'Did you know that your taxes are supporting loans going to Argentina? As President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner continues to make waves over the sovereignty of the Falklands, the British Government continues to vote through billions of pounds in international aid to her country, primarily through the World Bank and the EU. According to a poll by ComRes, of those few British adults who are aware of such expenditure, barely 6 per cent support it.' (Telegraph.)
Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Sorry It's So Long But Polystrate Fossils Do Destroy Vast Swathes of The Evolutionary Hypothesis.
Polystrate Fossils: Apart from vertical fossil trees, are any other fossils found as polystrates?
This answer by John Mackay
For those who don’t know what polystrate means: poly = many, and strate = layers.
A polystrate fossil crosses or protrudes through many layers and as such they are evidence that the number of layers the fossil protrudes through were deposited in less time than the object takes to rot. Shells, weird trilobites, fish, vertical leaves and many more fossil in our collection are polystrate and the links below this article will take you to my pictures of some of the ones I have come across. The best known are the many polystrate trees such as the ones we have featured in our DVDs such as Darwin on the Rocks. But go to our picture file and look at trees that were buried at an angle of up to 45degrees. They look as if they were trapped falling over. They are even more spectacular evidence that the normal idea of slow rapid burial and fossilisation is a falsehood.
Derek Ager, 1993, The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record, 3rd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, p43.
At that rate my leaf would have rotted long before it could be buried standing up and the vertical tree nearby would never make it to fossilization either. The present cannot be an accurate guide to the past as Darwin’s mentor Charles Lyell taught him and every generation of modern geologists since. No wonder geologists are being forced to become catastrophic. It is absolutely demanded by such evidence as polystrate fossil leaves, which prove the whole bed is definitely catastrophic. Rapidly formed. No help to the millions of years camp.
After that I love the polystrate ‘bullet shaped backbones’ or Belemnites from a squid like creature which I found in Northern Ireland. At any one location these elongate bullet like fossils are up to 10 cms in length (4ins) and buried in limestone. They can be found lying along the strata, at right angles across the strata and at any angle in between, so most are in polystrate mode and again show evidence the layers and the fossils have been formed rapidly.
I got a good laugh when I carried a polystrate Mesosaur into Australia and the customs man wanted to tax it, but was sorely disappointed when he found there was no tax on monsters. To see more photos of this great fossil and the really important lessons it provides on fast rocks and no evolution click on the Mesosaur link at the end of article.
One year I was excavating on the Cumberland Plateau Tennessee coal fields and noticed a plant stem crossing about a 1/3 m (10in) of siltstone layers at about 45 degrees. A fair amount of excavation later it turned out to be a beautiful fern. No slow swamp burial for this fern.
And no swamp burial for the fish whose body was buried across several layers of sandy siltstone in a Scottish quarry that Randall Hardy and myself were investigating. No, we didn’t find it, and it’s not in our collection … yet? But its great evidence this fish is also a polystrate.
So yes, there are polystrates of just about every fossil known if you look hard enough, and the reality is that any fossils even those that lie parallel to their strata yet are thicker than one lamina of sediment, by definition have to be polystrate.
(My thanks to Randall Hardy of Creation Research who allows me full access to publishing this vital scientific information which is NOT taught in schools and largely by-passed in universities.)
For those who don’t know what polystrate means: poly = many, and strate = layers.
A polystrate fossil crosses or protrudes through many layers and as such they are evidence that the number of layers the fossil protrudes through were deposited in less time than the object takes to rot. Shells, weird trilobites, fish, vertical leaves and many more fossil in our collection are polystrate and the links below this article will take you to my pictures of some of the ones I have come across. The best known are the many polystrate trees such as the ones we have featured in our DVDs such as Darwin on the Rocks. But go to our picture file and look at trees that were buried at an angle of up to 45degrees. They look as if they were trapped falling over. They are even more spectacular evidence that the normal idea of slow rapid burial and fossilisation is a falsehood.
