Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Dr Jonathan Sarfati Rubbishes 'Missing Links.'
Ever since Darwin, evolutionists have had a huge difficulty: the fossil record lacks the innumerable ‘missing links’ predicted by them and required by their theory. Instead, all evolutionists can produce are a handful of debatable examples (see The Links are Missing); whereas it’s not just links that are missing but whole lengths in the evolutionary chain!
From time to time, evolutionists produce a transitional-series-du-jour. One of the most prominent recent claims is that birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs, a supposedly carnivorous group that included T. Rex and Velociraptor. However, even a number of evolutionary paleo-ornithologists (fossil bird experts), such as Alan Feduccia, Professor Emeritus at the University of North Carolina, have been harshly critical of the dogmatic way in which the theory has been promoted. They partly blame this dogma for the notorious Archaeoraptor hoax of 1999–2000.
Another big problem is the hugely different avian lung design. The alleged first bird Archaeopteryx had the classic avian through-flow lungs, while the alleged feathered dino Sinosauropteryx had a clearly reptilian bellows lung. And it was younger than Archaeopteryx, according to the evolutionists’ own dating methods and contrary to evolutionary expectations. As Feduccia likes to quip, “You can’t be older than your grandfather.” While evolutionists claim that a trait might persist in a lineage well after a descendant lineage has evolved, the evidence they are claiming dates the version with a fully-formed avian lung prior to the other. When did the avian lung, then, evolve? And the main point was that evolution was alleged to be supported by the order of fossil succession, but clearly this is not so.
My observation is that for evolution to have worked, there cannot be a dozen or so heavily debatable 'missing links', there would need to be literally billions!
Campaign Against Irritating Adverts.
The VW Golf advert at the market fruit stall was well thought out and tolerably amusing but just watching some sport on SKY, I must have seen the thing 30 times yesterday!
Nice One, Sir Paul!
Former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney has written to an Indian minister asking him to intervene in the plight of Sunder, a baby elephant which has been cruelly beaten and manacled with mediaeval spiked chains. His letter, written during rehearsals for the Olympic opening ceremony, warns that 'the world is watching'. The elephant's mistreatment was discovered by supporters of campaign group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta). Mail.
Germany - Now It's A Majority.
According to a new Emnid poll for by Bild am Sonntag, 71% of Germans want Greece to leave the eurozone if the country does not stick to its adjustment programme. The poll also found that 51% of Germans think their country would be better off outside of the euro.Bild Süddeutsche
Monday, July 30, 2012
Genuinely Sick?
As somebody who has long overpaid vast amounts in taxation to keep shirkers in the comfort to which they feel entitled, the details of the report above can horrify BUT how do we actually know who is a leadswinger and who is not?

There have always been some who are prepared to parasite off the rest of us but since the Major and Blur governments determined that paying incessant sick benefits was a wonderful way to reduce unemployment figures, there have been mega amounts of attacks on the public purse.
I know three people who have so many problems that it would be abhorrent to even place them under the pressure of being medically tested. On reflection - I can probably double that amount!I am sorry but if you do draw sickness benefits I believe that you actually should be spied on once every year or two.
Most of us know of examples of 'the sick' who can somehow manage to stagger to the golf course, the pool or the gym for weight training. Under such circumstances, at least the bad back and headache candidates can be filtered out. Even those lugging heavy bags of shopping could be removed from benefits too. Why can genuine bad back victims not work from home? {I speak as one who has known horrendous back problems of late.}
'Stress' is the real tricky one, I'm afraid. Some are terribly afflicted and others use it as an excuse. On that, better brains than mine must find fair solutions!
Should Christians Give To Beggars?
Yesterday, I refused cash to a beggar. As a Christian, I always find this very difficult.
On occasions I have got around the problem by offering food or fruit that I had on me - usually to a snarl of contempt or sometimes total bemusement.
{It also makes me more generous with actual charities shortly after when I have snubbed individuals}
Too many beggars are druggies and I categorically refuse to line the pockets of dealers - hence my reticence.
This article may also give readers pause for thought.
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"If a man will not work - let him not eat." St Paul. |
Sunday, July 29, 2012
You Do Not Have To Be Even In The Eurozone To Be Cursed By It.
The United Kingdom is more vulnerable than any other world nation to a worsening eurozone crisis and its economy would be hit the most if the euro falls apart - that was the verdict of new research today.
Thanks to its reliance on exports to the euro area and strong banking and financial links with the region, Britain tops a danger list of countries exposed to the eurozone (see map and table below), compiled by risk analysis consultancy Maplecroft.
