Thursday, January 31, 2013

Syria: Christians Having To Flee.

  • Children carry the body of a friend that was killed by shelling during heavy fighting between the Free Syrian Army and the forces of Syrian President Bashar al Assad in Jobar district of Damascus January 25, 2013.
  • (Photo: REUTERS/Momahed Dimashkia)
    By Stoyan Zaimov
    As the civil war in Syria has reached "unprecedented levels of horror," according to the U.N., Christians are being forced to flee their homes as avoiding the violent conflict has become less of an option. Christian Post.

    Good Without God? - Good Is Not Good Enough.

    'Be ye perfect!!!'
    (Incidentally, salvation is off the menu - and there will be a price to pay.)
    Please pray for a guy who is lost!
    Sorry. Dunno how to sugarcoat it.


    Army hero Sgt. Slaughter..SOURCE: 2013-01-29 02:16:00.
    'If you don't have documentation, if you don't have paperwork and if you don't go through the proper steps to get here to work, then you shouldn't be here ... It's a pretty simple statement that I am trying to spread and I have been deemed a bigot because of it..'
    What would be better in the USA needs to apply too in the UK!

    Let's Not Rely On Russia - Eh?

    Russia to cut Ukraine, EU gas in 'next few days,' expert predicts - 28/01/2013 20:36:42
    Russia could cut gas flows to Ukraine "in the next few days," impacting EU countries, a leading Ukrainian expert predicts.
    EU Observer.
    And our politicians are seemingly pushing us towards even greater reliance on Russian gas!

    'New Yes Prime Minister' (On Gold) Hammers Political Attitudes To The EU.

    Fight To Conserve Christian Freedoms.

    January 2013
    Now is the time to help us secure Christian freedoms in Britain
    I’m writing to you because we have a ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity to secure Christian freedoms in Britain through the European Courts. We have just 3 months to appeal the decision in the cases mentioned below – and we need your help to take it.
    We will be challenging the British Government in the Grand Chamber of the Council of Europe over its recent treatment of Christians.

    Local Burglar.

    One of our local burglars was caught last week as there was a tracking device on the I-Pad he had nicked.

    Calvin: The Cross.

    Anger Meets Righteous Anger.

    I have known school pupils who thought that Jesus was sinning because he got angry with scribes, pharisees and even his own disciples.
    Anger which is personally or selfishly motivated is where the sin lies.
    Being angry beyond yourself, wanting better for others is a whole different kettle of fish!

    Nice One, Will!

    I Just Can't See It Happening.

    UK will seek to limit EU migrants’ access to health services;
    Duncan Smith challenged over claim that EU rules allow migrants to claim benefits "on day one".
    Immigration Minister Mark Harper has said that EU migrants who travel to Britain without a job are to be told they must have private medical insurance rather than access the NHS. Open Europe.

    You Can Fool Many Of The People Much Of The Time.

    A recent ComRes poll says that 30% of respondents were more likely to vote tory if offered an EU Referendum.
    Our political illiteracy as a nation is gonna come back to bite us. Why do these people not see what is being done here?

    Tell People!

    And, if not promised tomorrow - get 'right' with God today!

    Devon Wind Turbine Shows How Well They Cope With Wind.

    Weep, Weep For Our Bigoted World.

    Dangerous mindset: A senior figure close to Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi (pictured) provoked outrage after claiming the Holocaust was a myth invented by the United States'Holocaust was a myth invented by U.S': Aide to Egyptian President Morsi triggers outrage with claim six million 'dead' Jews had simply moved to America
    Fathi Shibab-Eddim (pictured) said the slaughter of Jews had been made up to 'destroy the image of the Nazis and justify dropping atomic bombs on Japan'. Mail


    Biblical Mysteries Explained.

    I rather dislike the Bultmanism implicit in the title of a TV documentary such as the above.
    I was delighted however, to see a number of scientists who clearly had no signs of Christian belief, and who loved to use the word 'myth' very freely, had to admit to the Scriptural accuracy of the Genesis story of the destruction of the cities of the plain.
    They even dated the event to the 29th of June 3123 BC as part of a wider overview aided by the Sumerian astronomical details as described in the clay circle pictured.

