Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Nearer my God to ....
Not that the saying is entirely without merit of course, as many will have indeed turned to prayer in extremis. The real test is how many of these people keep the promises they have attempted to make to God; how many will keep to their part of a one-sided bargaining as the years go by.
Children sometimes ask me why prayers are not answered - again of course, we have a set response - "They are answered, it is just that the answer may be 'no'." - That also smacks as being a bit trite to me.
One response to their question which is not strictly accurate in any theological sense but does point them in a logical direction at least, is to compare with having money in the bank.
I ask them if you can take money out of a bank [forget ATMs, please] where you have no account.
The point is usually grasped pretty quickly - although one must remember to remind them that there can be some pretty mouth-watering deals to tempt you to open new accounts on occasion!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Oh sweet irony, thy name is Labour.

He was appointed as Shadow Minister of Uncontrolled Immigration by Cameron because he is so wet. He could not possibly offend the most dyed-in-the-wool leftie if he tried. He is quite possibly in the wrong party altogether.
Yet this is the man that Labour, probably led by the dreadful Mick Martin, target for arrest.
Amazing but wonderful too! Perhaps now these insipid tories will begin to grasp how our liberties are being eroded; perhaps now they will finally get the message.
Frankly, I doubt it. Don't hold your breath. They will see this appalling business as a mere aberration and will fail to grasp the deeper and more sinister undertones.
Friday, November 28, 2008
The abortion horror goes from bad to worse.

Last year, the total of abortions in this nation has exceeded 200,000 for the first time.
That our abortion limit permits the murder of children possibly and probably viable outside the womb at 21 weeks and continues for a full three weeks thereafter is an abomination. NO! The word 'murder' is not emotive at this point - it is objective fact.
Please read Psalm 94. [The RSV version gets the point across especially well, I think ]
Sad to relate, God's judgement on our nation will have been well earned.
Teaching - a great job ruined.
This has the leftwing NUT hopping mad. What they fail to recognise however, is that many of these are not teachers lost to the profession because of private education but teachers who would have otherwise have left teaching altogether.
It is hard to describe what an awful job teaching has become - and that is even in the better state schools where bureaucracy and matters which prevent you getting on with your real work are soul-destroying.
In the average comprehensive, there will also be classes which will give you sleepless nights and in the sink schools - well ... perhaps the words 'glimpse into hell' might offer the odd clue!
In Handsworth Christian School in Sheffield, our full and part time staff work for literally half the pay they could expect in a state school and we have no pension scheme either.
The working conditions however, are such that when staff come to us - they seldom leave.
Fancy doing some work for us either badly paid or voluntary? If you have a Maths or Science degree - or indeed any subject with a PGCE and you would like to submit a CV - please ring Renee, the School Secretary, on 01142 430276. We can always keep your details on file.
As this is not a job advert I can state 'Christians preferred - denomination is of no consequence'.

Thursday, November 27, 2008
The eminent scientific body said it had ‘hard evidence’ that exams had been dumbed down since the 1960s.
It said that record-breaking pass rates at GCSE and A-level were merely ‘illusory’ and universities were being forced to give new students costly remedial classes.
No comment!
When you think the stupidity can go no further ...


Wednesday, November 26, 2008
1 John 3:23
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
They're back! - Did they ever go away?
BNP policy

Monday, November 24, 2008

But now the hospital has banned home-made cakes from its fundraising events – because of health and safety fears.
Officials at West Cumberland Hospital in Whitehaven, Cumbria, claim the League of Friends’ sponge cakes and tea loaves contravene guidelines.
Brown is presiding over disaster.

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Campaign for REAL Christmas cards.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Bonkers Boris.

No, no and thrice no!
This has been tried in a number of countries and differing situations and all it does it to legitimise illegality and encourage further illegal immigrants who then know that if they keep their heads below the parapet for long enough, they will eventually be allowed to stay.
Thanks Melanie for the support!
Our mad world.
Meanwhile, social workers in an area where a child was tortured to death carry on as if nothing had happened.
Friday, November 21, 2008
ICI and cannabis.

A greeeaaat Christmas gift idea!

