Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Sexist scandal in universities!

It has just been reported that only 43% of graduates today are male! Perhaps somebody could explain to me just why the Guardian is not demonstrating apoplectic rage?
Where are Polly Toynbee and Germaine Greer when you need them?


Badly spent.

Over and over again, year upon year the NHS drains the lifeblood out of the taxpayer. Last year, it appears that no more than £1.7 billion of extra funding was spent on improvements to to staffing, extra drugs and supplies - and even this figure may well be flattering.
Meanwhile, a further £3.8 billion was poured in from which the taxpayer will find zero improvements. Massive increases in salaries to GPs, debt repayment and capitulating to price rises by the giant drugs corporations helped to eat up this massive amount.
If £5.5 billion brings about only minimal changes - just how much would have to be spent to make it work properly?
Targets and non-stop statistics must cease; negligence payments must only be made when negligence is proved and managers must be drafted in who know how to run a whelk stall.
In the longer term, we must move over to a bottom-funded system as used by the French who enjoy the best health care in the world.
A recent report suggests that the NHS wastes a mere£25 billion pounds EVERY year! Just imagine how the system would improve with that to spend on real projects!


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Multiculturalism - more failures.

"The doctrine of multi-culturalism has alienated an entire generation of young Muslims and made them increasingly radical, a report has found.
In stark contrast with their parents, growing numbers sympathise with extreme teachings of Islam, with almost four in ten wanting to live under Sharia law in Britain.
The study identifies significant support for wearing the veil in public, Islamic schools and even punishment by death for Muslims who convert to another religion.
Most alarmingly, 13 per cent of young Muslims said they "admired" organisations such as Al Qaeda which are prepared to "fight the West".
The poll exposes a fracture between the attitudes of Muslims aged 16 to 24, most of whom were born in Britain, and those of their parents’ generation, who are more likely to have been immigrants.
A report published alongside the poll, commissioned by the think tank Policy Exchange and carried out by Populus, said the doctrine of multi-culturalism was at least partly responsible. "

[Daily Mail report.]

Like the EU, multiculturalism must be seen for what it is and not for what its supporters claim it to be in their own little, utopian world view. Trevor Phillips is just one of the increasingly large numbers of liberals who appear to be having second thoughts.So very unusual for these people to ever admit to the slightest possibility of them being wrong. In the 1960s there was a word I quite liked, 'integration'.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Think as instructed!

Quote from Peter Hitchens:

" A modern British liberal will defend to the death your right to agree with him. Disagree and he will call the police."

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Pollution today?

Just how polluted is the UK today?
In 1957, because of my bronchial problems, my family had to move from the industrialised Trent Bank at Keadby to the East Coast. It was just so bad with the steel town of Scunthorpe nearby.
I remember smog masks; factory chimneys belching non-stop filth; diesel emissions that made you physically sick; every household spewing forth dense black smoke; car exhaust fumes in quantities people today just would not believe and on a minor level, more than half the population smoked. Sulphur Dioxide emissions are now a minute fraction of what they once were.
The improvements in my lifetime are beyond dreams. We have cleaned up our act and now we are down to a very low level of muck into the atmosphere, yet apparently it is all OUR faults if global warming kicks in because we have left a telly on standby.
[They cannot be serious!]
Sorry. I just do not buy it. If the climate is hotting up it will be well beyond Man's control; volcanoes and sun cycles spring to mind - and that includes the new, dirty industrialisation in China.
I saw a statistic last year which stated that vehicle emissions globally account for just 0.6% of all atmospheric pollution; basically an irrelevance in the big picture.
If you want to know where it really comes from, then wait for the next Krakatoa or Mount St Helens.
Something tells me that we are all being fed a giant con.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Paul Dacre.

Paul Dacre is editor of he Daily Mail and has recently launched into a virulent but highly accurate attack on the BBC:-
"Of course, there is the odd dissenting voice, but by and large BBC journalism starts from the premise of leftwing ideology: it is hostile to conservatism and the traditional right, Britain's past and British values, America, Ulster unionism, Euroscepticism, capitalism and big business, the countryside, Christianity and family values.

Conversely, it is sympathetic to Labour, European federalism, the state and state spending, mass immigration, minority rights, multiculturalism, alternative lifestyles, abortion, and progressiveness in the education and the justice systems."
I cannot argue with anything at all here. I thought neutrality was what Auntie was supposed to be all about. Well, it isn't!

