Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Swedish Food Price Inflation in 2022 Over 18%.




Sweden and Germany's food inflation worse than that of the UK. Spain - slightly better. France significantly better.
So. That has hardly helped those who are claiming that 'The Tories are the reason' - has it? 
Those who make out that 'Brexit is to blame' would be well advised to have a particularly close look at Germany's situation. They neither left the EU nor do they have an equivalent of the most feeble Tory Party in history.

Bit of A Mixed Bag Here From Pope Francis: I'm Not Hugely Impressed.


Sickening, Sam.






This Man Should Either Resign or Be Sacked!

Archbishop of York says gay sex is OK if in ‘committed, stable, faithful relationships'; welcome fully in CofE

The Church of England’s Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, responded to pressure to answer whether homosexuality and same-sex marriage are sinful by saying the CofE's new stance on the issue is that it's OK, as long as couples are in "committed, stable, faithful relationships," adding that same-sex married couples will be "welcomed fully into the life of the Church, on their terms." CP

Blogger: what a valiant man to 'cancel' God's edicts on marriage and homosexuality: certainly braver than me!

Sin is 'okay!?'

I too am a sinner but by God's grace, coupled with my repentance for my own frequent wrongdoing, I am cleansed by that blood shed at Calvary by the Saviour - on my behalf.
This entire situation is not merely sinful and anti-God but he appears to be stating that his sin needs no such forgiveness and, seemingly, is making public declaration that 'God is wrong' about His teaching, What arrogance!

Reversing good and evil is my best interpretation of 'the unpardonable sin'.
If any lost soul needs your prayer to be saved - this man is he! Do pray regularly for the salvation of all: blasphemers, heretics, apostates and those lost because they defy The Father whilst claiming be 'His people'. They have zero authority to undermine Scriptural teaching.

What arrogance the paynims of this ilk are displaying. They are suddenly the possessors of knowledge that, after all these millennia, they know better than the Almighty!

Do not fall into the trap that you can forgive heretics. You can only forgive those 'who sin against you.'

If you belong to a Church of this type - get out whilst you still can. Do find yourself a spiritual home which is at least trying to do God's will.

Ne'er forget that all believers must always confront and challenge evil - we may never accommodate ourselves to it through fear or spiritual idleness.

I am no paragon of virtue to write this piece. I am flawed. I myself fail God far too often but I generally recognise what I have done when The Holy Spirit prompts me. He leads me back onto 'paths of something akin to righteousness'. 
We must all commit to being led in the right direction.

And Some Would Say That Those Behind This Atrocity Should Not Face Execution. (Not much time after detonation for the evil main perp to repent, was there?)

At least 25 worshippers are killed and 120 injured as suicide bomb attack collapses mosque roof during afternoon prayers in Pakistan.

  • The bomber detonated his suicide vest as some 150 worshippers were praying  
  • The impact of the explosion collapsed the roof of the mosque which caved in 
PUBLISHED:  10:24, 30 January 2023  | UPDATED:  11:40, 30 January 202
At least 25 people were killed and 120 were injured in a suicide bomb attack on a mosque in Pakistan
The bomber detonated his suicide vest as some 150 worshippers - including many policemen from nearby police offices - were praying inside the mosque in Peshawar, northwest Pakistan at around 8.30am. 
The impact of the explosion collapsed the roof of the mosque, which caved in and injured many, according to Zafar Khan, a local police officer. 
A survivor, 38-year-old police officer Meena Gul, said he was inside the mosque when the bomb went off. 

Treason Is Expanding Exponentially But Is Rarely Recognised.


Monday, January 30, 2023

England Bowlers Gift Victory To Rampant Proteas.


South Africa v England

South Africa
First innings347 for5wickets
First innings342 for7wickets
South Africa win by 5 wickets
Match Report
M Ali4.003208.00
S Curran10.016016.00

Tyre Nichols.

 Is it just me?

Is there only a fraction of a percentage of the exceptional outrage seen after the unlawful killing of George Floyd?
Wantonly kicking a man to death seems to me to be so much worse than stupidly holding a man in such a way that he dies.
One is calculated - the other is enhanced idiocy at work.
I just can't fathom how these two events seem to be without any sense of perspective. Unless ...