    What A Let Down.

    Chris Grayling will vote in favour of legalising same-sex marriagesJustice Secretary Chris Grayling, one of the Government’s most senior Right-wingers, indicated yesterday he will vote in favour of legalising same-sex unions next week. Mail
    Most disappointing!

    Wednesday, January 30, 2013

    Vicious Iran Has No Concept Of Humanity.

    Iranian Pastor's Wife, Children Shocked by Prison Sentencing  By Stoyan Zaimov.

    The wife of Pastor Saeed Abedini, the American sentenced to 8 years of prison in Iran, expressed her shock at the punishment her husband was given. Christian Post.

    Thanks, Tony - You Deserve It. Now Go Live In Poland!

    Tony Blair given award for helping Poles come to the UK.Tony Blair has been given an award by businessmen in Poland to thank him for opening up the UK to Polish workers. Telegraph.

    Injustice In Our Courts - Again!

    A mother who molested three boys after consuming enough alcohol to 'knock out a bull elephant' walked free from court today.
    Amanda Wheeler was found guilty of four counts of sexual activity with a child and one of sexual assaultJudge Patrick Thomas QC said he did not believe the incident on November 29, 2011, 'arose out of paedophilia' but was a 'one-off'.
    Here we see exemplified the basic sexism built into the system. What man would not have been jailed for equivalent offences?
    To this silly judge - the award of a LoonytunesWatch coconut!
    Read more:

    The Gospel & Henry Liddon.

    Simply Put, Clarke Is ALWAYS Wrong! - PUKE!

    Ken Clarke, a Minister without Portfolio, will be the leading Tory voice in the campaign to keep Britain in the EUTop Tory Ken Clarke to rub shoulders with Lib Dems (and Labour's Lord Mandelson) to launch campaign to keep Britain in EU
    Lib Dem Treasury minister Danny Alexander will be unveiled as the second Cabinet minister to join the Centre for British Influence's 'patriotic fightback'. (Mail)

    Wanna Get Irate?

    Marx Knew NOWT!

    “Marx wrote about finance and industry all his life but he only knew two people connected with financial and industrial processes. One was his uncle in Holland, Lion Philips, a successful businessman who created what eventually became the vast Philips Electric Company. Uncle Philips' views on the whole capitalist process would have been well-informed and interesting, had Marx troubled to explore them. But he only once consulted him, on a technical matter of high finance, and though he visited Philips four times, these concerned purely personal mattes of family money. The other knowledgeable man was Engels himself. But Marx declined Engel's invitation to accompany him on a visit to a cotton mill, and so far as we know Marx never set foot in a mill, factory, mine or other industrial workplace in the whole of his life.”
    Paul Johnson

    Believers Cannot 'Sit On Their Hands' - We Must All Be ...

    Cameron & Mali - Is This His Worst Decision Yet?

    Deployment: A Malian soldier tries to disperse looters in the streets of Timbuktu. The UK today announced it was sending 330 troops to the troubled West African state Mali could be Britain's Vietnam, PM is warned: As 330 troops are ordered to region, fears grow of 'mission creep'
    David Cameron's decision, reached after top-level talks with Paris, has fuelled fears that UK forces could be sucked deeper into another open-ended conflict in a Muslim country. (Mail)

    Acceptance - Very Hard For Most Believers.

    Voting Anomalies To Remain.

    'Nick Clegg took his revenge on David Cameron today by successfully killing Tory hopes of redrawing the electoral map in a way that would aid the prime minister's reelection, prompting a serious rift between the coalition parties.' (Huffington Post.)
    I find it almost impossible to express my anger. The boundaries at present are 'fixed' to aid Labour and to a lesser extent the Lib Dems. That this vote should be lost in Parliament is as astounding as it is disgraceful.
    It is the purest victory imaginable for unenlightened self-interest. My disgust with Clegg and Miliband knows no boundaries!

    Tuesday, January 29, 2013

    Tories Are Not Even Good Tories!

    Our brilliant chancellor's brilliant, tax-cutting strategy has worked brilliantly. The tories have CUT an impressive 119 taxes since taking up the reins of power.
    There is one tiny downside however - they have raised 299!

