Sunday, January 31, 2021

Total Ban On Pavement Parking Is Insane!

PAVEMENT parking could become illegal by the end of the year under new plans currently being considered by the Government.

Above is a photo I took yesterday of a small, narrow Sheffield  street. 

You will note that pavements are disproportionately wide in relation to the narrowness of the road itself. Were the paths a little narrower, pedestrians would still be able to easily pass a pushchair moving in the opposite direction.

Note too how now, drivers on both sides feel the need to park partly on the paths. You would think that this might cause problems for people on foot - but generally does not.

Two vehicles travelling in opposite directions cannot pass each other in any circumstances if there is only 'legal' parking down both sides of the road.

If drivers do not park as shown above but do park 'legally' - it becomes almost impossible for any large single vehicle to move down this street. This includes, pickup vehicles for the disabled, fire engines, ambulances, delivery vehicles, gritters, working trucks on utilities and many more besides.

Tragically, to make this poor new 'plan' work, it would be necessary to paint yellow lines all the way down one side of the road.

Where would these vehicles then go?

If a house has the need for a second vehicle - as many do in order to get people to work - almost all private drives will only take a single vehicle.

As you will note, most houses have gardens at the front - although, sadly, a few have paved the whole frontage.

The latter results in loss of colour, loss of environments for birds and insects and ever more glorious concrete! Under this proposed law, the concrete will have to take over at almost every house. Adieu lawns, trees, hedges and small gardens. Where are the Mickey Mouse environmentalists when it matters?

This street is annoyingly narrow but locals have made it work and now the government wishes to foul that all up. 

Let us not pretend that traffic wardens will only be dispatched to those places where pavement parking is wholly undesirable because, as we all know, common sense will simply not be applied. The Law is The Law, after all.


WHY The Cut In Jail Term? - This Man Will Undoubtedly Also Have A Sentence Reduction For 'Good Behaviour.'

'Depraved' Rehan Baig, 37, who had sex with his pet chickens as wife Haleema Baig, 38, filmed him, has had his three year prison term reduced at the Court of Appeal in London. Mail.

God IS To Be Adored But Also Feared!

Boris The Brilliant?


Janet Street-Porter: Boris Johnson's vaccine strategy has enraged EU
Boris has blundered his way through this crisis - but his decision to invest in four different vaccines, ordering over 200 million doses to protect Brits against Covid-19 was a masterstroke, writes JANET STREET-PORTER. That inspired strategy won't cancel out the depressing fact that the UK will probably see up to 150,000 people (we've already achieved the highest number in Europe) lose their lives from Covid. And many will have been a direct result of governmental indecision. Boris was late on lockdowns, faffed around over tiers and continued to issue contradictory and confusing advice for months on end. Education - in the hands of incompetent Gavin Williamson - has been put on the back burner and care homes are still seeing residents die alone, deprived of human contact and family visits. But we can't ignore the fact that the roll out of our vaccination programme is finally protecting the people who need it most. Pictured: Prime Minister Boris Johnson has his temperature taken in North London earlier this month (left) and European Commission president Ursula Von Der Leyen in Brussels last June (right). Mail.

For Once, Archbishop Is On The Side of The Angels.

The Archbishop of Canterbury has added his voice to criticism of the EU after it tried to override part of the Brexit deal to halt Covid-19 vaccines entering Northern Ireland. 

The EU was forced into an embarrassing U-turn on Saturday after its decision to trigger Article 16 of the Northern Ireland Protocol sparked outrage in London, Dublin and Belfast.
Article 16 of the Protocol allows parts of the Brexit deal to be unilaterally overridden. The move would have led to checks at the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland on shipments entering the UK.
The UK and EU are locked in a row over vaccine supplies after a shortfall in the bloc caused by production delays at AstraZeneca.
Supply to the UK has not been affected, giving rise to accusations from the EU that it is receiving preferential treatment from the pharmaceutical company.

Archbishop Justin Welby urged the EU to work with others on resolving its supply issues. CT.

In The Immortal Words of Fleetwood Mac - OH WELL!

Von der Leyen asked to resign after 'grievous error' by European Commission.

