Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Friday, April 30, 2021
The Prosecution Is Shackled - The Defence Is Not.
The expectations of CPS prosecutors are incredibly high. They are required to seek justice and even the minutest hint of misconduct will result in acquittal - irrespective of the main body of evidence.
This is right as they are officers of the court and must wholly believe in the guilt of the accused - which, in a huge majority of trials - will, in fact, be the case.
The defenders are also supposedly 'officers of the court' who are required to be seeking justice. In the vast majority of their cases, their client/s will actually be guilty- and they know it. They are quick to tell clients not to declare guilt in front of them as 'ethically' they would then not be able to defend them. Yes. Right! Ethically, eh?
So many solicitors and barristers present alternative ways of looking at the particular case in hand and thus, actively encourage untruths on the stand.
The adversarial system, one which I have supported for my entire life, is now rapidly turning into something which is wholly unfit for purpose.
For all the drawbacks of an inquisitorial system - take France for example - justice is more likely to be served when a judge is tasked with getting to the truth of the matter! Lying and misleading by counsel is difficult in France where it is a most dangerous and inadvisable practice.
Prayer Event.
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Hi. I’m inviting you to be part of ‘Heroes of Faith’, a global wave of prayer on 14 May. It’s our biggest ever prayer event, marking the 18th birthday of Leah Sharibu, the Nigerian schoolgirl who refused to renounce her faith in exchange for her freedom. Sign up here We’ll hear from Leah’s family and others who have shown amazing courage in the face of suffering. We’ll also be joined by MPs and church leaders as we stand as one global Church crying out for breakthrough, justice and freedom. Nigerian Gospel singer Panam Percy Paul has written a song especially for Leah and this prayer initiative, ‘Heroes of Faith’ (featuring Sinach, Muyiwa, Lou Fellingham, Noel Robinson, Steph MacLeod and other artists) which will be released at the event. Sign up today for event information and resources As well as joining the online events there are more ways you can get involved. Ask your church or small group to commit to pray for one hour on 14 May. Imagine a prayer baton being passed from person to person, church to church, country to country, as people around the world cry out for breakthrough, justice and freedom. Our aim is for at least 2,400 people to sign up to pray – 100 for every hour. Invite your church to pray as part of your service on Sunday 16 May. Download resources, find out the time of each event, and sign up here CSW Events team FAQs Will there be an online meeting throughout the 24 hours? No. There are five one-hour online events during the 24 hours. We’re asking people around the world to pray with their churches, small groups, or individually for an hour to make sure that all 24 hours are covered. Who is Leah Sharibu? 14 May is the 18th birthday of Leah Sharibu, who was abducted from her school in north east Nigeria in 2018 by an Islamic State affiliate. She refused to renounce her faith in exchange for her freedom, and is still being held by her terrorist captors, who have declared her a “slave for life”. Leah’s faith inspires us to trust in God and persevere as she does. What is the focus for prayer? We’re praying for the release of Leah Sharibu, and for other heroes of faith around the world. For example, the Latin America team will focus on Nigeria and also on issues in the Latin America region. A downloadable prayer resource is provided. |
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Tony Hits Back.
Race review chief slams 'vile misrepresentation' of his comments on slavery and insists his report will be 'looked back positively on'
- The Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities was slammed as 'culturally deaf'
- The authors were accused of putting a 'positive spin' on slavery in the report
- Chairman Tony Sewell hit back at suggestions he had spoken of the 'glorification'
- Yesterday he quoted Bob Marley's & the Wailers' Redemption Song to make point
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Only Remainers Will Be Surprised By These Facts.
Brexit vindicated! Damning report exposes new EU crisis - 'Nail in Project Fear coffin.'
THE number of people without a job within the eurozone area is 70 percent higher than in the UK, a new analysis has indicated, in a major endorsement for Brexit Britain.
We Seek Your Kingdom.
Pretend Christian Groups Planning To Leave UMC.
‘We have been disappointed’: Liberal congregations leaving United Methodist Church over homosexuality debate.
