Sunday, July 31, 2022

Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism - What Are They?

 A guy called Gautama Buddha Sidharta made statements which as largely suppositions of what 'might be', were accepted as wisdom. There you have it - a religion! Hmm.

Historical foundation based on facts or History? - Zero. Hmm.

Hinduism is based on revelations to ostensibly great sages made in the Vedas and Upanishads. Historical base? - Zero. Hmm.

Confucianism were statements of alleged wisdom by a Chinese dude called Confucius. Not strictly a religion - this was a philosophical path to follow.
A real chap? - Definitely but Historical base and facts are noticeable by their absence. Hmm.

Judeo-Christianity is based entirely on History - and pretty good History, at that. The trouble is that so many atheists and lazy agnostics cannot be bothered to research to see just how good it actually is. Testimonies, real figures, sworn declarations, tangible events, archaeological support et al - no honest observer can simply brush these things aside.

NOT Justice!

Joe Nathan James Jr was executed in Alabama this week for a brutal murder. 

Excellent. Justice accomplished.
One small problem - this was at the end of a twenty-eight year wait!

Come on America. Get this sorted! All appeals must be completed in 12 months and fast-tracking brought in where necessary.

(In the UK he would probably have been back on the streets in 2010, of course which is even more ridiculous.)

Lord of All.


Church Leadership Chess.


Simple Beauty.



 From the Apology for the Christian Religion. Quadratus.#

Our Saviour's works, moreover, were always present: for they were real, consisting of those who had been healed of their diseases, those who had been raised from the dead; who were not only seen whilst they were being healed and raised up, but were afterwards constantly present. Nor did they remain only during the sojourn of the Saviour on earth, but also a considerable time after His departure; and, indeed, some of them have survived even down to our own times.

Blogger: those wondering why Luke is missing from the above is because he declares to Theophilus at the very start of his Gospel that he was not not a direct experiencer of Jesus's ministry but rather was a profound historical researcher of all the events of Jesus's ministry.

Some Level of Sanity Is Applying .

England’s two rugby codes team up to jointly BAN transgender players from playing in women's games.

  • The RFU and RFL are blocking transgender players from playing women's rugby
  • It follows two years of reviewing pre-existing policies in both union and league
  • RFU's Jack Blackett admitted people would be 'disappointed' by their decision 
PUBLISHED:  17:34, 29 July 2022 

Doc Lomborg Lives in The Real World.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Yes, Andrea!

Bishops who deny the Gospel 'should be removed from their positions'.

Staff writer   28 July 2022 
Christian Concern leader Andrea Williams has expressed her disappointment over changes to a Lambeth Call on marriage and sexuality. 
The Call on Human Dignity will be discussed and voted on by 650 Anglican bishops at the Lambeth Conference next week.
It has been revised to remove a reaffirmation of the 1998 Resolution 1.10, which upholds marriage as a union between a man and a woman, and rejects homosexual practice.
The change was made after pressure from liberal bishops, including those in the US Episcopal Church and Church in Wales. 
Ms Williams, who is also a lay member of the Church of England General Synod, said that the views of traditionalist Anglicans were being silenced.
She said that "apostate" bishops should be removed from their positions
"Faithful Anglicans around the world stand on the biblical principle of marriage between a man and a woman as taught in Scripture, reflected in the doctrine of the church throughout history and re-stated in Lambeth 1:10," she said.
"Their voice is being silenced by a vocal and powerful minority of apostate Western and American Bishops.
"These bishops that deny the gospel should be removed from their positions rather than be allowed to use their influence to bully faithful Anglicans out of the space that is rightfully theirs.
"It is a great disservice to the gospel, its power and witness when Lambeth Palace allows this to happen."



I've Never Been Convinced By The 'Q' Hypothesis.

The Question of Q.

Q is the term given to the second source supposedly used by Matthew and Luke in addition to Mark. The existence of Q has been challenged by such able critics as Austin Farrer, Michael Goulder, and Mark Goodacre. The alternative model proposed to the Two-Source Hypothesis is termed the Farrer-Goulder hypothesis. In this hypothesis, both Matthew and Luke have used Mark, but Luke has also used Matthew. Although the Farrer hypothesis does have a number of points to commend it, on balance I concur with the majority of scholarship that it is more likely that Matthew and Luke used Mark and Q independently. The purpose of this [ ] is to set forth the reasons for this judgment, which does not attain certainty but rather a probability.
The Two Source Hypothesis states that Matthew and Luke independently used Mark and a second source termed Q. Against the Farrer-Goulder hypothesis, it is maintained that it is improbable that the author of Luke consulted the Gospel of Matthew. The relative independence of Matthew and Luke is established by the convergence of several different arguments.