URSULA VON DER LEYEN has been asked to resign after the European Commission made a "grievous error" over its threat to impose export controls to grab the UK's vaccine.


Blogger: for those readers who have never experienced at first hand the petty-minded, narrow, rule-bound abomination which calls itself the EU - might I suggest that you look at this horror with care? 
Perhaps those who have not investigated this as an official EU researcher such as myself should care to examine all of the reasons why we had to quit.
Dear Ursula is just the tip of a mighty iceberg of atrocities ranging from: insane bureaucracy, to mega inefficiency, squandered funds to malice, incompetence to imperialistic designs.

Galloway - For A Mega Leftie He Talks Sense Far More Than Most.

George Galloway warns EU is a Franco-German ramp which cares nothing for anyone else

GEORGE GALLOWAY has launched a blistering on the European Union in the wake of the Covid-19 vaccine fiasco. The former MP branded the bloc a "Franco-German ramp" which revealed its true colours last night when it tried to stop vaccines being exported to the UK by triggering Article 16 of the Northern Ireland Protocol enshrined in the Brexit deal. Brussels was forced to back down almost immediately in the face of a furious backlash from London, Dublin and Belfast but the the move had already sparked outrage in Britain and beyond. Express.

Saturday, January 30, 2021



I'm A Teapot.

Twitter suspends Christian magazine for saying Biden’s trans nominee is a man, not a woman

Twitter suspends Christian magazine for saying Biden’s trans nominee is a man, not a woman


CRACKED COSMOLOGY SAYS WE SHOULDN’T EXIST, according to an article in BBC Science Focus 16 January 2021, entitled “The cracks in cosmology: Why our Universe doesn’t add up”. Science writer and former radio astronomer, Marcus Chown reports there are serious problems with the Big Bang theory. Chown writes “the basic Big Bang picture requires a few extra ingredients, because it conflicts with observations. First, and most seriously, it predicts that we should not exist”. The extra ingredients that cosmologist have tried to add are dark matter, dark energy and inflation, none of which have been found. The article is summarised as: “In terms of our understanding of the Universe, some things just don’t add up. Which means either our measurements are wrong, or our theories are”.

Link: Science Focus.
Creation Research.

Abolishing Capitalism Leads To Poverty.

If modern capitalism is flawed, recycling failed old policy won't work.

Jonathan Arnott
Editor's note: Jonathan Arnott is a former member of the European 
Parliament. The article reflects the author's opinions, and not necessarily 
the views of CGTN.
We're living in a century of unprecedented technological development.
 Devices which would have been within the realms of science fiction just
 a few decades ago have become part and parcel of everyday life.
I'm sitting and writing this article on my mobile phone, before it's 
sent across the world in a blink of an eye. Even that concept, growing
 up in the 1980s, would have seemed alien to me. With new technology 
comes new challenges.
That's why I'm skeptical about recent suggestions by French President 
Emmanuel Macron that "modern capitalism can no longer work", and 
that more state intervention will prove necessary. Such government 
intervention is rapidly becoming more difficult to achieve in practice. 
The growth of cryptocurrencies, for example, defies Western governments' 
attempts to legislate.
Legislation cannot keep pace with the speed of change in society. On climate 
change, Macron proposes merely more of the same target-driven approach 
which is already proving problematic: legislating for targets leads to the
 targets being met, rather than the ideas behind them.
Companies may comply with the laws by outsourcing pollution, importing
 less carbon-efficient products rather than making them. The target may
 be met, but it's questionable to what extent global emissions will be cut.
Macron may be correct to say that profits are not always linked to innovation
 or work. They are, however, often inextricably linked to risk. Those who
 risk capital on a new venture are the ones who gain most when it succeeds. 
Remove that incentive, and innovation itself will be slowed, reducing 
competitiveness in an interconnected global economy.
Reducing the gap between rich and poor sounds very much like a noble
 goal, but in my opinion there are better metrics. It is far more important
 to ensure an improvement in the standard of living of those who are poor.
At first sight, the two might seem like they're the same thing, but they are
 very much different. Suppose that a policy were to reduce the standard
 of living of the rich, whilst having zero impact on anyone else in society. 
Inequality would have been reduced, but it would be of no comfort to the poor.

