Saturday, March 30, 2019

Arch-Remainer Faces Deselection.

The prominent pro-Remain Tory MP Dominic Grieve has suffered a vote of no confidence by his local Conservative Party who are attempting to deselect him from parliament. 
The chairman of the Beaconsfield Constituency Conservative Association Jackson Ng said the no confidence motion was passed at the association's annual general meeting in Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire. 
"Our members had a robust discussion with our MP, Dominic Grieve QC on Brexit before voting on a motion of confidence in him as our MP, which, I can confirm with a heavy heart that he failed to retain," he said in a statement posted on Twitter.
"He remains our Conservative MP but I will be speaking as soon as possible to my fellow... Telegraph.


Nigel Farage spoke after yesterday's Brexit march in an attempt to inspire Leave supporters despite Brexit not taking place on March 29. Mr Farage insisted he was more determined to “fight back against this political class” after what he described as a Brexit “betrayal.” The LBC host began by saying: “I believe that what has happened over there has not just turned this day, that should have been one of great celebration, into a day that history will mark as a day of betrayal. Express.

Please Help Release To Support The Persecuted Church.

Release International
PO Box 54
Telephone: 01689 823491

Smollet Case Explained.

Jews Putting Themselves On The Wrong Side of The Culture Wars.


Spread The Word - Go Tell It On The Mountain - and Beyond!

Our Politicians Like To Laugh At The Electorate. (Here is one now.)

Eric, Ernie & Magnus (?)

A wonderful blast from the past!

Friday, March 29, 2019

'Fraid So.

Save Brexit - Don't Let The Anti-Democracy People Win!

Why No Condemnation of Brutish Side of Islam?

It's an outrage that in the 21st century, we're seeing the rise of extremist interpretations of Islam which stone people to death. Yet I see politicians scared to condemn such evil. Why? They now (perhaps understandably) fear such comments will be hijacked to attack ALL Muslims. Truly sad

Liberal Christianity - Reloaded.

Leftwing 'Christians' Are Usually 'Liberal Christians.'

Can you be Christian and leftwing? (At one time perhaps possible, but now, hardly. It Is A War.)
I suppose that if you are repentant and try to honour God and His Word - 'all things are possible'.
BUT there's the rub. Leftwing equates to 'liberal'. Liberal Christianity, by and large, rejects portions of The Word Of God - even in The New Testament.
Man's views are infinitely more important than God's views and the Holy Scriptures are too old to be trusted.
(Traditional Christianity is all so old fashioned, innit? - But fortunately, 'We are so ultra modern that God must surely approve!)
'Anyway, it doesn't really matter what you believe, does it?'
'Anyway, all roads lead to Rome - don't they?'
'Anyway, multifaith and praying with the lost to any deity of choice will really please God, won't it?'
'Anyway, science and stuff - isn't that right? I mean, innit?'
If you are 'liberal' then the chances are that you will be highly selective in your use of The Scriptures. The bits you do not like will quickly be edited out or clarity of meaning will be made subject to attempts to obscure that meaning.
It is more than likely you will 'abolish hell' or claim that 'as Jesus died to save all of Mankind - we shall all avoid hell, irrespective of repentance.'
As a liberal, you will 'water down' and try to prove that Jesus was 'a true socialist' which is about as useful as me using parables et al 'to prove His capitalist roots'.
You will preach - if preach you ever do - a social gospel.
You will of course, claim that 'compassion is the dominion of the left'. (Interesting, a year or two ago, when a published survey clearly showed that the centre right are significantly more charitable than their leftwing counterparts.)
You will inevitably misinterpret the story of The Woman Taken In Adultery and avoid the true nature of the trap Jesus encountered - which was most emphatically NOT testing his levels of compassion!
You will happily accept any proffered Bultmanism as grist to your faithless mill.
You will attempt to take 'turning the other cheek' and will try to apply it to society as a whole when it was intended for every individual believer.
You will accept any sin and claim that 'God is forgiving' and will turn him into the 'indulgent parent of spoiled brats'. (Er. That's us, BTW.)
You will claim that 'A God of Love would not condemn people to hell' and would blithely ignore the fact that they condemn themselves in rejecting His 'free gift' of salvation.
If God were going to forgive everybody anyway - what was the point of Calvary, we may well ask?
You will disbelieve and will encourage others to do the same. Your faith will not take any pressure because when an injustice occurs to a believer - you will remain silent and try to justify why Christians shouldn't wear crosses at work; you will agree that Christians should not be allowed to state that any sex outside a marriage between a man and a woman is wrong!
AND HERE is where you will really come unstuck. With your proud good works to the fore, you will expect to enter heaven via your own efforts and not through accepting the 'Grace of God' - whatever you may claim to the contrary.
You will remember the bit about 'Loving neighbours' but will not be even able to grasp 'How to love God above all else.'
You will choose to forget that God is primarily A GOD OF RIGHTEOUSNESS!
Your moral compass however, will be set to how YOU see life. A 'God's eye view' is not part of your thinking.
You however, tend to be: a quisling, a sellout merchant, a fifth columnist - but at least - you are tremendously sweet and nice about it as you do so!
Do pardon me but I must inform you that you are indeed 'a heretic'!
It is not going to be the case that every 'liberal christian' fits every category here - far from it - but what is described above covers the extreme end of this cult of non-belief .
To my Christian friends. Dealing with such as these who wantonly corrupt the Gospel is not easy. We must not hate them. We must - in spite of the massive, appalling and often unwitting damage they have done - LOVE THEM! It is NOT a mean-spirited act to inform them - and indeed warn them - of the Truth and the consequences of corrupting it.