Time For Believers To Boycott Holidays in Malta.




Sex In Context.

King David

 Recently, researchers André Lemaire and Jean-Philippe Delorme examined composite images of both the stele and a paper “mask” once used to preserve it. Three deeply faded letters, they argue in a recent paper, conclusively make the case for “House of David.”  

Much like other discoveries, such as the Tel Dan Inscription, the John Rylands Papyrus, and the discovery of the Pool of Siloam, archaeology continues to point to one of the Bible’s distinctives. It’s not merely a religious book. It’s an account of human history, with an amazing amount of detail. It’s not just “true for you but not for me.” In fact, the more we dig, the more we learn that it matches reality. Breakpoint. Stonestreet and Leander.

Raoul Wallenberg.


Rank Hypocrisy Found in Leftist Views on Israel.

 Sickening humbug over Israeli massacre.

The west's liberal hypocrites have Jewish blood on their hands.

Jubilant Palestinian Arabs celebrate their latest murder of Israeli Jews
Seven Israeli Jews were murdered outside a Jerusalem synagogue on Friday night, the start of the Jewish sabbath, in the working class orthodox neighbourhood of Neve Ya’akov. Several others who were wounded remain in hospital. 
As is commonplace among Palestinian Arabs after they have murdered Israeli civilians, jubilant celebrations broke out in their communities with fireworks, celebratory gunfire, hooting car-horns and crowds chanting in support of the killing of Jews.
Celebrating the murder of Jews
Yesterday, another terror attack occurred when a 13-year-old Palestinian Arab opened fire at one of the entrances to Jerusalem’s Old City, seriously wounding an Israeli man and his son.
The two Arabs were guilty of these murders and attempted murders. But three other sets of people share responsibility for these latest atrocities in addition to the Palestinian Arabs.
The second set of the four consists of those in the west who have helped incentivise these killings for decades. Once again, we have witnessed the nauseating spectacle of western governments — which sanitise, fund and pump up the genocidal Palestinian Arab cause — expressing shock and sympathy with Israel over these attacks. And all this on the day marking the liberation of Auschwitz, provoking the habitual vacuous Holocaust pieties from these same western leaders about “never again”. 
The Biden administration has form in the regard, as I wrote here. It continues to fund the Palestinian Authority despite the PA’s “pay-to-slay” policy of rewarding the families of terrorists for every Israeli Jew they murder, and despite its never-ending incitement to murder Jews and steal Israel’s land. 
US President Joe Biden asserted that Friday’s Jerusalem terrorist had struck a blow “against the civilised world”. Wrong; and a telling error. 
The murderer struck specifically at Jews because he wanted to kill Jews. The continual incitement from the Palestinian Authority incentivises its people to continue their century-old murderous jihad against the Jews of the holy land purely because they are Jews. 
If you don’t believe that, visit the PMW website to access the medieval, neo-Nazi style demonisation of the Jewish people that pours out of the PA. Yet the US and the rest of the west refuse to acknowledge that the war against Israel is caused not by the absence of a Palestinian state but by Jew-hatred. Instead of pushing back against these genuine heirs to the Nazis, the west casts Israelis themselves as neo-Nazis for defending their people against exterminatory attack.  
The EU never loses an opportunity to defame Israel and pour money and support into illegal Palestinian activity in colonising land — in the disputed territories and in the Negev — to which the Jews alone have a historic and legal claim. 
Last December, the EU Parliament passed a resolution that “strongly condemns” the Palestinian Authority for teaching hatred, incitement to violence and antisemitism in EU-funded Palestinian textbooks. The resolution threatened that “EU funding will have to be suspended” if misuse of European taxpayer funds by the Palestinian Authority continues. 
But the incitement has continued, along with the funding. And the results were seen once again over the past two days. ...

Sunday, January 29, 2023

RT - Open Letter To AofC.


