Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tort reform.

In the USA they call it 'tort reform'. We have no words for this expression which means to 'push back 'the power of the litigious society' in which we live.
Talking to an American banker today, he clearly thought this to be vitally important.
Which party other than UKIP in the UK would agree with him?
My idea of a 'Law of Common Sense' to which all other legal decisions would be accountable, seemed to appeal to him.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

When communists are wrong!

Mao was personally responsible for the massive increase in birthrates. (No. Not like that!)
He demanded massive families which brought about the iniquitous 'one child only' policy which has led to mass abandonments of children, cruelty in orphanages and abortions by the tens of millions.

Monday, March 29, 2010

9 million?

9 million bicycles in Beijing?
I seriously doubt that!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Our road system.

Well. I drove to London late last night expecting a doddle of a drive. I was soon disabused of that thought!
I left the potholes of Sheffield into the incessant roadworks of the M1 and the M25.
50 mph limits for a large portion of the journey; SINGLE lane on the motorways everywhere.
If we had seen more than one group actually working, I might have been considerably happier.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I think what bothers me most about modern society is that everybody seems to care about the mess we're in - but not enough to do anything about it!
The other name for this is


"Ukraine's new pro-Russia prime minister, Mykola Azarov, has enraged feminist groups by suggesting that women are unsuitable for high political office and incapable of carrying out reforms."
The Guardian.

Who cares about what 'feminists' think anyway? But back in the real world, wouldn't you have just loved to have seen this bloke explaining his pet theory to Maggie when she was at the height of her powers?
After all this time his 'handbagging' injuries would probably have healed nicely by now!
(Mind you, in all fairness to this rampant sexist, one look at Harridan Harperson and you do begin to wonder if he may have some sort of point. If that is the best Labour can produce......)
To all the very NORMAL ladies out there, apologies that your talents are brought into question!

Erratic postings.

As explained in an earlier posting, I am unable to guarantee updating the Blog every day for the next three weeks or so, commencing today.
I shall endeavour to ensure that not too many days are missed.

Ice in that?

'Strong winds and not global warming are to blame for much of the record-breaking loss of ice in the Arctic Ocean in recent years, new research reveals. Ice blown out of the Arctic area by winds can explain the one-third drop of sea ice since 1979, scientists believe.
The study helps to explain the huge loss of ice in the region during the summers of 2007 and 2008, after which some commentators suggested the Arctic Ocean would be ice-free during the summertime within a decade.'

When even top metereologists such as Paul Hudson admit that there has been no temperature rise globally in the last ten years, it was obvious that 'the warming factor' had to be something other than mere temperature!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


'Gipsies and travellers who break the law should not get favours from authority, ministers declared yesterday.
They warned that public confidence in justice will be damaged if some people think that travellers get special treatment.
Two Cabinet ministers joined forces to launch new instructions for police and councils on enforcing the law on anti-social behaviour among travellers - an apparent U-turn after years in which gipsies have been considered a racial group in need of state help.'

Just how CYNICAL and dishonest can you get in the runup to a General Election?

Published from The Mail without comment!

More scientific mumbo jumbo exposed!

A BBC report states:

'A team of scientists from China and the UK has now revealed that the bristles of this 125-million-year-old dinosaur were in fact ginger-coloured feathers.
The researchers say that the diminutive carnivore had a "Mohican" of feathers running along its head and back. It also had a striped tail.'


Alan Feduccia of The University of N. Carolina explains using scientific method rather than pseudo-scientific wishful thinking:

'Even if the fossilised granules are melanosomes that does not prove the filaments on Sinosauropteryx were feathers. It is not pigment that makes feathers – it is the structure, and these pointed fibres simply do not have the structure of feathers. Feduccia and colleagues have closely studied this fossil and concluded that the filaments were collagen fibres, not feathers. There is no reason why melanosomes could not have coloured skin or skin-derived structures, just as they do in many kinds of living'
[Creation Research.]

Evolutionary scientists leap once again to an unwarranted conclusion in their increasingly desperate attempts to prevent their so-called 'science' going completely down the toilet!

Benzo dangers exposed.

This site has long been happy to support Ray Nimmo - a long time friend - in his most worthy campaign against the indiscriminate prescription of Benzodiazapenes such as Valium and Temazepam to name but two.
The article in The Mail is of great interest and refers people to Ray's superb site where he tries to help the victims.
I suggest that you do check the link to his site (below the link to the Mail article) and check out RAY NIMMO on the sidebar.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Will the sleaze never end?

