If you understand the tactics of your enemy, you are better positioned to be able to thwart his endeavours.I have recently written a series of pieces on this Blog which have shown how political correctness actually functions; what it attempts to do; the philosophy behind it.
As part of this package, the liberal left want to destroy Christianity because it stands against all that they are trying to accomplish.
This is how they have achieved such remarkable success so far:
1) Persuade churches to adopt an attitude which embraces 'salvation through good works'. You can even point out that 'if you are not loving your neighbour - you cannot be loving God'. Thus you begin with a decontextualised truth at the same time as taking both 'The Grace of God' and 'The Redemptive work of Christ' out of the picture.
2) Have these 'liberal churches' downgrade sin to the level of it being ' a little bit naughty' - remember those cream cakes in the adverts?
3) Insist that 'a loving God will never condemn anyone to hell' - thus removing, not only fear, but even basic respect for God.
4) Create 'new sins' based on politically correct thinking. Most of these should end in ' ---ism'.
5) Affirm the importance of other religions and ignore that the Christian attitude respects the adherents of the religions concerned but emphatically not their carefully designed pathways to hell.
6) One of the cleverer tactics is to insist on 'respect for religious belief' especially if this includes being a witch or a worshipper of tree stumps. This has the effect of lumping the sublime in with the ridiculous and thus diluting the impact of the True Faith.
7) Claim that there are no such things as 'absolutes'.
8) Encourage moral relativism. Implement this by making statements such as "Well, we all have our own personal moral codes."
9) Remove social consequences from anti-social actions. This helps to create the idea that there is no such thing as 'cause and effect'. Once this idea takes hold, it becomes very difficult to see that this must be the case in the larger, spiritual picture.
10) Ensure that schools teach Religious Education. This is a must. You are now in a position to present Christianity, concealed amongst a hotch potch of other religions, so it is not allowed to stand out from the crowd and fervently hope that it will not be taught by a Christian. If that works in any particular case the pupil is doomed never to get to see the claims of the Gospel.
11) Ensure that teaching NEVER points out that it is utterly illogical to consider that 'all religions are equally valid'.
12) NEVER let it be pointed out that by definition 'either ALL religions are wrong - or just one is right'.
The differences are simply too great to make logic-chopping leaps that "All religions have some value" or that "At the core of all religions is a desire to pursue truth and goodness." It is intellectually dishonest - but hey - we have a smear job to do!
13) If you can use expressions such as 'the creation myth', you have already accomplished a significant degree of undermining potential faith.
14) Present faith as being 'rather quaint' and ' a bit nice'.
15) On other occasions try the opposite tactic and point out disingenuously that 'all wars are caused by religion' as if this is relevant to the truth behind the question. You can also conveniently forget that religious wars in the Western World because of religion have been out of the equation for centuries. (At last a benefit for what we describe as 'modern civilisation'.)
In the unlikely event of being challenged and defeated on history, attempt to use the tribalism of N. Ireland to strengthen your moribund case.
16) Get the TV to marginalise Christianity and in the case of Channel 4, ensure that it feature Islam with all positives and Christianity with all negatives.
17) Portray Christians as 'possibly dangerous' particularly the ones who take The Bible seriously.
18) Refer constantly to The Bible as being unscientific.
19) Refer to the historical inaccuracies of Scripture even though you could not name one to save your life!
20) Promote evolution til your dying day with vehemence and fervour. Every time another brick in this rickety wall falls to the floor, attack creationists instead.
21) When attacking creationists always ensure that you NEVER engage in debate (too many have been lost in the past and it gets a bit embarrassing). Always remember that the louder the insult - the less evidence you will be required to produce.
22) Point out the bigotry of believers. If at all possible, do try to introduce Tomas de Torquemada and The Spanish Inquisition into the argument - after all they are SO representative of Gospel Christianity!
23) Do try to mention The Crusades - apparently some dubious missions a millenium ago are relevant to your case.
24) Point to the evil of 'christianising' of S. America by The Conquistadors - and disingenuously forget to mention the rank, deathly evil of the religious practices they thankfully expunged from that continent.
25) Claim that 'conspiracies were rife' in the development of Christianity - use the work of great historians like Dan Browne.
26) Claim emptily that 'The God of the Old Testament is NOT the same as The God of The New'. Always do this from a base of total ignorance - naturally, this means never having actually studied God's Word.
27) Claim that The Early Church 'suppressed much of the information' from the time of Jesus and just beyond.
Never mention the expression 'Sifting through the dustbins of history' and always forget to tell your readers/listeners precisely when and where the rejected texts originated!
28) Remember to get the point across that talking about a 'man tortured to death on a cross' is 'not really nice' and besides 'it scares children'. 'Best to stick to the nicer bits of Christianity - you know - Santa, robins, yule logs and that sort of thing.'
Naturally, I could go on. But let us remember that however important all of the above is to know so that we are equipped for the fray - ultimately these are battles which must be fought on the spiritual level.
The first step is to 'gird our loins with the full armour of God' - and that starts with prayer - and plenty of it!