    NO, NO And Thrice NO!

    Military offensive: Timbuktu residents greet French troops as they enter the historic desert cityBritish soldiers will be in west Africa 'in weeks': Cameron sends 200 troops in major escalation of UK's involvement
    Spy planes, unmanned drone aircraft and counter-terrorism support will also be offered to help the French. Small numbers of British special forces are reported to be already operating in Mali. (Mail)

    Late Abortions.

    In the UK we permit abortions of children who have been able to survive outside the womb - for several weeks. In other countries, abortion times can be even further along.

    Note. This Is Just The NEW Laws From Brussels!

    The Mail on Sunday reported that UK Treasury figures released to Conservative MP Priti Patel show that 422 new EU laws introduced since 2010 have cost the UK economy around £700m. Mail on Sunday Express Hansard

    Lib Dems Policy On Crime.

    Just like Labour, Conservatives and Greens.

    It's Not Just The UK.

    In a letter to the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad, nine prominent Dutch professors and academics argue that European citizens are irrevocably pushed towards a centralised European state without any possibility to influence fundamental decisions, and that for this reason they have started a citizens’ initiative to collect signature to push for a referendum on the Netherlands’ future in the European Union. NRC

    The Holy Life.

    French Have Our Best Interests At Heart, After All.

    According to a BVA/Le Parisien poll, 52% of French are in favour of the UK leaving the EU. Le Parisien JDD

    Power Policy Madness.

    From: Dr Bev Wilkinson, White Grove, Roundhay, Leeds.
    NOW that we we have a cold snap, the electorate is beginning to wake up to the crazy national policy on power generation.
    We currently obtain 46 per cent of our power from tried and tested coal generation plants which have greatly reduced their noxious emissions over the last few years.
    We produce a good proportion of the coal and can import the rest relatively cheaply from numerous sources.
    The plan, already in full swing, is to eliminate all the above over the next eight years or so to replace them with mainly gas powered plants relying on unpredictable supply, predominantly from Russia, at even more unpredictable prices – far higher than we currently pay.
    To greatly exacerbate the situation, this and the previous government has signed up to spectacularly expensive subsidies, to be paid for by the consumer, to promote hopelessly expensive and unreliable temporary sources such as wind and solar power, together with huge costs linking these intermittent sources to the grid, when the reliable base producers are forced to step down and run less efficiently.
    Reports of decent sensible people leaving their house all day to use public buildings, such as libraries, to afford to keep warm are surfacing but the extent of the full costs of the above policies are only beginning to be generally appreciated.
    This is a monster created by politicians cowing to the diktats of European carbon emission policies while leaving the population, not to mention our industrial base, to suffer, shiver and wither.
    It is clear that others in Europe, and in particular Germany, have no serious intention of meeting any such targets. (Yorks Post.)

    Why The Cameronista Con MUST Fail.


    Principal Aim Of Many On The Hard Left.

    The abolition of nationhood.

    Monday, January 28, 2013

    Lunatic In Blue!

    Police forces should be made to positively discriminate in favour of black and ethnic minority officers in the face of a growing diversity crisis, according to one of the country's leading chief constables.
    The radical proposal – which would mean a change in the law – from Sir Peter Fahy, of Greater Manchester, comes in the face of what he said was an embarrassing paucity of black and minority ethnic officers (BME) at the top of British policing. (Guardian)
    A LoonyTunesWatch coconut for Sir Pete!
    PS. What precisely is 'a diversity crisis?'

    Nice One Oldham.

    Oldham 3, Liverpool 2.

    Wilberforce Academy.

    Wilberforce Academy
    Watch the Wilberforce Academy
    2012 video >
    Preparing the next generation of Christian leaders in public life

    Please join us in March 2013 for the Wilberforce Academy, a unique and exciting opportunity for students and young professionals to gather together for a week to be equipped to serve Jesus in law, politics, education, media, the arts and business. The Academy will take place from 24th – 28th March 2012.

    The deadline for applying has been extended to 31st January 2013.

    Please help us find the best people for this year's Acadamy.

    Violent Criminals? - One In Four Chance Of Getting A Caution.

