Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Friday, August 31, 2018
The Church of Rome - An Interesting Piece.
To My Catholic Brothers: Christ Is Our Rock.
August 28, 2018

It’s a truly tough time if you are a member of the Roman Catholic Church, and it just seems to get worse each week. A Pennsylvania grand jury report revealed systematic sexual abuse of minors and an extensive, half-century-long cover-up by clergy in that state. Former Archbishop of Washington, D.C., Theodore McCarrick, resigned because of what the Vatican deems credible allegations that he sexually abused a teenager many years ago. And now Pope Francis himself has been implicated in covering up McCarrick’s crimes since he was elected in 2013 and has refused to comment.
It seems impossible that this generational plague of abuse and cover-up, which has already cast its shadow on the Roman Catholic Church’s highest office, can be limited to Boston, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C., or to the several hundred priests implicated so far. American Conservative blogger Rod Dreher predictsthat there will be more grand juries and more reports. Who knows what such investigations would uncover in other states and other countries? Historic Catholic strongholds like Ireland have already cooled toward their ancestral faith because of similar scandals.
For a church whose teaching has been the main intellectual bulwark against the sexual revolution, this is doubly catastrophic. Fifty years ago, Pope Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae laid out what is probably the most robust natural law case ever made against the separation of sex from procreation. The credibility of the Roman Catholic Church to make such a case rested not only on her claim to directly represent Jesus Christ, but on her self-understanding as the reformer of sex-crazed societies, beginning with the Empire and city from which she takes her name. The damage these stories do to Catholicism’s credibility as an alternative to sexual liberation is incalculable, and the flock knows it.
A quick sounding of devoted Catholic friends confirms that discouragement runs deep. Many faithful members feel, as Maggie Gallagher put it in USA Today, “disgusted, ashamed, angry, betrayed and also dirty.” She remains Catholic, she writes, because she believes it is the true faith, and because she believes “Jesus left behind not a book but a church.”
This last line is worth noticing. It’s a very familiar one to Protestants who’ve done time in Internet theology purgatory, engaged in what the secular world doubtless sees as a quaint, intramural squabble: debating which side of the Reformation was right about Christianity. Of course any Christian could affirm that Jesus left behind a church, though most throughout history, including Roman Catholics, would also say that He sent His Spirit to superintend the composition of a book meant to “thoroughly equip” the man of God for every good work.
Rather, Gallagher’s reminder that Jesus bequeathed us a church “and not” a book is likely a reassurance to both fellow members, critics, and even herself that priestly scandals don’t diminish the Catholic Church’s status as an immovable rock. Things are bad, Gallagher seems to be saying, but where else will you go? Catholicism, she implies, remains a fortress against secularism–a haven of the sort Protestantism can never offer.
Pitting the Bible against the church for supremacy is a rhetorical move Catholic apologists have used for years to unsettle evangelicals. Indeed, I’ve watched many a Baptist and Presbyterian in Washington, D.C.’s well-dressed conservative circles succumb to this logic and cross the Tiber. Sola Scriptura, goes the argument, leads to doctrinal and practical chaos, because every Christian becomes a little pope, capable of reading the Bible however he or she chooses. “How do you know that what you know is really so?” ask Catholic debaters. For Protestants, the answer isn’t easy.
In Catholicism, there is supposedly certainty, there is stability, and there are definite answers, not to mention a church dating back to the time of the Apostles. It’s hard to overstate how sweet this sounds in the ears of beleaguered orthodox intellectuals, looking for a weightier shield against the fiery darts of the post-Christian culture than “the Bible tells me so.” There was the Catholic Church, established in perpetuity on the rock, Peter’s successor, and divinely protected from finally and fully falling into apostasy or unbelief. What more could they ask for?
It was a profoundly appealing image in the late 2000s, the Boston sex abuse scandal fading and a brilliant, traditionalist, scrupulously moral pope sitting in Rome. Between internships in D.C., pro-marriage talks at the Heritage Foundation, and the odd ecumenical beer fest here and there, I felt it keenly, myself. At times, the triumphalism of Catholic apologists was off-putting. The refrain that Protestants who took the life of the mind seriously were Romeward Bound was reinforced everywhere. At other times, I had to ask myself hard questions. I prayed that God would lead me to the true Church, wherever that was, even if it was headquartered in Rome.
