Friday, March 02, 2012

Uniformitarianism Is 'An Act Of Faith.'

If uniformitarianism be not true then evolution is frankly, impossible. Uniformitarianism is the widely held belief that:
A) 'The present is the key to the past' and
B) That what we see today has come about extremely gradually.
We have already considered on this Blog how damaging polystrate fossils are to this hypothesis and so tend to be ignored, ditched and otherwise publicised as 'rare freak happenings' when in fact, the opposite is true.
   The evidence for a 'catastrophist model' is at the very least, something which should be taken most seriously by evolutionists but again, there is a strong tendency to take these as 'one offs'.
Perhaps what has happened to scores of square miles in the area around Mount St Helens (erupted 1980) is a better measure than what is currently taught in schools.
Furthermore, coal formations within a handful of years in this vicinity drive a mighty stake into the heart of the countless evolutionary arguments which require millions of years for what is often (always?) a short term process.

We Must Always Question Statistics.

Is the global population of Christians really increasing? By  Oscar Amaechina , Op-ed Contributor  Wednesday, January 22, 2025 iStock/agafap...