On the other hand, a rich person undertaking a new business venture might
 well increase their own wealth significantly whilst creating employment
 and consequently reducing poverty. The person who does so needs to pay
 their fair share of tax, further helping to reduce poverty, but not so much
 tax as to discourage them from taking the risk in the first place.
In that sense, I am indifferent to the financial situation of those who are rich. 
I do not particularly care whether the overall income of the rich increases or 
decreases, provided that the median standard of living improves and that
 poverty reduces in absolute terms.
If there is a pressing need for a target-driven approach, then it is essential to
 have the right target. There are relatively few people in society who are very 
rich: that wealth would not go very far towards helping the millions living in
 poverty. A focus on the rich-poor gap is also likely to leave the average person
 being somewhat forgotten. In recent years, we've seen a significant squeeze on
 middle-income families. 
Workers' rights are also important. Yet, with increasing automation of tasks
 previously done by humans, there is a bigger issue coming down the tracks:
 the need to ensure sufficient employment opportunities in the first place.
We should therefore be wary about any fundamental shift in the nature of
 business if there is any potential for significant job losses as a result. 
Long-term policy will likely need to focus on job protection, and twenty or
 thirty years from now I suspect a shorter working week, with greater 
work-life balance becoming the norm.
Economies respond to incentives and disincentives. If we disincentivise
 innovation, by stifling and over-regulating business, we will inevitably
 hamper growth. The solution probably lies with providing positive
 incentives towards behaviors we wish to encourage from business, 
reducing the regulatory burden or taxation in those cases.
Otherwise, we run the risk of legislation in a time of massive technological
 growth becoming obsolete almost as soon as it is on the statute books.
 Government would forever be chasing its tail, constantly trying and
 failing to keep pace.
For that reason, if no other, Macron's words illuminate a genuine issue. 
Does the nature of modern capitalism need to change, or do we need 
to question the nature of modern government? Are our institutions really
 fit to respond to modern challenges?
If "modern capitalism" is not the answer, modern state interference in the
 private sector is not the answer either. Capitalism is an imperfect, flawed
 system - but the onus is on those who advocate change to spell out an
 alternative which will not severely stifle growth. It is not enough to oppose
 a system; they need to offer a 21st-century blueprint for something 
workable which could reasonably do better by replacing it.
Macron's speech, which seems to do little more than recycle
 20th-century center-left political thought, offers nothing new or 
noteworthy to that conversation.

I Must Approve.


I Firmly Believe That The Word 'Imminent' Now Applies.

Judging our world's current situation, we are already worse than Sodom and Gomorrah.

Cameron - Fascinating!

David Cameron turned on EU with damning swipe: 'I'm eurosceptic now'

THE EUROPEAN UNION was dealt a brutal blow by former Prime Minister David Cameron, who admitted to becoming eurosceptic years before the UK voted to leave the bloc. Mr s premiership in Number 10 was brought to an abrupt end by the EU referendum, which he called in 2016. The decision was always known to be a gamble for Mr Cameron, who hoped the UK would vote Remain and silence the eurosceptics in the Conservative Party. He threw his weight behind the Remain campaign, warning the UK and its voters that  would cost jobs for the British economy. Just days before the vote, he said: "I believe, very deeply, from my years of experience, that we’ll be stronger, we’ll be safer, we’ll be better off inside Europe.


Friday, January 29, 2021

Fat Chance!: The PC Brigade Always Dominates!

Church of England begins review of marriage, sexuality; calls for honest discussion.

What Christmas Was All About - Remember Throughout The Whole Year.

Jesus: Mathematically Astonishing.

How It Works.



We No Longer Live In An Undemocratic World But Rather An Anti-Democratic One.

Facebook bans Christian prof. from platform for opposing Biden’s transgender military policy.

Facebook bans Christian prof. from platform for opposing Biden’s transgender military policy

Sickening and Profoundly Immoral.

Top private school accused of 'tarnishing' its own history with move to honour Cambridge Five spy with blue plaque.

An alumnus of Gresham's School in Norfolk is Donald Mclean, a member of the infamous Soviet spy ring during the Cold War.

EU Shambles Over Vaccinations Shows The Bloc At Its Very Worst.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Good Call, John.

