Monday, November 30, 2009

Long spoons?

Christians who have tried to marry belief to socialist ideals have tended to have to compromise their faith in order so to do.
Groups such as the so-called Christian Socialists have tended to have an intrinsic, marxist-originating belief that 'man holds the solution to mankind's problems'.
There is usually an ingrained belief in socialism of the 'basic goodness of man' which is, of course, diametrically opposed to the teachings of the Scriptures which state that "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)

A piece of secular advice might be useful to such folks:
"He who sups with the devil should have a long spoon."

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Awards for Bulgar scientists.

"Aliens are already among us on Earth, say Bulgarian government scientists who claim they are in contact with them."

Presented as a shock? - Why?

'An explosive secret letter that exposes how Tony Blair lied over the legality of the Iraq War can be revealed.
The Chilcot Inquiry into the war will interrogate the former Prime Minister over the devastating 'smoking gun' memo, which warned him in the starkest terms the war was illegal.'


This only confirms about Blair what most had already realised. Why is it that the governments who are most willing to use our Armed Services at the drop of a hat, are the ones most likely to cut Service budgets beyond the point of sanity?

Surely - 'an illegal war' = the fact that the leader responsible is a war criminal and if not why not?

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bury Bury Boxing Ban- now!

It is ridiculous that the Bury boxing ban - an idiotic, politically correct decision by the Council - has yet to be overturned.
For 12 years the professional sport has been banned in the town.
Councillors are now going to look especially silly as brilliant young boxer Scott Quigg comes from - er - well - Bury and is forbidden to fight in his home town!

Bury Council are hereby awarded a LoonyTunesWatch coconut!

The job's a good 'un!

Let's hear it for Charlie Hale! The well known comic entertained a large group of Christian men last evening at Hillsborough football ground.
After an entertaining hour of wholesome fun with comedy and impressions, he gave the enthralled audience his Christian testimony, the Gospel message and held an appeal where six people dedicated their lives to Jesus!
All this through 'Onside' which also provided a buffet and quiz.

(The only tragic part of the evening was my lamentable knowledge of the old TV classic 'Hector's House', which let our team down quite badly in the quiz.)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Relax in God!

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

Matthew 11:28.

Lord Pearson of Rannoch - a further honour.


Farage reprimand for doing his job! (Well worth a click on Nigel's speech to the EU!!)

Christians: boozers or teetotallers?

I watched a TV programme last week about Jesus and was rather surprised to see somebody interviewed who claimed that "Jesus had not turned water into wine but into unfermented grape juice." He went on to 'prove' his point by saying Jesus condemned 'drunkenness'. (Also note: Proverbs 20:1 "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.)
The gentleman made a classic non sequitur.

I have heard Rechabites and those Christians who abstain from alcohol in the Church make this unsubstantiated claim on other occasions. They do the Faith no favours by making a dishonest point.

Romans 14:3 " ... and those who abstain must not pass judgement on those who eat; for God has welcomed them. 4) Who are you to pass judgement on servants of another? It is before their own lord that they stand or fall."

1 Timothy 5 (New International Version).
23) "Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses."

Incidentally, the word 'temperance' means 'moderation' and not 'abstaining'.

Worrying: very worrying.

Lebanon’s new cabinet has agreed on a policy statement that recognises Hizbollah’s right to use arms against Israel, despite reservations from the Western-backed ruling majority. LINK:

Justice Singapore-style!

Criminal homicides in Singapore in 2007 produce an interesting statistic - there were just EIGHT!
This would equate to some 160 homicides annually in the UK where the actual figure for our level of population is much more than four times greater than that.
Hmm. I wonder why there is a difference?
Okay - in Singapore, you kill - you hang. Simples! It is rather difficult to see how the do-gooding element can get around this small point, isn't it?

It has the added benefit that numbers being so tiny, almost all murders are solved. (It was 100% in 2007!)
Wouldn't it be nice to cut our own murder rate by about TWO A DAY from where we are at the moment?
(Incidentally, the execution of traffickers has reduced the Singaporean drug problems to just above negligible.)
Few drug problems = very small crime rate.
Zero tolerance works if allowed to, without the apoplectic outbursts of groups like Amnesty International and their ilk having unwarranted influence.

