Saturday, September 29, 2012

Appeasement Between The Wars: Learning The Lessons Of History.

I always feel rather sorry for Neville Chamberlain. In 1939, the world was not prepared to put Hitler in his place and surely, Britain could not face her down alone. Thus, Nev' was given an impossible brief in which, for me, he acquitted himself rather well.
The problem was not so much the appeasement of Hitler because nobody has full knowledge of a situation unless blessed with the 'holy' gift of hindsight and 'Jaw-jaw sure beats war-war'. The real issue was the fact that Britain had been systematically disarming and by the time war had become inevitable, she possessed gravely ill-equipped armed forces.
Macdonald - after whom my own father was named!
Had Britain not taken on board the lunacies of the well-meaning but fundamentally stupid Labour leader, Ramsay Macdonald and those of his ilk, World War Two might have been nipped in the bud.
Hitler would assuredly have been halted in mainland Europe during The Phoney War and latterly, in 1940.
Once again we are ill-served by our historians who paint a rather different picture.
Disarmers today must not assume that there will always be peace. It is a most dangerous tactic.

The Last Supper.

  A new film exploring the days before and after Jesus' resurrection is now in theaters, giving families of faith a chance to experience...