Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Christian Sellout?

  • If you haven't already, please contact the Education Secretary, Nicky Morgan (pictured), over her approach to same-sex 'marriage', faith schools and teaching about God our creator.

    If you have already contacted Mrs Morgan - thank you. Please let us know about any response.

    Over the last few weeks, Mrs Morgan, who was until recently a trustee of the Conservative Christian Fellowship, is reported to have:
  • Changed her mind on same-sex 'marriage', saying that she would "probably not" vote against it now. She also chose to attend the Pink News awards ceremony and present an award (read more).
  • Announced £2mn of government funding to confront 'homophobic bullying'. Of course, all bullying should be opposed and measures taken to tackle it. But the problem with initiatives such as this is that they try to deal with bullying by normalising homosexuality and imposing acceptance of homosexual practice and identity. Such schemes become a trojan horse for stiffling dissent against the sexuality agenda (read more).
Please contact Nicky Morgan to express your concern and ask her to change her mind - or at least to hear the other side of the argument on these issues from experts. 
  • If you live in Mrs Morgan's Loughborough constituency, please email her at or write to her at Westminster: Rt Hon. Nicky Morgan MP, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA.
  • If you are not a constituent, please contact her at or write to her: Rt Hon. Nicky Morgan MP, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA.  Christian Concern.

A Verse of Great Encouragement.