They ooze mindless sympathy but have little interest in justice as a broader concept.
Do remember that in the UK and EU, you are freely permitted by Law to kill somebody in the full knowledge that your own life may never come under any threat.

Photo: Changi Jail.

"Domestic violence is wrong."

Every school will be taught that "Domestic violence against women and girls is wrong."
How very silly it is all getting! It is just one more on a lengthy, politically-correct list of specified 'wrongdoings'; from 'attacks on homosexuals' to 'undiluted racism'.

If we had proper Christian teaching in this country - we would have no need whatsoever to categorise, list, redefine, explain and specify what bad behaviour is. We would all just automatically KNOW what is right and what is wrong!
Violence is wrong. What is so very difficult about that? Why channel it into a category? Why is the same level of violence 'more wrong' against one victim as opposed to another? Surely, the only exceptions in the thinking (?) should be for the 'profoundly vulnerable'!
And yes, I know that things were not perfect in the days when we were nominally a Christian nation - but they were nowhere near as bad as they are in our recategorising modern age!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Undermining Christianity, the best tactics: principalities and powers.

If you understand the tactics of your enemy, you are better positioned to be able to thwart his endeavours.
I have recently written a series of pieces on this Blog which have shown how political correctness actually functions; what it attempts to do; the philosophy behind it.
As part of this package, the liberal left want to destroy Christianity because it stands against all that they are trying to accomplish.
This is how they have achieved such remarkable success so far:
1) Persuade churches to adopt an attitude which embraces 'salvation through good works'. You can even point out that 'if you are not loving your neighbour - you cannot be loving God'. Thus you begin with a decontextualised truth at the same time as taking both 'The Grace of God' and 'The Redemptive work of Christ' out of the picture.
2) Have these 'liberal churches' downgrade sin to the level of it being ' a little bit naughty' - remember those cream cakes in the adverts?
3) Insist that 'a loving God will never condemn anyone to hell' - thus removing, not only fear, but even basic respect for God.
4) Create 'new sins' based on politically correct thinking. Most of these should end in ' ---ism'.
5) Affirm the importance of other religions and ignore that the Christian attitude respects the adherents of the religions concerned but emphatically not their carefully designed pathways to hell.
6) One of the cleverer tactics is to insist on 'respect for religious belief' especially if this includes being a witch or a worshipper of tree stumps. This has the effect of lumping the sublime in with the ridiculous and thus diluting the impact of the True Faith.
7) Claim that there are no such things as 'absolutes'.
8) Encourage moral relativism. Implement this by making statements such as "Well, we all have our own personal moral codes."
9) Remove social consequences from anti-social actions. This helps to create the idea that there is no such thing as 'cause and effect'. Once this idea takes hold, it becomes very difficult to see that this must be the case in the larger, spiritual picture.
10) Ensure that schools teach Religious Education. This is a must. You are now in a position to present Christianity, concealed amongst a hotch potch of other religions, so it is not allowed to stand out from the crowd and fervently hope that it will not be taught by a Christian. If that works in any particular case the pupil is doomed never to get to see the claims of the Gospel.
11) Ensure that teaching NEVER points out that it is utterly illogical to consider that 'all religions are equally valid'.
12) NEVER let it be pointed out that by definition 'either ALL religions are wrong - or just one is right'.
The differences are simply too great to make logic-chopping leaps that "All religions have some value" or that "At the core of all religions is a desire to pursue truth and goodness." It is intellectually dishonest - but hey - we have a smear job to do!
13) If you can use expressions such as 'the creation myth', you have already accomplished a significant degree of undermining potential faith.
14) Present faith as being 'rather quaint' and ' a bit nice'.
15) On other occasions try the opposite tactic and point out disingenuously that 'all wars are caused by religion' as if this is relevant to the truth behind the question. You can also conveniently forget that religious wars in the Western World because of religion have been out of the equation for centuries. (At last a benefit for what we describe as 'modern civilisation'.)
In the unlikely event of being challenged and defeated on history, attempt to use the tribalism of N. Ireland to strengthen your moribund case.
16) Get the TV to marginalise Christianity and in the case of Channel 4, ensure that it feature Islam with all positives and Christianity with all negatives.
17) Portray Christians as 'possibly dangerous' particularly the ones who take The Bible seriously.
18) Refer constantly to The Bible as being unscientific.
19) Refer to the historical inaccuracies of Scripture even though you could not name one to save your life!
20) Promote evolution til your dying day with vehemence and fervour. Every time another brick in this rickety wall falls to the floor, attack creationists instead.
21) When attacking creationists always ensure that you NEVER engage in debate (too many have been lost in the past and it gets a bit embarrassing). Always remember that the louder the insult - the less evidence you will be required to produce.
22) Point out the bigotry of believers. If at all possible, do try to introduce Tomas de Torquemada and The Spanish Inquisition into the argument - after all they are SO representative of Gospel Christianity!
23) Do try to mention The Crusades - apparently some dubious missions a millenium ago are relevant to your case.
24) Point to the evil of 'christianising' of S. America by The Conquistadors - and disingenuously forget to mention the rank, deathly evil of the religious practices they thankfully expunged from that continent.
25) Claim that 'conspiracies were rife' in the development of Christianity - use the work of great historians like Dan Browne.
26) Claim emptily that 'The God of the Old Testament is NOT the same as The God of The New'. Always do this from a base of total ignorance - naturally, this means never having actually studied God's Word.
27) Claim that The Early Church 'suppressed much of the information' from the time of Jesus and just beyond.
Never mention the expression 'Sifting through the dustbins of history' and always forget to tell your readers/listeners precisely when and where the rejected texts originated!
28) Remember to get the point across that talking about a 'man tortured to death on a cross' is 'not really nice' and besides 'it scares children'. 'Best to stick to the nicer bits of Christianity - you know - Santa, robins, yule logs and that sort of thing.'
Naturally, I could go on. But let us remember that however important all of the above is to know so that we are equipped for the fray - ultimately these are battles which must be fought on the spiritual level.
The first step is to 'gird our loins with the full armour of God' - and that starts with prayer - and plenty of it!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Spreading the message: providing information.