Italy Has Nearly Had Enough.


Christians and Vegans.

A Christian who supports abortion is like a vegan who eats rump steak.

Godly Plans.

Snow in Texas last winter?

Ah. More Selective Racism.

Leeds University is being sued by a Jewish graduate who claims she was given a 'fail' in one of her sociology assignments because she did not criticise Israel. Mail.

I Could Criticise Parts of This Lady's Thinking But The Greater Issue Is A Terrible Indictment of Our Modern World.

My son’s innocent teenage fumblings saw him branded a rapist, hounded out of school and left sobbing in emotional agony, his anonymous mother reveals.

PUBLISHED:  23:01, 28 July 2022 
    When I was a teenager, the Saturday night disco was a weekly ritual. The high point was when the slow dance tunes came on at the end of the evening.
    The hope was that the boy you liked would ask you to dance to the plaintive melody of Careless Whisper. Even better, you might get the chance to sneak out into the cold night air and reach what Americans would call ‘second base’ — a passionate kiss.
    I treasure those memories of youthful passion. The course of true love didn’t always run smoothly, but navigating the choppy waters of young romance taught me so much about boys, relationships, and what I did and didn’t like. Sadly, I have learned the hard way that this type of clumsy puppy love is a thing of the past.
    For while the MeToo movement and Everyone’s Invited — a site that has hit the headlines for exposing ‘rape culture’ in schools and universities through anonymous testimonies, usually from girls — have undoubtedly helped unmask disturbing predatory male behaviour, they have also helped breed a generation of young women and girls who see all boys as predators.
    Today, it seems that so many young women are primed to see every tiny misstep by their male peers as sexual assault, from an ill-judged kiss to an attempt to hold hands. Anything that makes them feel even a tad uncomfortable, often long after the fact, is deemed to be assault. It doesn’t matter if the boy involved is as clueless as they are about the nuances of relationships, or how to express new, burgeoning sexual feelings.
    I have sons — I am too scared to say how many in case it helps identify my family — and throughout their young lives they have routinely been told by their young female friends that they ‘hate men’ and that ‘all men are rapists’. So fevered has the atmosphere among young women become that today something as innocent as a male tapping you on the shoulder can be construed as assault+
    Today, it seems that so many young women are primed to see every tiny misstep by their male peers as sexual assault
    Let me be clear: I abhor the fact that violence against women is still such a problem in our society. It breaks my heart every time I read about the latest young woman who has been attacked, raped and even murdered on our streets. I’ve always taught my sons to respect women and make sure their female friends get home safe. I fervently believe girls have the right to call out bad behaviour and be listened to.
    Yet I deplore the way this has created a chilling new double standard. When girls make mistakes and behave badly, it’s viewed as a forgivable rite of passage. But when inexperienced young boys do the same, they often face toxic accusations, which can quite literally destroy lives.
    I should know. My son is one such inexperienced boy and, because of this, our lives have been a living hell for the past three years.
    Aged 13, in 2019, my son was just starting to get interested in girls. He got involved in flirtations with a few girls and one sent him a topless photo by phone (this is a shockingly common practice among early teens). With another girl there was saucy texting and some mutual touching.
    While I might not condone this behaviour, I also know this is pretty much par for the course for most teens in the 21st century. It’s also notable that the parties involved were the same age, there was zero question of full-blown sex taking place and all the behaviour was mutual and — as far my son was aware — consensual.
    When one of the girls’ mothers confiscated her daughter’s phone and found the messages, all this came to the attention of the school and the stark difference between the treatment of girls and boys became evident — to my son’s lifelong cost.
    The girls, who were equally culpable, as sending nude photographs is both an offence and against the school rules, were dealt with discreetly. A quiet word was had with them and their parents and that was an end to it.
    Conversely, my son, who’d never been in trouble before, was suspended for two days — the final step before expulsion. The school’s rationale was that the other pupils would see this as ‘justice’.