Today Is Supposed To Be Independence Day. Yey!

The only small snag is that our wretched, dishonest, verminous politicians are stealing it from us, bit by bit!
It is now predicted that we may well stay in the thrice cursed Customs Union.
Trade deals across the globe? - Bye Bye! Brexit? - Adieu!

All That Is Wrong With Today's 'Liberalism'.

Current Affairs editor Nathan J. Robinson wrote an opinion piece published Tuesday titled “The Southern Poverty Law Center is Everything That’s Wrong with Liberalism.


After seeing these guys only rarely in Sheffield, it is fascinating, that in recent years, they are moving towards the upper reaches of the top six birds in our locality.
What do they have which keeps them relatively free from the ravages of: cats, grey squirrels, corvidae and the over-protected predators such as sparrow-hawks and buzzards which have become such frequent visitors to the city?

Ours Is A Forgiving God.

Politicos Have NO Right Whatsoever To Thwart Brexit!

Politicians shouldn’t say that they did it their way. No! We should have done it the way that the people elected us to!

28th March 2019/ Jonathan Arnott MEP. Northern Journal.
A real golden oldie popped into my head today: “And now, the end is near; and so I face the final curtain”. Maybe it doesn’t quite show my age, because I remember my grandparents rather than my parents talking about Frank Sinatra. I’m in Strasbourg this week, clearing out my office. It’s a beautiful city, in contrast to the politics which happens there. This should be the last time I’m here, but who knows? By the time you read this, a Minister of the Crown will have laid regulations before Parliament to delay Brexit until April 12th. The British government – whether May is still Prime Minister or not – will doubtless request another extension. May 22nd? June 30th? Even longer?
Meanwhile, the European Parliament continues passing legislation: this week it has sadly approved the Copyright Directive (far worse than ‘banning memes’ as the media suggests, it’ll seriously interfere with the internet), adding a clock change at the Irish border from 2022, and fitting new cars with all kinds of price-increasing modifications – also by 2022. The EU claims to respect the ‘subsidiarity’ principle, which means decisions should be taken closer to the citizen, then ignores it and harmonises anything it can across an entire continent. Having voted 38 times this week on ‘the labelling of tyres with respect to fuel efficiency and other essential parameters’, I’m hardly eager to come back – but if Brexit is delayed, there will doubtless be ‘vital’ legislation on axles next month that won’t oppose itself. Given the current mess in Westminster, we face the ridiculous spectre of European Parliamentary elections three years after the referendum.
I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: if the British people could not – through European elections, a referendum, and two General Elections – achieve Brexit, then millions will lose faith in democracy altogether. I’ve been bombarded by such messages on social media, from people so despairing because they no longer believe that they live in a democracy. If Brexit delayed from March 29th caused that, what will further delay or betrayal cause?