Should We Be Calling Down Fire On Our Enemies?

 By Michael Brown, CP Op-Ed Contributor| Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Michael Brown holds a Ph.D. in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures from New York University and has served as a professor at a number of seminaries. He is the author of 25 books and hosts the nationally syndicated, daily talk radio show, the Line of Fire.
As the Church of America becomes increasingly divided along political lines, a dangerous tendency is developing. Our party is the party of God; the other is the party of the devil. Our cause is entirely righteous; theirs is entirely wicked. We can therefore call down curses on our political enemies, since they are doing the devil’s work.
It is no longer the kingdom of God vs. the kingdom of Satan, it is the Republicans vs. the Democrats and Trump vs. Biden. That’s how we divide.
Recently, I was alarmed to see Christians praying with great fervor online, calling down divine judgment on those who allegedly committed voter fraud.
There was no concern shown for the state of their souls. There was no fervent cry that God would save them and grant them repentance. Instead, the prayers were for their destruction. The evildoers must be removed!
This is not the Spirit of God. This is not the heart of our Father. This is not the Jesus way.
Of course we pursue justice. Of course we pray for corruption to be exposed. Of course we take godly action. The last thing I’m advocating is passivity and faithless resignation.
But what has happened to our own souls? We seem to be moved by malice more than by mercy, forgetting how much grace God showed us when we were living in ignorance and rebellion.
There’s a fascinating account preserved in Luke’s Gospel that speaks to our situation today.
Jesus and His disciples were on their way to Jerusalem, shortly before He would be crucified, and they needed to pass through Samaria. But the Samaritans refused entry to Jesus and His group, since the Jews looked down on the Samaritans and considered them half-breeds. Plus, Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem, the sacred city of the Jews but not the Samaritans.
Indignant that their Master should be dishonored, Jacob (James) and John asked Jesus, “Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, just as Elijah did?” (Luke 9:55, New King James Version)
To paraphrase, “They deserve it, don’t they, Lord? And isn’t this what Elijah the prophet did to his enemies in the Old Testament? Shall we zap them with fire, like he did, and kill them all?” (See 2 Kings 1.)
But Jesus turned and rebuked them, saying, “‘You do not know what manner of spirit you are of. For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.’ And they went to another village.” (Luke 9:56-57, New King James Version; other ancient, Greek manuscripts do not have the actual words of Jesus preserved, but they are certainly true to the spirit of His teaching and example elsewhere.)
Jesus was saying to them, “No, we don’t call down fire on those who insult us and mistreat us. That’s not the purpose of My mission. I’ve come to save people, not destroy them.”
It is true that, one day, He will return in blazing fire taking vengeance on His enemies. At that time He will destroy those who have tried to destroy us, His faithful followers. But that time has not yet come.
And even though God does judge wickedness in the here and now, if He judged every wicked person on the planet right now, most of the human race would be gone overnight, including a large percentage of the Church. Be careful what you wish for – and pray for.
In the Old Testament, the Israelites were called to drive out the Canaanites. In the New Testament believers are called to drive out demons. There is quite a difference, in terms of both our attitudes and our actions. The Israelites cursed their enemies. Jesus taught us to bless ours.
To quote the Lord directly: “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” (Matthew 5:43-45).
I for one am glad that people didn’t call down fire on me when I was a rebellious teenager, stealing money from my own father and breaking into homes and a doctor’s office for fun. Had that been the case, I would never have reached my 17th birthday.
I am glad that people didn’t call down fire on my wife Nancy when she was a God-mocking atheist, scorning religious people as stupid and weak, actively trying to pull them away from their faith. Had that been the case, we would have never met at the age of 19.
I am glad that people didn’t call down fire on my dear Indian friend Yesupadam when he was a Marxist (Naxalite) terrorist. Instead, Jesus appeared to him, converting him with His love. Personally, I do not know a single person on the planet who has done more good to help more people than he. The world would be a much worse place without him.
I am glad that people didn’t call down fire on Tass Saada, formerly a Jew-hating assassin for Yasser Arafat but now a devout Christian and great lover of Israel.
And I am glad that people didn’t call down fire on Saul of Tarsus when he was killing fellow Jews who believed in Jesus. Had that been the case, we would never have heard of the apostle Paul, and half of the New Testament would be missing.
Again, when it comes to the elections, by all means, pray that corruption will be exposed. Pray that justice will be done. Pray with fervor and pray with faith.
But pray with God’s heart – a heart of love for your perceived enemies; a heart of compassion; a heart of longsuffering; a heart that longs to see everyone receive salvation and forgiveness through repentance and faith. Isn’t this how God treated you and me when we were lost and in rebellion? Our attitude speaks even louder than our words.
Pray also for a spirit of truth to prevail, since, if massive fraud has not been committed, then massive numbers of Americans, including quite a few Christian leaders, have been duped.
Unfortunately, our “righteous indignation” often stinks of the flesh, being filled with carnal anger, hateful attitudes, and double standards. Be careful before you curse.
In reality, to love your enemies while working against their perceived evil designs is a sign of strength, not of weakness, a sign of courage, not cowardice. This makes us bigger, not smaller. But when we curse and revile them, we become just like them, if not even worse.
I have worked with suffering Christians in other parts of the world, sometimes during seasons of intense persecution.
I have had the privilege of risking my life, along with them, for the gospel.
I can count at least 5 men we sent out to preach who were subsequently martyred.
And on two occasions, I had the extraordinary honor of spending hours together with Richard Wurmbrand and his wife Sabina, two of the saintliest human beings to ever grace our planet, both brutally tortured for their faith.
At no time did I ever hear any of these persecuted believers call down fire on their enemies. Instead, they prayed for their repentance and their salvation.
And during these times of intense testing, these Christians grew in their own faith and became more Christlike in their attitudes. This stands in stark contrast with many of us today. We have become as nasty and meanspirited as the very people we so self-righteously judge.
Surely, during this critical time in American history, it is time for God’s people to rise higher and show the reality of our faith. As Paul wrote to the Philippians, “Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation. Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life” (Philippians 2:14-16).
It’s time for us to shine and bring honour, not a stench, to the name of our Lord.
And if you’re mad at me for writing this article, then take it up with Jesus. After all, I’m simply quoting His words and applying His principles. Your argument is with Him.


