Thursday, June 04, 2015

A Stoopid ECHR Decision Could Wreck The 'Yes' Side In Referendum.

European judges have re-opened the prospect of Britain’s most notorious prisoners being freed before they die.
The European Court of Human Rights had earlier this year backed ‘life means life’ sentences for those who committed horrific crimes such as Moors murderer Ian Brady.
But judges have now agreed to re-examine the case of triple killer Arthur Hutchinson, who says his whole-life jail term breaches his human rights. 
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Today's Blog Is Entirely Dedicated To Those Butchered In The Pogrom of One Year Ago Today. Remember To Pray Against All Those Involved Who Have Not Yet Been Punished. If Hostages Remain Alive - Pray For Their Release.

After the October 7 pogrom . Brendan O'Neill has written a savage and necessary analysis of the moral depravity of the west. Melanie Phi...