Friday, September 30, 2011

The EU is Not Tame: It Is NOT Controllable!

"On the UK's role in the EU, Hague stated, 'The EU does have too much power. I haven't changed that view since being in government; in fact if anything, being in government has reinforced that view. There should be powers that are returned to this country. I think we should be clear in the Conservative party that that is where we are heading.' OE.
At one time I held such high hopes for this man - and no, the teenage Hague at conference is not the one to whom I refer! 
He has now played 'the double game' for such a long time it is engrained within him.
I MUST repeat - seemingly ad nauseam - that, as he very well knows, membership of the EU combined with its policy of acquis commaunitaire does not permit any repatriation of powers to nation states!
This is the same deception which has been foisted on the electorate by the duplicitous tory party for nearly 40 years. PLEASE tell your friends, relatives and neighbours the unvarnished truth about this. They have got away with it largely because of the general apathy of the people toward in depth political knowledge.
The great British public is yet to cotton on!
