Thursday, July 28, 2022

Your Random Choice For Holidays is Spain - May I Suggest Not?

The Spanish government hates Brits and Brexit so much so that their government is desperate to punish both travellers and those with properties in their nation - even though this is going to cost Spaniards £billions.

(Sadly, my own connections are so very many and so ingrained that, for once, I cannot act personally on my own advice. I truly apologise if this sounds like a double standard.)

If you are making a random choice about holidays - may I simply ask you to look elsewhere.

I have no such problems over France. I shall not holiday there again as long as Macron reigns and shows such malicious contempt for our nation.

The African Churches Are Putting Us To Shame.

Learning from the African Church's extraordinary success. Heather Tomlinson    21 April 2024 . (Photo: Getty/iStock) Why has faith in Af...