MicrosoftTeams-image (13)

Dear Justin,

When we first met and I called you “Your Grace” you insisted that I call you Justin. You will recall that we met at Focus a few years ago, the summer festival of Holy Trinity Brompton. Nicky Gumbel kindly asked me to give Bible talks and one of the great highlights was to meet you.

You overwhelmed me with your kindness and affirmation of my preaching and welcomed Louise and me to come to Lambeth Palace to have coffee with you and Caroline – which we were honored to do at least twice. You shared with me how you wanted us to pray for you and I can honestly say that Louise and I have prayed for you and Caroline daily for over six years.

Soon after we first came England in 1973, I heard Archbishop Michael Ramsey speak at the University Church, Oxford, and asked him to sign my Bible. I never dreamed I would get to know a future Archbishop of Canterbury. You signed my Bible at Focus and I would say we have been friends since then. You may recall that I made you a promise: that I would never ask you to do something for me. I commented that all people who come to see you want something! You agreed! I promised to be an exception. By that I meant that I would never ask for a recommendation, a commendation or foreword to a book. I have valued our relationship and the privilege of praying for you. I wanted nothing more.

I have tried twice to see you in the past year – when I knew I would be in London, but your diary was filled both times. So when I heard the news on television a few nights ago that the Church of England will allow vicars to bless same sex relationships, I was saddened beyond ability to express. Knowing that I will not be in London for a good while, I felt compelled to do a brief video with my Twitter following. I reach several hundred people daily, but I have received an overwhelming response to this one, and thousands of comments keep coming in.

The first thing I said was that if you, Justin, were to climb down from this position, you would, in my opinion, be regarded as the greatest Archbishop of Canterbury in English history. You certainly would. No archbishop – at least since Thomas Cranmer in 1555 – has shown such courage of conviction. The issue you are facing is more fierce and heated than the theology of the Eucharist that cost Cranmer his life.

They don’t burn people at the stake nowadays, but the ostracism, the pain, the hate and vitriol you and Caroline would endure would be beyond imagination. But God would be with you. He would honour you. You could also be encourager number one in the world for those who uphold the biblical view of sexuality. We have no recognisable leader in America; the Billy Grahams of this world are gone.

I realise you would not perform a same sex marriage, or even use these blessings yourself. But we can see clearly the direction of travel the church is embarking on. I fear the next generation will compromise on biblical truth and begin to conduct gay marriages. You are in the position to stop it.

I need to add that as soon as I said what I did in the video about your being regarded as great, I caught myself and realised that this would not work with you! Having spent time with you, I realise you are not an ambitious man. I was barking up the wrong tree.

I therefore am not particularly appealing to your place in history but your love for God and the Bible. Forgive me if I am a little presumptuous, but you would not like my preaching if you did not love the Bible! I know things you have shared with me about your devotional life. You are a good man. I know this. I doubt there is an ambitious bone in your body and I think the goodness in you is why you want to affirm same-sex relationships. If I have got this right, I get this and appreciate you for this.

But I plead with you on bended knee, Justin, please don’t allow the Church of England to continue down this path, which will end with same-sex marriage being allowed. It goes right against the eternal principle of marriage laid down in Genesis 1:27 and 2:24-25. The last thing you need from me is to quote the Bible to you. You know this as well as I do. But in a day in which holy scripture is more and more minimised in the pulpit throughout the Western world and the northern hemisphere, your robust stand will glorify God and affirm Christians of all denominations at a time this is desperately needed. If you don’t, Justin, no one will. I regard you as the last hope.

I am indebted to England – I owe my ministry to Britain and the Church of England – strange as the latter may seem to some. But it is the truth. The Thirty-nine Articles are solid and you could be the last major leader to take a stand for theological integrity.

God bless you, Justin and Caroline.

Much love.

RT Kendall

Great Logic.

"Make religion attractive, make good men wish it were true and then show them that it is!"

Blaise Pascal.



Seems Likely. Beep, Beep!


Learning To Love Revelation.

Learning to Love Revelation.