'Three former cabinet ministers, Geoff Hoon, Stephen Byers and Patricia Hewitt were suspended from the Parliamentary Labour party last night in an unprecedented crack down on sleaze.'

Not just 'conscience' now!

We have an update on the Suzanne Wilkinson issue. Reading this piece below will show how the liberal, homosexual lobby have wrested the moral high ground from this christian couple!

'And her stand attracted a furious response from gay rights campaigners.
Last night the Wilkinsons, who are in their 50s, were under siege from abusive phone calls, text messages and emails.
Among the messages was a threat to burn down their home in the quiet village of Cookham, Berkshire.'

Read more:

Monday, March 22, 2010


111 Labour MPs are members of the union Unite.
No conflict of interests there!

A personal favourite: Proverbs 15:1.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."

Conscience: an example.

Police are investigating after [homosexual couple] Michael Black, 62, and John Morgan, 56, complained that the owner of the Swiss B&B in Cookham, near Maidenhead in Berkshire, had unlawfully discriminated against them by not allowing them to share a double bed in the house which is her home.

This incident reinforces a point I have been making recently. Mrs Wilkinson is not permitted a conscience whilst Messrs Black & Morgan are.
Even if I were a practising homosexual, I think that I would feel embarrassed at such a moral imbalance.
What these two gentlemen choose to do is none of my business - it is a matter which ultimately they must sort out with God and I have no problem whatsoever that they have social freedom to act in a way which I personally believe to be sinful.
How come my views and those of Mrs Wilkinson are owed no respect? - It is not even that these are my views alone - I merely reflect what God has taught us in the Scriptures. I do not pretend that the Bible is really saying something different.
Anti-religious prejudice has been legitimised under bad law.
Human rights must never be a matter of supporting one group to the utter detriment and ostracisation of another.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Which party is nearest to your thinking?

The two minute quiz with the answer to a key question:

Every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy and bias avoidance.

Care home costs: some worthwhile advice.

I hope that this piece of advice will be of great financial assistance to readers.
I think we are all aware of how appalling care home charges can be and so it is necessary for people to protect themselves.

Firstly, couples who own their own homes jointly should split the house and own one half each. You will need legal advice first but this ensures that the house cannot be taken away and sold to cover costs. Will writing companies often offer advice and this service relatively cheaply.
Secondly, savings of above £13,000 should be lodged in Insurance Bonds as these may not be touched by the authorities and leaves them intact for your heirs.
The amount of people I know who have not followed these simple rules is horrendous. The system rarely works for you - so when it does, it is essential to take advantage of the rules.
Do not delay. Costs of between £450 and £700 p.w. are just not funny!
Irrespective of age, get a good financial adviser on your case - you really could live to regret not doing so!
No, seriously - delay ye not!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hopkins was green.

“What would the world be, once bereft of wet and wildness? Let them be left. O let them be left, wildness and wet; Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet.”

Gerard Manley Hopkins.
So the great Catholic poet was ahead of his time.

Petrol price rises knock on to everything else!

What really hacks me off is that the 'party of the people' - you know the one I mean - does not seem to possess a single MP prepared to stick a head above the parapet and make noises about the horrors of inflation for ordinary people's lives, perhaps explained by the fact that their own government is largely responsible for so very much of it. Stealth taxes on top of taxes; with petrol having taxes horrifyingly having to be paid on top of taxes!
(Well, with the Tories and Lib Dems and especially, the Greens, you almost expect it, of course.)

In other words, the present crop of politicians is quite happy to see almost everybody getting poorer.
Just how many people have had pay increases in recent years? - Those who have, have not seen these keep anywhere near the fictitious rate of inflation and certainly nobody anywhere near the real one.
That is one thing. Quite another is that, in this present serious situation, the government wants to impose price rises in so many areas, as often as not to fund their madcap quixoticism.
They are happy to add to people's burdens and, non-driver Brown's attitude to rising petrol prices, is madness. Inflation is fuelled, if you'll pardon the word play. He cannot grasp that, cars for the majority in this farflung modern world are not an optional luxury - or perhaps he does!
As with so many other things, there is an excuse. With cars it is that he is pretending to display 'green credentials'.
Welfare benefits are eating taxes out of the pockets of the ever-dwindling band of people who actually work for a living. I for one do not mind terror-supporting immigrants drawing £25k a year - it would be considered racist to think otherwise.