The UK is one of only 18 nations rated 'extremely' vulnerable in the 169-nation eurozone exposure index - with fellow European Union members Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic making up the top four. {Moneymail.}
Thanks to its reliance on exports to the euro area and strong banking and financial links with the region, Britain tops a danger list of countries exposed to the eurozone (see map and table below), compiled by risk analysis consultancy Maplecroft.
The UK is one of only 18 nations rated 'extremely' vulnerable in the 169-nation eurozone exposure index - with fellow European Union members Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic making up the top four. {Moneymail.}
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Red spells danger! |
You turn up at your local church with the comforting thought that 'Jesus saves people from hell'. You go to church so that must include you, huh?
And ' Didn't He die for everybody?' ME in again, there!
And 'He is totally merciful' - See. I've been listening!
And 'He can forgive anything!' - I've not been such a bad person so - every one's a winner!
May I gently explain that if there is no repentance, then there is no salvation either? You have to add one other small commodity to the mix - you must commit your LIFE to the one who opened this pathway for you at Calvary.
Sorry? Did somebody just say 'Salvation is supposed to be easy?'
And ' Didn't He die for everybody?' ME in again, there!
And 'He is totally merciful' - See. I've been listening!
And 'He can forgive anything!' - I've not been such a bad person so - every one's a winner!
May I gently explain that if there is no repentance, then there is no salvation either? You have to add one other small commodity to the mix - you must commit your LIFE to the one who opened this pathway for you at Calvary.
Sorry? Did somebody just say 'Salvation is supposed to be easy?'
Good Grief! I Even Agree With Peter Hitchens On The Olympics!
Sorry. But it all just leaves me cold. I can't help the way I feel but on a scale of one to ten, with cricket at the top, this comes in at around a two.
Sorry. But it all just leaves me cold. I can't help the way I feel but on a scale of one to ten, with cricket at the top, this comes in at around a two.
Cameron & Common Sense.
Cameron urged to follow Spain's new EU edict: 'You can't move here without enough money in the bank'
Madrid hopes to save more than €1 billion euros (£780 million) a year by clamping down on 'economic migrants' from other EU countries, including the UK. Mail.
'Dave' would have to think hard about that one. The idea makes sense. {He and common sense are not good buddies!}
'Dave' would have to think hard about that one. The idea makes sense. {He and common sense are not good buddies!}
Missionaries To UK From Korea?
Prominent evangelical leaders in the U.S. joined famous Korean pastors at the Korean World Mission Conference, the largest gathering of Korean missionaries worldwide, in the Chicago area this week to celebrate a critical milestone in the world's fastest growing missionary movement. The number of Korean missionaries in 169 countries has exceeded 20,000 – more than doubling in 10 years. At this rate of growth, Korea is expected to surpass the United States as the top missionary-sending country in the world by the year 2020.
John Piper, preaching pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church; Loren Cunningham, co-founder of Youth With a Mission; Doug Birdsall, executive chairman of the Lausanne Movement; and Loni Arnold, executive director of Billy Graham Center were among the American evangelical leaders who spoke during the July 23-July 27 event held at Wheaton College's Billy Graham Center in Wheaton, Ill.
"There is a great calling by God for Korean churches," said Piper during the conference's opening service. "God has given great blessing to Korean churches all around the world. Where there is great blessing, great responsibility follows."
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John Piper. |
"There is a great calling by God for Korean churches," said Piper during the conference's opening service. "God has given great blessing to Korean churches all around the world. Where there is great blessing, great responsibility follows."
Eurozone Disaster? - Surely Not Possible!
A report produced by the INET Council on the Eurozone Crisis, comprised of 17 leading economists, many of which have been supportive of the euro, has produced a report warning that the eurozone is “sleepwalking towards a disaster”. Telegraph Handelsblatt Süddeutsche
The Swiss Model.
D. Wood writes intelligently about 'Dave' in the Yorks Post.
His latest statement that we would become a larger version of Switzerland also shows how out of touch he is with the outside world. Switzerland, like Norway, (both refused to join the EU after referendums, the Swiss on three occasions) is one of the most prosperous countries in Europe.It has beautifully clean cities, an excellent rail network, a sound manufacturing base, a good financial sector, controls its own immigration, is the most democratic country in Europe and, per capita, is probably the richest too.
What is wrong with being a bigger version of Switzerland? Add to that the fact that Switzerland and Norway trade with the EU on exactly the same terms as Britain, but without the huge membership fees, and the gross over-regulation which strangles the life out of our businesses then being a bigger version of Switzerland is a win-win situation. Finally, one last advantage the Swiss have is they make their own laws, unlike us, whose laws are almost always overruled by the EU to the detriment of Britain.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Comedy Duo Not Earning Many Laughs!
The Nation PLEADS For A Little Bit Of Justice Every Now And Again.