Today, that triumphalism has lost its ring. Not only do apologists have to contend with the vilest sort of immorality and abuse of power, stretching through the hierarchy of priests, bishops, and archbishops, potentially all the way to the Supreme Pontiff. They must do so having spent the last several years assuring the world that Pope Francis isn’t really overturning official Catholic teaching on issues like divorce, homosexuality, and the death penalty. With the institution on which they have staked all their hopes now in the middle of one of the worst religious scandals in history, the refrain that Catholics, in contrast to Protestants, can repose their souls in a changeless magisterium and the safety of a divinely-protected sheepfold sounds like a clanging cymbal.
Understand that I am not making a pitch for Protestantism. We are a mess. Rather, messes, plural. In some ways, the only reason we have not committed abuses and cover-ups on quite the organizational scale of Rome is that we lack the organization. On the contrary, what I am saying to my Catholic brothers and sisters is that first, I hurt alongside you, second, I am praying for you, and third, we are in the same, or at least similar boats.
Rome may be the Queen Mary and my own denomination a rowboat, but ultimately, both are afloat on the same sea. Whatever the size of their church’s membership rolls, Roman Catholics, just like Protestants, must assess the fallible claims of an organization full of fallible men, in the light of their own fallible interpretation of Scripture and reading of history, and in spite of those men’s grievous moral and doctrinal failings, prior to ever accepting the claim that such men possess the ability to speak without error on behalf of God.
I am not even asking Catholics to reject the claim of papal infallibility. Indeed, nothing in this latest news technically contradicts that dogma, if conservatively articulated (which it isn’t always). Instead, I am asking Catholics to recognize that Rome is not an epistemic refuge that allows converts to rest their weary cerebra and never think hard thoughts again, nor is it a safe haven from moral scandal or mind-numbing doctrinal ambiguity. Because though the apologists I’ve met never made these claims in so many words, they were the ever-present undertone of those luminous “Romecoming” stories.
Where, then, can we find that longed-for certainty? In whom can we repose our faith, and know we will never be disappointed? On what foundation can Catholics and Protestants alike build new hope? There is only one Answer, the same which rocky-but-never-quite-dependable-Peter gave: Christ. All other ground (and men) besides Him are sinking sand. And though He promised the gates of Hades would never prevail against His Church, He never said that Church would always look triumphant. Breakpoint.
Incompetent England Top Order Batsmen Set Up Defeat In Fourth Test.
The top six in the batting order threw away all the advantages from Joe Root having won the toss on a decent batting strip - accumulating just over 70 runs between them.
The selectors must now start to consider a batting cull - a fresh start.
Well done to Sam Curran, however, for his super 78 which helped us avoid utter humiliation.
The selectors must now start to consider a batting cull - a fresh start.

Brexit: Well - There's A Surprise!
BREXIT BOMBSHELL: Barnier makes DRAMATIC U-turn on unique offer – 'prepare for no deal'
MICHEL Barnier has made a dramatic U-turn and warned the European Union to prepare for a no-deal Brexit only a day after insisting the bloc was preparing to offer the UK a deal like no other third country.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
4th Test ...
... starts today.
Can England finally post a decent batting total?
Can the seamers all bowl on the appropriate length?
Can Adil stop giving away 'a four ball' every over?
Can the fielders stop dropping catches?
Can Cook persuade me that he still deserves a place in the side?
Can England finally post a decent batting total?
Can the seamers all bowl on the appropriate length?
Can Adil stop giving away 'a four ball' every over?
Can the fielders stop dropping catches?
Can Cook persuade me that he still deserves a place in the side?
Nigerian Girl Who Refused to Renounce Jesus for Her Freedom Begs for Help in Newly Released Audio
The family of Leah Sharibu, the 15-year-old Christian girl kidnapped by Boko Haram, confirmed that a new audio message of her begging for help is real.
