Thursday, September 23, 2021


"Hope does not disappoint us" Romans 5:5.

When we read stories like Anwar's* - thrown out of his home for converting to Christianity - we surely marvel at his sense of hope. He knows that Jesus is worth following, no matter the cost. And, with your help, he was able to find a home and a new future through a Centre of Hope run by Open Doors partners.

"If it weren’t for the Centre of Hope, I don’t know what I would have done," says Anwar. "I would be homeless, hungry and alone.”

In this email, you'll read more about how you are bringing hope to persecuted believers - and how you can hear some of their stories at Standing Strong Live this weekend. I hope to 'see' you there, online, for a wonderful evening of prayer, worship and testimonies to God's great gift of hope!

*Name changed for security reasons. 
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