Tuesday, September 27, 2011

'Ofqual: pupils to sit end-of-course exams in GCSE overhaul.'

'The existing system – in which courses are split into bite-sized chunks that students can re-take to boost their overall score – is likely to be scrapped next year.
It is feared that modular exams get in the way of teaching time and promote a culture of short-term cramming instead of a proper understanding of subjects.' (Telegraph.)

Michael Gove is getting more right than he is wrong. (A most agreeable change for a Secretary Of State For Education!) I myself have gradually adjusted to the current system and note that it is designed to give an artificial 'hike' to exam results.
I believe that in my own school we have been penalised to an extent by the current system and so would welcome this 'reality check'.
Never forget one thing however, exam results are decided by the exam boards in the most arbitrary of ways. They impose 'cut-off points' to achieve the desired numbers of passes.
Frequent changes to the 'style' of examinations are nothing less than calculated attempts to confuse those wanting to make comparisons with previous exam entrants.
The sickening cry of 'you're not comparing like with like' is always employed when comparisons are attempted.