Father who killed his four-month-old son jailed for just five years
Doctors described the horrific injuries suffered by the baby boy as similar to those seen in a car accident. Wayne Acott, 22, of Kent, pictured, was jailed for five years after being found guilty of manslaughter. {Mail}
Accepting the validity of this being manslaughter rather than murder - why not twenty years?
Accepting the validity of this being manslaughter rather than murder - why not twenty years?
Major Liberal Church In Freefall - I Am Happy To Relate!
'Liberal' means 'never having to bother with God's opinions as part of the equation.'
May all the churhes of that ilk - which utterly dishonour God - disintegrate!
Greens - Christians Must Keep Away From Their Toxic Influence.
Breaking News: Christian faces expulsion from Greens for views on marriage.
A local councillor for the Green Party in Brighton is facing disciplinary action for refusing to vote in favour of same-sex ‘marriage’ in a local council meeting last week.
Christina Summers, a committed Christian, has been the target of abusive emails since making her view known, some suggesting she is mentally ill or describing her as a fascist.
She has made it clear she is “accountable to God above any political party” but Green Party members are looking for her to be expelled.Christian Concern.
Christina Summers, a committed Christian, has been the target of abusive emails since making her view known, some suggesting she is mentally ill or describing her as a fascist.
She has made it clear she is “accountable to God above any political party” but Green Party members are looking for her to be expelled.Christian Concern.
Ask the question. What on earth is a Christian doing in The Green Party in the first place? - Marxists by any other name!
Friday, July 27, 2012
How It All Went Wrong!
Helga is the proprietor of a bar. She realizes that virtually all of her customers are unemployed alcoholics and, as such, can no longer afford to patronize her bar. To solve this problem she comes up with a new marketing plan that allows her customers to drink now, but pay later.
Helga keeps track of the drinks consumed on a ledger (thereby granting the customers' loans).
Word gets around about Helga's "drink now, pay later" marketing strategy and, as a result, increasing numbers of customers flood into Helga's bar. Soon she has the largest sales volume for any bar in town.
By providing her customers freedom from immediate payment demands Helga gets no resistance when, at regular intervals, she substantially increases her prices for wine and beer - the most consumed beverages.
Consequently, Helga's gross sales volumes and paper profits increase massively. A young and dynamic vice-president at the local bank recognises that these customer debts constitute valuable future assets and increases Helga's borrowing limit. He sees no reason for any undue concern, since he has the debts of the unemployed alcoholics as collateral.
He is rewarded with a six figure bonus.
At the bank's corporate headquarters, expert traders figure a way to make huge commissions, and transform these customer loans into DRINKBONDS. These "securities" are then bundled and traded on international securities markets.
Naive investors don't really understand that the securities being sold to them as "AA Secured Bonds" are really debts of unemployed alcoholics. Nevertheless, the bond prices continuously climb and the securities soon become the hottest-selling items for some of the nation's leading brokerage houses.
The traders all receive a six figure bonus.
One day, even though the bond prices are still climbing, a risk manager at the original local bank decides that the time has come to demand payment on the debts incurred by the drinkers at Helga's bar. He so informs Helga. Helga then demandspayment from her alcoholic patrons but, being unemployed alcoholics, they cannot pay back their drinking debts. Since Helga cannot fulfil her loan obligations she is forced into bankruptcy. The bar closes and Helga's 11 employees lose their jobs.
Overnight, DRINKBOND prices drop by 90%. The collapsed bond asset value destroys the bank's liquidity and prevents it from issuing new loans, thus freezing credit and economic activity in the community.
The suppliers of Helga's bar had granted her generous payment extensions and had invested their firms' pension funds in the BOND securities. They find they are now faced with having to write off her bad debt and with losing over 90% of the presumed value of the bonds. Her wine supplier also claims bankruptcy, closing the doors on a family business that had endured for three generations; her beer supplier is taken over by a competitor, who immediately closes the local plant and lays off 150 workers.
Fortunately though, the bank, the brokerage houses and their respective executives are saved and bailed out by a multibillion dollar no-strings attached cash infusion from the government.
They all receive six a figure bonus.
The funds required for this bailout are obtained by new taxes levied on employed, middle-class, non-drinkers who've never been in Helga's bar.
Now do you understand the European financial problem?
*Received by me as the best spam ever!
Please Pray For Our Iranian Brother.
Concern is growing for the health of another Iranian pastor Behnam Irani, who was convicted in January 2011 of crimes against national security. Observers say the pastor has been punished for holding house church services and leading Iranians to Christ. According to reports, he was arrested while conducting a Bible study for young men who had recently become Christians.
