the Conservative Party in 2005. Like
Neville Chamberlain and Lord Halifax, he does not understand that appeasing
playground bullies only encourages the playground bullies to try
The correct response was of course to tell the EU ‘no, we refuse to pay, full stop’. Cameron has not done that. As before, he needs to be reminded that he has lied in his claims to have cut the EU Budget. The truth is that the UK’s net contribution to the EU Budget has more than doubled since 2009, the last full year before Cameron became Prime Minister. Indeed, I would not rule out that in 2015 the net cost will be treble its 2009 level.
The correct response was of course to tell the EU ‘no, we refuse to pay, full stop’. Cameron has not done that. As before, he needs to be reminded that he has lied in his claims to have cut the EU Budget. The truth is that the UK’s net contribution to the EU Budget has more than doubled since 2009, the last full year before Cameron became Prime Minister. Indeed, I would not rule out that in 2015 the net cost will be treble its 2009 level.
(The 2014 Pink Book, the annual publication from
the Office for National Statistics on the UK’s balance of payments, is due out
this Friday, 31st October, and the page on the EU
will attract more comment than usual. Watch out also for the 2014 European Finances
White Paper,
written at the Treasury, presumably to be published next month a year after the
last one [Cmnd. 8740]. It will be nice if the ONS and HMT arrive at more or less
the same numbers.)
Fiscal Union Equates To Rampant Federalism.
European Commission president
Jean-Claude Juncker's €300bn-strong investment plan is laying the ground for
a fiscal union although no one dares call it such yet, according to a top EU
Death Penalty For Ferry Captain?
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korean prosecutors on Monday
demanded the death penalty for the captain of a ferry that sank earlier this
year, killing more than 300 people, blaming his negligence and failure to rescue
passengers in need for the massive loss of life, a court official and news
reports said. Associated
This is morally untenable. To execute where there
has been 'malice aforethought' is thoroughly reasonable but to do so on grounds
of negligence is horrendous. To execute to punish evil is one thing, to do so because
of the convicted person's utter stupidity and cowardice is quite something
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