Saturday, September 17, 2011


"Unless you mortify (whipping or scourging or torturing the body) yourself, you'll never be a prayerful soul..... Blessed be pain ....  Loved be pain .... Sanctified be pain. ... Glorified be pain."
José María Mariano Escrivá. (Founder of Opus Dei, recently 'made into a saint' and already masochist extraordinaire.)
One simple question. Jesus suffered in this way but hardly delighted in it - so in precisely which Gospel does Jesus advocate this vile practice for followers during His ministry? - Ah. Thought not.
We are saved by God's grace and Christ's sacrifice NOT through works (however well intentioned and absurd - 'Lest any man should boast!')
Any wonder that the enemies of Christ have so many field days with the ready availability of propaganda such as this?
Secretive + mind controls + bad theology =