Posted on 1.26.2023
This week out at the prison we dipped into the book of Revelation. The topic of the evening was actually 2 Thessalonians, but our discussions about "the man of lawlessness" in Chapter 2 took us on a wild ride from Daniel to Revelation. 

The book of Revelation has become one of my very favorite books in the Bible. Not a lot of people agree. Many people find Revelation bizarre and triggering, too weird and bloody to be of any value. But as I shared with the men out at the unit, I've learned to love Revelation.
I love Revelation because it is a fierce and prophetic criticism of Empire. Revelation is a no holds barred takedown of Rome, and of every Imperial power that has followed in Rome's footsteps. Revelation isn't about "end times" prophecy. Nero is clearly 666 and Babylon, "that great city that rules over the kings of the earth," is clearly the Empire founded on the banks of the Tiber.
And the climax of Revelation is the fall of Babylon in Revelation 18. Three groups of people weep over the fallen city--the kings of the earth, the merchants, and the sea captains. The political and economic order of the world is wholly overthrown. And standing vindicated in the midst of the rubble of Empire are the saints of God.
I love Revelation because it teaches me to not "trust in princes," as it says in the Psalms. Or to put faith in exploitative economic systems. Revelation helps me discern the political and economic wreckage all around me. Revelation tells the truth about the world. Revelation helps me see Babylon, that "demon haunted city," who rules every nation and economy of the world. Richard Beck.

Logically Difficult To Fault.


We May Not Be Able To Achieve This But We Must Surely Try.

Hate To Spoil The Joke But The Bayeux Tapestry Is Actually In Normandy.


Is There Anything This Man Can Get Right?

Australia set to ditch Royal Family after ‘maelstrom of Prince Harry revelations'

The continued infighting between members of the Royal Family has boosted Republican sentiment in the Commonwealth nation.



Iran poised to execute pregnant woman for burning picture of founder Ayatollah Khomeini

Story by Ciaran McGrath • 

Our 'Police Service' - What Is It For?

British police are failing because they have forgotten why they exist.

