Sunday, September 26, 2010

Evolution is a 'faith system'.

"Larger-scale changes evident over longer periods of life's history".... are based on interpreting the fossil record using evolution as your apriori assumption, hence they are only evident in the minds of evolutionists. The real observation is that different kinds of creatures are buried in the fossil record. In spite of the dogmatic enthusiastic assertions by Dawkins, Attenborough, etc. evolution is a belief held by faith, not an observable fact. (Ref. philosophy, world view, scientific method.)

Prof Ed Neeland.

I Respect George As A True Christian. (Yet Still in The CofE.) My Own Feelings On This Matter Remain Mixed. I Respect George As A True Christian. (Yet Still in The CofE.) My Own Feelings On This Matter Remain Mixed.

Former archbishop George Carey backs assisted dying campaign after 'conversion'. EXCLUSIVE: Lord Carey said the Church of England, w...