Friday, January 26, 2007


Please kill every magpie you can.
More than grey squirrels, feral cats, absurdly protected sparrowhawks and loss of environment, the handsome, raucous magpie destroys eggs and nestlings of songbirds. A pair can kill hundreds in a season.
Magpies have proliferated because of man's rubbish and as a sideline are decimating our songbirds.
In our district they have ravaged: thrushes, tits, finches, robins and many more. These have disappeared over 30 years. The main variable? - The magpie.
If a bird can be evil - they are
So where is the political correctness in all of this? Well. The answer is simple. It is the hand-wringers who insist that 'culls are cruel' who are causing vast amounts of damage to our wildlife.


Grammar Schools.

The London School of Economics is not generally known for embracing any ideas which would fall out with the liberal left but on Grammar Schools, it tells the full, unvarnished truth.
The abolition of this magnificent schooling system has led to greater social inequality and not less.
Well, of course it has! It was the vehicle which was designed to lift the brighter children in the lower classes and to give them the same chance as anybody born higher up the social scale.
Indeed, back in 1944 when Butler was working on the best of all education acts, Labour saw this as a great opportunity.
Tragically, they turned against this on vague ideological grounds. The Grammars were excellent - I went to three and should know. They created a genuine environment for learning and intellectual rigour. If there was a problem, it was that the Secondary Moderns for other pupils were underfunded. Easily resolved without wrecking a wonderful system.
And so was born the apprehensive - sorry - comprehensive school. I experienced three of them as a teacher. When they did work, it was in spite of the system and not because of it.
When politics enters education, you are in trouble as a society.
Of all the social disasters caused by the liberal left, the successful assault on the Grammars must be right up there in the top three. Dumbing down and the politics of envy turn my stomach.

To understand current education fully, read:-
'All must have prizes' by Melanie Phillips.


Thursday, January 25, 2007

Eroded freedom.

The Sexual Orientation Regulations have meant that the Anglican and Roman Catholic Church leaderships in the UK have spoken with a united voice. For the first time on this Blog, Rowan Williams gains a hearty endorsement.
Although these regulations are terrible for evangelical Christians, and may be seen as the clearest evidence of persecution, the problem runs considerably deeper.
No. Christians are being told how to think and are being required to act outside their consciences. This is the thin end of a very dangerous wedge.
One Sheffield JP has hit the headlines after effectively being hounded out of Family Court proceedings in Sheffield.
This can only mean that in future, all evangelical Christians, who have been the backbone of our magisterial system right back into history, will now have to be weeded out in the selection procedures.
The usual double standards will apply and Islamic applicants will inevitably not be asked the same questions about attitudes to homosexual practice as their Christian counterparts.
Not so long ago, JPs were required to fill in a form which asked if they were freemasons or not. One must conclude that a similar form will soon be winging its way to current Christians on the Bench asking them about their views.
Even the notorious Abortion Act allowed for opt outs on grounds of conscience - but this evil will not.
Perhaps some wonder why I fight constantly against the sinister forces which most people hardly even notice? Perhaps you are now beginning to understand the depth of evil we face.
Our 'Land of the Free' is no more.


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Put your house in order.

Celibacy forced onto Catholic priests by spurious interpretations of 1 Corinthians 7, is no doubt the main reason why there has been such a history of child molestation by those forced into an unnatural state.
The papal injunctions against contraception have caused untold misery to good catholic families over generations.
If the Church of Rome wants to be viewed sympathetically by the population with its stand against the new Sexual Orientation Legislation, it would do so from a greater position of moral strength were it to stick to speaking out on such matters when it is entirely in line with scriptural teaching in other areas.
Its hard line stance against abortion for example, would be accepted much more freely were it not for the absurdities of its scripturally unjustifiable policies against birth control.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

What are environmentalists for?