Dear Friends,
Those of you who appreciate the work put into this Blog may well also have family members and friends who would benefit from access to it.
Please do a small favour to the writer and pass the message on!
With 'networking' it is possible to reach many more people.

This is the Blog address to send them as your gift: - hopefully, with a recommendation.
Let's reach more folks with a pro-Gospel, anti political correctness message.



"The Conservative Christian Fellowship contributes to the life and thinking of the Conservative Party and inspires its members to make a radical difference, where they are."

To any such groups, both in and outside Parliament, this Blog wishes you well - provided of course that the Christianity you embrace is Bible-based and not Man-created.

Sacking? - Don't hold your breath!

'The scientist at the heart of the climate change scandal was under growing pressure to quit last night.
George Monbiot, a leading environmentalist, said Phil Jones should resign from the Climatic Research Unit over leaked emails that appear to show researchers suppressed scientific data.
More emails came to light yesterday, including one in which an American climatologist admitted it was a travesty that scientists could not explain a lack of global warming in recent years.'

A 'new religion'?

Norway's Ivar Giaever, Nobel Prize winner for physics, decries it [climate change] as the ‘new religion’.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Psalm 89:1.

" I will sing of the LORD's great love forever."


A congregation near Kampala is living in fear after a violent mob armed with machetes and clubs tried to raid their Sunday worship service.
About 40 Islamist extremists attempted to storm the World Possessor's Church International in Namasuba, knocking bricks from the walls to force their way in. The congregation struggled to fend off the assault until local residents and police intervened.


Buy Book(er)!

• The Real Global Warming Disaster: Is The Obsession With 'Climate Change' Turning Out To Be The Most Costly Scientific Blunder In History? by Christopher Booker (Continuum £16.99). To order a copy at £15.30 (p&p free), call 0845 155 0720.

Dachsunds, Springers, Dalmatians and finches.

These three are all dogs which interbreed successfully. As far as I am aware, nobody ever attempts to use the rather significant differences as 'proof of evolution'.
Clearly, to do so would be a nonsense because the said differences are simply down to 'selective breeding' and what is more, are within the genetic parameters of doggies!

Compare this common sense to the minute changes between birds in the Southern Hemisphere, from island to island, when looking at Galapagos Finches - which according to darwinian evolutionists, are indeed, 'proofs of evolution'.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


A friend pointed out to me the other day that in the Bible, every time a nation was invaded or subject to mass immigration, this was a clear sign of 'the judgment of God'.

