A malign foreign influence on our courts.
From: Gerald Jarratt, Baghill Road, Tingley, near Wakefield.
I RESPOND to Don Burslam's letters (Yorkshire Post, September 6) and how the arguments against the closure of magistrates' courts seems to have little force.
I submit that the reason for this is that opposition to the cuts centres on the financial aspect and that the true reason behind these proposals is simply yet another deceitful move towards the creation of a European super state.
The present proposals are simply a rerun of the same exercise carried out in 2001 when Morley Magistrates Court, along with many others, was abolished on the grounds of cost.
As a nation, we are subservient to the dictates of the European Union. In reality, the Government is taking further crafty steps towards
complying with the Amsterdam Treaty's requirement to impose Corpus
Juris (an embryo EU wide criminal code drawn up in 1997) on an unsuspecting British public, thereby creating a single "harmonised" judicial system throughout the EU based on Continental (Napoleonic) law. Specifically, Article 26.1 of Corpus Juris excludes judgement by
"simple" jurors and lay magistrates. No jurors. No lay magistrates.
None of the European Union's plans include the freedoms of Magna Carta (1215), the presumption of innocence, habeas corpus or jury trial.
Closing our courts and transferring work elsewhere inevitably means that many (unpaid) lay magistrates will have to resign which is what
the government wants so that they can fill any shortfall with paid (stipendiary) justices based on the Continental (Corpus Juris) model.
We are asked to believe that replacing unpaid volunteers by paid professionals is a money-saving measure.
Beware. One thousand Britons have been extradited to Europe on the
orders of European Prosecutor and are now subject to Napoleonic law without having the right to ask a British judge to test the merits of the case against them.
Five young men were deported to Greece on flimsy assault charges dating back to a holiday two years ago. They faced up to 18 months in a Greek jail just awaiting trial. So much for Habeas Corpus.
When I first put on a khaki suit in 1941, I was told: "You are fighting to preserve the British way of life, you are fighting to keep your country free from foreign domination."
Politicians have betrayed us and those who gave their lives to keep our
country free.
This letter is not only knowledgeable but 100% accurate.
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