Monday, January 31, 2011

A story about reality! (True or not - what a point!)

I recently asked my friends' little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said she wanted to be President of the United States. Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there. So I asked her, "If you were President, what would be the first thing you would do?" She replied, "I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people...Her parents proudly beamed. "Wow....what a worthy goal," I told her. "But you don't have to wait until you're President to do that. Tell you what - you can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and sweep my driveway, and I'll pay you $50. Then I'll take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house. How about doing something wonderful like that?"She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, "Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?"I said, "Welcome to the Republican Party."Her parents still aren't speaking to me.

Back from the gates of death.

A double pulmonary embolism, which if hadn't happened in the hospital would have seen me off.
Out of hospital. The BOY is back!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sorry, no blog available for a few days due to illness. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible!

The bravest of the brave - honoured!

Corporal Benjamin Roberts Smith VC.

Do you utterly despise the politically correct?

If not and you want to know why I do - then read this:

A sensible first step in the war on drugs?

'For years, the Government’s drugs advisers have been demanding a soft approach to cannabis and other banned substances.
But, finally, that appears likely to change following the appointment of a Christian GP who takes a hard line against smoking the drug and says strong families can help to defeat alcohol and other addictions.
Dr Hans-Christian Raabe, a member of an international Christian movement who has been appointed to sit on the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, says children should simply be taught to say no. His appointment to the ACMD signals a shake-up in thinking for the panel, which has clashed repeatedly with ministers in recent years.'

The bird organisation that actually CARES!

Perhaps advertisers should know ...

... that I am NEVER going to purchase a Colonic Hydrotherapy from them - so perhaps they should stop assailing me with 'brilliant offers'.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pot holes.

According to a ridiculous report yesterday, across the country there are some 3 million potholes in the roads which apparently means one every 180 yards.
On most Sheffield side roads you would be lucky to go ten yards and many quite significant roads are not much better.

We have so many in this part of the world that for those figures to be accurate, there must be vast swathes of land - many miles square without any potholes at all across the bulk of the nation.

How government wastes our money.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pray for these people - they need it!

Civil partners Martyn Hall, 46, and Steven Preddy, 38 have brought a Christian couple to the verge of financial ruin by wickedly suing them and using our appalling laws to abuse their human rights - and all at a time when the husband is in hospital recovering from a triple bypass.
Pray for these cold-hearted zealots and for the interestingly named Judge Rutherford who endorsed their wicked claim.

I daren't!

Australian council worker Geoff Stephens of Dymchurch is suing bosses after accusing colleagues of making racist comments – including constantly greeting him with ‘G’day, sport’.
This poor man! Nobody should have to go through such ordeals. Did we fight Nazis for this? Gentle banter is evil!
I wish him well and hope he gains a massive six figure sum for all of his pain and grief. That is my official position.
Some people - obviously not me - might have said "Get a life you total saddo!" No. This Blog fully supports him. We would not say anything like that at all - he might sue!
(The Blog does not endorse the picture shown in any way. It is purely there to show what unreasonable people might think.)

Peter Sissons says what we all know.

"Left-wing bias? It's written through the BBC's very DNA." Peter Sissons.


Recently, Labour supporters have been lamenting that many libraries are likely to close - and I feel the same. They are a valuable, social asset.
Even so they have rather 'over-egged the pudding' of their argument in lame claims that this will stop the poor 'getting access to an education'.
The percentages of a population who today use libraries is quite tiny and education today is more likely to come through the computers which so many libraries have installed rather than shelf upon shelf of largely unread books.
Furthermore, Labour should see that library closures came about from its dual insanity of 'letting bankers off the leash' combined with madcap, public spending policies.
Perhaps a partial solution would be to have smaller buildings, with fewer staff where people without computers at home can access the wealth of knowledge found online.
The saddest thing about library closures is that it is more likely to affect 'those of a certain age' who are determined never to use computers.

Unbelievable - Cicero would have been in UKIP!