And the real trouble is that all of this was happening before the collapse of the banks.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Toy windmills.

I apologise to readers for not having updated you on our trio of local wind turbines for several months.
I last passed them on Wednesday and one WAS WORKING! This has been the case for a few weeks. Mostly, all three have been down.

Obviously, I got quite excited that 33.33% of our turbines had sails on and was working. As just over a quarter is the efficiency rate, so let's say 8.5%.

Now in the coldest part of winter, they operate at around one fifth normal efficiency levels.
My maths suggests that this winter our local cluster has worked at an efficiency of substantially less than 2%.
LET'S HEAR IT FOR THE 'Free' power of the winds.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

St Francis possessed wisdom.

"I have been all things unholy. If God can work through me, he can work through anyone."

The grace of God is there to be seized by all - if only we seek it.

Daft research? - For once it makes sense to me!

'Environmentally aware consumers are more likely to lie, cheat and be unkind than regular shoppers, a study suggests.
Researchers say that people have a limited stock of goodwill and that being virtuous in one part of life leads to meanness in another. The phenomenon - dubbed ' compensatory ethics' - came to light in a series of experiments carried out by psychologists at the University of Toronto'.

To me, this really sums up human nature. 'Sin will always win in the secular minded.' Hmm 'compensatory ethics,' eh? - I must try to remember that term.
Read more:

Under age sex.

So. A tory MP says something sensible (yes, that surprised me too) about under age sex. He pointed out that it is illegal and should be prosecuted as there are no obvious consequences today.
Note this response from Ann Furedi, of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service:
'Let's just say that I don't think jailing young mothers is a sensible way to address teenage pregnancy in Britain.'
Consider her response very carefully. In what way is she addressing the point made? She has suddenly introduced an emotive, logic-free element which had not been suggested at all. How well she fits into the typical targets of this Blog.
I have very little patience with the BPAS in any case, its reputation for advising abortions whilst concealing what is actually happening behind the euphemistic word 'termination' is simply appalling.

The police are real value for money!

So. How much time do you reckon the police spend investigating crime? Obviously it won't be too high. They have a reputation for bureaucracy and back-covering paperwork which is second to none. Sixty per cent maybe? Surely it couldn't be 50% or less - well honestly - could it?

A report into value for money for taxpayers found that just 13 per cent of police time is dedicated to investigating crime!
Well it wouldn't do for them to catch too many criminals - we do not have sufficient prison places as it is.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Prayer needed.

'The wife of an Assyrian pastor recently detained for his faith says he bears the visible marks of torture and has been threatened with execution.
Rev Wilson Issavi, leader of the Assyrian Evangelical Church of Kermanshah in Isfahan, is being held in 'dreadful conditions' and appears to have been tortured, according to his wife Medline Nazanin who was allowed to visit him recently. And she has been told by intelligence officials that her husband is 'awaiting his trial and his death sentence'.

Release Int.

Sheldon hypocrisy?

The very popular Big Bang Theory on Channel 4 is fine comedy and strangely, is especially loved by those kinds of people who find themselves particular targets of this Blog.
The main source of the humour is that the leading character, Sheldon, whilst being incredibly intelligent, is both socially maladjusted and a sufferer of Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder.
It was Frankie Howerd who always said 'Never mock the afflicted' but it was the liberal left who have outlawed any such humour.
How odd then that the politically correct are permitted to make an exception with this programme.
I do hope that nobody accuses them of being hypocritical.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Nice work in Hull!

Preventing Reoffending Project (PRP)

'The PRP project offers one to one mentoring for offenders serving sentences of twelve months or under. Key support workers offer assistance to offenders within the pathways that are identified as encouraging re-Offending. These are, lack of aspirations, children and families, accommodation, health, alcohol and drugs. Key support workers will assist the offender towards a position whereby they can secure and sustain employment with the overall aim of reducing employment rates, thus reducing the financial burden on the economy, reducing reoffending and increasing welfare provision.'

It seems that the scheme is having some positive results. Good! Punish then rehabilitate - that's the way to do it!
An 80% drop in short term re-offending is spot on!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Poles apart.

