The Prime Minister is desperate to appear to be making progress in his bid to renegotiate our terms of membership with the EU without actually falling foul of EU law. It’s a difficult act and so far not a very impressive one.
In the summer he set out new regulations restricting the period during which EU migrants could claim various benefits from six to three months.
This week’s new idea is that migrants would be told to prove that they are able support themselves should they want to stay in the country for more than three months. Those without a job or the prospect of one would have their right to freedom of movement restricted.
In response Angela Merkel has said (also hoping to sound tough) that the freedom of movement issue is non-negotiable and that she would rather Britain left the EU than follow this route. That is not really true of course. It is mere talk designed to please her voters, the millions of Germans who are also highly critical of the way the EU operates and wouldn’t thank Merkel if Britain got away with something that they can’t.
It is difficult for David Cameron. Appeasing German leaders is not something the British approve of and history tells us that previous attempts to do so have not ended well. If only he would call her bluff in this absurd game. He won’t of course.
He is painting himself into a corner and the only way out is that door marked “referendum”. Express.