Regrets? I’ve had a few. I’ve had my fill, my share of losing. I can cope with losing. Losing happens sometimes in life. Nothing ever quite prepared me for the pain of winning, then watching a hapless Prime Minister systematically fail to deliver. Millions may never vote ever again, and I’ve seen cynical left-wingers online praise that very fact. They actively want huge numbers of people to feel so disenfranchised that they’ll never vote again. That way, they hope, they might then deliver a majority for their own plans.
The words I see from the general public are far stronger than mine: “this week we officially became a banana republic”, “I have cast my last vote”, “I’m done with this sham system”, “utter contempt from the British people”, and so on – they’re the tame remarks. Most are simply unprintable. The levels of anger within working-class communities are stronger than anything I’ve ever known. Not directed at Labour, or Conservatives, or Liberal Democrats individually – but aimed at the whole lot, the whole system. If your preferred measure of outrage is statistics, it’s worth noting that Theresa May’s approval rating is -39% and Corbyn’s is -53%. There’s something fundamentally broken when those numbers are comparable to Putin’s.
We’ve got a feedback loop of anger: the more that those people are insulted, the angrier they become. Those who first ignore and then insult, berate, and name-call the electorate repeatedly over years should not be surprised when they push people into the arms of extremists.
The sad fact is that only Westminster can make the difference we need. Being stuck in the European Parliament voting on tyres won’t deliver Brexit. Yet our Westminster politicians have punctured the tyres; they’re the ones who need changing most desperately of all. If we end up forced into more European elections, I won’t be standing again. I suspect the single-issue Brexit Party would do incredibly well.
At the end of it all, I shouldn’t be able to say, Sinatra-like, that I did it my way. Politicians shouldn’t say that they did it their way. No! We should have done it the way that the people elected us to. We should say that we did what we had to do, that we saw it through without exemption. That’s all we can do.

NHS Won't Pay - And Rightly So.

NHS prescription changes
NHS prescription changes: The NHS issued list (Image: NHS)

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Jonathan Arnott MEP NOT Unemployed Tomorrow.

I should be unemployed at 11pm tomorrow. I won't be. I should be at home sorting out my future. I won't be. I'll be in Parliament Square begging our MPs to get on with the job.

Theresa - GO!

Please can we put an end to the relentless crisis and misery

All political careers end in failure, Enoch Powell famously said. But few have done so in more spectacular, dismal fashion than Theresa May’s. It is a measure of her ineptitude that even the announcement of her departure, which was meant to bring a resolution to the Brexit process, has achieved only great turmoil and uncertainty.
That is the story of her disastrous premiership, which has been a catalogue of relentless crisis and misery without any redeeming features. Mrs May will go down in history as one of the worst Prime Ministers of all time, devoid of any leadership qualities.
When she first entered Downing Street, she immediately... Leo McKinstry.

China Bans Huge Beijing Church.


'Unplanned' was birthed by faithful prayer, says 40 Days for Life founder.

The story of Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood clinic director turned pro-life advocate, is powerfully portrayed in the upcoming film "Unplanned," a story birthed by thousands of hours of fervent prayer. Christian Post.

No Monies To Fund Hatred.