Thursday, November 20, 2008
BNP membership lists.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Dan Hannan and why the euro is unthinkable.
The slide in the pound has Euro-enthusiasts slavering with anticipation. “Calls for the euro are likely to reach fever pitch if there is a collapse in sterling,” writes Roland Rudd, chairman of a pro-euro lobby group, in the London Evening Standard. “Suddenly membership of the euro is beginning to look a very attractive escape route,” agrees Will Hutton in The Observer.
Hang on, chaps: weren’t you arguing that we should join eighteen months ago, when the pound was more than 30 per cent more valuable than now? What if we had taken your advice then? The financial crisis in Britain could not have been cushioned by the exchange rate; it would instead have been felt in output and jobs. Rather than a 30 per cent reduction in sterling, we’d have suffered a 30 per cent reduction in wages, with a cycle of strikes and sackings as people struggled to adjust to the new reality.
Happily, being outside the euro, we are able to respond to the shock with policies determined by our own needs. We have fiscal and monetary independence, and we are using both. The cheap pound means that Britain can now price itself into the market. It makes possible an export-led recovery.
I know that the decline of sterling is painful for some of this bulletin’s overseas readers. It’s no picnic for me, either: I’m paid in sterling, and I work in Brussels and Strasbourg. But there is a reason why the pound is taking a pounding. Investors can see that Gordon Brown squandered our resources, leaving Britain with the worst deficit of any advanced economy.
They know that he has committed more to the bail-out than any other country. It gives me no pleasure to say this, but the sterling crisis is a market comment on eleven-and-a-half years of Labour profligacy. The Broon, to borrow John Smith’s phrase after Black Wednesday, is “the devalued prime minister of a devalued government”.
If the ERM taught us anything, it is that there is no such thing as a permanently correct exchange rate. After Black Wednesday (or, rather, White Wednesday), Europhiles toured the studios telling anyone who would listen that “we joined at the wrong rate”. But the idea that 3 DM to the pound was too high a rate is hard to reconcile with it having been too low a rate two years before; and, sure enough, we had reached that rate again within five years.
The Hutton/Rudd arguments for joining the euro are terrifyingly similar to the arguments for joining the ERM. Then, as now, Europhiles claimed that membership would boost business. In fact, more than 100,000 firms went bankrupt during our 23 months inside the system.
Then, as now, they promised that membership would create jobs. In fact, unemployment doubled to just under three million. Then, as now, they claimed that it would bring lower interest rates. But interest rates were in double figures for most of our time in the ERM – despite inflation at barely three per cent – and 1.75 million homes were overtaken by negative equity.
Then, as now, they assured us that participation would bring stability. In the event, our trade-weighted exchange rate was less stable during membership than before or since.
Is there any circumstance in which these zealots would not advocate euro membership? If the pound bounces back on the basis of a recovery, will they still be whistling the same old tune? How many times do they need to be proved wrong before we stop listening?
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Immigration madness.
Joan Bakewell.

Labour's czar for the elderly said she had made a living will that will mean she is 'not kept alive if I'm a vegetable'.
She added that people should not be helped to go on living by machinery if they had outlived their normal lifespan."
I hope that I do not upset too many of my Christian readers on this one but I have much sympathy with her views and have expressed that in writing to my GP.
The argument that God must choose the very moment of our deaths does not hold any water. If you look at Genesis 9:6 - that is left to man.
Also, it is very unlikely that those who would argue with Joan have taken into account the "Science has moved the goalposts" argument.
For me, I have more problems with where the lines are drawn.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Who needs these statistics?
Good. Fine. Excellent. - So what?
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Maggie wouldn't have done that!

Perhaps it is very the fact that she attracted so much opprobium from the left that makes us recognise that she must have got most things right!
She took the courageous, unpopular decisions because they were the right ones - a true conviction politician.
She got the big decisions right, broke the back of the marxist unions by democratising them, standing up to them where necessary, and at the same time, turned our sick-man-of-Europe economy into a success.
When she took over, the economy was in the same kind of mess that a decade of socialism has brought us to today and her tactics were diametrically opposite to the ones being used by Brown today.
'Spend, spend, spend' did not work for Viv Nicholson and I doubt that it will work for Brown, especially as it is based on criminal levels of borrowing.
If anybody told a couple who were in debt to spend and borrow - we would laugh in their face.
And the difference is ...?
Sky - boxing.

About 40 times a year they put on a reasonable bill listed as Friday Fight Night - which generally is their only programming of British Boxing in any week.
Amateur boxing is generally shunned - surprising for such a cheap option and professional bills from around the UK other than Fridays are noticeable by their absence.
The insult-to-injury comes with the really big fights with British boxers such as Hatton and Calzaghe. These sharks MAKE US PAY AGAIN! Not satisfied with taking £9 per week off me, they want to grab an extra £15 quid every time there is a top bill!
It doesn't happen when Manchester United play Chelsea, does it?
The feminist lie - nailed.

The idea that all women at work are victims of discrimination is a 'feminist myth', argued a senior academic. Many want to raise families rather than pursue careers.
'The myth that all or most women would be just as careerist as men, if only they were given the opportunity, has been exploded,' Dr Catherine Hakim said.
While women can choose between work and family, men have fewer choices, a senior academic said
'The trend towards flexibility in the workforce has also made it clearer that some occupations and jobs will never be family friendly.'
The call from Dr Hakim will provoke unease among ministers and Labour MPs because it has been published by the Institute for Public Policy Research, the party's most influential think tank over the past decade.'
Friday, November 14, 2008
Déjà vu?
We are actually heading for the next Ice Age, they claim.
British and Canadian experts warned the big freeze could bury the east of Britain in 6,000ft of ice.'
Déjà vu indeed! Back to the old story we had to swallow back in the 1970s!
Pardon my deep suspicion of these pseudo scientific know-it-alls.