'British workers have been turned away from jobs in a local factory – for not speaking Polish. Cooked meat manufacturer Forza AW effectively barred anyone but Poles for applying for jobs on its production line in East Anglia by insisting all staff speak the language fluently. The company (lamely) claimed it was necessary as all health and safety training was conducted in Polish.'

Well why wouldn't an employer do this? You can now freely employ workers at cheaper rates. Had this been the other way around there would have been an outcry - but currently, the silence from 'the usual suspects' of the left is deafening.

Read more:

Devolution or evolution?

'Our brains are shrinking, according to scientists who have recreated a 28,000-year-old skull from remains found in France.
The French team, which claims to have produced one of the best replicas yet of an early modern human’s cranium, says it is up to 20 per cent bigger than ours.'

Interestingly, in a similar vein, language is clearly getting simpler and not more complex. This is a universal phenomenon and precisely the opposite of what would be expected in an evolutionary model.

Read more:

This is the logic we are having thrust at us.

Fact One: There are some three million unemployed, give or take.
Fact Two: We need immigrant workers to come into the country to do basic jobs.

Somewhere along the line - somebody is telling porkies!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Fancy some marxism? - Are you sure?

Augustine of Hippo.

"Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it."

Augustine of Hippo.

Yorkshire Forward.

One of very few positives on offer from the tories if elected, is the promised abolition of that appalling quango, Yorkshire Forward.
Labour & Lib Dems are jumping up and down saying that it will cause job losses.

I never welcome unemployment - but this is certainly the exception to prove the rule!
Yorkshire Forward is the EU's incredibly expensive, lickspittle, propaganda machine in this area.
The money could be better spent - and might create some more useful employment.

Are we surprised?

'It appears that more than 360,000 people have been forced to move home in the past year because of irritating neighbours, new research indicates.
The number of house-owners who have moved away to escape nightmare neighbours has increased by a third over the last two years, according to a study of 2,000 adults by Halifax Home Insurance.'

When you really need the Law - it will not help you today. Whether it be that you are afflicted by: crime, appalling neighbours, malevolent employees, squatters on your property, people who owe you money - forget it! The Law is on the side of the wrongdoer and the so-called European Human Rights Act is always more likely to support them than you!

AOL news.


Some Christians, mostly those of a liberal persuasion, seem quite embarrassed to be seen supporting punishment as a concept and I cannot grasp why this should be so.
The whole of Christianity is based on the fact that punishment awaits those who reject God the Son.
Jesus Himself warns of punishments to come, namely 'millstones' as the lesser evil. The two crucified with Jesus are seen as having merited punishment - as indeed was the case with Barabbas.
The problem arises for those who decontextualise the 'turning the other cheek' principle which is clearly aimed at the individual and not society!
When the individual responds, then that is 'vengeance' - nothing more, nothing less.
When society responds with punishment,'vengeance' is simply not an issue - this is retribution.
As I have written previously, "Revenge is personal: retribution is neutral." The two are emphatically NOT the same thing!
Parents who punish their children do not do so out of hatred but out of love.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

More buffoonery in high places!

"The killers of James Bulger should not have been prosecuted for his murder, the new Children’s Commissioner says today in a call for the age of criminal responsibility to be raised from 10 to 12 years old.
In an exclusive interview with The Times, Maggie Atkinson argues that children under the age of 12 should not be prosecuted for any crime."

Such detached-from-reality people as this lady should be removed from any position of responsibility whatsoever! Society simply cannot afford them any longer!
How can there possibly be a pretence that 10 and 11 year olds do not know right from wrong? - I have taught enough of them over years to recognise absolute piffle when I see it!
A large part of the criminalising of our nation stems from the failure to address bad behaviour at a sufficiently young age. Where morality has not been inculcated into a child, 'fear' must form a large proportion of the dealing with miscreants. Precisely where in the system can this be found?

The only good Labour MP in generations!

"Surprisingly, it's not just ambitious Tory MPs with dreams of ministerial office who will be waiting by their phones the day after the General Election if David Cameron becomes Prime Minister.
The maverick Labour MP Frank Field, who has had turbulent relations with Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, may also receive a call."

The well-meaning Rev.