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work instead of living on public assistance."

Cicero in 55 BC.

3 bishops to Rome.

The defecting bishops - is this more an attraction to the Roman Church or more a rejection of what The Anglican Church has become?

How to be terminally sad - Part 9.

Some years ago we employed a plumber on several occasions.
He spent ALL of his spare time trying to meet famous people and then inflict his conversation on them. Having done so he would then 'name-drop'. He is presumably long dead now which is why I bring it up at this time.
Pursuing people on grounds of their fame? - Oh dear! Not a very healthy activity.

Jack the ....

Well - not a particularly compelling case by the Channel 5 investigation into Jack the Ripper against Aaron Kosminsky but rather better than the last effort portrayed on this Blog.
So, he went mad and was committed to an asylum by his family, lived in Whitechapel and was the right height. Very little beyond that other than he was suspected by two detectives of the day.
For me Francis Tumblety remains the lead suspect with Aaron Kosminsky as a rather poor second candidate. The Police at the time were so convinced that it was Tumblety that they followed him to America!

Friday, January 21, 2011


What is the collective noun for a small group of magpies? - An infestation!

AV - no thanks!

Extrapolating from the by-election, pure PR would give UKIP around 6% of the seats at Westminster if such a system were to be used. 6% represents about 39 seats. (If my arithmetic hasn't failed me - said he, doubting himself profoundly!)
The proposed system of alleged 'PR' on offer is called Alternative Voting and is in effect a variation of First Past The Post which might stop some less popular candidates winning as you cast more than one vote in a single constituency.
The uses for AV are virtually nil. For UKIP and smaller parties - it gives us NOTHING.
There is a system called AV+ what many Lib Dems USED to want and would serve fairness properly.
They treacherously abandoned it in order to gain a little power!

AV is only a gesture which, as I understand it, may result in 'ganging up' of 2 parties on a the one with the most votes, currently in a seat.
Perhaps worth a look on Wikipedia:
Naturally, UKIP's vote would be much higher - as in EU elections - if we were not considered to be 'a wasted vote'.

Votes for convicts BLAME THE EU!

Some tories want to water down the sickening 'votes for felons' proposals.
'But last night it emerged that the Attorney General, Dominic Grieve, had warned the Prime Minister the new deal would be unacceptable to European judges.'

And do NOT disingenuously tell to me that the European Courts and the EU are not different sides of the same coin!

Alan Johnson.

My sympathies go out to Labour's Alan Johnson who has found himself caught in 'a double whammy ' which is not of his own making.
A real shame as he is clearly one of Labour's better people.
He may well feel entitled to ask "Hadn't the media anything better to do?"

Youth unemployment - this is hardly the answer!

One in five young people are out of work and the government has just abolished the compulsory retirement age.
This may be a desirable long-term goal - but in the short term, joined-up thinking it ain't!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How to be terminally sad - Part 8.

Wear this badge!

Yorks Post letter asks a key question.

From: Mike Smith, Huddersfield.
Sir, YOUR "Power and pay" analysis (Yorkshire Post, January 14) on the region's movers and shakers was most enlightening when viewed against the challenge of restoring our economic fortunes. Of the 50 names listed, 38 are paid directly out of the public purse and "produce" nothing. It might also be assumed there are several subordinates in their hierarchies on salaries and bonuses not too far behind. Only seven of the 50 names might qualify as "industrial" and producers of goods or services essential to restoring our economic recovery; assuming you can include ice cream in that. Among the seven, three are in charge of public utilities having effective monopolies with captive markets and one at least with a large State subsidy. The majority can certainly claim to be movers by virtue of the amounts they have managed to move from the public purse into their private bank accounts. I am less certain about the shakers bit unless it refers to their contributions to shaking the foundations of our economic recovery. One has to wonder if the absence of more business entrepreneurs in the list creating real wealth for our region is because their rewards are nowhere near those of the names listed, or have they more or less disappeared?