The rising tide of ‘staff networks’ in the Met is emblematic of the problem, pitting identitarian politics against general interest
A sign is displayed outside of New Scotland Yard
A sign is displayed outside of New Scotland Yard
Once upon a time, foreign actresses coming to London would tell reporters, “I think your British policemen are wonderful.”  It is worth asking why they said it, and why it is not said much nowadays.  
Obviously, the enthusiastic just-visiting film stars rarely knew any detail. They were picking up good impressions and illustrating the effect of good reputation. 
Appearances mattered. The police were highly visible in the streets and people liked what they saw. In their distinctive hats and smart uniforms, policemen looked well. Because of height rules (now relaxed) and the headgear (now seen much less often), they stood tall. They were imposing authority figures. 
Yet they also appeared kind. You could ask them directions, or the time of day. Their job was to keep the peace, and they seemed peaceful. In almost all circumstances, they were unarmed. They were the human equivalent of the old red telephone boxes – reassuring, solid, uniquely British. 
Not much of this survives. As someone who walks round the “Westminster village” most weeks, I am struck by the appearance of the armed police (from the Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection group) who guard, for example, the entrances to Downing Street. They lounge against walls or railings, sloppily dressed, never alone and vigilant, always together and chatting. They do not emanate pride in their job. Therefore they do not inspire confidence
Something similar applies at a deeper level. Citizens do not have confidence that the police know what is happening in their neighbourhoods, because they do not see them there. 
Worse still, women find it hard to trust them. The cases of Wayne Couzens, the rapist and murderer of Sarah Everard, and David Carrick, the multiple rapist, both of whom served in the Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection group (see above), and both of whom exploited their status to commit some of their acts, showed that evil men can serve in the force for many years undetected. Several cases, often involving the use of social media, have revealed police officers making degrading jokes about women and sharing photos of women who are victims of crime, even of murder. 
These cases are untypical, of course, but not untypical enough. They make it much harder, not only for visiting actresses, but for anyone, to think our British policemen are wonderful.  
There are other problems. The public sometimes feel unsure whether the police are on their side. When Black Lives Matter mobs daub statues, or Extinction Rebellion/Just Stop Oil hooligans attach themselves to roads, trains or motorway gantries, the police often seem neutral. Intimidated by alleged “rights” waved at them by the protesters, they pay little attention to upholding the right of the general public to go about our business. They seem to forget they are working for us. 
An even stranger phenomenon is that significant groups within the police spend their lives attacking the service that pays their salaries. A new Policy Exchange report, Blurred Lines, draws attention to the more than 200 “staff networks” within the police in England and Wales. Some of these informal groupings do little harm. To criticise, for example, Cleveland’s small Police Vegan Network would be taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut-cutlet. But some staff networks see it as their business noisily to tell police and even politicians what they should be doing, pitting identitarian politics against the general interest. 
In case studies, the Policy Exchange report singles out the Met’s Black Police Association (MetBPA) for erroneously stating it is a charity without being charity-registered. Within the force, the MetBPA was considered so negative that a separate black network set itself up to work more constructively. Another staff network, the National Association of Muslim Police, keeps trying to change the official language on terrorism to prohibit words like “Islamist” or “jihadist”. It also joins Islamic political campaigns outside the police force. The National LGBT+ Police Network publicly campaigns for officers to take part in Pride marches in their uniforms, thus breaking police rules of impartiality. 
The highly professional Sir Mark Rowley became Met Commissioner last September. He is working hard to reform and lead the Met out of its defensiveness. The speed of modern politics suggests that a Royal Commission would be too slow a means of achieving the root-and-branch review he seeks, but neither party has much sense of direction on the subject. There does need to be some way of looking at the problems overall. 
The first thing needful is to distinguish different types of change – the inevitable, the good, the bad. To pursue my analogy of the red telephone box, its reassurance was indeed wonderful but, in the era of mobile phones, no one needs it. What needs keeping? What needs changing? 
During Sir Mark’s early career (he joined the police in 1987), policing consisted mainly of its public-based strand – crime and order in the streets. Then grew up the idea of public protection overall – far more investigation of domestic abuse and of issues like child sexual abuse, which are evidentially much trickier and therefore more time-consuming than “ordinary decent crime”. On top of that, exploding this century, have been online offences, which now make up almost half of all crime. On these, the police badly lag the criminals. 
These changing pressures help explain the police retreat from the streets and from investigating vehicle theft and burglary. In the computer age, it can be argued, people are less dependent on their immediate environment and more vulnerable electronically than physically. This is partly true, but misleading. Citizens will never feel safe unless we know the police and they know us. That has to happen locally if it is to secure the policing by consent which must remain the basis of British policing. 
Such a return to first principles is what the Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, and Stephen Watson, the firm new Chief Constable of Greater Manchester, met to discuss in his bailiwick last week. It is sobering, however, to recall how often such principles have been restated only to fall away once more, as if they are just too boring for officers to stick to them. 
It is also sobering to recall that Sir Mark’s four immediate predecessors have had to leave the job against their will, forced out by various scandals and controversies. Leadership is perhaps the biggest issue in the Met, indeed across all policing. In this century, its future quality was damaged by Labour when Tony Blair’s administration got rid of accelerated (“elitist”) graduate promotion, and by the Conservatives under Theresa May as home secretary, who abolished the police staff college, Bramshill, and made the recruitment of chief constables an almost exclusively local, and therefore nepotistic, matter. 
Leadership has also been weakened at lower levels. The fearsome power of the police sergeant, for example, was the strongest model of street-level leadership. Nowadays, the sergeant is more like a trade union spokesman for those under him or her than a leader in action. And, as with so many public services, it is extremely hard to reward good performers and get rid of bad ones. 
The Met is not a complete mess. Its elements which are clear about their purpose – counter terrorism, for example, and homicide command – have excellent results and high esprit de corps. But it suffers badly from the sickness of so many current institutions. It fails to hold fast every day of its life to the simple, but not easy, purpose of its existence.  DT.

Mariolatry For Example.

  I chatted about Catholics going to heaven with my eldest son several weeks ago and as evangelicals, we fully agreed that there would be ma...