    I will never forgive myself for failing to fight the school’s decision to suspend him. I was naïve — I’d never even had a call about bad behaviour before, so suspension was beyond all my experience.
    I believed the school knew best. It didn’t. Such a public and severe punishment persuaded his peers that there was ‘no smoke without fire’.
    What followed was a merciless campaign of intimidation and bullying. My son was called a ‘rapist’, a ‘nonce’ and told he should be castrated. He was urged to kill himself on a daily basis. He was attacked by a mob in the playground and one boy threatened to stab him. We brought all this to the school’s attention, but it failed to act — too terrified to defend a boy who now had a reputation as a sexual predator.
    Soon after, a friend’s young son came home and told her he’d heard my son had locked three girls in a cupboard at school and raped them, something that sickened me to hear. Yet not a single so-called friend stuck up for my innocent boy as no one wanted to be accused of consorting with a ‘rapist’.
    I felt like we were trapped in a horror film. I had never brooked sexism in my house, yet found myself questioning my own mothering skills. Had I not hammered home the ime of treating girls respectfully
    My son was called a ‘rapist’, a ‘nonce’ and told he should be castrated. He was urged to kill himself on a daily basis. He was attacked by a mob in the playground and one boy threatened to stab him
    My son was called a ‘rapist’, a ‘nonce’ and told he should be castrated. He was urged to kill himself on a daily basis. He was attacked by a mob in the playground and one boy threatened to stab him
    I felt too ashamed and frightened to talk to friends and family, worried they would judge my son in the same way his school had. My husband was equally upset. A kind and gentle man, he’d brought up his sons with the same values.
    We talked to my boy about what had happened, but he was as confused as we were. He said the girl had fancied him and he was under the impression that she was at least as keen as he was on their innocent experimentation.
    Soon, my son became increasingly isolated and withdrawn, his friends distanced themselves and we were left alone, embarrassed and ashamed, trying to pick up the pieces. Things hit a new dramatic low just before the pandemic struck. I found my beautiful boy, by now 14, curled in a ball on the floor sobbing. He was rocking in agony — not physical, but emotional.
    A solid year of being relentlessly bullied had destroyed his mental wellbeing. Nothing he said or did made any difference — he was a ‘rapist’ in the eyes of his entire school.
    We took him to see a psychiatrist who diagnosed him with severe anxiety and depression, immediately prescribing antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication. She also recommended therapy, but then we went into lockdown and the whole system fell apart.
    I have blanked out much of that time as it saw us lurching from one mental health crisis to the next, begging for help from a system crippled by lockdown. So low did he become that we were petrified that he would take his own life.
    It became routine for him to have meltdowns that would terrify his siblings; for him to walk out of the house and for us to have to beg him by phone to return.
    Throughout all this we were locked away from family and friends and too ashamed to share why our family was being ripped apart.
    But if we thought things would get better when schools reopened, we were wrong. In late 2021, one of the girls decided to call the police and accuse my son of sexual assault. I have no idea why, but my son was told by an acquaintance that it was because she was ‘feeling bored’. The police were called to his school and he was questioned without his parents present. No one thought to alert us, so we could be with our son.
    I was away on business at the time and got a call from my husband, his voice betraying his terror, just before I boarded the plane home. That flight seemed endless as my mind cycled through ever more horrific scenarios.
    By the time I landed, I was convinced my bright and kind son’s entire future would be forever blighted by a childish fumble.
    Fortunately, the police were far more empathetic than the school. The detective who investigated the case told us that, quite rightly, every accusation was treated seriously. That said, he also relayed that, in the past few years, the police had been inundated with similar calls from teenage girls whipped into a frenzy by the MeToo movement.
    It became routine for him to have meltdowns that would terrify his siblings; for him to walk out of the house and for us to have to beg him by phone to return
    During the investigation we spoke to several defence lawyers, preparing ourselves, just in case we might need their services. Each one told the same story of an exponential rise in allegations against young schoolboys in the past few years.
