Friday, November 21, 2014

Bay of Pigs.

This Blog has never had any respect at all for the Kennedy clan and in particular, with regard to the Bay of Pigs affair, in JFK. 
If, treacherously and for self-serving political advantage, he wasn't prepared to keep promises to the Cuban exile invaders, he should have brought the whole operation to a complete halt before it began. Shameful shillyshallying.

I also note with interest that recent revisionist 'takes' on the history of The Cuban Missile Crisis (which have turned him into a most unlikely hero) calculatedly ignore the link between the Bay of Pigs catastrophe and the 'arrival' of Soviet missiles the following year. That brought the world to the brink of World War Three. Fortunately, in the last hours before disaster, cooler heads finally caused him to act with a modicum of common sense.

Elephantine Tragedies.