Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Nice One, Sara.

Swedish MEP ‘utterly destroys’ Left-winger as ‘bats*** crazy’ in brutal putdown.

Sara Skyttedal took Mick Wallace from the Left to task over his anti-Israel stance.

By MAX PARRY, News Reporter
16:19, Sun, Dec 31, 2023 

Sara Skyttedal took down Mick Wallace

Sara Skyttedal took down Mick Wallace (Image: X)

A sharp-tongued attack from a Swedish MEP on a "scruffy" anti-Israel Irish MEP from the Left group has earned plaudits from Jewish commentators.

The brutal putdown from Sara Skyttedal saw the Christian Democrats representative describe Mick Wallace as a member of the "bats**t crazy left".

During a debate on Israel in the European Parliament, Ms Skyttedal addressed the Irish MEP, who was dressed in a pink t-shirt, jeans and sandals.

She told the house: "I am deeply concerned about my Irish colleague from the Left group. Antisemitism is on the rise throughout Europe and an elected official continues to spread antisemitic messages.

"Also, this is a war that started because of terrorism, a war between a democratic state and a terrorist group. But in your upside down world you are calling the democratic state the terrorists and not even mentioning the atrocities by Hamas.

"This, my dear colleagues, is a clear example of the bats**t crazy left that does not belong in any elected chamber let alone this one." Express.


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