    The Liberal 'Assault' On Crime.

    "We shall do everything humanly possible to combat crime - except make life tough for criminals."

    Mel And Mary On Feminism.

    The FA Cup.

    There has been much discussion over the weekend as to whether or not the FA Cup has totally lost the edge and excitement that it had long possessed.
    There can be little doubt that this is in fact the case. The whole ethos of sterile, plastic, money-driven, over-priced football has sadly diminished 'the beautiful game'.

    White Flight.

    Census: The white British population in the capital has plummeted since 2001, while minorities have grownRise of 'white flight': British families are 'self-segregating' as more Caucasians abandon urban areas for the countryside
    Outer London boroughs including Enfield, Waltham Forest and Redbridge have seen their white British population drop by around a quarter over a decade. (Mail)

    A number of people living in high immigrant areas in Sheffield have recently told me personally how desperate they are to get out. This is an inevitable consequence of LibLabCon policies. NO! These are not people who are racists to any degree whatsoever. They have been made to feel like unwanted aliens in their own land.
    When 'multiculturalism' replaced integration - the die was cast. The sheer number of immigrants then compounded the situation.

    Do Right!

    Reverse Sexism.

    I see that The Observer seemingly wants even fewer women jailed.
    Generally, that overrated rag opposes sexism but ....
    When I was a serving magistrate, without any shadow of a doubt, women wrongfully escaped jail for offences which would have seen any man at all incarcerated.
    Do these people want equality or not? - They really should make their minds up!

    May The Lord Direct Your Hearts.

    Sid Cordle Tells Christians To Demonstrate.

    In an interview with the Huffington Post UK, Sid Cordle, the new leader of the Christian People's Alliance, said his party had plans to "give a voice to angry Christians."
    "I want Christians out on the streets. I want us to stand shoulder-to-shoulder. I want them out in large numbers. There's enormous demonstrations in France, in the US.
    "You can't argue that France is more of a Christian country than us. We have large Christian organisations in this country, but at the moment they are not using their voice.
    Cordle rejects arguments that Christians in the UK have no tradition of rowdy demonstrations, like those seen in the US: "[Christian lobbying organisation and charity] CARE was founded in 1971 as a campaigning, demonstration organisation.
    "Their original reason for existing was large demonstrations. Christian organisations seem to think that nowadays it's better to lobby behind the scenes.
    "I'm afraid I don't. I think we need to go out onto the streets, make those noises."

    Sunday, January 27, 2013

    EU Funding.

    Ukip refuses to oppose EU funding for far-right parties.

    MEP says petition to stop Brussels cash is 'undemocratic and dangerous. (Observer headline)

    How typical of leftists! Extremist parties of the right MUST be targeted but parties of the hard left benignly ignored. This article was a disgrace in an allegedly free society. Neither the EU nor The wretched Observer can grasp that you either have democracy or you do not. Has UKIP demanded shutting off funding to the EU's hard left? - No? - So guess who is demonstrating integrity and evenhandedness here?

    The Observer's double standards are totally shameful!

    India MUST End Persecution Of Believers.

    INDIA - Christians still in jail despite High Court ruling

    Seven Christians arrested over the murder of a Hindu extremist in Odisha state in 2008 are still in jail awaiting trial – despite Maoists claiming responsibility for the death.
    Judges in the so-called ‘fast-track court’ in Odisha (formerly Orissa) are accused of deliberately keeping the Christians in jail – apparently to appease Hindu extremists. The prosecution has frequently called for adjournments; judges have failed to turn up to hearings.(Release Int.) 

    Franklin Graham On Commitment.

    "What does that mean? To say 'God here is my life, take it and use it'? Because there are some costs associated with this," said Graham, who read from Luke 14 to illustrate his point. "You have to be willing to give up everything…If you are going to follow me, if you are going to be my disciple you have got to understand the cost. You have to put me first."
    Johnnie Moore, vice president of Executive Projects at Liberty, provided The Christian Post with a statement from Liberty Chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr. regarding Graham's visit.
    "While other evangelists have chosen a path of political correctness, Franklin has taken a stand for the unborn and traditional marriage and against radical Islam in national elections and has endured vicious attacks from the left as a result," said Falwell.