The Reverend George Hargreaves runs The Christian Party - an inconsequential, political group which has appeared under various guises in recent years.
I just adore the man! An amazing Christian; straightforward; dedicated; sincere.
BUT - oh dear! Heaven protect us from the terminally well-meaning!
I have just seen him on Revelation TV where he wisely failed to mention that his party's intervention in the EU Elections was directly responsible for the election of Nick Griffin, BNP leader, as an MEP in the North West!

He seems utterly oblivious to the fact that he is actually doing more harm than good.
(Check the voting in the North West for yourself if you do not believe me.)
Furthermore, only a few percent of the electorate would ever vote for a Christian Party just because it exists and this rate will never change until after a massive revival - and not necessarily even then - not even under the most beneficial system of PR.
Last September in Southport, I was staggered by the number of Christians I met who belong to UKIP. As far as I know, no research has been done on this but I just could not believe that other parties have as many Christians in their ranks.

In politics, Christians must be 'as wise as serpents, as gentle as doves' - the Reverend Hargreaves has only accomplished half of this necessity.
The IRONY contained on that billboard is just startling!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Manchester man bullied to death.

'A man with learning difficulties was “tormented to death” after years of being bullied by yobs, his neighbours have claimed.'
When my Dad was a local Police Constable, were somebody persecuted in this manner - it could have happened once, it may even have happened twice but it would not have happened three times.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Which doctors are preferred?

"The authorities always think they know best, and psychiatrists are invested with all the moral authority which witch doctors were once accorded in primitive tribes."

Stephen Glover.

As a response to the trick cyclists who had effectively claimed that Jon Venables had been cured!

'The world owes me living.'

Some recently have argued that the country 'has not gone to the dogs.'
Proof otherwise:

Labour has no concept of fairness.

Andy Burnham, The Health Minister, yesterday announced the new Labour 'Death Tax'.
On top of the iniquitous inheritance tax already in place, this idea beggars belief!

Some 17.5 million would be affected and their estate robbed of 10% of its value.
As far as I can ascertain there will be no lower threshold.
Why is this so wrong? - Well, two reasons for a starter:
1) It is immoral. "Ah, somebody in your family has died - good - give us a chunk of your family's money, then!" This is not taxation but is much closer to extortion.
2) These are monies on which tax has already been paid!
Tragically, once again, Labour has no concept about ordinary people. Do they really think that this will encourage people to save up for old age so as not to be a burden on the state?
The thinking is simply moronic!
The amount of people who will become an extra burden on the public purse because of this could run into six figures - but more likely SEVEN!
Have they no concept of the 'Law of Diminishing Returns?

Operation Bernhard.

Although largely unsuccessful, the Nazi idea contained in Operation Bernhard was brilliant.
As early as 1939, the plan had been to flood Britain with forged five pound notes thus destabilising the currency and causing damaging inflation. Fortunately, the plan was foiled to a very large degree. (Remember Michael Elphick in 'Private Schultz'?)

After several conversations last night about the current situation in our universities, I was reminded of this little piece of history.
As a nation we have diluted the quality of students at university; inevitably the consequence has been to cause standards to plummet; we have given large numbers of young people inflated opinions of their own abilities; we have flooded the country with useless and semi useless degrees and we have undermined a system once renowned for its excellence.
Naturally, it means that basic jobs are demanding ever higher levels of entry - all to no good purpose. Many post graduates are unable to find work and, with their debts added to the mix, many are beginning to feel pretty resentful.
Furthermore, the nation cannot afford this exercise in pointlessness.
We should return to a system based on merit and ability. The best should be rewarded with a free education and a proper grant.
If anybody outside this group wants to pay the full cost of a degree and support for themselves as they study - then so be it but we must abandon a system based on marxist, anti-elitist thinking.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Supreme Court shame!

To our eternal shame as a society, Lillian Ladele, the Christian registrar from Islington, has lost her right to a Christian conscience in the new Supreme Court.

(See earlier postings on the 23rd of May and 11th of July 2008 and also note how last Sunday's posting about conscience proved eerily prophetic.)

I now cannot wait for the outcome when a muslim registrar takes the same attitude and follows the same course as she did.
How will the PC brigade be able to respond then in the face of this precedent?

To The Supreme Court a raspberry from me and a LoonyTunesWatch coconut from the Blog itself!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

RSPB adopts a PC attitude again!

