Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ta, Mate!

Countries with the Highest Density of Millionaires:
1.    Singapore    11.4%
2.    Hong Kong    8.8%
3.    Switzerland   8.4%
4.    Kuwait          8.2%
5.    Qatar            7.4%
6.    UAE               6.2%
7.    USA               4.1%
8.    Belgium        3.5%
9.    Israel            3.3%
10.  Taiwan          3.0%
More arriving by the day.  Money doesn't rush to autocracy, it goes to safety, security and good governance. Murdoch was once asked why he didn't set up in Singapore.  He said that he couldn't work there, because the government was too transparent for him. Ha ha ha! Classic!!!!  Did okay in those bastions of "freedom", USA and UK didn't he?
