Sunday, September 30, 2012

Christian Aid To The Fore.

Monsoon rains and widespread flooding have displaced more than a million people in India, creating a dire situation for those affected and spurring action by those committed to helping those who desperately need it.

The states hardest hit by the unrelenting rains have been the states of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, which have been soaked for the past 19 days. The monsoon has resulted in the failure of dykes and embankments throughout the region, leading to the massive flooding.This particular season has been fierce since it began in June, with rain amounts reaching levels not seen in nearly three decades. So far this season 34 people have been killed and more than 700 villages have been washed away, which led to the large number of people being displaced.

But villagers in India have welcomed aid that several Christian organizations knew they so desperately needed. While the rising water levels may be survivable, the health dangers produced by such events unfortunately are not.Issues with sanitation, clean drinking water and hygiene needs for so many people are being met with donations from Christian Aid and their partners.



Labour Has Nuffink.

Aid Budget Being Wasted? - Quelle Surprise!


A.N.Wilson On Archbishops.

Mardy Mitchell And The Non-Story.

In the 'Did he, didn't he row' over Chief Whip Andrew Mitchell, it appears that evidence against him is rather scant after senior tories have reviewed a 40 second film of the incident.
There is apparently no aggressive posturing to be detected in the body language and they seem thoroughly unconvinced that he made the said latin reference to one of the boys in blue.
That he was a bit grumpy and less than courteous is fully clear but if he had used the 'p' word - it ain't exactly a hanging offence, is it? It is not swearing - and in one sense has to be seen as 100% accurate, in any case.
The man has apologised for his manner.
I hold no brief for the tories as every regular reader knows full well but this is just downright silly!
Or is it?
Do we not learn something here of vital importance? A minor piece of rudeness is blown out of all proportion and becomes media headlines with a tedious story which refuses to lay down and die.
'The usual suspects' have been demanding his head on a spike. Where on earth has our sense of proportion disappeared to?
From this we learn just how dangerous the media are. The man has been described as a 'rightwinger'. I have no idea whether this could possibly be true (in Cameron's liberal lefty party) or not but I do know that no greater non-cursing insult can ever be more malevolently intended from the journalistic left.
Compare this to 'punching Prescott' which had some merit as a newspaper headline - but ended up being treated more as a joke.
No. Something is rotten in the state of .....

Excising Jesus From History?

The series has been written by Andrew Marr (pictured)Andrew Marr has been accused of a ‘cavalier and unsympathetic’ attitude towards Christianity after failing to include Jesus in a landmark BBC television history of the world. (Mail)

Folly - Purest Folly.

Our army is to be cut to just 86,000 in the next few months - and how many of these soldiers are actual 'fighting troops' will be a fraction of that figure.
I was once told that in World War 2, it took 14 people behind the scenes to put one infantryman into battle. I expect that that ratio is much better today - but even so.
This will constitute our smallest army since the 1700s and is simply incapable of protecting these shores. Please compare to the disarmament nonsense in the '30s - this is many times worse!
The FIRST duty of government is (to be able) to protect its citizenry.
The ConDems are serving our nation very badly indeed.

Repentance Brings Us Back To God.

Christian Freedoms Protected?

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Even The Leftist Ms Abbott Can't Be Wrong All Of The Time.

When fast food is not a treat but a dietary staple, the children surf the internet all day in dark corners of the room and are bombarded with latest gadgets. Things replace parental standards.
Diane Abbott

Mobs Are Almost ALWAYS Wrong: They Seldom Possess A 'Corporate Understanding'.

Pakistan: Church firebombed in revenge for Mohammed film

Sep 27 2012
Pakistan's President has told his officials to do more to protect Christians after a church was firebombed in retaliation for the controversial Mohammed film.
A mob of up to 1,500 people armed with guns and chemical bombs attacked St Paul's Church in Mardan, north-west Pakistan, last Friday.
Release partners, who have visited the Lutheran church since the attack, report that religious books were burned and the altar desecrated. Some of the mob reportedly urinated on Bibles and scrawled 'Allah is great' on the walls.
Other buildings in the church compound were attacked, including a house and a school. The mob also beat up the pastor's teenage son and, according to some, tried to set him on fire.
(Release Int.)

Walk Not Merely 'By Sight'.