A VERY frightening letter!

We don't need troublemakers and stirrers!

The U.S. preacher who sparked outrage by saying he was going to burn copies of the Koran has been banned from entering the UK.


Nice one, Michael.

Michael Gove, Secretary of State for education has been called 'old-fashioned' by teaching unions.
Well, you know me. Always fair.

Hearty congratulations are in order to the gentleman!

Christian hoteliers.

I would be a little less angry over the court decision which awarded £3,600 compensation against a Christian couple who refused to allow two homosexual 'plants' to share a bed under their roof were I personally convinced that precisely the same thing would have happened if an Islamic couple had found themselves in precisely the same circumstances.
We ALL know this would NEVER happen in our sweet PC world - the double standards make me fizz.

“Mr and Mrs Bull have been victims of persecution. If they choose not to do business with homosexuals, that should be their concern alone. They are using their own property and using up their own time. They should be at liberty to associate or not associate as they please. Any law that says otherwise is morally indefensible.
“We are told that this prosecution has been a ‘victory for human rights’. It has not.
“Every person has the right to life and justly-acquired property, and to do with his own whatever does not infringe the equal rights of others.
“From this primary right can be derived all the rights of the liberal tradition – freedom of expression and contract and association, together with security against oppressive or arbitrary behaviour by the State.
“It does not generate any right not to be hated or despised or shunned.
“It does not justify laws against discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, religion or sexual orientation, or laws against expressing or inciting hatred against any group.
“By forcing people to associate with or contract with persons whom they would otherwise reject, anti-discrimination laws are an attack on life and property. They are a form of coerced association. They give some people uncompensated claims on others. They amount to a form of slavery mediated by the State.
“Politically correct authoritarians like to hail each new set of anti-discrimination laws as an extension of human rights. Such laws are in fact violations of the only human rights that mean anything.

Dr Sean Gabb.

MITK digs around the dirt in EU spuds.

Mole-in-the Know has discovered that a growth retardant product of great value to domestic gardeners, Stop Grow G8, ( in addition to the Cutlass scandal of some years ago) - has been banned by Brussels. This occurred because it contained a single chemical of which the EU disapproved.

This has not stopped the EU allowing the self same chemical to be sprayed onto potato crops which we then EAT! - Remind me again - how dangerous is it?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


'Up to 3 million people are taking statins needlessly, doctors warn today in a comprehensive study that suggests they are ineffective in many cases and could be doing more harm than good.' (Telegraph.)

No real surprise there!

Health changes.

In fairness to Cameron, something has to be done about our rickety, expensive, bureaucratic, top-heavy health service which is brilliant in places and a near disaster in others.
Will his proposed changes do the job?
Who knows?
What he advocates is untried and untested.
What he should have done, of course, was to have peered over the Channel and checked out the most successful health service in the world according to the W.H.O.
The French ALWAYS ensure that they get the best for the French. We should learn from them!

Job creation for ....

'Just a third of all jobs created last year went to British-born workers, official figures indicate.
They show that only 100,000 of the 297,000 workers who began new posts between July and September 2010 were native Britons.
Of the rest, 90,000 were born in Poland and other Eastern European countries that joined the EU in 2004, and the remainder were born elsewhere in the world.
Statistics have shown that foreign workers took two out of three new jobs in the UK between July and September last year
The summer figures from the Office for National Statistics are the latest available and are understood to be representative of the whole year.'

As a matter of interest, when will all the leftwing trade unions begin agitating on behalf of BRITISH workers?

Sandra Parsons supporting marriage.

'Does marriage matter? Not to the Deputy Prime Minister, it would seem.
Setting out his vision of ­family policy this week, Nick Clegg said that government ministers should not ‘preach’ to parents about marriage — what mattered, instead, was helping them make their relationships work.
And yet, how I wish somebody would preach about marriage. How I yearn for a politician (or even an archbishop) to start banging the drum for the greatest family institution of all.'
Archbishop? - I suppose John Sentamu might!