    We were not alone.
    As I finally began to speak to friends and family, two of my girlfriends admitted their sons had found themselves caught up in similar situations. One had been ostracised by all his friends and had to move away from the area after an ex accused him of rape after he started a new relationship.
    Another had his picture plastered on a website with the smear of rapist next to it, for much the same reason. Both of these boys were young teenagers. Rather than comforting me, finding out that what my son was enduring was widespread only made me feel hopeless.
    We were on the losing side of a culture war and any attempt to defend ourselves or our sons would just open us up to more vilification. Any parent will know that one of the worst feelings is being powerless to protect your child.
    Finally, after two agonising weeks filled with unnerving conversations with lawyers, we got the call we had been waiting for. The police had dismissed the case as there was no evidence to suggest the contact had been anything but consensual.
    However, our celebration was short-lived.
    Just a month later, a girl who my son had been friends with since Year 7 accused him of sexual assault after he touched her on the back to get her attention.
    Once again, his teachers reacted aggressively by hauling him out of his lesson, thereby cementing his reputation as a predator and destroying any scant chance he had to resume a normal life at school.
    To be fair to his teachers, however, they were acting in response to government advice, published last September following a ‘rapid review of sexual abuse in schools and colleges’ by Ofsted earlier that year in the wake of the launch of Everyone’s Invited.
    The advice describes anyone accused of any sexual misdemeanour as a ‘perpetrator’ and recommends that schools remove them from any classes or spaces they share with the ‘victim’.
    As my son was approaching his GCSEs, we tried to send him back to school, but were told by the headteacher that some girls had threatened a protest unless he was excluded. The headteacher simply gave in to pressure.
    While I do understand the girls’ fear — on the basis of rumour and supposition, they genuinely believed he was a predator and rapist, so of course they were terrified to be in the same school as him — where were the grown-ups in this?
    Where was the balanced, rational response based on evidence not rumour? It felt like we were caught up in the Salem witch trials.
    The next few months saw our boy endure a patchwork of education, some in another school where the windows were blacked out, making him feel like a prisoner; some that involved sneaking him in and out of school at times the other pupils wouldn’t see him.
    It felt as if our son was like Hannibal Lecter from The Silence Of The Lambs, a highly dangerous criminal who could attack at any moment. In reality he is a vulnerable young man suffering from severe mental health issues as a result of his treatment.
    An adult facing all this would have crumbled. Yet my son amazed me with his courage, and while it hurt him deeply to endure this cruel punishment for so long, he was determined not to allow his accusers to derail his education.
    We were also immensely fortunate that the supervisors who watched his every move soon came to sympathise with his plight. Each one told us what a wonderful and polite young man he was and how much they enjoyed his company.
    It was a crumb of comfort in a bleak situation. It also reassured me that I wasn’t going mad or was a deluded mother who couldn’t see her boy for who he really was.
    My son sat his exams in isolation this summer and is now looking forward to a fresh start at a new school, where we pray no one will unearth his past.
    Still, though, we all bear the scars of what has happened. I am terrified the malicious gossip will follow him. He, meanwhile, is petrified of girls. He often tells me he doesn’t think he will ever have a girlfriend and I wonder if he will ever have the courage to find love. Even if he does, surely we will all be frightened of the consequences if it again turns sour.
    Of course, any girl should feel able to complain about physical contact that makes her feel uncomfortable, but I do wonder why there is an expectation that a 13-year-old boy should understand all the nuances of relationships that often confuse grown men.
    Perhaps my son did make mistakes that made the girl who chose to call the police feel uncomfortable, and if that is the case I am genuinely sorry for her. But is the best response to destroy his life by branding him a rapist and bullying him out of school, or to support and educate him so that he doesn’t make the same mistakes again?
    After all, if we were all held accountable for immature mistakes we made at a tender 13, very few of us would be blameless.