'Although sparrowhawks can eat large numbers of young birds, charities such as the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds argue there is no evidence they are to blame for the 40 per cent fall.'

The RSPB remain unrepentant about their shunning calls for major culls on magpies - I spoke to them about this yesterday.

As sparrowhawks - heavily encouraged to breed - red kites, crows and other predators multiply, the RSPB buries its head in the sand and pretends that 'other causes' must be found.
I love songbirds and so long ago resigned from the RSPB when I discovered that they did not share my attitudes.

The Songbird Survival Trust is the only place where birdlovers can now reasonably place their hard-earned cash.

What is the point?

"What is the point?" - "Why write a Blog?" - "What good can it possibly do?" - "Why spend so much time in its production?

The simple answer is that I have to: I cannot sit idly by and watch catastrophe unfold around me without making some attempt to stop the tide. Canute-like I may be but my conscience is clear.
The two things most under threat in this nation (world) are The Gospel Unto Salvation and Democracy.
I believe in both and both are threatened from the same source - the atheistic, politically correct left - liberal or otherwise.

I try to expose what they are doing to public scrutiny and interest; I encourage opposition to them; I try to supply valid arguments which decent people can learn and use themselves in the fray.

Regular readers can do their small part by advertising the Blog to those of similar inclination as themselves:

Monday, March 08, 2010

The 'cunning' plan backfires.

The most recent opinion polls are strongly indicating 'a hung parliament' and it is entirely Cameron's fault.
On a personal level - I couldn't care less which of the LibLabCon is in power - it is of minute relevance to life in this nation today.

Cameron thought he could be clever and move the tories to the left at the same time as guaranteeing that his core voters would stay on board.

Two problems: The first is that the centre left in this country was already rather crowded and the second is that many of his core voters are clearly planning to stay home on election day.


Instead of putting 'clear blue water' between the tories and their opponents - all he has succeeded in doing is to appear devious, unprincipled and a policy-free zone.
He DESERVES to lose - the trouble is - they ALL do!

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Love it!

Sunday Times.

The sellout bishop.

James Jones, the allegedly evangelical bishop of Liverpool, has decided to stop supporting the Scriptures and support 'inclusivity' instead.
Good career move!

You aren't leftwing? - No? - Then you are not permitted to have a conscience!

Ever noticed how, with the liberal left, everything is "a matter of conscience" - complete with furrowed brow, serious expression, measured sincerity and grave demeanour?
(Of course, a large proportion of the time it is nothing of the sort! - It is merely a philosophy of life: a glorified opinion in deep disguise or possibly a detachment from reality.

Ever noticed how nobody else is permitted a conscience at all?
Ever noticed how their conscience always trumps your conscience?

I can freely grasp that there be such things as spiritual absolutes - but I fail to see how basic opinions can carry all before them with room for neither challenge nor debate.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Lies and deceits.

I had a conversation the other day with a young man - a former pupil - who seemed most anxious to learn how you know when governments are lying.
I resisted the temptation to say "Whenever a politician opens his mouth...."
My considered response was:
"Whenever you are told that you must believe something and all debate is suspended - you are close. When you are then shouted down for your own contrary belief - that is the time when you know!"

More global warming.

'A passenger ferry with nearly 1,000 people on board broke free early this morning from heavy pack ice that had trapped it for hours in the Baltic Sea off the east coast of Sweden.
Dozens of other ships remained stuck and are awaiting assistance after gale-force winds built up large ice masses along the Swedish coastline.'


So - Nigel was rude to Van Rompuy.

Big deal. I am just fed up with the niceness with which we deal with evil. How very 'British' of us to try to be unfailingly polite to the man who symbolises the loss of our nationhood; the destruction of our society; the emptying of our pockets; the ravaging of our industries and much, much more.
Van Rompuy is' a nice little man who was shocked by the attack'.
Again, big deal. He is just a junior Hitler without the SS & Gestapo - but with Europol, the EU are already working on that deficiency!
If it lets 'em know that we cannot tolerate what they are doing - then GOOD!
(Incidentally, I am quite incapable of being rude like Nigel was.)

Without the slanted BBC presentation of the 'incident' - this would have been a vote-winner. People are fed up with Brussels and Rompuy is its symbol. With the BBC bias - it will have lost some and gained some.

Checkout this YouTube link on the UKIP Sheffield website:

'UKIP Sheffield on Nigel vs EU President.'