My favourite polystrate is a fossil leaf I found standing upright in diatomaceous rock layers in south central Queensland Australia. Diatomaceous rock is made from Diatoms. These are microscopic creatures made of silica that fit millions to the teaspoon and so the usual argument is it would take vast ages to form even one centimetre of diatomaceous rock layers, let alone metre thick beds. Now my fossil leaf was around 10 cms in height, stood vertically though thousands of layers of diatoms, and since the bottom tip of the leaf was the same age as the top of the leaf those 10 cms of diatom layers got there before the leaf rotted or even fell over. Fast indeed. And yes, in the same deposit was also a vertical tree that went through several meters of strata made of microscopic diatoms. This leaf was green when first excavated and rapidly altered to a red brown and has now faded to a light grey brown.
Prof. Derek Ager lists the current observed rate of deposition of siliceous ooze made of diatoms as varying from “as little as 0.05g/cm2 per thousand years in the tropics to as high as 50g/cm2 in the Gulf of California.”Derek Ager, 1993, The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record, 3rd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, p43.
At that rate my leaf would have rotted long before it could be buried standing up and the vertical tree nearby would never make it to fossilization either. The present cannot be an accurate guide to the past as Darwin’s mentor Charles Lyell taught him and every generation of modern geologists since. No wonder geologists are being forced to become catastrophic. It is absolutely demanded by such evidence as polystrate fossil leaves, which prove the whole bed is definitely catastrophic. Rapidly formed. No help to the millions of years camp.
The latest additions to our polystrate collections are some three dimensional trilobites from the New York region USA which are so well preserved even their legs and antennae are preserved in action mode in fine black shale. You’ll also enjoy seeing the trilobite with its eyes on elongate storks. No matter which way you buried this guy he had to cross many strata.
After that I love the polystrate ‘bullet shaped backbones’ or Belemnites from a squid like creature which I found in Northern Ireland. At any one location these elongate bullet like fossils are up to 10 cms in length (4ins) and buried in limestone. They can be found lying along the strata, at right angles across the strata and at any angle in between, so most are in polystrate mode and again show evidence the layers and the fossils have been formed rapidly.
One year I was excavating on the Cumberland Plateau Tennessee coal fields and noticed a plant stem crossing about a 1/3 m (10in) of siltstone layers at about 45 degrees. A fair amount of excavation later it turned out to be a beautiful fern. No slow swamp burial for this fern.
So yes, there are polystrates of just about every fossil known if you look hard enough, and the reality is that any fossils even those that lie parallel to their strata yet are thicker than one lamina of sediment, by definition have to be polystrate.
(My thanks to Randall Hardy of Creation Research who allows me full access to publishing this vital scientific information which is NOT taught in schools and largely by-passed in universities.)
Diane Eager On Blood Groups.

'Our inglorious recent history of weak, inept governments.'

There is a very long answer to the question but the shorter version is that as a nation we have become infected by a group best described as 'the liberal elite'.
The history of this clique can be traced less to The Labour Party itself as to that offshoot called The Fabian Society.
Through their efforts the universities became bastions of leftwing thought and the dissemination of such became their principal raison d'être.
The majority of students outgrew this puerile piffle as they came into contact with real life. Some however, having become detached government officials, found themselves with the power to influence public policy in broadcasting, education, further education, taxation, the EU and so much more.
From the ranks of such groups arose influential party politicians and so it went on ....
David H Rhodes: Letters Yorkshire Post On 'No Win, No Fee' Scandals.
'This is not justice and is verging on a result by intimidation. Where is the common sense as applied by TV’s Judge Judy – we are, and we should be, responsible for our own actions. A few court decisions dismissing the trial on the basis of bringing a frivolous claim to court would help to start eradicating this something for nothing compensation culture.'
The Compensation Culture - our very worst import from The USA? I believe that such lawyers 'over The Pond' are referred to as 'ambulance chasers'.
The Compensation Culture - our very worst import from The USA? I believe that such lawyers 'over The Pond' are referred to as 'ambulance chasers'.
What Have These Last Four Months Got In Common?
Well. Each of November, December, January and now the short month February has successively had a record number of site visits on this Blog.
EU Power Grabs Moving Along Nicely.
'Tasked with approving costly bail-outs, national budgets and labour market
policies which can affect the stability of the eurozone, national parliaments have almost become European institutions, the head of the EU council, Van Rompuy, said Monday.'
policies which can affect the stability of the eurozone, national parliaments have almost become European institutions, the head of the EU council, Van Rompuy, said Monday.'