Itoh, Itoh.

“Dr. Kiminori Itoh, a Japanese environmental, physical chemist who contributed to a U.N. climate report, dubs man-made warming ‘the worst scientific scandal in history”.
(Strange that he hasn't heard of evolution, though!)


Back to peppered moths.

Michael Majerus, evolutionist extraordinaire, has restudied and repeated Kettlewell's peppered moth observations from the 1950s in a doomed attempt to show that these truly do demonstrate evolution in action and should therefore silence uppity creationists.
Oh dear.
It is almost embarrassing to note the consummate ease with which John Mackay utterly destroyed his hypothesis:

"All he has proven is that birds will eat whichever moths are easiest to see, and that leaves the less visible ones alive to breed. This is natural selection, but it is not evolution."

For those who do not quite get the point, there is no new genetic information; both types of moth existed 'before and after'; there have been no changes whatsoever to the pattern.
Schools continue to proffer the said critter as a categorical 'proof' to vulnerable schoolchildren.
Such teaching should carry a government warning - and there are countless identical issues which are taught as 'fact' when scientifically and demonstrably wrong.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Good grief. Well in fairness, kosher is rather important to Jews.

'Admitting to snorting large quantities of cocaine and having sex with prostitutes, a rabbi accused of running a cocaine supply business told a court that he had taken kosher food with him to eat during a five-day drug binge at the Manchester city centre apartment where he was arrested.
Rabbi Baruch Chalomish has pleaded guilty to two counts of possessing cocaine, but denies two counts of possession of cocaine with intent to supply. He stands co-accused with a convicted drug dealer, Nasir Abbas, who has failed to attend the trial and is being tried in his absence.'

Jewish Chronicle.

Oops, prof!

'The two children chosen to front Richard Dawkins’s latest assault on God could not look more free of the misery he associates with religious baggage. With the slogan “Please don’t label me. Let me grow up and choose for myself”, the youngsters with broad grins seem to be the perfect advertisement for the new atheism being promoted by Professor Dawkins and the British Humanist Association.
Except that they are about as far from atheism as it is possible to be. The Times can reveal that Charlotte, 8, and Ollie, 7, are from one of the country’s most devout Christian families.'

Ruth Gledhill.

Climate change? - Yes cooling!

'Piers Corbyn a solar scientist from Weatheraction is researching variations in charged particles from the sun and claims they are almost entirely responsible for what happens to global temperatures. Meanwhile, Don Easterbrook from Western Washington University has studied the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and found strong correlation with warming and cooling to global temperatures. The global cooling from 1945 to 1977 coincided with one of a cold Pacific cycle and the warming that occurred in the 1980s and 1990s correlates with a warm cycle. However, the cycle has now changed, and according to Easterbrook, "The PDO cool mode has replaced the warm mode in the Pacific Ocean, virtually assuring us of about 30 years of global cooling.'
Global warming is a scam!

Thanks due to Creation Research.

Darwin's glasses and syllogisms.

DARWIN’S GLASSES .... a term we [Creation Research] have coined to describe those who firstly “define evolution as change; then call all change evolution; then accept any change as proof of evolution; then turn around and claim such change disproves creation.”

Political correctness: the mechanism.

I have recently considered the uses of political correctness; the philosophy behind it; the basis for 'a new moral system'.
Today shows how to make it work in practice if you are a practising member of the liberal elite.