Appeasement Between The Wars: Learning The Lessons Of History.

I always feel rather sorry for Neville Chamberlain. In 1939, the world was not prepared to put Hitler in his place and surely, Britain could not face her down alone. Thus, Nev' was given an impossible brief in which, for me, he acquitted himself rather well.
The problem was not so much the appeasement of Hitler because nobody has full knowledge of a situation unless blessed with the 'holy' gift of hindsight and 'Jaw-jaw sure beats war-war'. The real issue was the fact that Britain had been systematically disarming and by the time war had become inevitable, she possessed gravely ill-equipped armed forces.
Macdonald - after whom my own father was named!
Had Britain not taken on board the lunacies of the well-meaning but fundamentally stupid Labour leader, Ramsay Macdonald and those of his ilk, World War Two might have been nipped in the bud.
Hitler would assuredly have been halted in mainland Europe during The Phoney War and latterly, in 1940.
Once again we are ill-served by our historians who paint a rather different picture.
Disarmers today must not assume that there will always be peace. It is a most dangerous tactic.

Beware History Channel Simplistic Reductionism.

Whenever you see that The History Channel is putting on programmes such as Jesus: Man Behind the Myths and Biblical Mysteries Explained, you know instantly that you are going to be subjected to a huge dollop of old tosh!
I have tried to watch these sorts of 'equitable' programmes in the past - getting further than 10 minutes in is virtually impossible to anybody with more than two brain cells.

Hmm. Probably.

If Prisons Do Not Deter - Here's Why!

3,000 prisoners allowed to watch subscription Sky TV.

Thousands of prisoners are allowed to watch Sky television in their cells, The Daily Telegraph can disclose!

Debts Paid - Make Your Claim Now.

Gill Slits? Oh, No!

We Are Crackers.
I can't say that I'm surprised that the lady turned to the bottle after the way she was treated.
This madness permits naughty six year olds to become out of control.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Should Christians Drink Alcohol?

The Bible is clear that wine is good and even recommended for bad stomachs.
It was used at The Last Supper and Jesus turned water into it.
The Bible contains warnings too of the misuse of alcohol - but interestingly, these are fewer than warnings about gluttony!
If you are teetotal but overeat .....

Are You Praying For The Right Things?

Hard Left Governments.

Ask yourself this: "How many leftist governments have ever created prosperity for their populations?"
Contrast this: "How many poor nations have prospered under capitalism?" (More than a few.)
What then do we do about extreme poverty? - Which system must we promote?


OLDEST AMBER ARTHROPODS found, according to articles in BBC News and Fossil Science 28 August 2012 and PNAS online, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1208464109. An international team of scientists has discovered two species of mites preserved in amber found in the Dolomite Alps in northern Italy. Amber is fossilised tree resin, and small creatures can be trapped within it while it is still liquid. Such creatures are preserved when the amber goes hard and is buried. The Dolomite amber is dated as 230 million years old, making the mites the oldest arthropods preserved in amber. According to David Grimaldi of the American Museum of Natural History, New York, who studied the mites: “Amber is an extremely valuable tool for palaeontologists because it preserves specimens with microscopic fidelity, allowing uniquely accurate estimates of the amount of evolutionary change over millions of years”. The mites are the oldest fossils of a highly specialised group called Eriophyoidea, or gall mites, but they are “surprisingly similar to ones seen today”. Grimaldi commented: “You would think that by going back to the Triassic you'd find a transitional form of gall mite, but no. Even 230 million years ago, all of the distinguishing features of this family were there - a long, segmented body; only two pairs of legs instead of the usual four found in mites; unique feather claws, and mouthparts”.
ED. COM. Now come on folks. If the oldest gall mites have all the distinguishing features that mites have today then an accurate estimate of the amount of evolutionary change is zero. Gall mites have not changed from whenever these individuals were caught in their amber tomb until the present. These entrapped mites provide no evidence mites have ever been any other kind of creature, nor have they been evolving into anything else. The evidence from fossil and living mites is totally consistent with mites having been created fully formed and as a separate kind which have multiplied after their kind ever since, just as Genesis 1 says. (Ref. invertebrates, fossils, preservation) Creation Research.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What Is The Lord?

Nice One, Oz.