Libertarian Alliance supports Christian couple.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Baptism is for adults.

I shall not complain that "Church of England 'baptism' services may be re-written to remove some references to Christianity.
The plan for a new ‘baptism lite’ service designed to make christenings more interesting to non-churchgoers will be considered next month by the Church’s parliament, the General Synod."

The reason why somebody like me is not 'over-fussed' by this is that Christianity has no place for so-called 'infant baptisms' in the first place. Baptisms may only be done when the recipient is intellectually capable of grasping the tenets of faith.
Why churches do not follow the Scriptural model - I really could not say.
Not only is a vast amount of the symbolism cast aside but nobody can make spiritual decisions on behalf of another.
What is so wrong with the welcoming 'dedication ceremony' found in so many evangelical churches?
To 'follow Jesus' as a model, the baptism must be 'full immersion' - even the Greek word baptiso means precisely that.
The history of 'infant baptisms' goes back to a time of high infant mortality when parents were scared that God would dump 'unbaptised infants' into hell or purgatory or possibly, limbo.
So the whole exercise is based on a lack of faith in the ultimate goodness of God.
Call it a Christening, by all means, but skip the references to baptism!

Cameron v Thatcher?

That well known leftist, David Cameron, has attacked Margaret Thatcher for failing to 'respect' the public sector yesterday as he vowed to build on Tony Blair's reforms of schools and hospitals.
Now, I could list The Iron Lady's failings - but the positive points outweighed the negatives which made her probably the only PM in my lifetime where this was the case.
Nonetheless, it was still during her tenure that I left the Conservative Party all those years ago.
In a head to head with Cameron, there was one area where she could never lose. SHE was a 'conviction politician'!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Know any anti-PC Christians?

If you do, then grant them the biggest of favours - simply send them the address of this Blog with your recommendation.

Nigeria military conspiring against Christians?

'At least 13 were killed during a series of raids on remote villages in Plateau state – as religious tensions erupted into street violence in several towns.
Release partners have confirmed that armed attacks were made on several villages in the Barkin Ladi and Riyom areas of Plateau, central Nigeria, on Monday. Hardest hit was Wereng village in Riyom where 13 people died, mainly women and children. The BBC reports that victims bore machete and gunshot wounds.
Religious rights group Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has alleged possible military collusion in the attack. It reports eyewitnesses saying that the attackers included men in military uniform and says that Wereng villagers had found ID papers and a bank book belonging to a member of the Joint Task Force charged with peace-keeping in Plateau.'

Release International.

Le Pen: another good reason to avoid the far right.

Jean-Marie Le Pen, the French far-Right leader has stepped down as leader of the rather nasty-minded and largely racist Front National. True to form (Telegraph) he completed his tenure making racist remarks against a Jewish journalist!
What a sweetheart!

'There is more rejoicing in heaven ....'

'Ed Miliband effectively disowned former Prime Minister Gordon Brown yesterday by admitting that his Government had been wrong about spending cuts.
In a major U-turn and a snub to his former patron, the Labour leader confessed: ‘We were too slow to acknowledge . . . that there would eventually have to be cuts.'

Chris Kelly MP.

One MP said: "Cameron was effing and blinding at Chris and several others."

Problem is that Chris Kelly has principles - what Cameron has as a substitute, I'd struggle to identify!

Read more:

Sunday, January 16, 2011


God's smuggler.

Read about the excellent Brother Andrew:

Guardian hides the facts.

The insufferable Guardian is making a campaign which hints at racism in Oxford colleges where the entrance of black students is concerned.
Using raw figures, it guarantees to stir up the average leftie with 'the institutionalised unfairness' of it all.
Worryingly, this appalling rag seems to have forgotten that entrance to Oxford is ON MERIT!
So what have they NOT told us?
Well, they have not told us how many black applicants there were AND more importantly, how many of the applicants had managed to achieve their entrance requirement.
How much better to ruffle the feathers of the liberal left and have them spluttering into their gin and tonics than to tell the full story.

