Sunday, August 06, 2006

Prayerful Police

In days gone by, there would have been much delight that a senior Police Officer should refer to prayer as being a positive force in policing. Today - ribald, crude, politically correct mockery - across the media.
I say "Well done!" to the Christian Police Association in Lincolnshire.

A Police Officers Prayer:

Lord I ask you to be with me in a very special way, As I face the challenges that come my way each day. Please give to me compassion for the innocent I see, Help me to protect and serve those who depend on me.When duty calls to danger I will rely on you, To give me strength and courage and help me make it through. And when my shift is over, thankful I will be That you have been the unseen guest walking next to me.


Danger Alert.

The broken immigration system is now becoming dangerous. The Home Office already has some serious questions to answer – as does the Ministry...