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Rick Santorum.
US election 2012: Rick Santorum says JFK makes him sick. Rick Santorum, the ultraconservative presidential hopeful, has intensified his Christian rhetoric as he rejected John F Kennedy's promise to maintain an absolute separation between church and state as an idea that "makes me throw up." (Daily Telegraph.)
20/20 Series Win. WELL DONE England.
England clinched a 2-1 series victory with a dramatic five-run win in the third Twenty20 against Pakistan in Abu Dhabi.
That on top of the ODI Series win.
Shame about the Test Match Series, though!
The Ten Commandments - Just In Case You Needed A Reminder.
The Ten Commandments.
1 And God spoke all these words:2 “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
3 “You shall have no other gods before me.
4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
7 “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.
8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
12 “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.
13 “You shall not murder.
14 “You shall not commit adultery.
15 “You shall not steal.
16 “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbour.
17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour.”
What Do You Mean 'Hammer The Rich?' - We Already Do!
'The 308,000 people on the 50p top rate – who earn more than £150,000 – pay £47billion a year to the Treasury. Since 2000, the share of tax paid by the highest earners has risen from 22.2 to 27.7 per cent. Research also shows the 3.7 million who earned more than £35,000 and pay 40 per cent tax hand over £57 billion, 34 per cent of the total.' (Mail.)

Please Forward To All Sensible Friends, Relatives And Colleagues.
Have you made this site one of your favourites? Have you bookmarked it?
Have you made this site one of your favourites? Have you bookmarked it?
Boko Haram.
A suicide bomb attack at a church in Plateau state, Nigeria, yesterday killed three members of the congregation – two women and an 18-month-old child - and injured 38 others. The bomber drove a car into the headquarters of the Church of Christ in Jos at 7.20am. The attack was timed to coincide with the early morning prayer meeting.
One of the women killed had previously fled Yobe state to avoid further attacks against Christians.
The Islamist group Boko Haram has claimed responsibility for the attack, which sparked violent reprisals in which two Muslims were killed. Observers say Boko Haram is attempting to destabilise relations between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria. Their aim is to impose radical Islamic law.' Release International.
One of the women killed had previously fled Yobe state to avoid further attacks against Christians.
The Islamist group Boko Haram has claimed responsibility for the attack, which sparked violent reprisals in which two Muslims were killed. Observers say Boko Haram is attempting to destabilise relations between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria. Their aim is to impose radical Islamic law.' Release International.
Legal Drugs KILL Too.
'Sleeping pills used by millions of Britons may increase the risk of early death more than five-fold, warn researchers.
The higher the dose, the greater the risk. Those on higher doses also have an increased risk of cancer.
But a study suggests even patients taking fewer than 18 pills a year are more likely to die prematurely than those not on medication.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2107390/Sleeping-pill-users-times-likely-die-early.html#ixzz1neezdQdQ
The higher the dose, the greater the risk. Those on higher doses also have an increased risk of cancer.

The findings come from U.S. research, but most of the drugs involved are commonly prescribed in Britain.
They include benzodiazepines such as temazepam and diazepam, newer sedative hypnotics zolpidem, zopiclone and zaleplon, and barbiturates and sedative antihistamines.'
I am a really bad sleeper and have been for more years than I care to remember. I have never, and hopefully shall never, take the 'pill popping' route!Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2107390/Sleeping-pill-users-times-likely-die-early.html#ixzz1neezdQdQ
Sun Yat Sen: Founder Of The First Chinese Republic. Died 1925.
"An individual should not have too much freedom. A nation should have absolute freedom." Sun Yat Sen. Hmm. Sounds a recipe for 'democracy' which was well understood by Mao!
Stopping ALL Child Abuse.
Two things which always seem to be neglected when talking about child abuse are:
Children who are consistently spoiled by over indulgent parents.
As a teacher, I can state unequivocally that these two factors are far more prevalent in society than physical abuse - and often, just as damaging!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Dawkins Backtracks. Not Even A Good Atheist?
