This evil should no longer exist!
Only 35 days after it was dedicated, the third version of a sign commemorating the murder of black teen Emmett Till was defaced by gunfire. Vandals marred the previous sign, after the original sign was stolen.
While visiting Mississippi in 1955, Emmett Till allegedly whistled at a white woman. Two white men beat, shot, and lynched him, only to be found innocent of murder by an all-white jury. The woman later revealed that Till made no sexual advances toward her.
What happened to Emmett Till in 1955 is monstrous. That people are desecrating his memory in 2018 is appalling.
My wife’s grandfather was a prosecuting attorney in that trial of Till’s murderers. We might never have the opportunity to combat racism that directly, but we should loudly proclaim the truth that no one created in the image and likeness of God should be mistreated because of the color of their skin.
For more on faith and culture, come to BreakPoint.org. John Stonestreet.