What is the point of these so-called environmentalists? Just what good do they do and what sense do they convey?
It was reported on TV last night that part of the M1 South of Sheffield is to be made into 4 lanes to ease congestion. There will apparently be no great swathes of land going under tarmac.
'Win-win' do I hear you say?
Sadly not so for leading enviromentalist Julie White who declares that this will "cause more exhaust emissions."
Please dear reader, stop and ask yourself just how? Indubitably, we shall have the same traffic as before, moving more steadily, thereby emitting the minimum amounts of fumes. At present we have this motorway with traffic congested, emitting the maximum amount of fumes.
"But new roads create more traffic" is the plaintive and deeply-flawed argument used by car-haters.
Okay. So just who is going to go out and buy a private car because one road moves more freely? Which firm will buy more vans or lorries? Just how many extra people will shun public transport to use their own vehicle on an M1 journey?
Similar claims of 'increased traffic' are used when by-passes are built. Have these people not heard of 'displacement'?
It is about time we recognised that the only way to cut emissions is to have better traffic flow and reduced journey times.
This nation has fewer motorway miles per 1,000 cars than any nation in W. Europe!


Monday, January 22, 2007

Tough on what?

Tony Blair promised to be 'tough on crime and on the causes of crime'. His Kensington liberal,socialist friends will have rushed to tell him that the prime 'cause' was poverty. How sad that we have approximately twelve times the crime rates today, as in the 1930s. Is it not tragic to learn that we are so much poorer now than in those opulent, luxury-filled days?
As Police frequently do not bother turning out nowadays as they are far too busy with the vital work of filling in forms, these crime rate figures have compressed the picture somewhat - many people just do not bother to report even quite serious crimes.
Great to learn then that 58% of convicted burglars are currently avoiding jail. I assume that Tony intended to keep his promise so I recommend that he joins a fact-finding mission to find out how Joe Arpaio has proved that crime does not have to pay.

See 'Bureaucracy' posting 20/11/06.


Sunday, January 21, 2007

The time has come!

If our 'good buddies' in the EU will allow us [and withdraw instantly if they do not] a law must be enacted to bring to an end idiocy, lunacy and political correctness from government and the Legal System.
I propose 'The Law of Common Sense' which would have the power to over-ride any piece of nonsense.
For example, a person who is seriously injured in an accident might receive £10,000 in damages yet somebody who is called a name by a work colleague picks up a cool six figure sum. [Funny how they always sue the employer and not the individual, isn't it?]
Suresh Deman has made a good living across both sides of the Atlantic making spurious claims against everybody - usually based on his perceptions of racial prejudice.
It has taken 40 [yes, FORTY] claims before he has finally been stopped, when the Attorney General has had him declared a 'vexatious litigant'.
I think of the pregnant Wrens who had signed a document agreeing not to get pregnant - a tad unfair maybe - but nothing compared to European Courts awarding them £3oo,ooo of tapayers' money when they broke their contracts.
Name calling must NEVER gain even a fraction of the compensation of people with physical claims.
What of thieves, sacked by their employers who successfully sue? I could go on.
No. We need a law which takes the teeth out of all; vexatious, frivolous and run-with-it-and-see-what-we-get type claims. Ideally, it would always involve an element of risk to personal finances. This would only apply when claims are not recognisably sensible.


Saturday, January 20, 2007

Doing good?

I return to the theme of 'do-gooders' as so many people signally fail to grasp that this term is heavily ironic. The Letters Pages seem filled with those who do not understand the concept and naively ask "Well, would we prefer to have do-badders then?" Personally, I would need to think very deeply about that one!
Charles Dickens had an excellent overview of society. The Brownlows of his world are genuine, caring warm, risk-takers. They make a positive difference to the world they inhabit - a society which, as philanthropists, they manage to improve.
Contrast these sort of characters with the lady in Bleak House whose children are grievously neglected because of her obsession with poverty in a distant country. She is the do-gooder.
A do-gooder is customarily meddlesome, overweening, always right, simplistic. They will happily spend your money on their fixations. The trouble is, when they have finished, the situation either remains unchanged or may even have worsened.
Americans have begun to distinguish. They now refer to real do-gooders where somebody's actions actually produce a positive outcome.


Friday, January 19, 2007

Did Jesus abolish punishment?