Sarah Kuteh
Sorry for 'old news'.
In a judgment delivered on 26th July 2018, the Nursing and Midwifery Council panel unanimously ruled that Sarah Kuteh was fully ‘fit to practise’ and “it is in the public interest to return an otherwise experienced and competent nurse into practice”, as it revoked all restrictions on her nursing practice with immediate effect.
BRILLIANT. Nice one, Sarah!
Sadly, the cynic in me wonders whether a white person could have got this same verdict.
Ex-Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond QUITS his membership of the SNP after claims he 'groped a female aide and lay on top of her'
- Two complaints were raised in January against former SNP leader Mr Salmond
- The 63-year-old strongly denies claims about his conduct while he was in office
- Today he said on Twitter he was leaving the party to avoid division in the SNP
Finally, A Hint Of Brexit Optimism?
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
'Big Government' Is Rarely A Solution To Anything.
Liberals have created, and the minority leadership has exploited, a community of dependent people, unaware of the true route to prosperity and happiness: self-reliance and self-investment. Instead, people are told that America is unjust, unfair, and full of disadvantages. They are told that their only hope is for government to fix their problems. What has happened is that generations of people have bought into this nonsense and as a result have remained hopelessly mired in poverty and despair -- because the promised solutions don't work. And they will never work -- they never have. -- Rush Limbaugh
University Challenge - Sigh!
University Challenge is to introduce “gender neutral” questions following complaints from viewers, it has emerged.
The quiz show’s executive producer has said that ideally, questions should be framed in such a way that it is not possible to tell whether they were written by a man or a woman.
Peter Gwyn said he hope this will encourage more female contestants to take part in the show, which has come under fire for its gender imbalance.
“Perhaps ‘gender-neutrality’ is what we aim for,” Mr Gwyn said. “We try to ensure that when hearing a question, we don’t have any sense of whether it was written by a man or a woman, just as questions should never sound as if they are directed more at men than women.
Christian Persecution Moves On Apace In The Western World.
Christian persecution: Fury as Ten Commandments plaque REMOVED from park after COMPLAINT
OHIO authorities have removed a Ten Commandments plaque from a public park after complaints from Church-State separation groups sparking outcry from a Christian persecution support group urging park bosses to reconsider the decision.

The Ten Commandments display in Steubenville’s Murphy Park in the US state were placed there after the Baptist Church adopted a section of the park.
However the plaque was removed by the City Manager Jim Mavramatis on August 14 after an atheist-led organisation wrote to the city manager of the area to criticise the plaque and claimed it was unconstitutional.
The Freedom From Religious Foundation (FFRF) said the Ten Commandments display “violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment” and it should not be displayed as it prohibits the worship of other gods”.
The letter also said: “The government has no business telling citizens which God they must have, or that they have any God at all.”
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
The Man Lowered Through The Roof.
When Jesus healed the crippled man lowered through the roof - he forgave him his sins.
This caused profound shock because everyone but everyone present knew that God alone could forgive sin ergo ... Jesus claimed to be God.
This would take Him rather a lot of proving, of course.
Would rising from the dead without outside influence perhaps qualify as sufficient evidence, I wonder?
Monday, August 27, 2018
'Fear Not' Tells Us A Great Deal.
When Jesus walked on the water, the Greek is generally translated at this point as being, "Fear not, it is I."
The literal Greek is, "Fear not, I am."
Echoing God speaking to Moses in Exodus - this is perhaps even more evidence that Jesus, indeed, claimed to be God.
East Midlands Airport.
I had cause to drive to East Midlands Airport, yesterday. There are considerable amounts of roadworks in the vicinity.
There are also signposts to the airport in abundance - which run out and leave you with no idea where you are in the middle of a new and alien landscape. I found myself going round in giant circles. It was a good job that there was little traffic with it being Sunday.
Fortunately, I just happened to know that I would be able to find the airport, from past experience, if I could just find Castle Donington. This I managed to do and found the aforementioned airport.