Australia Upholds Marriage, World Council of Families Praises Decision

 The World Council of Families has praised the decision by the Australian parliament reinforcing the importance of traditional marriage and its indispensable place as the foundation for society. (Christian Post.)

Nice One, Monica.

Monica Macovei Romanian MEP cracks down on corruption in the EU "The European Commission should put anti-corruption on the security agenda", says staunch anti-corruption fighter Monica Macovei. The Member of European Parliament from the EPP group has been trying to encourage the EU to adopt standardised anti-corruption laws for years. (EU Observer.)

Stop Grousing!

What Is The Biggest Voting Issue?

So the Dutch, who are rather more keen on the EU than us but still not massively enthusiastic, have elected what appears to be a pro-EU government.
Is this a true pro-EU vote though OR is it the equivalent to the UK where we rank the EU as the eighth most important matter on which to cast our votes?
The time has come for the electorate to grasp that all the negatives they want put right from numbers one to seven when voting - are all dependent on Issue Number 8 being sorted out first!
The EU is NOT a mere afterthought - it is the single biggest issue.

UKIP - Where To Join.

Euro? - NO Thanks!

Two thirds of Germans think they would be better off with the Deutschmark
instead of the euro, a survey shows.


If you ever wanted to take the side of social workers, you may soon lose that desire when you realise how they have long sabotaged, and continue to undermine, our adoption system.
The news that only 70 babies were adopted in this country last year is an outright abomination.
Fired by political agendas, they have dragged their feet as the government has tried - unsuccessfully it would seem - to overhaul a system which stinks.
The figure is only 10 more than the previous year.
Apparently, the boss at Barnardo's has intimated that as the system stands, most parents today would not be qualified to adopt their own children!
I speak as one with a vested interest as my wife was adopted to loving parents when a baby. I am angry to think that her parents would today, have been considered too old.
What is this? - Irony?
I am horrified. You wanna know why I LOATHE political correctness? - Here is one clue!

The Lord Is On Your Side.

Another EU Powergrab.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Gossip Is A Sin Too.

The Liberal Left ON Punishment - Have Signally Failed.

The left believe in, restoration, restitution, rehabilitation and for all I know, revelation. Most of the rest of us do also, except we also believe in retribution,remorse and repentance- although those of us who are Christians do not believe in revenge. [Retribution means a balanced, fair and hopefully certain punishment.]
The leftwing attitude has dominated, and even been taken on board by the Tories, for at least 55 years over which time crime must obviously have plummeted. No sensible society could allow such beliefs if they were failing.
Unfortunately, this is not quite the case as serious crime has risen by over 1,100% in that period. Clearly, godlessness, fractured families et al, all play their debilitating parts but the removal of the concept of punishment has also removed the basic principle of fairness a society requires. When wrongdoers do not receive a punishment commensurate with their crime, it is not only unfair on them but also unfair on all the rest of us who do 'play the game'.
God requires us to punish crime on the social level and to be prepared to forgive individuals on the personal level. If this is not true then the two Testaments are inconsistent - which is clearly not the case.
Punishment for wrongdoing is a fundamental Christian principle. Please remember however, that God only forgives sin, we are still answerable for our crime. Of course, they do overlap!

Nigel Farage Wants A Referendum On The Thrice-Cursed EU? - Stitch Ups Unacceptable.

Lib Dem Electoral Suicide.

I do hope that you have enjoyed the Lib Dem Conference as much as I have.
Nothing like a bit of solid class hatred is there? Let 'soak the rich' (defined at a starting point of £50k) be our clarion call!
Wonderful stuff. A direct attack on Middle England - but oops - where do most Lib Dem votes come from?
The silliness and stoopidity of Lib Dems is limitless, innit?
Moreover - if you are indeed a swivel-eyed, dyed-in-the-wool marxist-by-any-other-name, you will probably vote Labour or for one of the silly and insignificant socialist gangs. Besides there is always the Greens who may welcome you with open arms.
Wherefore so glum?
As a frequent candidate for UKIP - may I thank you with all of my heart.

Weep For Our Nation.

We Have Gone Mad!

Dr. Benjamin Obukofe The sex offender doctors allowed to keep working: Dozens can't be banned in case it breaches their human rights
At least 31 male GPs, consultants and surgeons are practising despite convictions of sex offences including Benjamin Obukofe (pictured) who assaulted two female colleagues at Spire Hospital in Leicestershire. (Mail.)