'When Richard Dawkins, the world-famous evolutionary biologist, and Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, took the stage at the United Kingdom's University of Oxford for a discussion over the origins of nature on Thursday, almost everyone thought the university had pitted an atheist against a Christian. Almost everyone was wrong.'
Dawkins revealed that he is in fact not an atheist as he is not 100 percent sure God doesn't exist! - Ah well. Moving in the right direction - same as Attenborough. (2 men I pray for daily!) Christian Post.

In Edinburgh, marmosets were force-fed toxic chemicals to analyse the effect on the sexual organs of their foetuses, a new report claimed.'
A total ban on this practice is sadly, impossible. BUT there really has to be 'the very best of reasons' for any experiments. Anything less is NOT acceptable as criteria.
Parenting Research Produces Incredible Result!
'The researchers, led by Professor Stephen Scott, director of the National Academy for Parenting Research, said: ‘A negative parenting style, characterised by harsh, inconsistent discipline, was clearly associated with more severe child anti-social behaviour.'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2106948/The-angry-generation-Lack-parental-discipline-blamed-aggressive-anti-social-children.html#ixzz1nYqTXPjs
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2106948/The-angry-generation-Lack-parental-discipline-blamed-aggressive-anti-social-children.html#ixzz1nYqTXPjs
John Bercow.
WATCHING the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition, during their weekly PMQs verbal battle, Speaker Bercow constantly and annoyingly interrupted the proceedings.
Does he like hearing his own voice? (Yorks Post.)
Oh, YES!
Psalms 91 & 139.
It can't have been in any way miraculous - Polly Toynbee and her ilk would not allow for that possibility.
Ever get the feeling that God is speaking to you?
At our prayer meeting at dawn last Thursday I was specifically given Psalm 91 for me by somebody there!
The other day, for the first time ever, I felt that God wanted me to include a full psalm on this Blog. That is why Psalm 139 was published.
I went to church yesterday and - with these two having been totally detached- guess what the service hinged on.
Yes. You got it. Psalms 91 & 139.
Tried to get a statistician to work out those 'long odds' and there were just too may variables. Gotta be astronomical, though!Ever get the feeling that God is speaking to you?
Sunday, February 26, 2012
The Socialist Workers Party.
Probably the most toxic of all far left groups in the UK, this tiny party has influence far beyond its numbers.
It will come directly to few people's attention other than when they gain miniscule amounts of votes in elections or one of its acolytes attempts to sell you a copy of its newspaper Socialist Worker in the street. The 'socialist' part of that is definitely correct but their interest in 'work' certainly needs to be proved.
They have nasty little cells in most universities and also a highly successful history of infiltration of The Labour Party.
It will come directly to few people's attention other than when they gain miniscule amounts of votes in elections or one of its acolytes attempts to sell you a copy of its newspaper Socialist Worker in the street. The 'socialist' part of that is definitely correct but their interest in 'work' certainly needs to be proved.
They have nasty little cells in most universities and also a highly successful history of infiltration of The Labour Party.
There are few leftist causes - however absurd - that it will not embrace. Like The Greens - a relatively close cousin - they spout much about the merits of democracy but are in practice, not awfully fond of the principle as its full implementation has nothing in it for them.
Their connections to 'Rentamob' are never too far away and personally, I have yet to meet a single one who does an honest day's work.
They have a strong tendency to live on benefits.
"Christians Think That They Are Better Than Other People."
For the born again believer - NOTHING could be further from the truth!
Judgement Day.
For the atheist, the agnostic, those who can't be bovvered to find out and sadly, a number of Christians too - there seems to be little sense of the fact that we must all one day answer to God for the lives we have led.
We can argue that:-
We have never done too much wrong.
Our good deeds outweigh our bad.
That we have attended church on occasions.
We have celebrated Christmas.
We have given The Sally Army and other charities a couple of quid when they've asked.
What MORE could God possibly want of us? Surely, we shall cruise into heaven - after all, 'Aren't we so much better than most of the people out there?'
The question we shall be asked by the Father is simply this,'Do you know my Son?'
In Matthew 25 we have the Parable Of The Sheep And Goats. There WILL be a separating out!
Your answering 'Yes' to The Father's question will however be tested.
Please read that parable and find out just how!
Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani.