With no previous experience - there must be literally hundreds of drivers getting lost and confused every single day,
There are also signposts to the airport in abundance - which run out and leave you with no idea where you are in the middle of a new and alien landscape. I found myself going round in giant circles. It was a good job that there was little traffic with it being Sunday.
Fortunately, I just happened to know that I would be able to find the airport, from past experience, if I could just find Castle Donington. This I managed to do and found the aforementioned airport.
With no previous experience - there must be literally hundreds of drivers getting lost and confused every single day,
Fossils Made In A Day.
Sunday, August 26, 2018
More Incompetents Than Conspirators.
The political Occam's Razor: treat government incompetence as your default assumption; conspiracy is rarely the simplest explanation.
A Small Victory In A Very Large War.
Rod Anderson , CP Cartoonist | Aug 22, 2018 10:00 AM

The University of Iowa has decided to temporarily reinstate several religious student groups after they were kicked off campus for policies that the university deemed discriminatory.
The move comes just one week after InterVarsity Graduate Christian Fellowship, one of nearly 50 student groups derecognized by the university in July even though it had been a recognized student group for decades, filed a lawsuit against the university's actions.
According to a press release, the InterVarsity group received an agreement this week that allows it and the other groups banned for having selective leadership policies to be re-registered as campus groups until litigation against the university involving these matters are settled.
Misplaced China Dragon?
Chinese Dragon “in Wrong Place at Wrong Time”
- August 22, 2018
- Diane Eager
- Dinosaurs / Geology & Earth Science
Chinese dragon “in wrong place at wrong time” according to an article in Science Daily 1 August 2018, about a discovery also reported in National Geographic 24 July 2018, BBC News 25 July 2018 and Nature Communications, 24 July 2018 doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-05128-1.
Palaeontologists have found the fossil of a sauropod dinosaur in the Ningxia Autonomous Region, northwest China. The dinosaur is classified as a “neosauropod” – the huge long necked plant eating dinosaurs, such as Diplodocus and Brontosaurus, which have been found in North and South America, Europe and Africa, but not in east Asia until now.
The fossil is dated as 174 million years old, putting it in the Middle Jurassic period. This makes it 15 million years older the previous oldest member of the neosauropods. Philip Mannion of Imperial College London, who was part of the research team told BBC News that finding the dinosaur was “doubly unexpected” because “Not only is it the oldest member [of this group], but it’s the first ever from Asia. For a long time it was thought that neosauropods didn’t get into Asia during the Jurassic.”
According to current theories of continental drift the region that is now China was split off from the supercontinent Pangea at this time, so sauropods would not have been able to migrate into this region until much later.
The dinosaur has been named Lingwulong shenqi, meaning “amazing dragon of Lingwu”. Paul Upchurch of University College London, also one of the researchers, commented: “Our discovery of Lingwulong demonstrates that several different types of advanced sauropod must have existed at least 15 million years earlier and spread across the world while the supercontinent Pangaea was still a coherent landmass. This forces a complete re-evaluation of the origins and evolution of these animals.”
Editorial Comment: A complete re-evaluation of the origins and history of these animals would be a good idea, but the answer will still prove not to be evolution. This dinosaur is only in the wrong place at the wrong time if you believe sauropods evolved from non-sauropod ancestors in one place and then migrated over the earth for millions of years, while continents were drifting apart.
How ever old you want to make sauropods, the actual fossils prove they have always been sauropods, so the extra 15 million years believed by evolutionists are no help to their theory. This fossil was a fully formed dinosaur with all the characteristics of a sauropod, and shows no evidence of having evolved from any other creature, which makes no problem for the Biblical history of dinosaurs where they were created as fully functional creatures as separate kinds.
Regardless of how many individuals of each kind God created over the earth, they would have spread out over the one land mass described in Genesis until many were buried in masses of sediment at the time of Noah’s Flood. Therefore, finding them in what is now China, or anywhere else on earth, is no problem.
Also, note the name of dinosaur – Amazing Dragon. Another reminder that the Chinese know a dragon when they find one, just like the original fossil UK experts who dug them up. Leading geologist Richard Owen (1804-1892) coined the word “dinosaur” as a technical classification, but referred to them as “old dragons” in everyday conversation with colleagues. See our report on Richard Owen, Willian Fox and dragons here.
