Saturday, July 20, 2019

Great Advice.

We are living in 'the end times' - indeed, we are living at the very end of those end times.
If the Lord were to come today for His chosen people - what percentage would disappear from the world?
That was a topic of debate at our customary Friday night soirée, last evening.
I reckoned the figure to be around 2% - others fewer.
It is improbable that it can be much more, especially when so many purporting to be Christians have decided to 'miss bits out' and to follow the way of the world rather than the narrow path Jesus referred to.
Add to these: other religions, agnostics, New Age, cults, spiritists, multi-faith, atheists etc and you start to get the picture.
It terrifies me.

I became a Christian not wanting to become one BUT I was determined to seek out Truth as my goal and God made Himself incredibly real to me.

This piece is not my condemnation of non-Christians but my profound concern that those mentioned above are all going to lose out on the salvation Jesus paid so much for, in order that they could avoid damnation.

The Telegraph Is Supporting Persecuted Christians.

Benny Morris The West has blinded itself  to the suffering of Middle Eastern  Christians. There is no shortage of protest for Palestinians, ...