And She Is OUR Problem Because ...?

Shamima Begum, 21, ran away with two friends in February 2015 to travel to Syria in order to join ISIS. Her legal team is challenging a decision to strip her of her British citizenship. Mail.

More Persecution of Believers In India.

 India: Radical Hindus demand gov't deny benefits to Christian converts.

Radical Hindu groups are demanding that the government ban those who convert to Christianity from receiving education and employment opportunities.



One More Reason Why We Needed To Leave.


Polish Prime Minister: EU ‘Oligarchy’ Wielding ‘Propaganda Bludgeon’ Like Former Communist Regime.

PolandWOJTEK DRUSZCZ/AFP via Getty Images
Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has accused the European Union of wielding a “propaganda bludgeon” against his country like the communists.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Mozambique: Don't You Get The Feeling That These Deaths Just Don't Really Matter?

Over 50 beheaded by ISIS-aligned extremists in Mozambique raid.

Terrorists herded fleeing victims to soccer fields where many were executed.

Suspected Islamic State-aligned militants beheaded dozens of people and abducted others in weekend raids in the southern African country of Mozambique, according to state media. 

Bernardino Rafael, who commands Mozambique’s police force, told media during a Monday briefing that extremists carried out attacks on several villages in the Miudumbe and Macomia districts of the Cabo Delgado province. With the beheading of over 50 people, Rafael said the terrorists also abducted women and children as well as burned down homes.

“They burned the houses then went after the population who had fled to the woods and started with their macabre actions,” Rafael said, according to Al-Jazeera.

Witnesses of the attack over the weekend told local media that the perpetrators herded residents onto a local soccer field in Mautide, where they were killed. 

According to the BBC, the privately-owned Pinnacle News reported that villages in Mautide who tried to run were taken to the field and chopped to pieces. 

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“Police learned of the massacre committed by the insurgents through reports of people who found corpses in the woods,” an unnamed officer in the neighboring Mueda district was quoted as saying, according to Al-Jazeera. CP.

Over 50 beheaded by ISIS-aligned extremists in Mozambique raid

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...