Wednesday, June 24, 2015

7 Quotes To Brighten Your Day.

"In Heaven, to look into God's eyes will be to see what we've always longed to see: the person who made us for His own good pleasure. Seeing God will be like seeing everything else for the first time." ~ Randy Alcorn
"When I cannot understand my Father's leading, And it seems to be but hard and cruel fate, Still I hear that gentle whisper ever pleading, God is working, God is faithful — only wait." ~ A.B. Simpson
"Radical obedience to Christ is not easy … It's not comfort, not health, not wealth, and not prosperity in this world. Radical obedience to Christ risks losing all these things. But in the end, such risk finds its reward in Christ. And he is more than enough for us." ~ David Platt
"We may speak about a place where there are no tears, no death, no fear, no night; but those are just the benefits of heaven. The beauty of heaven is seeing God." ~ Max Lucado
"Those times when you feel like quitting can be times of great opportunity, for God uses your troubles to help you grow." ~ Warren Wiersbe
"There is nothing dreary or doubtful about (the life). It is meant to be continually joyful…We are called to a settled happiness in the Lord whose joy is our strength." ~ Amy Carmichael
"Jesus first, others next, and yourself last spells J-O-Y." ~ Linda Byler

Reform UK Have Done The Job.

In the local elections, Reform UK has inflicted inestimable damage onto the Tories. Well done guys! The Tories MUST learn that if they are n...