Boko Haram Again?

'A woman and child were killed and more than 40 injured in a suicide bomb attack on a cathedral in Bauchi yesterday – the second attack on Christians there in a week.
The bomber, a woman and a young boy were confirmed dead after the blast outside St John's Cathedral in the Bayan Gari area of Bauchi town, northern Nigeria, just before 9am.
Many of the injured are said to be in a critical condition. The bomber detonated his explosives by a barricade set up to guard the church.
The attack comes just a week after four gunmen fired indiscriminately on a community centre in the Zongo area of Bauchi, killing at least nine people. Tensions remain high in the town and local Christians are said to be increasingly fearful.'
(Release Int.)

Numbers 6:24.

Lib Dems Pretend To Be EU-Realists.

Norman Lamb MP, Minister for Care Services, said that the changes happening in Europe as a result of the eurozone crisis necessitated a new approach. He argued that the Liberal Democrats needed to engage and had to apply “liberal and democratic principles” to issues such as EU “overregulation”, and noted that the European Court of Justice’s “judicial activism” should be a particular concern for those who consider themselves democrats. (Open Europe.)
Sorry pal, too little - too late. FAR too little. FAR too late. You fool nobody!

Tory Smoke & Mirrors Over EU Powers - AGAIN!

Note how Cameron & co are announcing repatriation of powers from the EU:
The Sunday Times reported that David Cameron will in November – ahead of the Corby by-election – announce that the UK will exercise its ‘block opt-out’ from around 130 EU crime and policing laws, including the European Arrest Warrant, as allowed for by the Lisbon Treaty.
Now let us consider what this really means.
Firstly, NOTHING is actually being repatriated at all. It is an 'opt out' issue.
Secondly, it is a calculated misleading of voters that powers can be repatriated - which is verboten by The Treaty Of Rome. (Try opting out of the CAP! and see what happens!)
Thirdly, it gives the erroneous impression that the tories really are eurosceptic which is far from the case.
Fourthly, this comes from The Lisbon Treaty which totally hogtied us as a free nation. It is nothing more than a few crumbs meant to pacify those of us who are still very angry.
Well it hasn't managed it!

Land Tax: I Am Not Totally Won Over - But There Is 'A Case To Answer'.

Abu Hamza and Babar Ahmad extradition approved.

The European Court of Human Rights has given its final approval for the extradition of five major terrorism suspects from the UK to the US. The court's highest judges said they would not re-open the cases of Abu Hamza al-Masri, Babar Ahmad and others.The decision means that the extradition of the men, wanted for years by the US, is likely to happen within weeks.

NOT before time!         

Monday, September 24, 2012

How Do We 'Unpick' It All?

They have wrecked our education system.

They have wrecked law and order.

They have wrecked the benefits system.

They have allowed immigration to go to extremes.

They have marginalised Christianity.

They have gifted us political correctness.

They have diluted democracy.

They have sold out to Brussels.

All of these things are incredibly difficult to repair - and were surely designed that way. So. Who are 'they'?
Leftwingers - it really is that simple.
Tragically, most voters seemingly fail to recognise that Labour is principally responsible. Voters fail to spot that the Greens and Lib Dems want MORE of what Labour has done. Voters lack the true perception of what the conservatives are - they are a party riddled with Lib Dems.
All we have to do to see it all getting gradually worse is to vote for any of the above.
UKIP at least, recognise the problems and would welcome the opportunity to sort them.

Just In Case You Were Under The Misapprehension That Our Politicians Are Merely Incompetent!

'In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.'
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Prayer For Jerusalem.

Pakistani Christian Girl Innocent.

Pakistani Police Absolve Christian Girl of Blasphemy Charges

By Anugrah Kumar.
A police investigator in Pakistan told a trial court Saturday there was no evidence that a minority Christian girl, believed to be mentally disabled, had desecrated Islam's holy book as her accusers had alleged seeking to expel Christians from the area. (Christian Post.)

Obama Claims Lead In Presidential Race.

Barack Obama's re-election campaign boasted that it was winning the race for the White House against Mitt Romney with six weeks remaining until Election Day despite polls showing a dead heat. (Telegraph.)
Surely, only Romney could lose this for the Republicans!

Clegg's Leftist Views Are Starting To Turn Dangerous.

