Thursday, July 19, 2018

A Victim Of Feminism.

Natasha Pearlman who is currently eight months pregnant argues people are becoming less considerate of pregnant women. She believes it's common courtesy to offer them a seat. Mail.
She is correct, of course, but this is our brave, feminist, new world wherein common decency has been expunged in favour of political correctness. How many men have been cursed for politely and respectfully holding a door open for some vicious feminazi or politely daring to say 'ladies first'?
I, for one, will continue to do the decent thing - as I was taught by thoroughly decent parents in an age far more decent than the current one could ever possibly be.
Although a very poor reaction, it is little surprise that so many men act as they now do.
Thank you, feminism.

Personalised Cancer Vaccines - Hopefully Not Too Far Away For All Sufferers.

  ‘Landmark moment’ for cancer patients as thousands to receive personalised vaccines in NHS trial 31 May 2024, 06:07 | Updated: 31 May 2024...