 Important breakthrough! Last month representatives from the Department for International Development (DfID) agreed to re-examine their position in light of the evidence brought to them by the Faith and a Future campaign, to ensure that no taxpayer money goes on funding discrimination or religious hatred. 
It's an encouraging reminder that, with perseverance, change does happen. When we effect policy change, we can potentially change the lives of millions. CSW.


Joy To Prevail.

EU: Good News/Bad News.

Fantastic news! The European Parliament just voted by 497 votes to 111 to end the 'travelling circus' between Brussels and Strasbourg. Bad news! The European Parliament doesn't have the power to decide where it sits, so the travelling circus will continue regardless.

How Insane Must An MP Be To Vote For This Option?

Customs union
Labour's Gareth Snell
Demands that ministers negotiate a new customs union with Brussels, which would prevent the country being able to strike its own trade deals.
Blogger: Brilliant. Let us choose penury ahead of prosperity!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Church Becomes FORMER Church.

Letter Five To Melanie.

It appears that the Brexit issue has all come down to one parliamentary vote as to whether the UK can leave the EU with ‘no deal’. It appears that everything that has happened between the referendum nearly three years ago and yesterday has been pure obfuscation.
This is a very sad time for the UK and for its parliament (which has effectively voted to neuter itself as most power now resides in Europe). As Sir Mervyn King pointed out (4 December 2018): ‘There have been three episodes in modern history when the British political class let down the rest of the country …in all three cases, the conventional wisdom of the day was wrong’.
So parliament has made a terrible mistake.  As you have pointed out, parliament is negating the wishes of the people with who knows what eventual consequences.



Brexit SHOCK: Kate Hoey forces Bercow to admit EU law still OVERRULES British Parliament.

My God Is ALWAYS With Me.

Sooner WE Keep British Summertime All Year Round - The Better!

The European Parliament in Strasbourg voted 410 to 192 in favour of the move which would allow individual countries to decide whether or not to observe daylight saving time. Mail.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Christian Genocide In Nigeria.


Christians In Pakistan.

Christians in Pakistan are hurting.

Will you help them today?

My name is Noreen and I am a Release volunteer. I have served as a volunteer for three years and I am passionate about helping persecuted Christians.
I recently visited Pakistan, and want to tell you about Irfan, who was cast out from his home and his village, but refused to deny his faith in Christ.
Irfan told us how in 2004 he decided to take a Bible course, which was a dangerous thing to do, since his uncle was a Muslim Imam.
Until he came to Christ, ‘God was a God of the law and not of love’ for Irfan. The defining moment for his journey in faith was reading “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” in Romans 8:v1.
In January 2005 Irfan decided to follow Jesus. When his uncle heard about this he asked Irfan’s father to fetch a gun and kill his son.
God protected Irfan and his life was spared; but a mob from the village beat him badly and told him to turn his back on Jesus. He was only 17 years old.
Featured Image
Irfan was forced to leave home with no food, no clothes and no money.
He spent several months living in the fields. He begged for food or relied on the generosity of friends. During this time Irfan began to tell people he met about Jesus. And, he began to see God at work in their lives.
In the first year of his ministry six of his friends became Christians. Now, supported by Release, Irfan leads a growing church. He has 11 believers living with him in a small house. Release Int.

Dealing With Grace.

  1. Immerse yourself in the curriculum of grace.
Max Lucado

Accept The Lord's Protection.

To Melanie - Letter Four.

Accepted by almost everyone – Mrs May’s Deal is BRINO [Brexit In Name Only] and puts us in a worse position than staying in.
MPs are arrogant. They take it as accepted that we the electorate did not know what we voted for. This is absolutely untrue. I would throw that argument back to those extremist Remainers. We voted for taking back control of our borders, our law making and our finances. No claims given on either side swayed us. What swayed us was what we saw in the decades in the run up to the referendum.
I would also point to the Scotland referendum. The silent majority didn’t come out with their aggressive campaigning, they just quietly went and voted and that vote was accepted.
Shame on Teresa May for trying to remain by producing such a poor deal that she has brought us to such division. Shame on MPs for standing on a mandate to be elected that promised to take us out of the EU. Shame on the EU for its intransigence, inequality, secretiveness and costly self-promotion.
No-deal is now all we can do to circumvent those deceitful institutions.