1) Pick a minority - any minority (preferably one that has not been used before.)
2) Conduct an investigation into the said minority.
3) Immediately shelve all positives which emerge and bury!
4) Find any situation where the group has a worse profile than the majority of the population.
5) Announce very loudly that "This is an absolute scandal and is completely the fault of our society - we should all be ashamed."
6) Refuse categorically to accept that some of the negatives are just the 'swings and roundabouts' of living in a modern world.
7) Refuse to accept that any of the problems have been self inflicted by the group's attitudes and refusals to conform or integrate.
8) Insist that all jokes against that group - irrespective of whether offensive or not - must be the subject of tirades of indignant anger and abuse directed at all who dare to be jocular. Sackings may well be necessary.
9) Recruit liberal-minded lecturers to produce 'in depth research' (according to your precise instructions on outcome) to highlight 'the horrors being inflicted on this group'.
10) Accuse all critics who argue rationally against your policy of being 'dyed-in-the-wool-bigots' - or worse, 'Daily Mail readers'.
11) Insist that tame TV producers make documentaries to highlight the tragic results of the 'inequalities being suffered'. Naturally, again, all positives must be shelved.
12) Give interviews to prompt the rest of the media to take up cudgels on behalf of this 'important cause'.
13) Put large amounts of public monies aside so that the 'problem can be tackled'.
14) Use the alleged situation as a rallying call for all the adherents of liberal left politics and political correctness.
15) Imply that 'there is no other possible way of viewing the situation' - and make remarks to suggest that anybody who questions this is 'two sandwiches short of a picnic'.
16) Go back to the TV and suggest on the quiet that makers of comedies, soaps and dramas should now include members of the 'afflicted' groups. Of course, the portrayals must be 100% positive and they must be seen as being slightly more than 100% valuable citizens. (They may never be criminals or ne'er-do-wells'.)
17) Blame the Christian Church for the predicament - an off the cuff remark by a bishop in the 8th century, which has in any case been taken out of context, should do the trick nicely.
18) Grant your minority full victim status.
19) Commence the special treatment and call it either 'fairness' or 'equality of outcome' when many other people are discriminated against in the workplace and who lose promoted posts to make way for this exciting new influx.
20) Always ensure that there is a grain of truth in your 'cause' as this may fool a number of people who are naturally fairminded; a small, but nonetheless genuine, grievance should be highlighted if one such can be discovered.
21) Make cash available for 'study groups' but in truly marxist fashion, you must ensure that all the members of the group are fully paid up, card-carrying Guardian or Independent readers but if you can add a single, Bercow-style tory, then so much the better.
22) Insist that the law should be especially harsh in the case where one of the minority is target of a crime - irrespective of whether or not it was 'a hate crime'.
23) Put government funding into 'a chair' at a leading university to create a new subject to consider the cultural superiority of the group concerned to anything British or Christian.
24) Push the group firmly into the 'multicultural mix' so that we can all worship at this vital, new shrine.
25) Indicate that those who dare to suggest that the group should actually integrate are in effect, closet Nazis.
26) Make vague claims to suggest that the courts are particularly harsh on your group; state that current circumstances mean that they have only trivial representation in higher education; point out how few members of this happy band are in positions of elected power.
27) Insist that 'these lamentable inequalities can only be eradicated from the national psyche through education' and allow political influence to dig its claws ever deeper into what is presented to young minds.
28) Suggest to friends in the liberal church that they too should 'espouse the cause'.
29) Make it clear that the minority is 'officially cuddly' and
30) As with all other minorities, ensure that your friends at the Beeb move rapidly towards 'over-representation' of the group in question in their employment policies.
32) Pour bile at the BNP who have criticised your group and at the same time, at UKIP who haven't!
33) Have Gordon Brown and The Archbishop of Canterbury apologise profusely for an incident in 1287 when several members of the group were 'traumatised' after being 'wrongly blamed' for a bar room brawl in St Neots - although how we have sufficient detail to know as a fact that they weren't to blame in the first place is simply beyond all logic.
34) Ensure that members of your minority can never be legitimately sacked from work even if they sexually abuse dolphins during work hours.

Remember at all times that "The true object of propaganda (and what else is this?) is not - to convince or persuade, but rather to produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of unorthodox thought reveals itself as a jarring dissonance." Leonard Schapiro

Friday, November 20, 2009

I know it's for all of us but doesn't it fit the liberal left well?

"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools."

Romans 1: 22.

Have the 'warmists' told you ....

... that the most significant greenhouse gas is actually water vapour which outweighs the significance of CO2 many, many times over?
I am now worrying myself sick over my H2O footprint!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Simon Jenkins.

I rarely recommend anything from The Guardian but this piece by Simon Jenkins captures the situation in Afghastlystan rather well.
Well done Andy, too!


AND - Andrew Alexander makes his points as well as ever!

Be afraid ....