Feb 24 2012 |

It has been widely reported that an execution order for the Iranian pastor may have been issued – though that has yet to be confirmed.
If so, only the intervention of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei or the head of the Iranian judiciary could legally prevent the execution going ahead.
On past form, it is possible that Iran could go ahead with the execution in secret without informing the pastor's family. According to Christian Solidarity Worldwide, the 32-year-old pastor was known still to be alive on February 22.' (Release International.)
There are a few internet reports suggesting that this execution may have already been carried out.
If this is the case, we must remember that the Apostle Paul looked after the coats of those who martyred Stephen and thus supported that heinous act. We must pray that the sickos behind such a horror would also have an encounter with The Living Christ as Paul did.
The Best Tory Prime Minister We'll Never Have?
'The flagship project, described by Iain Duncan Smith as his contribution to the Big Society, is the new “work programme”, a hugely ambitious scheme to find stable jobs for the unemployed. In general, it is compulsory after nine months for young people and after a year for those aged 25 and over: 370,000 jobseekers were referred to the scheme between June and November 2011 alone. At the heart of the work programme is a financial incentive structure that rewards private and voluntary sector contractors for finding jobs or training positions for the unemployed.' (Matthew D'Ancona - Telegraph.)
Saturday, February 25, 2012
To Judge Gledhill - A LoonyTunesWatch Coconut!

But a judge's ruling that they should pay back only £16.65 and £1 respectively sparked outrage last night — with the TaxPayers' Alliance describing the paltry sums as "insulting". (Sun.)
Still. Nice house they've got at our expense - isn't it?
Christians Arise!
February 24, 2012|5:16 pm. NASHVILLE – The bad economy should not stop evangelical Christians from sharing the Gospel and also humanitarian aid in nations with high Christian persecution, Pastor Michael Youssef, founder and president of Leading The Way ministries, said in a speech earlier this week.

Besides being the founding pastor of The Church of The Apostles in Atlanta, Ga., Youssef is also a media personality with his weekly television and daily radio programs broadcasted in 20 languages and reaching into more than 200 countries.
Youssef continued that a "half-hearted effort to support global mission" is not enough. Evangelicals need to get out of their "comfort zone" in order to truly follow the biblical teachings. Staying in that "comfort zone" puts lives of Christian minorities at stake, Youssef suggested. (Christian Post.)
A Mail headline states: 'Now the taxman targets market traders, car dealers and garages as it launches another crackdown.'
This may well happen. What I want to know however - and what MITK wants to know too - is why these crackdowns NEVER take place in Asian businesses such as kebab houses and restaurants in our locality?
I am not having a go at these folks but a'level playing field' might be rather nice for other traders. Am I sure of my facts or merely guessing?
MITK has unimpeachable sources backing this claim as the authorities are terrified of being portrayed as 'racist' - even if justice flies out of the window in the process!
This may well happen. What I want to know however - and what MITK wants to know too - is why these crackdowns NEVER take place in Asian businesses such as kebab houses and restaurants in our locality?
I am not having a go at these folks but a'level playing field' might be rather nice for other traders. Am I sure of my facts or merely guessing?
MITK has unimpeachable sources backing this claim as the authorities are terrified of being portrayed as 'racist' - even if justice flies out of the window in the process!
The Gospel Of Barnabas.
How Many Of Us Should Study Psalm 139!
For the director of music. Of David. A psalm.
1] O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. 2] You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. 3] You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. 4] Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD. 5] You hem me in--behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me. 6] Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. 7] Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? 8] If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. 9] If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, 10] even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. 11] If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me," 12] even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you. 13] For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. 14] I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15] My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, 16] your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. 17] How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! 18] Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you. 19] If only you would slay the wicked, O God! Away from me, you bloodthirsty men! 20] They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name. 21] Do I not hate those who hate you, O LORD, and abhor those who rise up against you? 22] I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies. 23] Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24] See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.Simon Heffer.
It is rare indeed that leading journalist Simon Heffer 'misses the point' but I think that in a recent article he does just that.
Does he not realise - after all this time - that these two have a shared agenda?
Left-leaning Cameron is NOT a conservative but a 'fully paid-up member of the liberal elite!'
Sheffield Council: Fit For Purpose?