Evidence News vol. 18 No.12
22 August 2018
Creation Research Australia
22 August 2018
Creation Research Australia
Saturday, August 25, 2018
If The Bible Is True - Why Does It Not Mention Dinosaurs?
DINOSAURS: If the Bible is true why doesn’t it mention dinosaurs?
- 17/04/2012
- John Mackay
- Animals / Bible / Dinosaurs / Geology & Earth Sciences / Sceptics Share

The word Dinosaur was invented in 1841 by the geologist Richard Owen (1804-1892) who was also the founding director of the British Natural History Museum, the world’s oldest and most prestigious museum. So the simple answer as to why you don’t find mention of dinosaurs in the book of Genesis is you can’t expect to find a word that didn’t exist till 1841, in a book written many thousands of years prior to that date. But are there any beasts mentioned in the bible that fit the description of Dinosaur? To find the answer to this we first need a little about the history of Dinosaur finds and what they are like. Owen may have invented the name, but he was not the first to discover dinosaurs, so who did?
Discovering Dinosaurs
In the early 1800’s, the Anglican Rev William Buckland lived in Corpus Christi College UK, and had obtained fossil bones found in 1815 at Stonesfield Quarry. After discussion with the French Palaeontologist Cuvier, Buckland concluded the bones belonged to a large lizard like creature and Buckland set out to obtain as much of the skeleton as he could. When he became president of the Geological Society of London in 1824, he announced the discovery of the fossil bones of a giant reptile which he named Megalosaurus (great lizard) and wrote the first full account of what would later be called a dinosaur.
An often forgotten player on the Dinosaur trail was Doctor Gideon Mantel, whose medical career was cut short by his obsession, not with the living but with the dead. Gideon’s wife found a fossil tooth in road material while she was waiting for her husband to visit a patient near Cookeville south of London in 1822. When Gideon was shown this, he was hooked. He sent the tooth to famed bone expert Cuvier in Paris France, who strangely must have been having a bad day, as he curtly dismissed the find as from a rhinoceros. Shortly after this Mantell found huge three-toed fossil footprints and more bones which Cuvier also dismissed as hippopotamus bones. Eventually Mantel’s medical experience came to the fore, and after comparing the teeth to modern Iguana teeth, he basically concluded his fossil was the tooth of a lizard, but a bigger lizard than had ever been seen which he labelled Iguanodon. This became the star of Mantell’s book “The Wonders of Geology” which was illustrated by Artist John Martin using a short legged Dragon possessing a massive tail to represent Iguanodon.
From thence forth Gideon Mantel became obsessed with his theory that there used to be monsters, to the point where he would far rather be out digging up dead bones than fixing living ones. As a result, he not only lost his medical practice, he went bankrupt and lost his wife as well. Thus, Richard Owen obtained Mantel’s fossil collection, and so along with several other giant reptilian looking creatures the scene was set for Richard Owen to come up with a name for these creatures. No he didn’t agree with Mantel, that this was some sort of giant lizard. His analysis of the bones indicated they were a reptile group, but separate from the then known lizards. More crocodile-like.
In 1839 Owen invented the word Dinosaur and first used it publically on August 2, 1841 in a speech in Plymouth, England, using the Greek word deinos meaning fearfully great, and saurosfor creepy crawly lizards, to weld the combination “dino-saur” for the fossilized reptiles. Today they are commonly called “terrible lizards”, though most were harmless plant eaters, and none were actually lizards. When you peruse the still standing re-constructions Owen had built for the opening of the Crystal Palace south of London, you can see he viewed them as some kind of giant dragon-like or crocodile-like creatures that moved with sinuous reptilian movement. And all this many centuries after the Bible was first translated into old English that only had words for dragon and monster and leviathan.
