Monday, January 22, 2007

Tough on what?

Tony Blair promised to be 'tough on crime and on the causes of crime'. His Kensington liberal,socialist friends will have rushed to tell him that the prime 'cause' was poverty. How sad that we have approximately twelve times the crime rates today, as in the 1930s. Is it not tragic to learn that we are so much poorer now than in those opulent, luxury-filled days?
As Police frequently do not bother turning out nowadays as they are far too busy with the vital work of filling in forms, these crime rate figures have compressed the picture somewhat - many people just do not bother to report even quite serious crimes.
Great to learn then that 58% of convicted burglars are currently avoiding jail. I assume that Tony intended to keep his promise so I recommend that he joins a fact-finding mission to find out how Joe Arpaio has proved that crime does not have to pay.

See 'Bureaucracy' posting 20/11/06.


I spotted an Irish flag on the St Patrick's Day Parade...

 ... it stated that 'Ireland is full.' Interesting. I looked up the figures. They have roughly 212 people per square mile. England h...