Saturday, September 17, 2011

Make Abortion History.

Send Postcard to Prime Minister cases relating to Christian freedoms are to be heard shortly by the European Court of Human Rights. These include two CLC clients: Shirley Chaplin, the nurse who was asked to remove the cross she had worn since her confirmation; and Gary McFarlane, the counsellor who had a possible conscientious objection to providing sex therapy to homosexual couples.

The Prime Minister needs to make a statement on the cases to the European Court by 30th September.

Please contact the Prime Minister by sending him one of our postcards, which ask him to support the cases.

Please try and send your postcards by 22nd September (but postcards sent after this date will still be noted).

You can order free copies of our postcards from us which you can then distribute. Contact us by email ( with your address and number of postcards you would like.

Choose Life: Make Abortion History Choose Life campaign, run by Christian Concern, aims to mobilise a generation to make abortion history in this nation.

Please join us on Thursday 27th October 2011 for a special conference and a demonstration outside Parliament on the 44th anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act, as we seek to find new ways to keep the spotlight on the destruction that abortion brings.

Find out more here >