    EU Destroys MANY Jobs.

    The truth is that our membership of the EU has destroyed British jobs. It has destroyed them in two ways,

    - first, by imposing excessive and costly regulations on business, including many regulations that make it unprofitable to recruit and employ workers, and
    - second, by allowing in immigrant workers in vast numbers (the low millions) who have to some extent displaced British-born workers in the UK labour market.

    Let me repeat in sound-bite form: EU membership has destroyed British jobs because of unwanted immigration and excessive regulation. If we leave the EU, we can relax regulations and stop new immigration. That will bring back jobs and small businesses.

    The pamphlet will be ready about three weeks to a month from now. Copies will be available free if you contact and ask nicely. If you want to place a large order, please contact Rory Broomfield at the Freedom Association on
    Professor Tim Congdon.

    Air Cadets. Air Cadets to remove 'God' from promise
    The Air Cadet Organisation has announced its intention to provide an alternative ‘non-religious’ oath for new members that excludes any references to 'God'. (Christian Concern)

    Mr Justice Mitting.

    A TOP judge provoked outrage ­yesterday when he blocked Government attempts to deport a “depressed” Algerian terror suspect amid fears the man may kill himself.
    Britain’s most senior immigration judge invoked human rights laws to spare the man – who does not ­dispute claims he poses a risk to national security – after hearing he may not be put on suicide watch while in Algerian custody.
    The move means the 43-year-old man, known only as G, can stay in the UK at taxpayers’ expense despite being accused of funding Islamists trying to overthrow his home government and supporting international terrorists in this ­country.
    Last week, six Britons were killed during a siege at the In Amenas gas plant in southern Algeria by armed jihadists of the kind allegedly supported by the terror suspect.
    Details of the ruling by Mr Justice Mitting sparked uproar. It comes two months after the same judge provoked a huge public outcry by blocking the ­deportation of Jordanian hate preacher Abu Qatada. (Express)
    The good judge earns himself a LoonyTunesWatch coconut. (Why is it that more judges gain this coveted award than even politicians?)

    Richard Wurmbrand.

    Toby Young On The Left And Israel.

    'Dave's' Scam Explained Fully By Peter Hitchens.

    How strange that Beyoncé Knowles gets into trouble for pretending to sing The Star Spangled Banner at President Obama’s inauguration, but David Cameron is lavishly praised for faking an entire policy on live TV.
    Why do the remnants of the Tory media, not to mention Tory loyalists and voters, swoon repeatedly into Mr Slippery’s unreliable arms? Time and again he dumps them rudely on the floor. Time and again they come simpering back like besotted suitors.
    I know that it is usually hopeless to try to explain to the lovestruck that their beloved’s greasy smile hides a cheating heart. But I will try, by the time-honoured method of straight questions and straight answers.
    Does Mr Cameron want Britain to leave the EU? No. He has repeatedly said he doesn’t want us to, and he has never said he does.
    If he fails to win any serious concessions from the EU in his promised talks, will he urge that we leave? Not a chance. The EU apparatus knows this, so why should they give him anything in these discussions?
    IN THAT case, what is the point of the planned negotiations? To provide the illusion of change when no real change is possible, short of this country leaving the EU. The EU does not give up powers that it has taken, any more than a crocodile gives up its lunch.
    Will there be any serious rules to stop the promised referendum being rigged, as the last one was in 1975? No. The great bulk of the press, the entire BBC and the front benches of all three Establishment parties will campaign for us to stay in, cheered on by whoever is in the White House at the time.
    So even if this dubious vote is held, is there a serious chance of a vote to leave? No.
    In the remote event of us voting to leave, will Parliament obey the will of the people? Most unlikely. It will not be legally obliged to do so, and there is no majority of MPs for departure. Far more likely is another ‘renegotiation’ followed by a rerun of the vote to make sure we get the ‘right’ result. If you doubt this, look at what has happened when other EU countries have voted the ‘wrong’ way.
    As it happens, these questions are largely irrelevant, as the Conservative Party will not win the 2015 Election, so Mr Cameron will not have his negotiations or his referendum.
    Read more:

    Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

    The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...