Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Sikh Former Labour Councillor Joins UKIP.

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Buy photos » Harjinder Singh Sehmi (centre) with Chair of Coventry UKIP, Mark Taylor (left) and UKIP MEP James Carver (right). (s)
A FORMER councillor who migrated to Britain in the 70s has joined the UK Independence Party (UKIP).
Harjinder Singh Sehmi - who sat on the Labour benches at Coventry City Council between 2010 and 2014 - made the switch to UKIP because he believes there is a need to restrict the number of people settling in the UK.
The 60-year-old became a British citizen a few years after arriving from India and lives in Foleshill with his family.
Speaking to the Observer, he said: "Border control is a very important issue at the moment. There are too many guests from Europe and we could be risking overcrowding. We need to stop so many people coming and control the borders more strictly.
"I am a British citizen and very proud to be British. In the 37 years I have been here I have worked for all in the community to further this country in one way or another.
"Some people say UKIP is a racist party but I don't see how. I have joined, how can they be racist? They are accepting of all British people and I am pleased with that."
The dad-of-four migrated from India in 1977 to marry his wife who had moved to the UK several years before.

NOW all we need to transform British politics forever is a Labour MP or two to come over!