How To Fold A Flag Correctly.

Deeper Into The Mire - Brexit Under Genuine Threat.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Sturgeon Not AS Bright AS Marr?


Supporting Indian Pastors With Bibles.

In India, Hindu nationalists have been open and violent in opposing the church. Several pastors have been murdered, others beaten. Churches and their congregations have been attacked or threatened.
More recently, persecution of Christians has been particularly intense in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka states in the south. Pastors of independent churches in rural places – a significant area for church growth – have been a particular target.
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Groups such as the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have also used political means to try to stem the spread of religions such as Christianity. The BJP’s landslide win in the May 2014 general elections raised concerns among Christians and other minority groups that religious persecution might increase.
Seven Indian states have now passed anti-conversion laws – though in two of these they are yet to be implemented. This legislation imposes fines or imprisonment on anyone using force, inducement or ‘any fraudulent means’ to convert another – loosely defined terms wide open to abuse.
Christians say that such laws are being used to curtail church activities, including social programmes. Church leaders are regularly attacked by Hindu extremists and then accused of ‘forcible conversion’ – even in states where such laws are not in place.
In this context Release partners in India seek to serve and support persecuted Christians and to actively spread God's message of love in the most sensitive and highly persecuted areas of the country. One of the ways our partners do this is by providing bibles to pastors working in these threatened states. Release Int.

Praise Him Through Song.

Our Love of God.

  1. Our love to God is measured by our everyday fellowship with others and the love it displays.
Andrew Murray


Third Person With Letter To Melanie.

I am as steadfast in this mess as I was when I voted out two years ago .
If the government betrays the voters in this regard, it will finish the notion of democracy in the UK as a whole . For the first time in my life I may consider a train to London, to march ( hopefully) with thousands of like minded patriots who have been stabbed in the back by this, the ultimate betrayal of the UK . I cringe when I think of what this country endured during WW2 and of what these modern elitists and the deranged leftists have done. I feel like Czechoslovakia in 1939 , sold off to appease Hitler. It seems history has taught us nothing . I am rather old these days Melanie , it is not me I worry for, but my nieces and nephews who will grow up without the remotest perception of their own place and identity in the world.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Letter Two To Melanie Phillips.

None of us who voted to come out of the EU voted for a deal. We simply voted OUT! with no strings attached. Now we are being sold down the river by Theresa May and her misguided “sheep,” to say nothing of John Bercow and Corbyn’s mob.
If we end up being bullied by Europe to stay half in, half out, due to incompetent, bungling politicians, the next time I visit a ballot box it will be to write a rude expletive across my ballot paper. I will have no confidence in any politicians. (I barely have any now.)


Praise The Lord & Give Him Thanks.

Elections In The Netherlands.

In elections for the Upper House in Holland, populist Brexiteers have won a shock majority.

A Lutheran Church Turns Heretical?

