Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Psychological hokum?

'The self-styled behavioural experts, who say they get into the mind of offenders, employed techniques that were more "fantasy than science", said a leading psychologist.
He said that the profession, which he claims has yet to solve a crime, was dangerous because it could lead to wasted police time and miscarriages of justice.'


Shame really. I always enjoyed 'Cracker' - but let's not be too surprised. Most psychology is uninspired guesswork.

I Respect George As A True Christian. (Yet Still in The CofE.) My Own Feelings On This Matter Remain Mixed. I Respect George As A True Christian. (Yet Still in The CofE.) My Own Feelings On This Matter Remain Mixed.

Former archbishop George Carey backs assisted dying campaign after 'conversion'. EXCLUSIVE: Lord Carey said the Church of England, w...