Friday, September 22, 2006

Well done that man!

Congratulations to the Bishop of Bolton, the Reverend David Gillett, for making his voice heard against the odious festival of halloween. Its vaguely Christian history has always been rather dubious and it trivialises darkness and evil , rather like an extended celebration of Harry Potter books.
It is most unlikely that his campaign will influence the purely profit-motivated big stores but credit to him for the attempt. If his campaign gets people using their brains or Christians shunning this americanised load of tosh, much will have still been achieved.
The author of this Blog is no lover of the bigger churches but will always try to give credit where due.

I Respect George As A True Christian. (Yet Still in The CofE.) My Own Feelings On This Matter Remain Mixed. I Respect George As A True Christian. (Yet Still in The CofE.) My Own Feelings On This Matter Remain Mixed.

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