'Britain took another lurch towards 'secret' justice yesterday when a judge ruled that the state can for the first time withhold evidence from people involved in civil cases.
The decision means claimants will be left unaware of the evidence the police, Government or security services are using to blacken their name as they contest a case for damages.
Lawyers described Mr Justice Silber's ruling as a 'constitutional outrage' that overturns 'the whole history of the fundamental principle that both sides must be on an equal footing'.

Mind control.

The objective of political correctness is ultimately, mind control. In a later thread I shall explain the mechanism used to achieve this end.
To be more specific, it is about getting you to control and straitjacket your own thought processes and emotions in a manner which makes you more vulnerable to suggestion and manipulation for further political excesses to be foisted upon you.

There are thoughts which you are not allowed to think - not even to consider or examine critically.
As this is worked upon you, 'thinking outside the box' becomes a near impossibility. Democracy is hit to its very core and free speech is no longer free.
As soon as there is only one kind of accepted 'right thinking' in the social or political sphere, we are in trouble in a big way.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tessa - bless 'er!

"The political correctness of five years ago is mainstream thinking today."

Tessa Jowell.
Oh no it isn't Tessa. It is one of the main reasons why your government is destined to plummet from power and which, tragically, has driven many into the arms of the BNP! Get real, love.

'Taking Christ out of Christmas' is not new!

'Nazi Germany celebrated Christmas without Christ with the help of swastika tree baubles, 'Germanic' cookies and a host of manufactured traditions, a new exhibition has shown.
The way the celebration was gradually taken over and exploited for propaganda purposes by Hitler's Nazis is detailed in a new exhibition.'


(Refer to earlier posting on Dundee; also consider 'Winterval'.)


“Democracy means government by discussion, but it is only effective if you can stop people talking.”

Clement Attlee.

Extra pocket money for sixth formers.

'The £545m-a-year "cash for lessons" scheme, under which the government pays young people up to £30 a week for staying in education beyond the age of 16, should be scrapped because it is a waste of money and has had little impact, according to a major new study.
A damning report by the Local Government Association says the "vast majority" of 16-year-olds who receive the money would have stayed on in education anyway – and argues that it has had a minimal effect on "staying on" rates for 17- and 18-year-olds.'


What a truly wealthy nation we must be if we can afford to simply chuck away half a billion pounds annually in order to give sixth formers some extra pocket money!
For this once, I am not even going to bother explaining just how crass such actions are. (Hmm. I wonder what they spend the money on? )

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

More idiotic, socialist thinking.

The Press, York, reports that 'The Ministry of Defence has confirmed it is considering closing two North Yorkshire air bases, including RAF Linton on Ouse near York, as part of massive cost-cutting plans. Nationally, RAF chiefs are considering axing 10,000 stir stations.'

It is barely credible that any government which drags us into wars which I suspect are not really of any direct connection to this nation's interests, should once again turn its cost-cutting eye towards the military.
Successive governments have reduced our capacity to defend ourselves and I suspect that the dead hand of the European Union's ideas for a 'common defence policy' may well have had a significant part to play in this thinking.
It is the first duty of government to PROTECT its people.
Having bare-bones armed forces will not achieve this!

Why the title?

I am sometimes asked why have 'leftwing' and not 'rightwing' in the Blog title?
The reasoning is quite simple, the hard right are small in number, have precious little true influence and thus are not a genuine problem in this country - they are merely an irritation; an excrescence on the buttock of humanity.
I really do not like the hard left - I believe they are fundamentally wrong on almost every issue - but they gain more respect from me than do the liberal left.
It is this latter group which holds the reins of power. They are into the business of undermining, destroying social structures, wrecking the Christian Faith and corrupting children through the media and the education system - and it is not just with children where their successes lie. These are the people who have little concept of morality and who try to supplant democracy with political manipulation, political correctness, the imposition of bureaucracy, pettiness and anti-democratic practices.
Their sinister influence must be exposed to the light and eradicated.


When you get justifiably angry about the appalling 26% rise in petrol prices this year when the cost of a barrel of oil has actually fallen - please feel free to pillory the oil giants!
Never forget however, as you pay your £5 a gallon that some £3-75 of that goes directly to the government.

Would I mind paying BP, Shell et al the £1-25 for a gallon which is roughly the price they charge? And with a reasonable 25p extra to the chancellor? - No, not me!
I might even be persuadable for a further 25p were the road fund licence to be abolished.