SPEYER, Germany -- Islam continues to grow in power and influence across Europe. But at a recent concert in Germany, one Christian woman decided to stand up to it.
"The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace" by Welsh composer Karl Jenkins was supposed to be an interfaith event to bring Christianity and Islam together.
But when the Muslim imam began his call to prayer during the concert, he was interrupted by a small woman in the balcony proclaiming that "Jesus Christ alone is Lord of Germany," and shouting, "I break this curse."
She also invoked the name of Martin Luther and warned the audience that what was happening was "a lie." 
The video went viral.
'Brave German Woman'
The mysterious Christian lady became known on the Internet simply as the "brave German woman."
It happened on Nov. 10, 2013 at the Memorial Church of the Reformation in the Rhineland city of Speyer, built to honor Martin Luther.
It isn't just any church. It's a monument to the Protestant Reformation and a memorial to the spiritual transformation of Germany.
It was at this spiritual landmark that a Muslim imam was invited to give the call to prayer. When the brave German woman, whose real name is Heidi Mund, heard about the event, she prayed.
"I was asking Jesus, 'Lord, shall I go there?' So, when I have to drive one and half hours, you know, I think, 'Is it worth it to go or can others go?' So, this is human laziness, yeah?" Mund recalled.
She grabbed her German flag emblazoned with the words "Jesus Christ is Lord" and headed for the concert, still not sure what she would do when she got there.
"Until the imam started with his shouting, I did not really know what to do. I was just prepared for what God wants me to do," she told CBN News.
Then the Muslim call to prayer began, and Heidi said she felt something rising up inside her.
A Holy Anger
"I would call it a holy anger," she recounted. "And then I rose with my flag and I was calling and proclaiming that Jesus Christ is Lord over Germany."
"My purpose was, I broke this curse because [Muslims] say, 'Only Allah is the Lord. He is God, the only God.' And I broke this curse in this church and I broke it over my country," she continued.
And she repeated the words of Martin Luther in 1521 after he refused to recant his faith in scripture alone: "Here I stand. I can do no other" and "Save the church of Martin Luther!"
Video shows another concert-goer trying to calm her by saying, "This is a concert for peace."
Mund can be heard responding in German, "No it's not! Allahu Akbar is what Muslims scream while murdering people! Don't be fooled! Don't be fooled! This is a lie!"
She was thrown out of the church.
"They should have thrown the imam out and not me because I am a believer in Jesus Christ, but he serves another god. This Allah is not the same god. And this is not the truth."
"This 'allahu akbar,' they use it when they kill people," she argued. "This is, for me, worship to an idol, to their god. And when a Muslim calls 'allahu akbar' in a church, that means this church is not a church anymore, it's a mosque."
Church No Place for Imams?
With Mund at the concert was Kamel, who did not give his full name for safety reasons. Before coming to Germany he lived in the Muslim world.
Kamel told CBN News that an imam has no place in a church.
"Islam is one of the reasons for persecution, Muslims have persecuted me. They don´t want me to tell others that Jesus Christ is my Savior."
Also with Mund was Marion, who has also asked that her last name not be included. She belongs to a group calling itself the White Rose, which took the same name as the World War II anti-Nazi resistance group shown in the film "Sophie Scholl: the Final Days."
"Islam is inhuman, the same as in the Nazi time. For me, personally, there is no difference. We want to show Germany and the world that we will not bow down to the slow Islamization of our country," Marion said.
Afraid of Muslims?
Mund said she knows that her first television interview could place her in danger.
"Many people ask me, 'Are you afraid of the Muslims?' And I can only say, 'No, I'm not afraid of them,'" she told CBN News. "I know my God, the living God of the Bible can protect for me for as long as he wants. When my time is over I will go to him."
An evangelist by gifting, Mund grew up an atheist in communist East Germany. But now, as a believer, her burden and her ministry is for the spiritual rebirth of Germany.
"I feel I have to protect my country and my people. I am only a little woman but I feel I have to protect them," she said.
Reviving a Dead Nation?
Some might associate Germany with the Nazis, but Germany was once a base for world missions, sending missionaries to Africa and Korea and to America.
Mund is trusting God for a miracle in what is a very wealthy and, some would say, spiritually dead nation.
"I know nothing is impossible for my God. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing," she said.
"From a human point of view I feel our country is lost. It's already lost. It's done. Because I see so many changes in the country, in every area," she continued. "But I trust God that he has a 'Plan A' and that my country is not lost and that He will reach us and He will come and change the whole situation." CBN News.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...