This was huge folly on my part as I came under the lightly-concealed atheism of a man who is determined to undermine Christianity to the full extent of his malevolent abilities.
I was unable to watch it to the end as his vile, subtle and insidious mockery of the Scriptures unfolded.
This is a most dangerous man and IMHO - an instrument of the Satan in whom he presumably does not believe.
No - I am not judging him, I am simply stating the facts as I see them. We must recognise a tree by the fruit it produces.
No. I do not hate him. No, God does not hate him - actually we both love him enough to want to see him escape the Hell which is currently his certain destination.
I want him to meet The Living Saviour as I did. I love this obnoxious being. I want the best for him. I am going to add him to my prayer lists and may I urge that every reader will do the same.