"Romans 2:14. "For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves." The words leapt off the page and by the time I reached the last word I had changed from 'lost' to 'found' in a mere instant.

I shall not explain today but upon reading this verse, I capitulated. After a sustained and stubborn struggle against the 'hound of heaven' who had long pursued me - I surrendered to God; yielded to His will and became a Christian.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Romans 8:35,38,39. Uplifting.

35] Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
38] For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39] Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

So be encouraged!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Orwell on socialism.

"One sometimes gets the impression that the mere words 'Socialism' and 'Communism' draw towards them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, ‘Nature Cure’ quack, pacifist, and feminist in England."

George Orwell.

Thomas Aquinas: sexist extraordinaire.

'As regards the individual nature, woman is defective and misbegotten, for the active power of the male seed tends to the production of a perfect likeness in the masculine sex; while the production of a woman comes from defect in the active power.' Thomas Aquinas.

For all his intellectual genius, the great man was always capable of having an off day!

Just what is political correctness?

What I am not going to do is to regale the unsuspecting reader with a list - no, this is more about a philosophy.
PC is nothing more, nothing less than a replacement for Christianity!

We have had two thousand years of following the Sermon on The Mount and being forced to admit that the morality contained within just does not get any better than that. It is difficult indeed to claim that anything that sublime could not be divine. [There I go with the rap ideas again.]
Political correctness is an artificial construct of the liberal left designed to supplant the Gospel. It is 'a new morality' which has been cobbled together in much less than a generation.
It is a cheap, nasty, unreasonable, plastic substitute. I prefer the real thing!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


One of the effects of this government not having built enough prisons is an appalling tendency to grant bail to people who should really not be given it.
You only have to watch a single edition of Crimewatch to get an idea of how many truly horrendous criminals are inappropriately treated where bail is concerned: paedophiles, rapists, perverts, the violent - many of whom have already been convicted and are having a ridiculous three week wait outside gaol for sentencing. [If you have a convicted paedophile, for example - why would you possibly need pre-sentencing reports? Just award the longest sentence available!]

Karen Brookes was knifed to death just three weeks after her estranged partner, Kevin Sainsbury - who had allegedly threatened to kill her - was freed on bail.

When you consider how abolitionists went apoplectic at the idea that executions might - only just might - result in a 'miscarriage of justice' once every few decades or so and even had to cheat and lie to make even that appear higher - it is beyond credence that as dozens die, hundreds are raped, thousands attacked and scores of thousands burgled by bail bandits, these sickening, self same people are only identifiable by their total silence and absence of comment.

Sorry Karen.


The campaign to bring back Fifteen to One ....

.... there should be one!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Excellent: Chrismas present problem resolved!

All present problems - Solved! The lurid thriller designed to be given to non-Christians! [ My Minister's wife said it should be made into a film!]

Review:"The Unassuming Assassin" is the psychological tale of an ordinary man's unrelenting crusade against violent criminals. The story begins with a brutal slaying which, for Mel Roberts, avenges the death of his daughter. From this point on, Mel investigates the rationale behind his action at the same time as he embarks on a journey of spiritual self-discovery and an investigation of the Christian Faith. The violence escalates and changes in nature as he attempts to clear up all the social chaos caused by political midgets. Against a backcloth of political lunacy and wild experimentation with a novel form of transportation, he often seems the only voice of sanity until we meet Detective Inspector Jerry Kemp. Are Mel's actions inevitable? If not him, would it have been somebody else? Why does Mel act as he does? Is he a multiple killer because he has a psychological and spiritual defect or is it because of the failures of successive governments to protect its citizens from violent criminals? Where do our sympathies lie? The novel helps bring parts of Sheffield and Scunthorpe area to life. This is a tale which shows a cabinet rocked by the social disintegration its policies and those of its predecessors have caused. Across all of this, the novel is also a simple love story. For those who enjoy a tale with twists and turns - satisfaction is guaranteed.

[Contact me on and I'll let you have copies for £9-99, postage free!]

Lloyd George.

"A young man who isn't a socialist hasn't got a heart; an old man who is a socialist hasn't got a head."

David Lloyd George.

[I'm not too sure about the first bit!]

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...