    Energy? Germany's Folly In Not Listening To Donald Trump.

    45 seconds it takes. Apart from this brilliant revelation (2019?) - do watch the audience!

    Friday, July 29, 2022

    Good on Yer, Tom! 

    Precise Figures?


    rishi sunak tory party leadership deportation foreign nationals pm liz truss update

    Rishi Sunak vows to DOUBLE deportation of foreign nationals if he becomes Prime Minister.

    Blogger: What - from 4 to 8 or thereabouts?

    Spain Not Worth The Hassle.

    What Is Christianity?

    CS Lewis: Christianity is a statement which, if false, is of no importance, and, if true, is of infinite importance.

    The one thing it cannot be is "moderately important."

    Blogger: how important is your faith?


    Integrity, Please.



    Weather in Andorra.

    I was recently in Andorra - and the weather was important to us for a variety of activities.
    My laptop is set up with weather from across the world from The Met Office. My wife's phone uses The Weather Channel for key information.

    Firstly the Met Office and The Weather Channel frequently contradicted each other over a period of the six consecutive days when we monitored them.

    Rain was promised on dozens of occasions - and cloudless skies filled with sunshine were their rather inconvenient replacements.

    Thunder storms were predicted on a regular (80%) basis over a period of days. More cloudless skies full of cheerful sunshine.
    The times of these broken promises must have changed at least forty times over the relevant days - and were still wrong.

    When we checked other weather predictions from different sources - these were as bad - if not worse.

    Add to this the present tendency to give % chances of the weather being correct - they were often 100% wrong.

    If we can't tell weather over a matter of days - how on earth can climatologists be trusted to talk of weather patterns years into the future - rather a long time beyond the next fortnight?

    Is There Finally Evidence of A Common Sense Breakthrough in The UK?


    Do we Have Actual Evidence For The Truth of Scripture?

    Yes. Shedloads.

    Go through the New Testament and see how often the Gospel writers advise readers to test and check the available evidence.
    See Jude 4:10.
    1 John 4:1.
    Romans 14:5.
    2 Timothy 3:14 - or can't you be bothered? 

    So many more examples. The writers were desperate for readers to TEST the truth and not to merely accept it!

    The evidence is there but how many churches major on apologetics? - Being able to justify your faith to those who have none as well as those who are seeking? 
       Don't know how or where to start - then try this vital book.

    Thursday, July 28, 2022

    Your Random Choice For Holidays is Spain - May I Suggest Not?

    The Spanish government hates Brits and Brexit so much so that their government is desperate to punish both travellers and those with properties in their nation - even though this is going to cost Spaniards £billions.

    (Sadly, my own connections are so very many and so ingrained that, for once, I cannot act personally on my own advice. I truly apologise if this sounds like a double standard.)

    If you are making a random choice about holidays - may I simply ask you to look elsewhere.

    I have no such problems over France. I shall not holiday there again as long as Macron reigns and shows such malicious contempt for our nation.


    Seek Wisdom.


    Listening To God.

    Christians Have Read The Manual - It Shows Us The Battles We Must Fight.

    Gutless Pseudo-Faith in Abundance.

    Lambeth Conference nixes resolution language reaffirming biblical definition of marriage.

    Lambeth Conference
    Anglican Communion leaders will no longer consider a measure that would reaffirm the biblical definition of marriage as being between one man and one woman at their decennial conference following an outcry from theological liberals.
    Shortly before the beginning of the Lambeth Conference in London, a major gathering of Anglican bishops that happens roughly every ten years and will run from July 26 to Aug. 8, organizers announced significant changes to a resolution that would have reaffirmed a 1998 statement opposing same-sex marriage. 
    In the days leading up to the conference, there was much outcry from liberal attendees over the inclusion of a call — similar to a resolution — that would define marriage as being exclusively "between a man and a woman."
    The original draft language of the resolution in question, known as the Lambeth Call on Human Dignity, called for "a reaffirmation of Lambeth I.10 that upholds marriage as between a man and a woman and requires deeper work to uphold the dignity and witness of LGBTQ Anglicans."
    In an announcement Tuesday, the conference shared updated language of the Lambeth Call on Human Dignity that is more neutral in rhetoric, noting that some provinces in the communion affirm same-sex marriage while others do not.

    We Live In A World in Which Judges Are No Better Than The Criminals They Sentence.

    Bodybuilder, 31, with 'roid rage' who strangled grandmother to death in her home in random attack and then hid half-naked in bushes outside a school is jailed for nine years

    • Chase Kelly, 31, throttled Mildred Whitmore, 84, to death on June 1 last year
    • Kelly had downed half a bottle of vodka and amphetamines before the attack
    • He admitted manslaughter on grounds of diminished responsibility last month
    • Warwick Crown Court heard he carried out random killing in psychotic episode 
    PUBLISHED:  12:46 BST, 27 July 2022  | UPDATED:  12:46 BST, 27 July 202
    A 'roid rage' bodybuilder who strangled a great grandmother to death in her own home after downing a bottle of vodka and amphetamines has been jailed for more than nine years. 
    Chase Kelly, 31, brutally throttled 84-year-old Mildred Whitmore in a random attack in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, at around 9am on June 1 last year, after 'suffering a psychotic episode.'
    He was found around an hour later half-naked hiding in the bushes outside a school, before medics discovered he had taken ten times the recommended dose of his prescribed amphetamine, used to treat his PTSD.
    It later emerged he had also been taking steroids orally and injecting them, and had earlier been to the nearby George Eliot Hospital after suffering from high blood pressure, but had discharged himself.
    Kelly, of Arley, Warwickshire, admitted manslaughter on the ground of diminished responsibility at Warwick Crown Court in June. 
    He was jailed on Tuesday for a minimum of nine years and nine months. Mail.
    Blogger: 'Roid rage' is a self-inflicted condition in the same way as crimes caused by alcohol abuse and drug abuse. These should not attract lesser sentences. Manslaughter penalties vary from no time served to life imprisonment.
    He will undoubtedly be out in five years.