‘We have been disappointed’: Liberal congregations leaving United Methodist Church over homosexuality debate

Multiple theologically progressive congregations in the United Methodist Church are in the process of leaving the mainline Protestant denomination due to its stance on LGBT issues.
For decades, the UMC has debated whether to change its biblically-based position on homosexuality, labelling it as sinful, its ban on the ordination of noncelibate homosexuals, and defining marriage as only being between one man and one woman.
Although many expect a large number of conservative congregations to eventually leave the UMC because of the debate and form their own denomination, in recent months, some liberal congregations have already decided to exit.
Blogger: PROGRESSIVE??? - What a toxic use of language!
Christian Post.
Jonathan Van-Tam On Post-Covid Jabs Meetings.
‘Incredibly safe for two people to meet freely’ after Covid vaccination.
Jonathan Van-Tam says two jabs offer protection but urges people to stick to the rules for a little longer to defeat pandemic
Leo On Labour.
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
When A Foul Enemy Lurks Within, Planting Bombs and Firing Rockets Into Your Territory As An Uber-Enemy From Their Own Area - YOU SELF PROTECT!
The 213-page report, titled "A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution", examines Israel's treatment of Palestinians.
"It presents the present-day reality of a single authority, the Israeli government, ruling primarily over the area between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea, populated by two groups of roughly equal size, and methodologically privileging Jewish Israelis while repressing Palestinians, most severely in the occupied territory," HRW said in a statement. Bomb in Jerusalem.Kenneth Roth, HRW executive director, said, "Prominent voices have warned for years that apartheid lurks just around the corner if the trajectory of Israel's rule over Palestinians does not change.
"This detailed study shows that Israeli authorities have already turned that corner". (ANSAmed). HRW.
Answer To Prayer.
I have requested prayer recently for James who is thirty years of age and has inoperable bowel cancer.
Covid was largely to blame as a desire not to go into hospital for tests until after the crisis was over meant that his diagnosis came very late in the day. By this time the cancer had advanced and he was put onto chemotherapy.
On Monday, I learned that this endearing former pupil of mine had been informed that there is no spreading of the disease and that his tumour had reduced in size by a full 50%. (There are also other treatments which can be used.)
Well done to the docs and the scientists - but let us give the bulk of the glory to God - and thanks also to the considerable numbers who have been praying.
Now please pray for Jan who has not dissimilar issues.
Truth In Court.
The truth in court is meant to be "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."
Organisations With Calls To Defund The Police Made To Look Very Silly!
Sen. John Kennedy: If you hate cops so much, ‘call a meth head the next time you’re in trouble’
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
George Floyd Square.
I understand that posters have been put up in the newly named George Floyd Square in Minneapolis effectively threatening white people who do not follow an arbitrary set of racially devised rules.
How long did we fight apartheid to have reached this level of New Apartheid?
Not Before Time!
Wipe non-crime hate allegations, says Priti Patel.
Christians Released In Eritrea.

Monday, April 26, 2021
NO To Encouraging Abuse.
Sex abuse survivors demand Google stop directing users to sexual violence on porn sites.
Sex abuse survivors demand Google stop directing users to sexual violence on porn sites
Apologises For Daring To Have Standards?
Secondary school apologises after female teacher blamed girl students wearing short skirts for encouraging sexual harassment.
- Video showed an unnamed teacher talking at Lytchett Minster School in Dorset
- Girls at the school had complained boys were looking up their skirts on the stairs
- But the teacher was filmed saying girls were wearing skirts that were 'too short'
- Video was later posted online and sparked an apology from the bosses at school
The flaws of the purity culture movement.
The flaws of the purity culture movemenBy Greg Smalley, Op-ed Contributor| Friday, April 23, 20My youngest daughter just turned 13. Which means some important conversations are scheduled between the two of us — including about purity and sex.

Iranian Revival.
