Friday, March 09, 2012

Clegg Lends Support To The EU Arrest Warrant.

In a speech in the Hague yesterday, UK Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg defended the European Arrest Warrant, saying that although reform is needed to make sure its use is “proportionate”, “the principle remains: crime crosses borders; crime-fighting must too.”Irish Times
Just when has anything to do with the EU EVER been 'proportionate'?
'Reform is needed'? - Just how dishonest is that? When is 'reform' in the EU ever genuine - or even possible?
These are the words of a man caught 'betwixt and between'! He knows that the legislation is wretched.
That our citizens can be arrested here and carted off to another EU nation for something which may not even be a crime in the UK is absurd and morally beyond the pale.

Ancient Philippi.

Philippi. An important city in the Roman and early Christian period, Philippi exists today only as an archaeological site. The impressive re...