So, why did they not tell the complete story, I wonder? - Would it have undermined their highly emotive case?

Guns and drugs and unprincipled tories.


Arguably, this 'steady plodder of a president' was the most successful politician of all time.
Portrayed - typically - as 'terminally stoopid' by the usual suspects, his successes were the stuff of legend.
Put to one side the runaway success of his 'Reaganomics' and let us concentrate on his external Realpolitik.
He surrounded himself with people who were much more talented than the average entourage.
He won the heart and mind of Margaret Thatcher - a most formidable ally.
He entered into a largely secret and highly significant alliance with the anti-communist Vatican and in particular, Pope John-Paul the Second.
He was behind the Star Wars fraud which placed the final nail into the soviet coffin.
All in all, this man damned as a 'third rate actor' by Democrats and assorted lefties was the single largest factor in the downfall of communism, the USSR and all of its satellites thus also giving the West a massive 'peace dividend'.

Joining Hugh's 'fish fight'.

Start by demanding withdrawal from the EU which oversees the dumping back dead into the sea of up to NINETY PER CENT of many catches! ( 1 million tonnes of dead fish in the N. Sea alone annually!)
Secondly - ask your local chippy if they are prepared to offer white fish other than cod and haddock and
Thirdly - if they do -then buy it!

Coley, hake, pollock et al are all the equals of the more popular white fish.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Doubts on bio-technology with humans but mammoths ....

BBC bias.

The BBC as our state broadcaster is the worst but admittedly, the others have been little better.
In the aftermath of the Oldham by-election, every attempt was made to avoid mentioning UKIP by name.
This was systematic and clearly designed to deny the party 'the oxygen of publicity'.
Not even mentions of the BNP having been well beaten - and, I suppose, the hammering of the Greens would have gone unmentioned anyway.


Even Blunkett....

'A woman who lied about being gang raped in Somalia to claim more than £250,000 in benefits had moved to Britain after boasting it was the ‘land of easy money’.
Ayan Abdulle was jailed this week after investigators discovered that the story she used to win asylum – and later UK citizenship – was a pack of lies.'

I publish this without the many and varied comments that could be made.
I shall restrict myself to a single observation. David Blunkett stated that '90% of asylum seekers are bogus'.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Paul Nuttall.

Well done to Paul Nuttall, the excellent UKIP candidate who came a good fourth in the Oldham by-election.
He took 6% and was way ahead of the crumbling BNP and the Greens were loadsavotes behind that!

It is hard to see how UKIP can overcome the inherent unfairnesses of FPTP - and the proposed AV system of PR has NOTHING to offer to voting justice whatsoever.


"Prayer is not overcoming God's reluctance. It is laying hold of His willingness."

Julian of Norwich.

Selectivity brings the 'right answers'.

"Lib Dem equalities minister Lynne Featherstone says all public sector organisations should consider sending ‘diversity monitoring forms’ to staff to prove they are treating all sections of society fairly."Do they NEVER give up? - How will this information be used? - To prove 'invisible, non-existent unfairnesses' of a politically correct type WHILST DITCHING all other info which dares to show positives.
The ENTIRE process - as always - will be an exercise in the purest of selectivity!


From: Brian Sheridan, Redmires Road, Sheffield.
YOUR letter writer D Birch (Yorkshire Post, January 10) rightly draws attention to the fact that we are now paying over six pounds a gallon for petrol.Though I generally take a sanguine view of the obsolescence of imperial measures, I believe the change to selling petrol by the litre has enabled successive British governments to pull off an invaluable (to them) sleight of hand: a weapon not available to their French and American counterparts. A penny on a litre is more than four and a half pence on a gallon; a hike that no government would get away with so regularly if we were still buying by the gallon.Incidentally, the response from our once militant hauliers has been strangely timid. Are they resigned, or have I missed something?

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...