Sunday, April 25, 2021
In Western Christian theology, grace is "the love and mercy given to us by God because God desires us to have it, not necessarily because of anything we have done to earn it". It is not a created substance of any kind. ... It is an attribute of God that is most manifest in the salvation of sinners.
Nabil Was NOT Executed - He Was Murdered!
Nabil Habashi Salama(Photo: Christian Solidarity Worldwide)A Coptic Christian abducted by the Islamic State last November has been executed.
Christians Are Not Taught In Scripture To Be Naive.
Prison chaplain was 'conned' into thinking London Bridge terror attacker felt remorse.
Floyd Verdict.
Let's Hear It For BREXIT!
Vaccine Passport Riots? - I Despair!
Blogger: when will voters for LibLabGreens finally see and hear the penny dropping?
Any cause, any reason and out comes Rentamob! Is this the kind of democracy we want?
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Wokeism Is A Terrifying Philosophy and Stems From Neither The Right Nor The Centre.
Wokeism is far more dangerous than secularism.
Wokeism is far more dangerous than secularism
Wokeism, which some call the "new" religion of our day, is entirely incompatible with Christian values and, left unchecked, will undermine the foundation of American society. If that sounds hyperbolic, we fail to acknowledge that its very purpose is to do just that.

Originating from Critical Theory, wokeism challenges existing power structures and seeks to dismantle what we see as universal truths. The U.S. is a nation shaped by the principle that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". Since the founding fathers were Christians, "the inalienable rights from the Creator" can be further expanded to include God's vision for man and society as told in the Bible:
I charge you, in the sight of God and Christ Jesus and the elect angels, to keep these instructions without partiality and to do nothing out of favoritism. 1 Timothy 5:21
If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, "Love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing right. But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. James 2:8-9
Throughout our history, Americans struggled with achieving these ideals. Still, through fierce debate, social turmoil, and even war, the outcome has been a continuous push towards racial and gender equality, preserving individual liberty and opportunities for economic prosperity. Together, our political leaders, civic activists, and the community have fought to dismantle institutional and legal systems that perpetuated racial or gender disparity. Today, the U.S. is one of the least prejudicial nations on earth.
In contrast, wokeism sees our nation as fraught with oppression from racial injustice and gender norms that subjugate portions of our society and, therefore, must be destroyed. Through social media messaging, celebrities, and even our politicians, their followers chant slogans demanding power for who they claim are powerless, based on a racial or ethnic class rather than their standing with God. They require all of society to abolish traditional gender norms of males and females and assert that gender is a spectrum that the individual can self-determine. Their religion relies on control and power to impose their ideas, from which violence would be a natural consequence if people do not conform. Major corporations, politicians, and mainstream media are capitulating to these demands, so they remain relevant and avoid the persecution that comes from resistance.
Wokeism is far more effective than secularism ever could be because it fills the "God-shaped hole" in our culture. It claims its own interpretation of justice, righteousness, sin, and judgment. Followers find meaning in the ultimate goal of dismantling oppressive power structures to create their utopian society.
The ideas put forward by wokeism are the exact opposite of what God has spoken over over us as children of God. We were created male and female, made in His image with authority over the earth.
Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground." So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:26-27
Repeatedly, God instructs us to do what is right and to behave with justice, kindness, and love towards all, without favoritism or regard for race. The avowed enemy of man is Satan who comes to steal, kill and destroy. If he can rob our society of faith in our systems of justice and freedom, he can replace it with whatever ideals he wants. Understood this way, wokeism at its core wants a war against God and everything He stands for. It leaves Christians, holding unto God's law, the most formidable threat of all.
Our responsibility as followers of Christ is to uphold the standards set forth by God as the ultimate path to peace and justice in society. We should not capitulate the Divine order of the universe to be popular or liked, even with our family or friends. We are tolerant of people who don't accept the truth, but we cannot accept there is no ultimate Truth. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. There is no difference between us based on race – "the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on Him." CP
Franklin Graham preached in Glasgow, launches new fund to defend religious freedom in the UK. Staff writer Franklin Graham preaching at ...
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