Sheffield Council has apparently authorised spending of more than £12 million on Digital Region which will have a handful of users for superfast broadband.
Mole-In-The-Know informs me that this project will continue although doomed to fail whereas waste services to households will be savagely cut in order to save a trifling £1.45 million!
Mole-In-The-Know informs me that this project will continue although doomed to fail whereas waste services to households will be savagely cut in order to save a trifling £1.45 million!
Christianity MUST Fight Back.
Published on Saturday 25 February 2012 00:00
From: William Snowden, Butterbowl Gardens, Farnley, Leeds.
AT last year’s Ilkley Literature Festival, Melvyn Bragg denounced those who “scoffed at history” and deplored the way in which “Christianity is being air brushed out of history”.
In our post-lecture discussion, we concurred that this was consequential to the advent of political correctness; furthermore, that it was imperative for history to be judged in context, rather than seeking superficially to superimpose modish values on the events of the past.
Ignorance of history is all-pervasive. Christianity emerged from its dark ages to evolve into a beneficence force for good. But atheist fundamentalists seek to deride, obscure and circumvent the Christian faith.
Shall the meek inherit the earth? Perhaps. But aggressive secularism should be contested by muscular Christianity. (Yorks Post.)
From: William Snowden, Butterbowl Gardens, Farnley, Leeds.
AT last year’s Ilkley Literature Festival, Melvyn Bragg denounced those who “scoffed at history” and deplored the way in which “Christianity is being air brushed out of history”.
In our post-lecture discussion, we concurred that this was consequential to the advent of political correctness; furthermore, that it was imperative for history to be judged in context, rather than seeking superficially to superimpose modish values on the events of the past.
Ignorance of history is all-pervasive. Christianity emerged from its dark ages to evolve into a beneficence force for good. But atheist fundamentalists seek to deride, obscure and circumvent the Christian faith.
Shall the meek inherit the earth? Perhaps. But aggressive secularism should be contested by muscular Christianity. (Yorks Post.)
Why Do Trade Unions Not Support Their Members?
With Scargill back briefly in the news this last week, I was forcibly reminded of how dreadfully served the miners of the UK were by having this man as their leader!
A conversation with a friend last night brought up how the trade unions have singularly ignored the threats to their members of the mass importation of foreign labour. (Still I suppose that these late arrivals will become their new membership!)

We finally concluded that British workers have been ill-served by trade unions in the past because, far higher than their interests, was the 'hard left agenda' of so many union officials.
Today, that agenda has shifted to a 'liberal left one'. Either way, the workers still lose out!
Death Threats: The New Liberalism!
MP receives death threat for marriage support.
Conservative MP for Enfield Southgate, David Burrowes, has faced harassment, abuse and even a death threat due to his support for a campaign to retain the legal definition of marriage as that between a man and a woman.Full Story > (Christian Concern.) |
Friday, February 24, 2012
Light Bulbs.
How many First Year Media Studies students does it take to change a light bulb?
None. It's a second year option!
Euro To Fail?
'Two thirds of Britons think that the eurozone single currency will collapse in the future, with half of those queried predicting the euro would fail before this summer. Consumers said they thought Greece and Italy would be the first countries to leave the euro.' (Telegraph.)
Release International - At The Forefront!
Release International.
Christian Iranian women train for church leadership despite persecution. |
Feb 20 2012 |
The church in Iran is said to be one of the fastest-growing in the Muslim world – despite intense persecution. Release International, which serves persecuted Christians worldwide, is helping train Iranian women for church leadership in their nation.
Two women speakers from Iran will be addressing Release’s first national conference for women in London on Saturday February 25.
Women speakers from Nigeria, Pakistan and Eritrea will join those from Iran at the heart2heart conference in Hammersmith, which is being put on by Release’s women’s ministry, Release Women.
‘We’re delighted to be able to welcome our speaker to tell us how Iranian women Christians are being trained,’ says organiser Emma Dipper. ‘She is helping to lead a church that is growing rapidly in the face of extreme persecution.’
'Physicists who shocked the scientific world by claiming to have shown particles could move faster than the speed of light have admitted it was a mistake due to a faulty wire connection.' (Telegraph.)
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