Pastor Behnam, who is 41, leads the Church of Iran in Karaj. He is married with two children. His health is said to be declining steadily as a result of the harsh treatment he has endured in prison.
Observers say he is beaten regularly by cellmates and prison authorities, and now has difficulty walking. He is also unable to see well and is suffering from a bleeding ulcer, which caused him to lose consciousness. He had to be taken to military hospital for treatment. His family fear he could die within the next few months.
Pastor Behnam became a Christian in 1992 and has been arrested twice in connection with house church activities. He is serving a total of six years in the Karaj Ghezal Hesar Prison. {Release Int.}
Pastor Behnam, who is 41, leads the Church of Iran in Karaj. He is married with two children. His health is said to be declining steadily as a result of the harsh treatment he has endured in prison.
Observers say he is beaten regularly by cellmates and prison authorities, and now has difficulty walking. He is also unable to see well and is suffering from a bleeding ulcer, which caused him to lose consciousness. He had to be taken to military hospital for treatment. His family fear he could die within the next few months.
Pastor Behnam became a Christian in 1992 and has been arrested twice in connection with house church activities. He is serving a total of six years in the Karaj Ghezal Hesar Prison. {Release Int.}
A Moral Imperative.
Three men broke into the house in Walkerville, Johannesburg, assaulting and shooting dead Tony Viana (right) and brutally raping and killing his wife, Geraldine (left). They then tied up and gagged the sobbing boy, Amaro, second left, and pushed him into a bath of scalding hot water to drown him, 'because he would be able to identify them'. (Also pictured, Gabriela Correia, Mr Viana's daughter from his first marriage.)
Anybody convicted of such unmitigated evil should never be allowed to continue to share a planet with the rest of us.
It is a moral depravity that people are permitted the freedom to commit such acts in the absolute certainty that their own lives will not, indeed cannot, be forfeited.
The Scriptures are 100% clear on what the outcome should be and STILL we get those in church communities who pretend that 'turning the other cheek' applies to societies and not just to the individual.
Against this backcloth, in the New S. Africa, murders have shot up to a mere 44 EVERY day!
Funny how those of an abolitionist persuasion never use that nation when trying to make their rather lame case, isn't it?
All I ask is for JUSTICE. Facing a rope, these people would also have a lengthy period of time in which to make their peace with God, something they denied to their victims!
Anybody convicted of such unmitigated evil should never be allowed to continue to share a planet with the rest of us.
It is a moral depravity that people are permitted the freedom to commit such acts in the absolute certainty that their own lives will not, indeed cannot, be forfeited.
The Scriptures are 100% clear on what the outcome should be and STILL we get those in church communities who pretend that 'turning the other cheek' applies to societies and not just to the individual.
Against this backcloth, in the New S. Africa, murders have shot up to a mere 44 EVERY day!
Funny how those of an abolitionist persuasion never use that nation when trying to make their rather lame case, isn't it?
All I ask is for JUSTICE. Facing a rope, these people would also have a lengthy period of time in which to make their peace with God, something they denied to their victims!
Andrew Pierce Outlines The Catastrophe Which Is Cameron For The Tory Party..

Today, I can reveal that the number of Tory party members has fallen below 130,000, a drop of around 60 per cent since he took over in 2005.
The party’s U-turns over a referendum on Europe, its failure to reform the loathed Human Rights Act and the Tories’ infuriating tendency to give ever more ground to the wretched Lib Dems have contributed to the decline.
The revolt in the shires over the ‘reform’ of planning policy in the green belt also led to numerous members withholding their subscriptions in protest.
But the issue that has been the single biggest factor in this membership crisis is Mr Cameron’s unwavering commitment to gay marriage — which he reiterated at the annual Downing Street reception for members of the gay community this week.
Last year in his conference speech, he astounded traditional party supporters when he declared: ‘I don’t support gay marriage despite being a Conservative. I support gay marriage because I’m a Conservative.’
Read more:
But the issue that has been the single biggest factor in this membership crisis is Mr Cameron’s unwavering commitment to gay marriage — which he reiterated at the annual Downing Street reception for members of the gay community this week.
Last year in his conference speech, he astounded traditional party supporters when he declared: ‘I don’t support gay marriage despite being a Conservative. I support gay marriage because I’m a Conservative.’
Read more:
Yeovil Police Earn A Coconut!
Fury as Polish scrap metal thief caught red-handed is NOT prosecuted because 'he didn't realise it was a crime'
Businessman George Pasparakis (pictured) is outraged after the police in Yeovil, Somerset told him it was 'not in the public interest' to prosecute the thief, despite the fact he was twice caught on CCTV. Mail.
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A LoonyTunesWatch coconut is hereby awarded to Yeovil police for their crass naivety! |
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