Marine Le Pen.

Marine Le Pen is calling for the Jewish skullcap (Kippah) to be banned in public to make France 'more evenhanded' with regard to controls on the wearing of Islamic veils.
Ms Le Pen MAY not have noticed that the kippah neither conceals the face nor the identity of the wearer.
This is a rather nasty and disingenuous suggestion - but what can you expect from the hard right?

Tagging Has Failed. SURPRISE!

Putting electronic tags on criminals has cost taxpayers £1billion over 13 years – but leaves them free to commit crime by day, according to a study.
Outdated technology, ten times more expensive than that used in the US, means offenders are unmonitored when not under curfew at home, says the think-tank Policy Exchange.
Read more:
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My Glory: Psalm 3.


More Freedom For Christians In India?

Fraud: EU 2010 Figure Only Tip Of Iceberg!

EU funds fraud is considerably higher than the €600 million reported by
member states in 2010.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Quentin Letts.

Yesterday I read a piece by Quentin Letts about the UKIP Conference which purported to be fair and evenhanded when in fact, it was anything but.
Without ever really criticising, it attempted to paint a mildly disturbing picture of the only party to be pretty much at ease with itself. He would no doubt argue that this was 'his perception' but frankly, I thought it to be a subtle hatchet job.
This is a regular Daily Telegraph tactic and one which may be expected to be found increasingly in The Mail - but happily, not in  The Express.
Sadly, this is what you would have been expecting from leftist rags.

Peter Hitchens: Yet More Sense.

China: Church worker badly beaten by officials.

Sep 20 2012
A church worker was badly injured in a sustained beating by Henan officials investigating his house church as part of a feared nationwide crackdown.
The worker, identified only as Brother Yi, suffered serious injuries to his neck and torso in a two-hour assault during an interrogation by authorities in Gushi county. His 'offence' had been to refuse to leave his house church in Fangli.
Release partner China Aid reports that Brother Yi was summoned for questioning soon after several dozen officials stormed his house church during a Sunday service last month.



No Separation.

UKIP Have Called For A Democratically 'Fair Referendum' On Membership Of The EU.

Buy The Sticker. GB Number Plate Stickers
Ideal for covering the Ring of Stars on your car number plate (without breaking the Law!) £1.00

New Statesman Shows The Horrors Of The C.A.P.

Were David Cameron to announce tomorrow that some of the wealthiest landowners in the country would receive millions in subsidies from the taxpayer, there would be predictable outrage. Yet, in the form of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), such a programme already exists. The average British household contributes £245 a year to the CAP, most of which, a New Statesman investigation has found, is handed to the wealthiest landowners. Originally established with the intention of supporting small farmers and reducing Europe’s reliance on food imports, the CAP, which accounts for 43 per cent (€55bn) of the EU budget, has become a slush fund for assorted dukes, earls and princes.

Who Is More Likely To Plant Bombs And Butcher Innocents?

Which are the more violent, fundamentalist Christians or fundamentalist muslims?
Your answer will tell us much about the world we inhabit.

The Mail Really Must Be More Careful With Headlines.

'Right-wingers in secret plot to replace Clegg'.
Absurd! I fully recognise that all political terms are relative - but when 'right-winger' is used in a Lib Dem context - there is something seriously amiss with the thinking.
It would be difficult to make that remark about the tories where 'rightwingers' are seldom right-wing but are merely not Cameronites.

Let It Die!

Optimistic: Governor of the Bank of England Sir Mervyn King believes the UK would come through the collapse of the Euro
As European Union members attempt to save the Euro with a huge bailout fund, Sir Mervyn said the UK would be able to 'come through' the crash of the single currency. (Mail)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Federal EU? - No Thanks!

In Svenska Dagbladet, Sara Skyttedal, vice-president of the Youth wing of the European People’s Party – the pan-EU party Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso belongs to – argues that Barroso “makes it difficult to be pro-EU”. Skyttedal says Barroso’s vision of Europe as a “federation” is “frightening”.SvD: Skyttedal

The Power Of God.

As A Society, How Far Are We Going To Descend?

  Sir Stephen Fry ‘chuffed to the heavens’ to receive knighthood Helen William, PA Tue 25 March 2025 at 4:17 pm GMT Actor and broadcaster Si...