Sunday, September 25, 2011

£1.75 TRILLION Plan To 'Save the Euro'?

1] We are not part of the Eurozone.
2] Our people have never had the chance to vote on our membership of a federal state but only for a massively different Common Market.
There are many more reasons I could give as to why the UK must NOT agree to funding a single penny more but this pair should suffice to  win the moral argument by an overwhelming margin.
We have been playing 'pretend politics' as well as 'pretend economics' since 1973.
Enough is enough. Withdraw immediately to associate status.

What really hacks me off is that mealy-mouthed group who lecture us all and state that 'we are a democracy and people have had the chance to vote for anti-EU parties over the last three and a half decades.'
Which mainstream party would that be then? - Coz it certainly ain't the tories!
Our electoral system makes it nigh on impossible for others to succeed.
To go on to claim that people 'could have voted UKIP' is disingenuous in the extreme - particularly against the backcloth of European Elections where a not too unfair voting system turned UKIP into our second largest party - and with the genuine possibility of topping the poll next time around.
The irony is not lost on me!
The only solution to this mess is for voters to stop calling it 'a wasted vote' in Westminster elections and vote for UKIP consistently - and at every electoral opportunity. It may take a very long time - but what alternatives are there?
To try to sway opinion in the tory party is doomed to abject failure. They are a totally pro-EU outfit with handfuls of dissenters almost all of whom categorically refuse to join the 'Better Off Out Campaign'.
These same people then play a game of smoke and mirrors in which there is a double-pronged assault on the countless naive voters.
The first of these is the pretence that the EU is reformable - which is a manifest falsehood.
The second is to pretend that acquis commaunitaire - 'the ratchet method' of the EU or 'The-What-We-Win-We-Hold-Principle', in place since 1957, does not exist.