    Wednesday, July 27, 2022

    Sacrificing The Young On A Pagan Altar.

    We are sacrificing our children on the altar of a brutal, far-Left ideology.

    The medical profession is crumbling in response to radical transgender activists.
    There is good evidence that many ancient societies sacrificed children to their gods. Parents in ancient Phoenician colonies in Carthage, Sicily, Sardinia and Malta slew their offspring prior to cremating them, hoping that the gods would hear their voices and bless them.
    We are rightly appalled by this, though sometimes I wonder whether we understand child sacrifice far more than we’d like to admit. 
    I saw a video the other day featuring an American surgeon bragging that he had performed more than 3,000 double mastectomies on young women who had paid for gender reassignment, individuals confused – one might say encouraged – by those who profit from it into believing that their adolescent emotional trials can be ‘cured’, and happiness reign forever, if they subject themselves to this brutal practice. 
    And it is brutal – a process that often includes not only the aforementioned mastectomies but other appalling surgical processes: orchiectomy (that’s castration, in blunter language), the removal of the uterus, the demolition of the musculature of the forearm to make what is not a penis but must be referred to as such – all of that.
    For someone purporting to be a physician to perform this on children, to me at least, seems like something worthy of a prison sentence.
    Whatever happened to the doctrine expressed by the ancient language as primum non nocere – first, do no harm? 
    The Hippocratic Oath has been replaced by a delusion: a belief that can be summarised as ‘by blocking the puberty of children, and then surgically altering them, we are only restoring what is theirs by right. A child’s feelings are the final arbiters of their reproductive destiny, and any attempt to contest their gender identity risks increasing their proclivity for suicide’.
    Lies. Lies. Lies. Then butchery.

    Changing standards

    Psychologists – those in my own personal field of medicine – have also surrendered to this groupthink. The American Psychological Association’s ‘Task Force on Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming People (TGNC)’ insists that psychologists and other professional counsellors offer “trans-affirmative” care, starting with such niceties as displaying “TGNC-affirmative resources in waiting areas”. Practitioners are also asked to examine “how their language (e.g. use of incorrect pronouns and names) may reinforce the gender binary in overt or subtle and unintentional ways”.
    These guidelines first read like a manual of indoctrination written by Marxist ideologues, and second like a document designed to undermine and destroy the practice of therapy itself. 
    But at an alarming rate these ‘guidelines’ have transformed themselves into punitive laws governing what a psychologist or counsellor may say and think in relation to their clients.
    Let me make myself perfectly clear: speaking as a professional, whether in America, Britain, or anywhere, it is not the place of a therapist to “affirm” or, conversely, to deny, the “identity” of anyone whom they take into their care. People come to see a therapist, often after long and painful deliberation, because they are suffering, confused, or both. The job of that therapist is to listen, to question, and proceed with due caution, neither providing cheap advice (and thereby stealing their client’s successes or heaping failure upon them) nor assuming special knowledge of the proper outcome for a given individual. 
    There is simply no way that I would ever tell an 18-year old woman that she is absolutely correct if sometimes she feels more masculine than feminine (however that feeling might emerge), and that if she feels that surgery is the answer then recommend hormones that day. I would instead spend many weeks, perhaps even months or years, listening to her unwrap her story, using caution as my watchword, and help her come to some thorough and well-developed understanding of both her autobiographical history and her destiny. 
    That is not “affirmation” and  neither is it “denial.” How could I possibly dare to do either when someone has come to me because they are mixed up and desperate – a state of twinned experience indicating a profound confusion about identity itself?