Those people who misunderstand Jesus when He tells us to 'turn the other cheek' have a real problem.
Many liberals have attempted to use this quotation from the Sermon on the Mount against the death penalty, for example. Unfortunately, if you are taking these words and using them in this way, you may not restrict their usage.
Clearly, it would then have to mean that this is extended to all punishments. In similar fashion, the story of 'The Woman taken in adultery' may not be used for extrapolation either as this would also mean that all punishments are to be ignored - [I shall deal with that issue on another occasion.]
Everything must be seen in the light of Matthew 5:17 where Jesus says "I have not come to abolish the Law." In chapter 5, verse 38 Jesus also says: "You have heard that it was said 'eye for eye and tooth for tooth' but I tell you, do not resist an evil person."
There is no contradiction here if you grasp the very simple, general principle that Jesus is speaking to His disciples, followers and future Christians. He explains how Christians must not act by taking revenge. The 'eye for eye' principle was not designed for personal vengeance and vengeance is always personal.
No. Jesus has not abolished the principle of the Lex Talionis; balanced punishment. That is the domain of Society and not the individual. The use of 'eye for eye' is for social retribution and never personal revenge. Retribution can never be personal; it is always neutral.
To a large extent, The Old Testament is about how to run a society and The New is about how to run your own life. It is the only way that the Scriptures may be interpreted - otherwise they are contradictory which is clearly not the case.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Falling crime? Don't make me laugh.

Several years ago this government changed the way crime statistics were collated. In addition to this, last year of the 1,327,000 offences which came to the attention of the authorities, 624,ooo did not come to court.
Watch now how the emphasis of statistics will count court cases and not offences. Be under no illusions. These cautions inter al, were most assuredly not all first offenders or acts of minimal impact on the community. Those sort of offences are hardly detected by the radar today; so high are the cut off points for the settings of that radar that the desires of many that we might try out zero tolerance are just a forlorn hope.
Careers Teacher is one of the many hats I wear. Perhaps it is time for me to add criminal to the list of recommended options for pupils who want to get on in life. Crime pays.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The 'fact' of evolution.

One of the scariest things I have come across in my life is how the evolutionary hypothesis is accepted on such a wide scale based on the flimsiest of evidence. As a former Chairman of Magistrates, I can assure you that, if tested in a British court, the evidence would not and could not conclude that evolution is a fact.
Indeed, when we speak of 'evolution', to which of the fifteen different theories are we actually referring?
Few evolutionists believe the same thing at all but they all agree that evolution did take place. [?]
Evolution is emphatically not science. It is a belief system - faith if you will.
Try this out as a mental exercise. I shall give you an accurate statement of general evolutionary belief. All I ask is that you give it a few moments of deep thought.
"Hydrogen is a colourless, odourless gas which, given enough time turns into people."

Tell me that is not a statement of faith. And to think, some people say that belief in God is 'intellectual suicide." What does that make belief in evolution?


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Lord Mackay of Clashfern.

Recently on Radio 4, the former Lord Chancellor has pronounced on the new Sexual Orientation Regulations and opines that these will not allow schools to instruct children in 'the importance of marriage for family life'. Similarly, they will not be permitted to tell pupils that 'homosexual sex is wrong'.
Oh dear. It looks as though I am going to be in trouble.


Monday, January 15, 2007

Does not ring quite true.

I do not exactly know what is going on in the Sir Robert Napier school in Gillingham where, schoolgirl Samantha Devine, has become a cause celebre for not being allowed to wear a crucifix on a chain when other emblems of minority religions are accepted.
True. It could be another political correctness issue and that would surely not surprise me. If it is and the family are taking a stand - all well and good. They have my best wishes.
The Health and Safety issue quoted by the school presumably came into play because it was specifically a necklace/pendant.
The only way this may be properly be tested is if she were not allowed to wear a crucifix as a small badge. It is worrying that the paraphernalia of other religions are permitted automatically.
A worthy test case and headline for The Mail ? - I am simply unsure.

UPDATE: 16/1/07: The Robert Napier school appears to be backtracking on this issue.
UPDATE: 26/01/07 The school digs its heels in. Row carries on.


Sunday, January 14, 2007

Simone Clarke.

