Sunday, September 19, 2010

If the worst were to happen ....

If the worst were to happen and our currency were ever to be revalued to such an extent as to make its possession meaningless, who would get the blame?
The unthinking and the left would promptly pour their customary bile onto capitalism, big business, fat cats and bankers.

Undoubtedly, there would be more than a grain of truth in such an argument - but there would also be a pretty large bit of this which would be 'not seeing the wood for the trees'.
USSR style socialism did this to its people! Savings were destroyed and the welfare state imploded.
THIS COULD HAPPEN HERE! If you treat the spending of money you do not have as an absolute right; if you believe that others must pay for what you want; if you borrow sums you cannot afford to pay back; if your government prints money to cover shortfalls - you have all the requisite elements in place for disaster!
The biggest problem is how that money has been spent - effectively covering and guaranteeing social unfairness and on wild egalitarianism.
If the worst were to happen - and why wouldn't it? - socialism and leftwing 'projects' must shoulder 90% of the blame!
Why do I hate socialism? - Because it CANNOT work! Every time we try to make it do so - it fails AND we now have a tory party with socialist leanings!
Heaven help us!

