Monday, February 27, 2012

Psalms 91 & 139.

It can't have been in any way miraculous - Polly Toynbee and her ilk would not allow for that possibility.
So. Let me explain a rather 'long odds coincidence' from the last few days.
At our prayer meeting at dawn last Thursday I was specifically given Psalm 91 for me by somebody there!
The other day, for the first time ever, I felt that God wanted me to include a full psalm on this Blog. That is why Psalm 139 was published.
I went to church yesterday and - with these two having been totally detached- guess what the service hinged on.
Yes. You got it. Psalms 91 & 139.
Tried to get a statistician to work out those 'long odds' and there were just too may variables. Gotta be astronomical, though!
Ever get the feeling that God is speaking to you?

Excellent! Hooray!

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