    Radical new guidelines

    I am focusing on the American Psychological Association (APA) because it is the body charged with establishing the norms and ideals for clinical practice in the most populous democracy on Earth – principles that will, and are, spreading around the West more broadly, including in Britain. Some of their ‘guidelines’ are appalling enough to deserve dissection:
    “Guideline 1. Psychologists understand that gender is a nonbinary construct that allows for a range of gender identities and that a person’s gender identity may not align with sex assigned at birth.”
    I don’t understand this radical postmodern definition of gender, one that rests on a person’s “deeply felt” or “inherent sense” of being one sex over another, regardless of biology.
    Psychologically it is indisputably the case that a non-trivial proportion of males have a feminine temperament (which essentially means that they experience higher levels of negative emotions such as anxiety and the analogs of pain – grief, frustration, disappointment, depression) and are more agreeable (compassionate/polite) than typical males, and equally true that a non-trivial proportion of females have a masculine temperament. But this does not change how, objectively, professionals should measure a person’s gender.
    Psychologists once cared if measurement followed standard practices of validity and reliability. Try reading, for example, a document published by the APA itself in 2014, where you will learn that a psychologist worth their salt is obliged to utilise “constructs” (i.e. terms such as “gender”) in a technically appropriate manner. This means, at the very least, that fundamental attributes must be measurable and measured properly. 
    But all that goes out the window when we are discussing the magic of “gender” now, which is entirely subjectively defined, even though that insistence indubitably contravenes the earlier standards. But feelings über alles, folks. And it's no joke. Particularly if you’re 15, and have undergone surgery that makes you incapable of reproducing, often to foster someone else’s sense of moral superiority or sense of self-attributed “compassion”– a word that increasingly makes me shudder when I encounter it. 

    New doctrines

    Psychologists are also now adopting the simple-minded and anything-but-revolutionary doctrine of “intersectionality” without question. And what is that doctrine? Nothing more than the claim that human beings are characterised by identities that span multiple dimensions. Any given person has a race, ethnicity, sex, temperament (five dimensions there alone), intelligence level, etc. We’ve known that forever. It's only become a hot cultural item since fools noted the obvious fact that minority status might be additive or multiplicative. I hate to even point that out given that anyone with any sense whatsoever also knew, without any statistical training, that it was possible to be of Latino extraction, say (or even ‘LatinX’, to use that absurd, demeaning and patronising term) and female simultaneously. 
    One cannot question this, however, without fear of being ostracised by one’s colleagues. Note the chilling wording of Guideline 7:
    “Psychologists understand the need to promote social change that reduces the negative effects of stigma on the health and well-being of TGNC people.”
    In summary: if you’re not an activist (and one of our activists) then you better be watching over your shoulder. 
    So what should govern my behaviour as a therapist, and your expectations as a client? The answer to that is: whatever the activists deem a priority at their whim. And remember that in court, folks.

    Active malevolence

    I’m increasingly ashamed to be a clinical psychologist given the utter cowardice, spinelessness and apathy that characterises many colleagues and even more so my professional associations. At least in 20 years when we all come to regret this terrible social experiment I will be able to say “I said no when they all came to insist that we participate in the sacrifice of our children.” Other countries, and Britain in particular, must not make the same mistakes as in the US and elsewhere.
    I cannot consent to what we are doing. I cannot abide by what have become the doctrines of my discipline. I believe that the acts of the medical ‘professional’ rushing to disfigure, sterilise, and harm young people with what are clearly ill-advised, dangerous, experimental procedures cross the line from ‘do no harm’ to outright harm.
    Only if we bury our heads in the sand will sterility, impaired or absent sexual function, complex reactions to poorly understood hormones, expense – and, intermingled with all that, misery and confusion – continue for countless young people. We must address the threat posed to the integrity of the entire education system as indoctrination into the same philosophy that spawned this surgical enterprise and the APA ‘guidelines’ grows. It threatens general public trust that our peace and prosperity depends upon.
    And, by the way: it will definitely be the case that a disproportionate number of children “freed” from their gender confusion would have grown up to be physically intact and fully functional gay adults. Need I point out that this unpalatable fact makes a mockery of any claim that the extended alphabet world of the LGBTQ+ coterie constitutes a homogeneous and unified “community.”
    We have crossed the line from ideological possession to active malevolence – and we are multiplying our sin (there’s an intersection for you) by attributing our appalling actions to “compassion”. Heaven help us. Truly. DT.

    Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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