The famous ballet dancer Simone Clarke has joined the BNP.
I do not support the BNP, in fact I do not like them a great deal at all. Nonetheless, she is as entitled as any other person in this country to have her political beliefs considered to be her own affair. She has joined a democratic party which plants no bombs and whose literature might upset the left, but is not outlandish.
The media would have us believe that the BNP has 'other agendas' and contains racists. Well. Name me a party which does not meet the same criteria.
So. Does it bother me that she is a member? - The answer is a resounding 'yes' but only in the same way that I am upset by members of so-called mainstream parties who: conspire against the voters, support anti-UK policies, tax the honest into the ground, shun democracy, permit widespread crime, have lost control of our borders, are selling out to the EU and think that political correctness should be shoved into our faces.
Just who are the extremists exactly?

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Gordon Brown has a pension.

MPs have pensions; very generous pensions indeed. Never mind the plebs! They will just have to make do or eventually become a further drain on the public purse. Remember that fellow Gordon Brown who effectively wrecked all private pensions with his stealth tax grab? Well, he is a member of a government, indeed a Parliament, committed to the 'European ideal'.
The European Court of Justice is due to make a legal ruling this month on that worthy but expensive mechanism, The Pension Protection Fund, which will intrude into our nation and will almost inevitably add major costs to company pension schemes.
The likeliest of outcomes is that even more companies will scrap their pension schemes. More people than ever will have no provision for old age and will rely on the state - a state which ironically, is hoping to raise the pension age, cut pensions provision and encourage more people to fend for themselves.
The burden of taxation on the individual has soared during the tenure of this government to such a degree that it has ensured that few either can provide for themselves or will be persuaded that 'saving up' is any sort of good idea. What a mad world we inhabit.

Friday, January 12, 2007


Gradually, ever gradually the forces of atheism advance. They do not do so openly, but generally quietly, surreptitiously and often in an 'oh so reasonable' way.
The tradition of Council prayers at the start of meetings in Totnes has been abandoned in favour of 'a quiet moment of reflection'. Incidentally, Totnes has no minority faiths on the Council! In itself - nothing. But multiply this tens of thousands of times around the nation and you drain away the lifeblood. For the second time recently, and in a totally different context, I shall use the phrase 'the death of a thousand cuts'.
Perhaps I could add a description of the tactic - 'softlee, softlee, catchee monkey'.
Shame on Totnes Mayor Pruw Boswell - a Roman Catholic - for being party to this.
One more big negative in Devon. I shall continue to remember these politically correct places. They will never get my money through tourism.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Deadly Weed.

I hate cannabis and bitterly resent the fact that Blunkett reduced it to a category 'C' drug. Its links to psychoses are well documented. Its effects as a 'gateway' drug are proved beyond any doubt. It remains in the bloodstream for at least a month and contrary to the claims of its apologists, it is addictive and personality-changing.
At West Bar Police Station in Sheffield, an overwhelming majority of those arrested test positive for illicit drugs and cannabis is one of the most popular. It can and does create violence and has been linked to a number of murders.
All that and The W.H.O. states that it is seven times more carcinogenic than tobacco.
The use of this dangerous drug has soared since the former Home Secretary's blunder and although government is moving towards admitting the truth, the decision has not been reversed.
Recent figures show that 57% 0f youngsters arrested have smoked the drug in the month prior to arrest.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Fight the good fight.

Peter Hain's appalling Sexual Orientation Regulations (Northern Ireland) blatantly infringes religious liberty and involves a fatally flawed consultation process.The good news is that Churches representing 15,000 Christians in N. Ireland are to take this to law.
Well done! What few freedoms remain to us which have not been removed by the European Union, we must fight to preserve.

. Peter Hain explaining what he would like to do to practising Christians.


Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I have long believed that Mr Blair has not dared to abolish the Honours System but has preferred to make it into a laughing stock.
The only possible alternative view is that he actually believes that the large numbers of pathetic awards have not diluted the value to worthier recipients - which is pretty damning as far as his judgement as our leader is concerned.
Let us consider the typical knee-jerk reaction which dished out gongs to the 2005 Ashes winning squad like Smarties to toddlers.
'Egg on the face' would you not agree when you consider the weak-kneed capitulation of these so-called heroes in the worst England cricketing performance in my 55 years?


Monday, January 08, 2007

Do you know which party you really support?