Left and right.

One of the things which has long surprised me is how few people will admit to being right of centre when their attitudes prove that that is precisely what they are.
I recently explained on here that I consider myself to be a 'right of centre non tory'.
Listening to people as I always try to, it is clear that most people I meet are further to the right than I am - but would be surprised - and possibly even shocked to discover this.
This is a psychological victory for the wild propagandising of the left. Right = Bogeyman.

This is not always easy to spot as they may belong to any of the three largest parties or at least, will happily vote for these. It is what they think on individual issues which gives it away.
(Naturally here, I am not talking about the: university lecturing class; the ivory tower dwellers; the quangocrats; the bureaucrats and the fashionable, leftie elite. Nor do I speak of the many who are cocooned away into cosy little government or council enclaves where reality rarely impinges.)
I speak of everyday folk who, tragically for themselves and the nation, seem incapable of taking an accurate political overview.
But of course, the tactics of the left, and in particular the Fabians, have been working towards this goal for more than a century using the media and education as their tool.

Atheism never used to be this nasty.

There was a time when atheists made the Roman Catholic Church a target - and not always with poor reasoning.
Their spleen was generally vented at the institution rather than the beliefs, however.

The protestant churches were largely seen as inconsequential in the bigger picture and with the noted exception of snake-biting, poison drinking, racist, holy roller churches in the Deep South of the USA - there was an attitude of 'live and let live'.

That has now gone. The leftist atheists are spoiling for a fight; they disrespect belief; they use puerile arguments as to the existence of God; they lack the understanding of Christianity enjoyed by previous generations because few under 50 have had any sort of education based on this central point of the nation's culture.

They are spiteful; undemocratic; intolerant. They invent 'dangers' of having Christian belief; they claim to have science on their side; they mislead and demand the right to propagandise.

On radio, where everything is 99% secular - they demand part of the 1% where there is a 'God slot'.

They invent piffle about Christian schools; they try to exclude Christians from adoption & fostering; they would like to see no Christians amongst the magistracy or on school Boards of Governors or in any position of influence. They welcome muslim shows of belief and call it 'culture' but the wearing of a Christian symbol can get you sacked.

They insist that your beliefs must conform to theirs or the whole machinery of society will fall on your head.
Christians are required to believe things which go against Scripture. There will be no respect afforded.

THEY have the upper hand; THEY are in power: THEY are proof that the devil exists.
Their fight is relentless. It is a matter not of men but of principalities and powers'.

The fight is a spiritual one and that starts right here - ON THIS BLOG.

Please pass the Blog's address to all Christians who have not become diluted and infected by the things above.
On second thoughts, perhaps you could also send to those who have been affected - maybe it would show them that 'He who sups with the devil should eat with a long spoon'!

Friday, March 05, 2010

Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank does not surprise us with this revelation.

Soldiers’ lives were lost in Iraq and Afghanistan because Gordon Brown failed to fund the Army properly when he was Chancellor, a former chief of the defence staff said yesterday.
The Prime Minister is due to appear before the Iraq inquiry today at 10am.
General Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank, who led the Armed Forces from 1997 to 2001, told The Times: “Not fully funding the Army in the way they had asked . . . undoubtedly cost the lives of soldiers. He should be asked why he was so unsympathetic towards defence and so sympathetic to other departments.”

No surprises here. The irony is that an administration that hates the Armed Forces as much Labour does should have used them so much!


Thursday, March 04, 2010

Michael Foot.

Michael Foot - atheist; leftwinger; fool.
This was a man who lived in a world of theories; who couldn't grasp realities; who ignored all things which fell outside of his world view.
As a leader of the Labour Party, he led them to disaster and when he retired as an MP, he was described as "a great parliamentarian" - whatever that backhanded compliment might mean.
(His single redeeming virtue was that he saw the dangers of the European Union proving I suppose, that nobody can be wrong all of the time!)
He was certainly fluffy,intellectual, other-worldly and a tad cuddly; apparently a really pleasant chap - but nonetheless - extremely dangerous. In many respects a Woy Jenkins who was even more leftwing!
For all such as he, we should sadly turn to Psalm 14:1 "The fool has said in his heart, There is no God." Well, I suppose he knows the reality now.
In the wise words of John Donne,"Any man's death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind."

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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