The theology is fundamentally a rejection of Scripture and goes beyond the modalism and monarchianism et al found at times in the early church.
Although broad as a movement, it has a marked tendency towards liberal christianity which is unsurprising when you consider how ready it is to abandon substantial amounts of the Scriptures. It happily reduces God the Son to the status of a mere man or on occasions, to a vague, supernatural being.
It holds an optimistic view about 'the basic goodness of man' - it is at this point where even the most unscholarly Christian will see the basic flaws in their teachings.
The Arianism which underpins their beliefs has long been the 'mark of a cult'. Indeed, it is difficult in the extreme to find any cult which is not essentially unitarian in character.
Happily, their influence seems to be declining year on year.
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Whither weather?

I use BBC online for 5 days of local weather. Quite often it is 100% wrong - even on the day.
For example, on one recent day it forecast 'dry' at the same time as I was looking out of the window at a major deluge.
On other occasions, the weather just three days ahead may change as much as three times in the runup to the actual day.
And to think the 'experts' claim to be able to predict 'warming' umpteen years ahead!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Justice? - I think not!
Gillian Paterson was described as 'despicable' by a judge and told she was lucky to escape jail.'
I despair!
The system stinks!
She also declared that she wanted to know what these youths had in their backgrounds.
For the sake of all pity - WHY?
When you have been part of a street gang which has brutalised a girl over a lengthy period inducing the worst terrors imaginable and undoubtedly making her fear for her life, what does their background have to do with sentencing?
They must be sentenced for the crime purely and simply and any youth receiving a sentence of less than eight years must be considered to have 'got away with it' entirely. I would hand out even greater penalties of 10 years plus. If they had been older, I do not see how 15 years could have sufficed for anything this heinous and I would have thought 20 years to be entirely appropriate.
David Bellamy.

What are the heinous sins committed? - Well. He had the temerity to point out that wind farms are ineffective and dared to comment on the stats which have shown accretions of Arctic ice and lower world temperatures in the last decade or so.
The bounder! [Please contrast with treatment of Jonathan Ross.]
Monday, November 10, 2008

If anybody had the right to become the raving pacifist that she did, it was most certainly her. Her much loved brother Edward, her fiance and two extremely close friends died in World War One and she saw first hand as a nurse the horrors of the wounds so tragically inflicted upon a generation of idealistic young men.
The phrase 'the futility of war' has been much heard over the last week in the approach to our remembering the fallen and it was certainly not absent in this programme.
There can be futility in war - indeed futility in many wars and aspects of wars - but the term itself cannot be used as an objective fact in isolation or as a generality as that can never be more than an unsubstantiated opinion or value judgement.
Terrible as war is, and essential that it be that we should try our utmost to avoid it, it is not always the simplistic fact of being a matter of our own choice as postulated by the pacifist. To oppose particular wars will often be legitimate, of course.
Pacifism is in itself an extremely simplistic philosophy and consequently one which I have great difficulties in respecting.
Where the pacifist offers to work in the danger area helping the wounded and the victims of war, I am prepared to revise that judgement on them as individuals.
I have prepared many students for RS exams and this is a topic which has been much debated in a Christian context.
The usual examination question is "Was Christ a pacifist." After considering the whole of Scipture rather than carefully selected chunks, I would venture to suggest that He was not.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Curved cucumbers making a comeback.

Having seen the levels of ugliness of most EU Commissioners, we must ask the question as to whether the figure would have been as low as 20% if they had been required to pass a 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' test.
So that I may avoid legal action, I shall publish no photos of such worthy people but shall restrict myself to what has previously been an unworthy cucumber.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
John Maynard Keynes.

Friday, November 07, 2008
A step in the right direction.Thinking allowed!

Many people think that I am anti-evolution because I am a Christian. Not so.
I am against the hypothesis because it falls down badly in so many disciplines.
Incidentally, I became a Christian in spite of believing the evolutionary tosh I had been taught at school.
It was only after I became a Christian that I even discovered that there was an excellent scientific basis for challenging evolution.
[In all honesty - the whole concept had always seemed rather far-fetched.]

Overall, there were 46,000 expulsions and suspensions of primary school children aged 11 and under for a range of offences including drunkenness, drug-taking, sexual misconduct, racism and bullying.
Just over 4,000 cases involved children aged five and under. It means 240 pupils were excluded from primary school on average each day.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Judge not lest ....

Lord Judge, the most senior member of the judiciary in England and Wales, said the guilty should be ' frightened' by the prospect of being brought before a court.'
Well. I am nearly speechless.
Go get 'em boy!
Racism in presidential election?

White voters have happily voted for either candidate.
Non-whites have voted Obama en bloc.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Sorry. Charisma ain't enough.

It appears that he is the most unrepentant liberal leftie ever to appear on a major stage in the whole of modern history.
I cannot believe that I would have actually preferred Hillary to have won!
TV licences must go!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Let's see how it all breaks, shall we?

Monday, November 03, 2008
Melanie - Spot On As Ever.
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