Would you like to know which party represents your opinions most closely?
Labour, Conservatives, UKIP, Greens or Liberal Democrats?
A highly accurate survey has been designed and will tell you how close you are in % terms to each of the above.
Go to this website: then click on QUIZ. It has been designed without bias and uses the major policies from all of the above.
The answers are not simply right and wrong - if your belief is represented partially by one party your response will be given credit.
It takes only 5 minutes. Find out the horrible truth that contrary to all your past beliefs to the contrary, you are a true Labour person - or whatever.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

The death by a thousand cuts.

So the Crown sign is to be removed from British pint glasses and replaced by the European Union's CE sign.
Next step will be to ban the traditional measure itself.
When will people wake up to the fact that our continuing membership of the evil empire is the biggest political issue of them all?
There are reports of myriads of similar, small issues week on week. The effects are slow but always cumulative. Because of this gradual method we only see how many negative changes there have been with the benefit of hindsight - and then only if we are not too apathetic to look and care.


Saturday, January 06, 2007

A way which seemeth right unto a man.

Now Australia has decided by 82 votes to 62 in their legislature to legalise cloning and to permit stem cell research using late-term aborted foetuses.
This has the double effect of 'legitimising' the horrors of abortion whilst turning the butchered child into a mere commodity.
Considerable numbers of these self same liberals who try desperately to make the hanging of the the evil Saddam Hussein into a 'terrible moral lapse' are all too happy to butcher innocents - and by the tens of millions. Nothing but nothing on earth can possibly justify this abuse of life.
It really makes me want to vomit.



TITLE: Proverbs 14:12. [Read up the FULL quote!]

Friday, January 05, 2007

Watermen, lightermen and the EU.

The 600 strong Company of Watermen and Lightermen on the Thames is the latest to fall victim to EU tyranny, bureaucracy, idiocy and intrusiveness.
Naturally, this has all been nodded into place by our quisling government.
These people of notably high standards have 'run' the Thames for many centuries. They are a true maritime elite but that tradition is to end.

[I suppose the word 'elite' gives us some clues. It would never do to have people displaying exceptional abilities in our sad, grey, egalitarian, modern world.]
An EU directive has drastically cut the time required to train for this work by more than half as well as throwing the trade open to people with non-relevant qualifications.
Just how much stupidity of this type will the British people take? When will they begin refusing to cast a vote for any party which does not support withdrawal from this wicked, imperialistic organisation?

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Dozens into hundreds then......

This Blog has now been running since May and since I found out how to put a counter on - [by asking number two son to do it for me ]- it is clear that there are dozens who regularly take a look every week to see what I'm up to.
I should like that to become hundreds by the time the Blog's birthday comes around.
If you find the site of any interest, others you know may feel the same. Please pass on the web address: to anybody who might broadly agree with the work I am doing here.
It may not be the best of ideas to pass this onto: the liberal left, the politically correct, do-gooders and liberal Christians - it will only annoy them.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Morning-after pill.

It is planned by the government that school nurses will be allowed to dish out the morning-after pill, on demand, to schoolgirls under the age of consent, and without the knowledge of parents.
It is my understanding that this is already a fairly common practice.
This means that parents are denied knowledge of their children's sexual activities - a fact which can actually be used against them in certain legal circumstances. It means that a dangerous drug with a history of sudden deaths attached can be given to, say, an eleven year old and the parents are to be 'kept out of the loop'.
One more way the government plays into the hands of the 'irresponsibility lobby'; one more way in which the government fuels the rise in under age sexual activity; one more way government undermines the family; one more way a government which is supposed to build society prefers to wreck it.

I do accept that use of the morning-after pill is a morally ambivalent area. I can only see justification for this as a 'lesser evil' however, in a context where it might prevent an otherwise inevitable abortion at a later stage and personally, I feel that its use is fully justified post rape.
Its current social use as 'a late form of contraception' is reprehensible. If proof be needed, it can be seen that a massive number of young women use this drug repeatedly!


Tuesday, January 02, 2007


There are countless examples of Christians being persecuted in Palestinian areas. The Christians have tended to move out to the relative safety of Israel.
In one Palestinian district which was 85% Christian in 1948, this has plummeted to just 12% today.
There are far more available rights in Israel.


Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New 2007.

Michael Drosnin proclaimed in his book The Bible Code that 'the end was nigh' and that it was due in 2006.
For those not paying careful attention during the year, this did not actually happen. [One more false prophet due a stoning.]
May I wish both my readers a very Happy and Prosperous New Year in 2007.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...