So now you know why you don’t read the word dinosaur in the Bible. But do we find any big and fearful creeping reptile like creatures listed in the pages of the Bible, perhaps under different names? Here’s a clue: Before and after the official word dinosaur was invented, Owen and most others referred to these creatures as dragons . This author deliberately went to the Isle of Wright to see where the British man who had more dinosaurs named after him than any other Englishman – the Rev. William Fox, lived and collected his dinosaur bones. From the diary of one meeting on the Isle of Wight between Fox, Richard Owen and Alfred Lord Tennyson we read “They spread out their luncheon on Mr Fox’s lawn; they looked at the great dragon which is quite new to the world and quite answers expectations. He never saw one so sheathed in armour and thought of calling it Euacanthus Vectianus ”.(1) Later we find Fox stating himself that “I cannot leave this place while I have any money left to live on, I take such deep joy in hunting for old dragons.”
So some 24 years after inventing the word dinosaur as the scientific name for the fossil creatures, Owen and his friends still called them dragons. Nearly 60 years later, the first popular account of pterosaurs written in 1901 by Harry Govier Seeley was called “Dragons Of The Air”, which means there is a real basis for reaching the conclusion that DINOSAUR is provably the new word for the old word DRAGON. It also means the only reason people want to dismiss dragons as myths, and make dinosaurs science, is to remove consideration of all the evidence that dinosaur like creatures lived alongside man and definitely held the name dragon.
Biblical Dinosaur?
There definitely is one creature in the Bible that fits the description of a dinosaur, aka dragon. In the book of Job, who lived after the tower of Babel event but before Abraham, we read in chapter 41 that God asks Job can he catch tame or kill a very large creature. God describes this ‘leviathan’ with phrases such as: I will not conceal his limbs, His mighty power, or his graceful proportions. Who can remove his outer coat? Who can approach him with a double bridle? Who can open the doors of his face, With his terrible teeth all around? His rows of scales are his pride, Shut up tightly as with a seal; One is so near another That no air can come between them; They are joined one to another, They stick together and cannot be parted. Job 41:12-17
Did you notice the mention of fierce teeth, huge mouth, armour plated scales that don’t let air in (or spears) plus this monster’s immense size and strength? These are not religious terms. They are the type of descriptive terms a biologist uses to describe a reptilian monster. Added to this you also need to remember that since “creeping creatures” are mentioned twice in the first chapter of Genesis and creeping creatures is a term which includes all lizard or reptilian creatures who moved with a reptilian sinuous mode of walking, dinosaurs, aka dragon, definitely are in the list of creatures created by God.
What’s really interesting about the dragon described in Job 41 is that it is described as breathing fire. From verse 18 onwards God states: His sneezings flash forth light, And his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. Out of his mouth go burning lights; Sparks of fire shoot out. Smoke goes out of his nostrils, As from a boiling pot and burning rushes. His breath kindles coals, And a flame goes out of his mouth. Job 41:18-21 Talk about bad breath! This also means that St George is not the first story about fire breathing dragons at all.
Our prediction : sooner or later a Dinosaur will be found with remnants of a mechanism that would make this fire breathing possible!
Why would God make such creatures?
As the final words from God to Job indicate: On earth there is nothing like him, Which is made without fear. He beholds every high thing; He is king over all the children of pride. Job 41:33-34 It is to give man awesome respect for God’s power and to humble even the greatest of prideful sinners.
Reference (1) from Lady Tennyson’s Journal 23 July 1865 Excerpt from: Alfred and Emily Tennyson: A Marriage of True Minds. A Centenary Celebration (Page 38) Author: Richard J. Hutchings, Published by: Isle of Wight County Press, 1991 – Newport, Isle of Wight, England.
See the evidence of behind many dragon legends. Vance Nelson has thoroughly researched the evidence and written it up in a magnificently illustrated book: Untold secrets of Planet Earth: Dire Dragons Available from Creation Research Also read the Article that answers the dinosaur sceptics: Kachina Bridge Dinosaur Refuted? Available as a PDF here.
Learn more about dinosaurs with the Creation Research DVDs Jehovah’s Park: The Monsters God Made, (suitable for High School and Adults) and Dinosaurs: The Rest of the Tail (Suitable for ages 7 up) These are available from the Creation Research webshop
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